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Impact of social media and digital marketing on the brand

awareness of an organization W.r.t Navi Mumbai

Dissertation Submitted to the
D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University School of Management
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree of
Submitted by:
(Roll No. BBA018102)

Submitted To:
D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University
School of management
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai

March 2020


I hereby declare that the dissertation “Impact of social media and

digital marketing on the brand awareness of an organization W.r.t
Navi Mumbai” submitted for the Full time BBA Degree at Dr. D.Y.
Patil Deemed to be University School of Management is my original
work and the dissertation has not formed the basis for the award of any
degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.


PLACE: Navi Mumbai



This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Impact of social media and
digital marketing on the brand awareness of an organization W.r.t
Navi Mumbai” is the bona fide research work carried out by Khan Danish Salim,
student of Full Time BBA, at D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University School of
Management during the year 2018-2021, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the Degree of Bachelors in Business Management and that the
dissertation has not formed the basis for the award previously of any degree,
diploma, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar title.

_________________ ____________________
Dr. Vani Kamath Dr. R. Gopal
Assistant Professor Director &HOD
D.Y. Patil Deemed D.Y. Patil Deemed
To Be University To Be University
School of Management School of Management
Belapur Belapur

Place: Navi Mumbai



In the first place, I thank the Dr. D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University, School of Management, Navi
Mumbai for giving me an opportunity to work on this project.

I would also like to thank Dr. R. Gopal (Director & HOD) & Dr. Vani Kamath Dr. D.Y. Patil
Deemed to be University School of Management, Navi Mumbai for having given me his/her
valuable guidance for the project. Without his/her help it would have been impossible for me to
complete the project.
I would be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge with deep sense of gratitude the sacrifices
made by my parents & thus have helped me in completing the project work successfully.


PLACE: Navi Mumbai



Sr. No Particulars Page No.

Declaration 2
Certificate 3
Acknowledgement 4
Table of Content 5
List of figures 6
List of Abbreviations 7
1 Synopsis 8
2 Introduction 10
2.1 Social Media 11
2.2 Digital Marketing 19
2.3 Brand Awareness 28
3 Case Study 40
4 Literature Review 44
5 Objectives 49
6 Research Methodology 51
7 Data Collection and Analysis 54
7.1 Questionnaire 55
7.2 Response Analysis 59
8 Recommendation 72
9 Conclusion 74
10 Bibliography 76

List of figures
Sr. No Particulars Page No.
Fig. 2.1.1 Example of Different social media sites 11
Fig. 2.1.2 Types of Social Media 12
Fig. 2.2.1 Different digital marketing Channel 20
Fig. 2.3.1 Strategies for Brand recognition 31
Fig 2.3.2. Lavidge’s hierarchy effect 39
Fig. 7.2.1 Age Group of the Participants 60
Fig. 7.2.2 Gender of the Participants 61
Fig. 7.2.3 Occupation of the Participants 62
Fig. 7.2.4 Use of social Media of participants 63
Fig. 7.2.5 . Social media platform used by participants 64
Fig. 7.2.6 In what ways do you get to know about new brands 65
Fig. 7.2.7 Do you think Social media and Digital Marketing helps 66
in increasing brand awareness?

Fig. 7.2.8 Do you buy Branded products? 67

Fig. 7.2.9 Do you follow your favorite brands on social media? 68
Fig. 7.2.10 Do like to buy a product from a new brand 69

Fig. 7.2.11 You feel more confident in buying products from a 70

reputed or known brand
Fig. 7.2.12 Which of the following according to you helps in 71
building a good brand image?

Abbreviations Meaning
ROI Return ON Investment
SEO Search Engine Optimization
SMM Social Media Marketing
PPC Pay Per Click
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
CPM Cost Per Mille (Cost per thousand impressions)
CPC Cost Per Click
B2B Business to Business
E-PR Electronic Public Relations
URL Uniform Recourse Locator
USD United Stated Dollar

1. Synopsis

Impact of Social Media and Digital Marketing on the Brand awareness of an organization.

Social Media and digital marketing are emerging as one of the most popular tools and strategies
for building brand awareness, that are being used by many organizations all around the world.

The purpose of this study is to know how digital marketing and social media is helping the
organization build brand awareness and its effectiveness over traditional methods.

The first part the study talks about different aspects of social media, digital marketing and brand
awareness then discussed brand awareness case studies of Daniel Wellington, the Swedish watch
brand and Gymshark. The last part a survey was conducted to understand the impact about social
media and digital marketing on brand awareness of a company.

1) To study the impact of social media and digital marketing on the brand awareness.
2) To identify how do people get aware of different brands?
3) To find social media as a tool for building brand awareness.
4) To understand growing popularity of digital marketing and social media in building brand
5) To find how effective it is over traditional methods.

2. Introduction

2.1. Social Media
What is Social Media?
Social media is a technology that allows people to create or share information, interest or ideas
with each other. Social media is usually a web-based application that is accessible on the internet
it can be downloaded on the mobile devices (like smartphones and tablets). It helps people in
communicating and networking with other people across the world. It is a platform where people
with same interests can interact with each other and share their feelings. The networks formed on
social media can influence the way a group of people interact and communicate. Content generated
by the users such as text, blog, digital photo and videos, comments, etc. and all the data generated
through all online interaction, is the main and the most vital component off the social media. It
helps in developing personal as well as professional networks by connecting People with other
individual, communities or organization. Social media platforms are highly interactive through
which individuals, communities or organizations share discuss participate co-create and modify
content generated by user (user generated content) or self-curated content posted online.

Most popular social Media sites are-

• Facebook
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Pinterest
• LinkedIn

Fig 2.1.1. Example of Different social media sites

Types of social Media-
There are various types of Social media, some of the most popular type of social media are-

• Social Networking sites Like Facebook, Google+, etc.

• Image sharing sites Like Instagram and snapchat
• Video hosting sites like YouTube
• Blogging Like Blogger, WordPress
• Microblogging like Twitter
• Community blogs or discussion forum Like Reddit and Quora

Fig 2.1.2. Types of Social Media

I. Social networking sites

Social networking sites are the most common type of social media most of the people are familiar
with social networking sites like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, snapchat ,etc.

A social networking site allows the user to share their thoughts, upload videos and photos form
groups on the topic they are interested in and participate indifferent discussions.

A brand can use social networking sites in thee following ways-

• Build Communities-
By using social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram brands can engage and
interact with their consumers. Hence building a community around the brand which will
result in increasing brand awareness and customer loyalty.
• Getting feedback –
Brands can get feedback from their customers by using social networking sites in the form
of comments on the content uploaded by the brands. Thhese feedback can then be used to
improve the existing product or help in designing a new product

II. Image sharing sites-

Image sharing sites allow the user to share visual content like images, illustrations and infographic.
There are many social media sites like Snapchat and many others which are designed to share
visual content.

Image sharing sites can be used for the following

Creating inspiration-

By curating creating and sharing the images related to brand, an organization can inspire and
engage individuals to interact and bond over shared interest.

It can highly influence the buying behavior of the potential consumer of a brand

Encourage content generated by the user-

Image sharing social media sites are very important for a business that involves selling of physical
products like clothing brand, watches, automotive industry, hotel and food industry, etc. A brand
can encourage their consumers to upload and share pic with their product

III. Video hosting sites-

Video hosting sites allow the user/creators to create the content and share it to the platform which
is is designed and optimized specially for video streaming. It is one of the most important and most
popular form of social media.

A business can use video streaming platform for the following reasons

Share content-

This pointer is a bit obvious but companies/brands can use video hosting sites like YouTube to get
their content out there and build communities around the brand as people can follow a particular
profile so whenever a brand share their content, consumer will know about it


Comment section of video hosting site like YouTube helps the brand to get to know the people
interacting and watching their content. It also helps the brand to understand the image and
perception of the brand people have.

IV. Blogging-

Sometimes visual content like videos and photos is not able to communicate the appropriate
message which the individual or a brand wants to convey. In this scenario where the individual or
a brand wants to convey a detailed or a complex thought or information blogging really helps.

A blogging site it is a type of social media where user share the content in a form

of an article, the article can be in formal or informal language. Blogging is usually based on niche
or niches like fashion, self-help, motivation, finance, health, etc. Hence it creates a closed
community as people with similar interest engage with the topics related to them. A brand can use
blogging for following purpose-

Sharing detailed information-

A brand can use blogging to share detailed information about the current products or are upcoming

Building Community-

A brand can also use blogging to create and develop a community around the brand, as blogging
attracts a very targeted segment of the users.

V. Microblogging-

Microblog is a specific type of blog which is different from traditional blogging. As it is typically
smaller than traditional blog. The most popular microblogging site is Twitter as it is used to share
small contents like short sentences which can be as simple as " what I am doing right now". Other
websites like Facebook is also used for microblogging purposes.

It is heavily used by big brands to communicate with their customer base as any big announcement
about launch of new product or upcoming sale is done on microblogging sites like Twitter.

Brand can use micro blogging sites in the following ways-


It helps the brand to communicate on daily basis about any product launch, ongoing or upcoming
sale and to get feedback about the products and services


It helps the brand to engage and interact with it consumer base using microblogging sites like
Twitter by replying to their comments and threads

VI. Community blogs-

Community blogs which are also known as discussion forums are one of the oldest and most
popular means of social media. These sites are designed to spark a conversation. Any individual
is read to make a statement or ask a question and it will attract people with similar interest and
curiosity. Most important community blog or discussion forum are Quota, reddit and digg. this site
attracts individuals who wants to express and share their feelings and knowledge with others.

A brand can use community blogs in following way-

Answer questions

Quora users ask all kind of questions on various topics and by answering the questions a company
can establish itself as a subject expert and a thought leader of the industry hence increasing the
brand awareness.


A company can use community blog to engage with people in their field and discover what they
are talking about out and there needs and requirements.

Importance of social Media in business –
Use of social media by the business in today’s advanced business/corporate world is of great
importance for the following reasons

Interacting with the customers-

Possibly the most vital thing social media can do for a business is to give business owners a way
to interact with customers in a whole new way. Social media allows the company to get personal
with the customers, and form a bond of trust with them. By replying to the concerns of the
customers and asking for their opinions, the brand can enhance customer satisfaction while getting
more traffic for your site, which further promotes your business.

The company can share photos and videos via social media, keeping consumers and potential
consumers updated as to the business’s existing events and newest offerings. It will help the
business to make strong bond with its customers and making them fell connected with the business
and its brand image

Reputation management –
Somebody who has been involved in a business knows that a single undesirable comment can be
more damaging than just about anything else. As has long been said, for every one unhappy vocal
customer, the business loses ten customers or potential consumers. For this purpose, any thoughtful
business with an online presence needs a reputation management team to monitor social media
activity. This helps the business to track the level of satisfaction noted by consumers via their
comments, and also helps in solving user issues, thus enhancing the overall user experience.

For example, if we mention JIO (Indian telecom) or any other popular brand in social media
forums, we will get a almost instant reply or comment from somebody related to the company.

Maintaining the image of the business is very crucial. Clearly, harmful comments and rumors of
bad business practices can easily terminate the image of any business. By keeping up with a robust
and consistent social media presence, can help to preserve the good reputation and strong image
of the business. Through social media, brands can easily reply to potentially damaging comments
instantaneously, and help preserve the image of outstanding customer service that brands want to

Inexpensive –
Social media is very reasonable when equated to other publicity and marketing tools accessible to
individuals and Brands. The social media tools are free for everybody to access. By simply
spending some time employed on the social media presence for a few minutes a day, brands can
see great advantages of increased exposure and sales, and develop good relations with their

Traditional publicity and business promotion tools require the help of experts. Using social media
tools, on the other hand, is reasonable and easy.

Gaining Traffic-
Most people who own a business realize how important it is to have a website to expand their reach
from the domestic market into the global markets.

Individuals can easily create a website for their business, and they can allow customers to leave
comments about their services. By replying to the comments consumers leave, they can form a
connection with their consumers, while growing traffic of their website.

Social media improves this entire experience, and makes it massively more visible. The idea is
not only to use social media for interaction, but also to drive users to their company’s business
page, which will further educate users about their work and their services.

The reach is global-

Traditional publicity tools can also be used to reach a global audience, but at very
significant expense. In contrast, using social media tools offers a very reasonable means
of reaching a worldwide audience in a flash! If the brand’s content goes viral, then we
cannot tell how many people it will reach, and it is basically free!

Social media is all about getting targeted individuals to join and interact with the business
page or profile. It is significant to trail common social media practices such as breaking
news, continuous sharing, humor, questions, etc. to bring the steady conversation to the

Market Research-

Since social media is such an effective way of connecting with people, Brands can use
social media to conduct marketing research. They can conduct surveys or polls and they
can ask people to offer reviews about their products or services. Brands can also see what
their opponents are doing, which can be helpful in creating the business strategies, such
as what kind of service or product, a brand should be launching next.

Increased Sales

A good, robust social media strategy can need an investment, but as with any advertising
campaign, the ROI (return on investment) is what needs to be measured. A good social
media strategy will have a positive result on sales as it rises the overall exposure of the
business, gets people talking about the business or service, and exposes the products and/or
services to a far wider audience. In the end, of course, the goal is to convert the user into a
buyer. When brands interact with their customers and they form a bond of trust with them,
this illustrates interest in their customers and their experience, and frequently translates to
further sales.

2.2.Digital Marketing
What is digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the type of marketing that internet, social media, search engines, mobile
devices and other channels to reach customers. Many marketing professionals consider digital
marketing to be a totally different Medium of marketing that requires a new way of targeting and
engaging customers and new ways of Know how customers act compared to traditional

Digital marketing targets a specific section of the customer base and is interactive. Digital
marketing is Growing rapidly and comprises search result ads, email ads and promoted tweets –
anything that includes marketing with buyer feedback or a two-way interaction between the
company and customer.

Online marketing differs from digital marketing. Internet marketing is advertising that is
exclusively on the Internet, whereas digital marketing can take place over the telephone, in a video
game or via a smartphone app.

In digital marketing, advertisers(i.e. individuals or brands that want to advertise) are commonly
referred to as sources, while individuals of the targeted ads are usually called receivers. Sources
regularly target highly precise, well-defined receivers. For example, after extending the late-night
hours of many of its locations, Dominos needed to get the word out. It targeted shift workers and
travelers with digital ads, because Dominos knew that these individuals made up a big segment of
its late night business. Dominos motivated them to download the app and order online or fing the
nearest location, targeting them with ads placed at ATMs and gas stations, as well as on websites
that it potential consumers visited.

Electronic marketing(or digital marketing ) includes content marketing, influencer marketing,

search engine marketing (SEM), content automation, campaign marketing, search engine
optimization (SEO), data-driven marketing, ecommerce marketing, social media marketing,
Banner ads , e-mail direct marketing, display advertising. It extends to channels other than internet
that provides digital media, such as on-hold mobile ring tones ,TV, phones
(SMS and MMS),Tablets, callback,etc. These non-Internet channels separates digital marketing
from online marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing –
There are various methods or channels of digital marketing which are used by business all across
the world sone of thee most popular digital marketing platforms are –

• Email marketing
• Pay per click advertising
• Search engine optimization (SEO)
• Display advertising
• Social media marketing
• Content marketing
• Affiliate marketing
• Online public relations

Fig. 2.2.1. Different digital marketing Channel

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most efficient online marketing channel. Many individuals confuse
email marketing with spam emails almost everyone receive per day, but that is not what email
marketing is all about. Email marketing is the channel to get in touch with your possible clients or
the people interested in the brand. When companies perform lead generation and other marketing
approaches, they collect contact details like phone numbers and email addresses from possible
customers, including consents to send them updates and other details through email. Email
marketing is one of the most efficient digital marketing method that can give brands very high
return on investments (ROI).
Many organizations rely heavily on email marketing as it delivers high return on invest. Examples
of emails sent include emails for newsletters upcoming sale or product launch, and brand building.

2. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Pay-Per-Click advertising is a Paid advertising channel that deliver highly targeted traffic of
potential clients within a very quick period of time. The brand can setup PPC campaigns on
Google, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Bing, LinkedIn, or Facebook and show their ads to
individuals searching for terms associated to their products or services This method however is
driven by how much the brand is willing to pay in auction of keywords and placing ad placements,
as well as how much they are willing to pay for getting one customer/buyer.

Still, Brand’s advertising budget is still within their control, enabling them to set how much they
want to spend for a day, a week or a month running their PPC ads campaigns. The effectiveness
of PPC ads rely on how well the business choose their keywords for targeting possible customers
as well as enhancing the visual and appropriate information in the ads.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Almost every individual using the Internet is familiar of search engines like Google, Bing, yahoo,
etc. and is making use of search engines to look for anything there is He/she wants to know or is
browsing for. Also, up to 93% of online experience to these individuals usually begin by means of
a search engine. Individuals use search engines to search for information about a business, product
or services. It also helps the user to discover local business based on geographic keywords. SEO
comprises several activities like keyword research, using both on-page and off-page optimization,
back link generation, organic link building and other related activities. Optimizing a website for
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may involve modifying its content, and editing hypertext
markup language (HTML) , adding Alt tags in images and increasing its significance to specific
keywords and removing any barriers that occur during indexing activities of search engines like
Bing, Google, Yahoo etc. Promoting a website to surge the number of backlinks, or inbound links,
are another SEO strategy.

4. Display Advertising

Many individuals visit blogs, forums, and other websites that are relevant or useful to them. Digital
marketers can engage with these potential customers by placing appropriate display ads on these
third-party websites. These comprise banners, boxes, interactive ads, video ads, interstitial ads,
overlays and other similar ads that are linked to a landing page or website. In display advertising
the advertiser has to bid on a specific keyword and set a specific budget that he/she wants to spent
daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. These ads are highly targeted to a specific group of individuals
based on different criteria like age, gender, religion, demography, income, etc.

Display promotion creates greater brand awareness as well as produce highly targeted traffic that
may result into leads or sales. Payments for these display ads are typically based on Cost-Per-
Impression (CPM) which is generally more cost-effective compared to the Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
structure typical of PPC marketing. Some of the types of display ads are-

Web banner advertising –

Web banners or banner ads typically are graphical ads displayed within a web page by a ad
server. The most popular ad server is Google AdWords. It involves embedding advertisements
on the host website in order to attract potential consumers to the advertiser’s website.

Pop-ups/pop-under –

A pop-up ad is exhibited in a new web browser window that opens above a website visitor's
initial browser window. Pop-up ads suddenly appears ("pops up") on visual interface. A pop-under ad
opens a new window during visitor’s initial exploring.

Frame ad (traditional banner) –

Frame ads were the initial method of web banners. The informal usage of "banner ads" often
refers to traditional frame ads. Website creators include frame ads by setting aside a particular
space on the website page.

Expanding ad –

An expanding ad is a media frame ad that changes size upon a predefined terms, such as a
predetermined amount of time a visitor spends on a website, the individual clicks on the ad, or
the individual’s mouse movement over the ad. Expanding ads permit marketers to fit more data
into a limited ad space..

Floating ad –

A floating ad, or overlay ad, is a type of media marketing that appears overlaid over the host
website's content. Floating ads may vanish or become less prominent after a predetermined time

Interstitial ad –

An interstitial ad shows before a user can access the content they want, sometimes while the
user is waiting for the website to load the content. Interstitial ads are a form of interruption

Text ads –

A text ad displays text-based hyperlinks. Text-based ads may show distinctly from a website
page's primary content, or they can be implanted by hyperlinking specific words or phrases to
marketer's websites. Text ads can also be distributed through text message marketing or email

5. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media is certainly one of the most remarkable thing to happen in the online arena that
businesses/ brands can leverage on to create and grow brand awareness for their products and
services. Through Social Media Marketing (SMM), Brands can reach out to highly targeted
possible consumers through direct and one - on- one interaction.

The amount of social media operators continue to increase each day and is expected to increase
by up to 20% more this 2020. Brands however should select the most appropriate social network
to promote their kind of business to a particular kind of targeted audience. A simple guide is
listed below:
• Twitter – If the brand is trying to develop a new business and want to spread out to early
adopters, then Twitter is a good option, particularly in creating fast brand awareness.
• Facebook –Business can reach out to almost any kind of general customer; they just require to
study in what groups and pages your targeted consumers stay regularly go to at Facebook.
• Google+ – This is alternative good social network for connecting with to early adopters of new
businesses as well as reaching out to the B2B and general social media user. Business owners
should however understand how to make a good presence at Google+ as this may be a great
factor that will affect how SEO will perform in the near future.
• LinkedIn –If the brands /business wants to reach out to business owner, corporate executives
and other Business-to-Business (B2B) leads and targeted customers, then LinkedIn would be the
perfect social network for the business.

• Pinterest – This social network is great if the brand is focusing on visuals for promoting their
products. Majority of operators are also females so if these are their market, then SMM on
Pinterest will be a good option for the business.

• Instagram-This social media network is great for the businesses like fashion industry, hotel and
food industry which highly depends on visual promotion of their prodct. Also this social network
in mostly used by teenagers and young if the majority of the consumer of the brand are
teenagers, then this platform can give the brands great results

6. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a form of promotion focused on creation, publishing, and distribution of

content for a targeted audience online. It is at the heart of every digital marketing campaign and
is the one major component that will remain persistent regardless of the many changes that
happen in the marketplace. Content marketing appeals potential lead and transforms leads into
clients by producing and distributing valuable content for free. Content marketing helps
companies generate justifiable brand loyalty, offers valuable information to consumers, and
creates a inclination to purchase products from the company in the future. With, superior quality
and relevant content, brand’s website and other Internet marketing channels will produce
substantial inbound traffic from highly targeted audiences – all of which can be possible
customers. Content marketing is a key marketing method for b2b businesses as it helps the
business establish themselves as a thought leader and industry expert in their respective industry.
Content for content marketing comprises text, illustrations, videos, and other associated materials
individuals are watching for and are very interested in. businesses frequently use content
marketing in order to:

• Attract attention of the potential customers and generate leads

• Expand the consumer base of the brand by increasing brand loyalty
• Generate or increase new online sales as well as recurring purchase from the existing
customer base.
• Increase brand awareness and Brand credibility
• Interact and engage with an online community of users by offering high quality content and
information for free

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing which is performance-based marketing in which a

brand rewards its affiliates in the form of commission or incentives for each visitor or buyer
brought by the affiliate's own marketing work. If brands need to reach a broader and more
worldwide audience, they need not hire somebody from other sites. All they need to work with are
affiliate marketers who can do the work for them for a certain percentage in commissions when
they sell the products. It is commonly used by ecommerce Website Like Amazon and Flipkart
among many other ecommerce websites.

8. Online Public Relations

Online Public Relations (E-PR) refers to the use of the internet to connect with both possible and
current customers in the public domain. Online Public Relation (PR) can be contemplated as a
part of Content Marketing in overall for the main principle is to generate advertising content that
will be used for creating brand image and generating traffic through the means of onlinePR
networks. Some of these channels are free to subscribe while some need some joining/subscription
charges before a brand could issue press releases.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Benefits of Online marketing:

• Internet gives the brand access to a large highly targeted audience and Due to its billions of
users all around the world it helps advertising the business to a big group of individuals.

• Internet is the only medium that has the global reach, as individuals from all over the globe use
the internet

• The cost of marketing the business on the Internet is cheaper than other traditional mediums
of advertising. It makes it easy for small and mid-sized businesses to promote their products.

• Internet allows the business to stay connected with their consumers on a real-time basis. If
there is any sale going on, then it is easier to send an e-mail to customers so that they can
purchase the product immediately. Internet also allows to send Bulk messages at once, which
saves the monotonous task of distribution of a newsletter to every client.

• Internet marketing enables an instant feedback from the consumers. Consumers can share
about their opinion about the product after using it

Limitations of Online marketing:

• Although, Internet marketing allows a wider reach, the cost of starting a website can be high. This comprises
the price of the required software and hardware, and cost of maintenance.

. • There are still a lot of consumers who use the Internet just getting more details about a product and would
buy it in person

• There are a large number of customers in developing country like India who are not skilled in using the
Internet and focusing exclusively on digital marketing can cause businesses to lose these customers.

. • The main disadvantage of Internet marketing is its susceptibility to deceitful activities. There are a lot of
dishonest websites out there which look alike to original websites of the brands which rob the money of the

2.3. Brand Awareness
What is Brand Awareness?
Brand awareness refers to the degree to which consumers can recall or recognize a brand. Brand
recognition mainly focuses on making the brand more “visible” to the public. Though brands
need to contemplate carefully about their voice, their image, their personality, and their
values to deliver a consistent brand experience, brands need to implement their ideas for
brand recognition into an integrated communication strategy that promotes company. Brand
awareness is a crucial consideration in customer’s buying behavior, marketing management, brand
administration and policy development. The buyer's ability to recognize or recall a brand is vital
to buying decision-making. Buying cannot progress unless a customer is first conscious of a
product segment and a brand within that segment. Awareness does not essentially mean that the
buyer must be able to recall a precise brand name, but they must be able to recall adequate unique
features to proceed for buying. For example, if a customer asks his brother to buy him some gum
in a "blue pack", the brother would be likely to know which gum to purchase, even though neither
of them can recall the exact brand name at the time.
Different kinds of brand awareness have been recognized, namely brand recall and brand
recognition. Researchers debate that these different kinds of awareness function in essentially
different ways and that this has significant implications for the buying decision procedure and for
advertising communications. evoked set and consideration set are closely associated to Brand
awareness which define detailed features of the customer's buying decision. Customers are
supposed to hold amid three and seven brands in their consideration set across a broad range of
product segments. Customers will usually buy one of the top three brands that they recall.
Brand awareness is a crucial pointer of the competitive market performance of a brand. Given the
importance of brand consciousness in customer buying decisions, brands have developed
numerous metrics intended to measure brand awareness and other measures of brand health. These
metrics are together recognized as Attitudes, Awareness and Usage (AAU) metrics.
Mainly in extremely competitive businesses or niches, having constructive brand awareness can
give the brand a substantial competitive edge; for example, when standing in the supermarket aisle,
which detergent a consumer would buy?, given all things being equal (or nearly equal…for
instance, a similar price point), it’s likely the consumer would choose the brand he/she is familiar
In fact, study seems to approve this. An interesting research was done, which confirmed, among
other things, one significant discovery: that brand awareness is significant for customers
making new choices (for example, which brand’s product to purchase when they’ve never
purchased anything before in that product group).

Types of Brand Awareness-
There are mainly two types of brand Awareness, they are-

1. Brand Recall-

Brand recall is also recognized as unassisted recall or spontaneous recall and indicates the
capability of the customers to correctly remember a brand name from remembrance when
incited by a product class. Brand recall shows a relatively solid connection between a
category and a brand while brand recognition shows a weaker connection. When provoked
by a product type, most customers can only recall a comparatively trivial set of brands,
usually around 3–5 brand. In customer tests, only some customers can remember more than
seven brand inside a given category and for low- interest product groups, most customers can
only remember one or two brands only.

Study suggests that the amount of brands that customers can recall is affected by both
customer and product features comprising; Brand awareness, brand loyalty, set size,
education level and usage factors and. For instance, customers who are involved with a
category, such as daily users or product enthusiasts, may be able to remember a somewhat
bigger set of names of brands than those who are not heavily involved.

2. Brand Recognition-
Brand recognition is also known as assisted recall and refers to the capability of the customers
to properly distinguish the brand when they come into contact with the brand. This does not
essentially require that the customers recognize the brand name. Instead, it means that
customers can distinguish the brand when offered at the point-of-sale or after seeing its visual
packing. In difference to brand recall, where few customers are able to instinctively recall
brand names within a given category, when prompted with a brand name, a greater quantity of
customers are usually able to recall it.

Importance of Brand Awareness-
Brand awareness is linked to the functions of brand characteristics in customers’ remembrance and
can be measured by how well the customers can recognize the brand under numerous conditions.
. Brand recognition mainly focuses on making the brand more “visible” to the public. Though
brands need to contemplate carefully about their voice, their image, their personality, and their
values to deliver a consistent brand experience, brands need to implement their ideas for brand
recognition into an integrated communication strategy that promotes company. Brand awareness
is also vital to understanding the customer buying decision process.

Robust brand awareness can result in brand success. It is a significant measure of brand
strength or brand equity and is also involved in customer happiness, brand loyalty and the
consumer’s brand relationships.

Brand awareness is a key pointer of the market performance of a brand. Every year marketers pay
significant sums of money trying to improve a brand's overall recognition levels. Many advertisers
frequently measure brand recognition levels, and if they fall beneath a determined threshold, the
marketing and promotional effort is strengthened until awareness increases back to the anticipated
level. Setting brand recognition goals/ purposes is a key decision in advertisement planning and
strategy development.

Brand recognition is one of main brand assets that enhances the value to the product, service or
the brand. Investments in developing brand awareness can lead substantial competitive
advantages, thus, leading to great ROI (Return on Investments) in the long run.

Promotional strategies for Brand Awareness-
To start the journey of a brand into brand recognition, a brand must make sure that they have
everything they require to make their brand easily recognizable. This means identifying the
unique elements of their brand identity. Design a professional logo that’s consistent with their
other branding elements. Choosing the colors and shapes they want people to associate with their
brand. Think about how their backstory can link in with the things they do today. Many
marketing agencies provide help regarding this.

Once a brand has its identity in place, they can begin to promote it with a range of techniques,

Fig. 2.3.1. Strategies for Brand recognition

1. Try guest-blogging

Guest Blogging is a SEO and content marketing strategy where somebody writes and publishes a
blog post on a third-party website or blog to promote their personal/corporate brand. Guest
blogging websites expose brands to a appropriate spectators and can be an effective and efficient
technique to generate awareness. If a business owner know something about his industry that his
customers might want to learn, or he has valuable information to share, then there are plenty of
blogs out there that will be willing to give him a platform to share his knowledge which will lead
to increasing brand presence.

With a guest blog, brands can start to build the authority of their brand, and help buyers to
recognize the brand, It is highly effective for B2B business model.

Benefits of Guest blogging are-

➢ It delivers immediate exposure to the desired traffic

➢ Helps in increasing social media shares
➢ Helps in building online authority
➢ Helps to grow social media following
➢ Allows the brand to build and expand their personal network
➢ Allows to produce superior quality backlinks which will result in better Search engine
optimization (SEO)
➢ Helps in increasing brand awareness
➢ Helps in getting useful feedback from the community

2. Target social influencers

. Influencer marketing is just one of the many ways that allows the brands to borrow the impact
of big-name brands and companies in their sector, to give value and leadership-status to their
own company/ brand.

The crucial technique to influencer marketing is making sure that brand not only target the right
influencers, but also ensure that they issue their “shout-out” over the relevent platforms. They mut
think about where their ideal clients spend their time, and then reach out to a group of influencers
to make your brand more recognizable to a particular niche.

3. Launch a PR campaign

PR campaigns are a general solution for brand recognition. It helps to introduce individuals to the
company with simple, reasonable press coverage. Because editorial publications usually have more
reliability than start-up brands, a PR post could persuade new customers to check out the brand
when companies are just bringing their brand to life.

To help make PR campaign more attractive from the viewpoint of brand recognition and brand
awareness, Brand should think about exceptional ways to attract attention to what makes the
company/brand different. For instance, they can share a story about why they started their
company. Or Have they launched a exclusive new product to solve a problem they know their
consumers have?

Focus on content

Content is vital to both advertising and branding. With the appropriate content marketing tactic,
Brand can not only build awareness for their company. It also helps the brand to earn the trust
and allegiance of customers.

When it comes to building brand awareness, concentrating on content means that brands have
more value to spread across multiple different platforms. That means brands are creating many

points of contact with their spectators online, which instantly makes their company more
acquainted. The more their audience sees their blog posts circulated on social media, or their
videos referenced in other articles, the more familiar the brand becomes.
IIf the brands want to leverage the complete value of content marketing, everything they post
should be valuable. They should not publish for the sake of producing online volume, they
should produce to give something back to their consumers.

Optimize company’s website

Sometimes, Brands are so focused on developing a greatest website design, that they overlook
about optimizing their online existence first. It is important to have professional and attractive
website, but optimizing the website is crucial for performance(in terms of ranking ) and SEO

The brands must Think about what they would like their consumers to recognize about their
brand. For example, if they are a fashion retailer, then they might want their suppliers and buyers
to think about them every time they think of “men’s fashion”. Applying those keywords into
their website will also help them to rank better on Google, and ensure that they show up for the
phrases new buyers are searching for.

Of course, there’s more to optimizing website for brand recognition than using keywords. Brands
also need to make sure that their landing pages, product pages, and blogs all use shapes, colours,
fonts, and images that are consistent with their brand identity.

Ways to measure Brand awareness-
1. Surveys
This is the best method too measure brand awareness. In this method brand must reach out to the
target audience and ask question about the brand. It can be done offline in the form of a
questionnaire or it can be done online. Brand can either outsource it to the expert or conduct it
by themselves either through direct contact i.e., one-on-one interaction or with the help of digital
tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, etc.

2. Google Alerts
Google Alerts is a content modification detection and notification facility, presented by the search
engine company Google. The service sends emails to the user to notify them when someone
mentions their brand. It is a free and unrestricted brand recognition measurement tool which
emails the user every time their brand name gets mentioned on a website.

3. Social Engagement
Social Engagement is the procedure of interaction(engagement) in an online
community. The discussion can take place on individual social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, or in third-party review sites, blogs, forums. An organic
increase in the number of social media fans is also a result of good brand awareness. It is a
replication of how many people are conscious of the brand and want to socialize with it.

4. Earned Media Analysis

Earned media is fundamentally word of mouth and advertisement of the brand done willingly by
third parties like influencers, news channels, individuals belonging to the selected group, and
A good public relations(PR) agency can help the brands in capitalizing on and measuring brand
recognition through earned media.

5. Traffic & Analytics

Traffic can be an important measure of brand awareness. The brands can Use analytics to
identify where do the brand gets the most traffic from. If the most of the traffic comes from
either Direct (i.e. individuals typing the Brand’s URL and visiting their website) or through
referrals (i.e. other websites linking or mentioning the brand), or through social shares

(Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) then the Companies’ Brand Awareness Strategies are
considered to be working well.

The brands can use tools like SEMrush, Google Ahrefs Analytics, etc. to analyze your progress.

6. Social Mentions & Shares

Organic social references and shares are also a good measure of awareness. Many tools like
Buzzsumo, Twitcount, etc. can help the brand analyze the amount social mentions and shares an
brand gets.

Brand Awareness and Hierarchy Of Effects
Robert J Lavidge and Gary A Steiner invented The Hierarchy of Effects Model in 1961. This
marketing conversion model, proposes there are six steps from looking at a product commercial
(advert) to product purchase. The job of the marketer is to inspire and motivate the buyer to go
through the six steps and buy the product. The six steps are –


The consumer comes to know about the product through marketing. This is a crucial and
challenging step, there is no assurance that the consumer will know anything about the product
brand after they view the advert. Potential consumers see many advertisements every day but
will only recall the brand of a tiny segment of products.


The purchaser begins to gather information about the product for instance, through the internet,
and product wrapping. In today's digital era, this step has become more vital as customers expect
to collect product information at their fingertips by the click of a button. Customers will rapidly
move to competitor brands if they do not get the data they want. The marketer’s job is to
guarantee product detail is easily available and accessible to everyone.


As the title suggests, this step is about guaranteeing that the purchaser likes the product of the
brand. In this step job of the brand is to point out the unique selling proposition(USP) and why
consumers should buy their product, so that consumer get impressed and start liking the product


Customers may like more than one product brand and could end up buying any one of them. At
this stage advertisers will want the consumer to disconnect from rival products and focus on their
particular product. Advertisers will want to highlight their brand's benefits and unique selling
points so that the consumer can differentiate it from competitor brands.


This stage is about creating the customer's desire to purchase the product. Advertisers may
encourage conviction by allowing consumers to test or sample the product. Examples of this are
inviting consumers to take a car for a test drive or offering consumers a free sample of a food
product. This reassures consumers that the purchase will be a safe one.


Having proceeded through the above stages, the advertiser wants the customer to purchase their
product. This stage needs to be simple and easy, otherwise the customer will get fed up and walk
away without a purchase. For example a variety of payment options encourages purchase whilst
a complicated and slow website discourages purchases.

Fig 2.3.2. Lavidge’s hierarchy effect

3. Case Study

1) Daniel Wellington-
Daniel Wellington is a Swedish watch brand bootstrapped by Philip Tsynder in the year 2011.
It was started with a seed capital investment of 15000 USD. Four years later company reported
220 million USD in revenues and over a million watches sold annually, it took 111 years for
Rolex and 156 years for Tag Heuer to reach that kind of sales. Daniel Wellington became the
fastest growing company in Europe between 2013 and 2015 posting a growth of staggering

Theos of Daniel Wellington watches was the simplicity and slick design with interchangeable
straps. The aim of Tsynders was to make attractive and minimalistic yet affordable watches.
The success of the brand was not out of luck but carefully planned market strategy.

Marketing strategy of Daniel Wellington-

As the brand was bootstrapped with just 15000 USD. Tsynder did not have the kind of money
required for celebrity endorsements which were done by all the major brand. Tsynder
recognized the limitations for marketing he was also reluctant to spend the money for
traditional marketing techniques, hence he planned the marketing strategy accordingly.

Daniel Wellington decided to invest only in digital marketing that to social media marketing.
As Daniel Wellington watches where made with quirky straps it would attract teenagers and
hence Daniel Wellington focused on Instagram as most teenagers use it. Many considered
Daniel Wellington to be one of the Pioneer in effective and efficient Instagram marketing

Daniel Wellington influencer marketing-

Daniel Wellington clearly understood the pitfalls of social media that is nobody paid attention
to a New brand with less number of following. The brand the power of influencers on social
media. Daniel Wellington decided to use influencer marketing to spread brand awareness about
the watches.

They offered free watches to the influencer willing to share images of themselves wearing the
watch on Instagram and to keep track of the success of the campaign they provided
individualized coupon codes to each influencer. Over the time campaign expanded and
common people also started posting their images with Daniel Wellington watches also show
the brand encouraged these people by announcing photo contest which included 'pic of the day'
contest, winners would be featured on the brands official Instagram page. This gave the
company e enormous exposure for a fraction of the cost compared to traditional marketing.
The result of the campaign was-

• Till date, branded hashtag campaign by Daniel Wellington’s has generated over 2.3
million Instagram pictures and videos, both from influencers and normal social media
users giving the brand a massive exposure
• Currently there are 4.9 million followers of the Brand on Instagram
• Daniel Wellington saw a 214% growth in profits in the from 2014 to 2015,

2) Gymshark -

Gymshark was founded by Ben Francis and his group of friends in the year 2012. Gymshark has
grown from a screen-printing business in a garage, into one of the most recognizable and one of
the fastest growing in fitness apparel brand. In just a span of 7 years Gymshark accomplished the
following milestones-

• Gymshark has more than 65M combined followers across different social media platforms.
• Gymshark is valued between the range of £300M and £400M.
• Their turnover reached $50M in 2017 and $128M in 2018.
• They achieved exponential net worth growth: $108K (2013), $1.5M (2014), $2.5M (2015),
$3.4M (2016), $11.8M (2017).
• It was at the No.1 rank in the prestigious 2016 Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100.
• They achieved a compound sales growth of 193% over three consecutive years, from 2013
to 2016.

to achieve this kind of growth, require a highly effective and efficient marketing plan backed by a
strong back office support (logistics and operations). The company started with small quantity of
items for sale online, Gymshark focused on social media in order to raise awareness and acquire
customers. For this, the company contacted multiple fitness influencers (including celebrity body-
builders like Nikki Blackletter and Lex Griffin) and sent them free Gymshark clothing in the hope
that these influencers would use and promote the apparels on their respective social media profiles.

This tactic proved to be effective, , The sales Immediately had a big effect due to the influencers’
involvement also many people started to notice and follow the brand, the brand decided to sponsor
18 social media influencers, who had a collective following of over 20 million individuals in
markets including the US.

This strategy ultimately turned many influencers into ‘Gymshark athletes or the brand
ambassadors, creating natural advocacy and genuine attraction for the clothes.

4. Literature Review

1. The impact of user interactions in social media on brand awareness and
purchase intention: the case of MINI on Facebook

Katja Hutter , Julia Hautz, Severin Dennhardt , Johann Fuller

Publication date: 19 August 2013

In this study the author talks about how social media activities, precisely the Facebook page of the
MINI car brand, and user communications with these brand related activities impacts the image of
the brands and eventually influence customers buying decision. The author conducts an online
survey with followers of the corporation's Facebook fan page and found out many of the followers
were annoyed with the page due to information overload hence decreasing social media
engagement of the brand. the study also helps in understanding of the value-enhancing potential
of social media campaigns.

Gap- The study is done on a specific brand in a specific sector, hence cannot be applied for general
scenario. Also, it does not talk about digital marketing

2. Impact of social media on small businesses

Nory Jones , Richard Borgman , Ebru Ulusoy

Publication date: 16 November 2015

This study was conducted to find and measure the impact that the internet, specifically websites
and social media, have on small businesses. The aim of the study was to identify various
advantages of using internet and social media on small businesses.

Gap- the study cannot be used in the case of big businesses and all the advantages of using social
media and internet are not clearly mentioned

3. Mapping and leveraging influencers in social media to shape corporate
brand perceptions
Norman Booth, Julie Ann Matic

Publication date: 9 August 2011

This study talks about the rising of new influencer communities and how its impacts and influence
the brand image and perception of the consumers about the brand or a product. The study helps in
identifying the right influencer for the brand for establishing an effective awareness strategy.

Gap-The authors have not discussed about other methods of social media and digital marketing,
this study is only based on influencer marketing.

4. The Impact of Social Media Marketing Medium toward Purchase Intention

and Brand Loyalty among Generation Y

Bamini K.P.D. ,Balakrishnan, Mohd Irwan, Dahnil, Wong JiunnYi

25 August 2014

The study talks about how the social media has become the backbone of the 21st century and how
social media ha helped in increased the interaction between humans exponentially. The aim of the
study is to understand the impact of social media marketing on purchase intention and brand

Gap- the study fails to discuss about brand awareness which is vital for purchase intention.

5. An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Brand Awareness in the Context of
Social Media in Malaysia
Somayeh Shojaee & Azreen bin Azman
November 29, 2013
The study talks about how the business environment has become more complex due to
globalization and digitalization. Hence, it is more problematic for brands to create and increase
their brand awareness as they have to be able to coordinate communications and efforts across all
the existing media to attract consumers The purpose of this study is to how does social media affect
brand awareness in Malaysia.

Gap-This study was conducted in Malaysia , hence, the observations and findings from tis study
may not apply to other countries.

6. Impact of digital marketing on brand awareness

Mahmud, Frahim
This study is based on Oregano restaurant in Bangladesh which delivers European talks
about how Oregano restraint is using digital marketing to successfully run the business and create
brand awareness the aim of the study is to understand the influence of online marketing on the
brand Awareness of a company.

Gap- It fails to give a clear idea about different digital marketing channel ,also the study is
conducted on a specific industry hence cannot be applied in other scenario.

7. A Study on Impact of Digital Marketing in Customer Purchase Decision in
P. Ranjith

March 2016
The aim of the study is to find the affects of digital marketing on the consumer buying behavior
and in what ways does digital marketing influence the buying decision of the consumers.The
study talks about different channels of digital marketing and its influence on customer’s buying

Gap- The study does not discuss about brand awareness in detail.


The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of social media and digital marketing on the
brand awareness along with the following objectives-

1) To study the impact of social media and digital marketing on the brand awareness.
2) To identify how do people get aware of different brands?
3) To find social media as a tool for building brand awareness.
4) To understand growing popularity of digital marketing and social media in building brand
5) To find how effective it is over traditional methods.

6.Research Method and Methodology

Research methodology is a systematic process to select, identify, process, Analyze and conclude
about a problem or topic. Research methodology provides the researcher with a framework or an
action plan to help him/her with various stages and steps related to the research from the beginning
to the end.

Type of Research -
This study uses Descriptive method as well as Mixed method (Quantitative and Qualitative) for
conducting the study.

Data Collection-
Data is the information used in the study. There are basically two types of data namely Primary
data and Secondary Data

Primary Data-
The primary data is the data which is collected directly from the individuals for research purposes.
The primary Data in this research is collected through online survey form using Google forms
which was circulated using WhatsApp and Facebook.

Secondary Data-
The Secondary Data is the data collected from different sources rather than directly collecting from
the source by using Different source where the information is already published
The secondary data for this research is collected from the following sources-
• Websites
• Economic Magazine
• Research work and articles
• internet
• Wikipedia
A sample in a research represents the general population the area in which the research is
conducted. So that the findings from the research sample can be generalized on the whole

Sampling Method-
The method of sampling used here is Convenience sampling. In which Sample is selected on the
basis of accessibility

Sample Size –
The sample size of the research is 165.

Tools for Data collection from the Sample -

The method For data collection is Online questionnaire which are distributed through WhatsApp.

7.Data Collection And Analysis


The sample of the questionnaire use in the research is Given below-

1. Age? *
o 15 - 20
o 21 - 25
o 26 - 30
o 31 & above

2. Gender? *
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

3. Occupation? *
o Student
o Employed
o Self Employed
o Other

4. How often do you use social media? *

o Often
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never

5. Which Social Media Platform do you use? *

o Instagram
o Facebook
o twitter
o Pinterest
o Other

6. In what ways do you get to know about new brands *
o Social Media
o Digital Marketing
o T.V
o Newspaper
o Other

7. Do you think Social media and Digital Marketing helps in increasing brand
awareness? *
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

8. Do you buy Branded products? *

o Always
o often
o sometimes
o Rarely
o Never

9. Do you follow your favorite brands on social media? *

o Yes
o No

10. Do like to buy a product from a new brand *

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

11. You feel more confident in buying products from a reputed or known brand *
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

12. Which of the following according to you helps in building a good brand image? *
o Quality
o Communication strategies
o competitive pricing
o Other

7.2. Response Analysis

1. Age

Fig. 7.2.1 Age Group of the Participants

According to the survey the age group of 15-20 was 22.8%, age group of 21-25 was
34.5%,age group of 26-30 was 26.3% and age group of 31 & above was 16.4%

2. Gender?

Fig. 7.2.2. Gender of the Participants

Accordigng to the survey 48% female and 38.6% participated in the questionnaire and rest
did not want to disclose their gender

3. Occupation?

Fig. 7.2.3. Occupation of the Participants

According to the questionnaire 30.4% students , 36.3% employed ,23% self employed and
9.9% other individuals took part in the survey.

4. How often do you use social media?

Fig. 7.2.4. Use of social Media of participants

According to the survey the social media usage of participants are as follows-

Often – 26.9%

Sometimes – 42.7%

Rarely –19.3%

Never - 11.1%.

From this we can conclude that most of the sample size use social media ,with majority of
smaple ssize i.e.42.7% people use social media use social media for only sometimes.

5. Which Social Media Platform do you use?

Fig. 7.2.5. Social media platform used by participants

From the survey we can conclude that Instagram is the most popular social network site with 101
users out of 171 sample size followed by Facebook with 77 users followed by Pinterest with 55

6. In what ways do you get to know about new brands

Fig.7.2.6. In what ways do you get to know about new brands

According to the chart majority of people i.e. 41.5% get to know about a new brand through
social media followed by 27.5% individual who get to know about a new brand through
digital marketing ,15.2% people come to know about a new brand through the TV

7. Do you think Social media and Digital Marketing helps in increasing brand

Fig 7.2.7 Do you think Social media and Digital Marketing helps in increasing brand

When asked weather social media and digital marketing increases brand awareness the responses
are as follows

Strongly agree – 42.7%




Strongly Disagree-4.1%

We can conclude that majority of the people think social media and Digital marketing helps in
increasing the brand awareness.

8. Do you buy Branded products?

Fig. 7.2.8. Do you buy Branded products?

From the chart we can see 22.2 % always ,29.2% often , 31% sometimes 11.1% rarely buy a
branded products , From this we can conclude that almost every individual purchases a branded
product at some point of time.

9. Do you follow your favorite brands on social media?

Fig. 7.2.9. Do you follow your favorite brands on social media?

According to the survey 62.6% individual follow their favourite brands on social media and
other 37.4% does not follow their favourite brand on social media.

10. Do like to buy a product from a new brand

Fig. 7.2.10. Do like to buy a product from a new brand

According to the survey 41.7% people like to buy products from a new brand, 27.4% people
does not like to purchase from a new brand and 31% people neither like nor dislike.

11. You feel more confident in buying products from a reputed or
known brand

Fig. 7.2.11. You feel more confident in buying products from a reputed or known

When asked about if the individual are confident in buying from a known brand ,they respoded
in the following ways-

Strongly Agree- 31.6%




Strongly Disagree- 5.8% From this we can conclude that majority oof the people are more
confident in buying a product from a brand they know

12. Which of the following according to you helps in building a good
brand image?

Fig. 7.2.12. Which of the following according to you helps in building a good brand

According to 43.5% people quality is the most important factor for good brand image and 41.2%
people believe communication strategies is the most important factor for a good brand image.


Suggestions and Recommendations-

1. Businesses should invest more in digital marketing and social media as it is

highly efficient over traditional marketing. It provides enormous highly targeted
exposure with fraction of the cost of traditional marketing generating better
2. Brands should plan their communication strategies very carefully as it plays a
major role in brand building and awareness, one campaign can make or break a
brand’s image.
3. Brands whose target audience are teenagers and millennials Should definitely
build their brand’ online presence, especially on popular social networks like
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
4. If a company is operating on a B2B model, they should definitely apply
Content marketing strategies, as it will establish them as a thought leader and
expert in their respective industry giving them an exponential exposure and
brand awareness and attract desired traffic to their website, which can then be
converted into leads or sales.
5. Businesses especially new businesses who want to establish their brand should
invest in influencer marketing, as it gives the brand an enormous Credibility
and brand awareness and recognition

9. Conclusion

In today’s digital world, social Media has become an integral part of the society. Almost every
individual use social media or a digital channel on daily basis for entertainment, communication,
getting information or for any personal purposes. Hence this study was done to understand the
impact that the social media and digital marketing are having on the brand awareness of an
organization in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. Through this research discussed about different
aspects Social media, and digital marketing and their types and significance. We also discussed
about Brand awareness, its type and strategies for building brand awareness, we did case study
about two companies namely Daniel Wellington and Gymshark , which are among the fastest
growing companies in the world , from this study we can understand that majority of the people
use internet and social media and hence social media influences the lifestyle and buying behavior
of an individual to a great extent. The brand image brand awareness of the organization is very
important as according to the survey majority people confident in purchasing from a brand they
know or they are aware off. Brand should invest in digital marketing and social media as it is more
efficient and effective in comparison of traditional marketing methods like television ads, banners,
etc. Brands can target a specific group of individual on the basis of different factors like age,
gender, religion, income, demography among many others which cannot be done in traditional
marketing methods. Organizations should invest in effective marketing methods as
communication strategy is second most important factor in in building brand awareness according
to the survey conducted in this research.

10. Bibliography










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