Keyboard Project Logbook

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Monday, September 2, 2019

Idea generation - Finding your passion, KWR Chart, Planning Document

Finding your passion (Kenny Yue)

Use the prompts below to help identify what you are passionate about.

Things I am involved in or do at school, with clubs or social groups are:

BPA (Business), Key Club (Volunteering), Engineering, CP Program,

The things I enjoy doing for relaxation or fun are:

Sleeping, playing video games, browse the internet,

The most important things to me are:

Sleep, Fun, Comfort

The things I think people my age are concerned about are:

College, grades, future, tech, money

The things I think people around the world are concerned about are:

Global Warming, Future, Money, Health, Robots, AI’s, Overpopulation, Security, Self-Driving

Things I am passionate about:

Engineering, Building, Designing,

Use the prompts below to help identify what you excel at.

My favorite subjects in school are:

Engineering, Math, Physics,

The things I am most proud of are:

Nothing much

People tell me I am very good at:

Being lazy,
My favorite school projects involve: Engineering projects where we create something,

Three potential project ideas are: Robotics, Programm, Drone

Something with drones (coding, hardware,

Make a robot dedicated to doing something (coding,

KWR Chart (Jacob and Kenny)

Idea one: Robotics
What do we know about the problem?

Requires programming, Expensive parts

What do we need to figure out?

How to build and program, what parts to buy, what program software

What resources do we need?

Money, Money, Money

Idea Two: Pressure Sensitive KeyBoard

What do we know about the problem?

Lack of available options on the market, lack of customization,

What do we need to figure out?

The best key design, what sensors to use

What resources do we need?

Springs, 3d printer, pressure sensors, money

Idea Three: Advanced Gaming Chair SetUp
What do we know about the problem?

Way too expensive

What do we need to figure out?

How to reduce cost, motors needed, program needed, what program software,

What resources do we need?

Money, strong motors, gears, monitors, pc, wires, research

Possible Ideas

● Program / Make a cheaper graphing calculator

● Pressure KeyBoard
● Custom AimBot
● Cheaper Gaming Chair Recline Advanced

Planning (Kenny and Jacob)

Project Title/Topic Double Function Keyboard


Goal: Formulate an inquiry question or Current double-action keyboards are overpriced

statement that clearly shows your goal, and scarce. Lack of competition has caused
based on your personal interests. Be certain companies to overcharge consumers for a
concise but specific and clear. product that can be cheaply manufactured.

What is the purpose of the goal? What To create a compact and cost-efficient keyboard
do you hope to achieve? that has double functions upon distance pressed

What prior learning and subject-specific Experience with soldering, keyboard use, cadding,
knowledge is relevant to the project? analog keyboards, pricing of keyboards, sizing of
How does the project relate to an full keyboards.
academic class you are currently
enrolled in or have taken?

Global Impact

Identify how this will impact the Provide cheaper and more options to
community/world: soundboards, number pads, and keyboards.


What product/outcome will you create in Lack of competition has caused certain
response to the goal, global context, and companies to overcharge consumers for a
criteria? product that can be cheaply manufactured.

Form: Keyboard, Double Function, Computer users

Function: / General Public, Limit of around $30 for cost.


What will be the focus of your research? Already existing solutions

Media: (Includes books and articles, etc.) Articles that talk about keyboard number
pads. Also, articles or websites that show that
people want our product.

Surveys: Would surveying your potential Yes, surveying teens will be useful because
audience be useful? they use computers every day.

Interviews:What human resources can you Can ask Mr.Cupit or a parent about
tap into for your project? keyboards and opinion on our product.

Other sources for research? Companies, College Students


Prompts Student-Designed Criteria Test or method of


Form: ● Compact and doesn’t ● Remove keycaps and

What will your project look take up a lot of space put them on to test
like? ● Holds everything in consistency
What materials will you use? place ● Compare size against
What size will your project ● Smaller than big other keyboards
be? keyboards ● Hold upside down and
What tools will you use? ● Appealing design shake to make sure
How will you assemble your all the keys are stable

Function: ● Performs the double ● Click all the buttons

What is the purpose of your function efficiently and and make sure the
project? consistently program reads them

User/Audience: ● Be able to be used on ● Plug it in and try using

Who is your project for? the school computers it
What needs do you expect ● Be able to be used ● The program
your project to satisfy? right next to a functions and test it in
Where/why will your project keyboard an actual application
be used?

Costs: ● Keep the cost to make ● Calculate costs and

How much will your project to around $30-40 make a model to see
cost to make? ● Sell the product at the profit made per
*​How much will you sell it for? around $40-50 keyboard sold and the
*​How much profit could be ● Profit at least $10-20 amount needed to
made on your item/project? from each sold make up development

Invention Convention Outline

1. What problem are you trying to solve? The more specific you are in describing 
the problem, the better your solution will be. How did you come up with the 
Regular keyboards have a number pad that isn’t used much and it takes up 
space. A keyboard that doesn’t have a keypad will be cheaper and more 
space-efficient. While some people do use the number pad, it is usually 
occupation-based while the casual user doesn’t use it. In addition, sound pads are 
very expensive and space-consuming. Thus we have decided to make a number pad 
sized macro keyboard that has pressure-sensitive keys which gives one button 2 
functions and can be programmed to do many different things. 
2. What is the result you are trying to achieve? The more specific you are in 
describing the result you want, the better your solution will be.  
A pressure-sensitive macro keyboard that is compact and programable at an 
affordable price. We want to have the production cost to be around $25-30. We 
first want a basic keyboard that has the pressure-sensitive function and will read 
it consistently with no problems. In addition, we want to work on a program that 
lets us change the different inputs each one has.  
3. What are some possible solutions? Which one did you choose to pursue? How did 
you decide which solution to try? The more specific you are in describing the 
solution you will create, the better your invention will be. How did you come up with 
the solution? 
A possible solution is the pressure-sensitive keyboards that are already in 
the market, such as the woot pressure-sensitive keyboard. We will learn how they 
achieved the pressure-sensitive function and draw inspiration from to create a 
system that fits our budget.  
4. Has this solution been done before? If it exists, how is your approach different 
and better? What research did you do to see if this invention had been done 
before? Who did you talk to? Where did you look? What website did you search? 
You should show 4 pieces of evidence of different types of research – talking with 
experts, searching the internet, interviewing friends and family as to how useful 
this would be, etc. 
This solution has been done before by many different companies, however, 
they created full keyboards or just certain keys. There have been plans to make a 
pressure-sensitive number pad keyboard, however, it hasn’t come out yet or any 
updates have been given to it. Ours will be number pad sized and all the keys will be 
pressure-sensitive.​ ​Interviewing my friends, Online surveys, Google Forms,  
5. Draw a model (a sketch or drawing) of the invention you are thinking about 
building. Label all the important parts and features. Explain how the invention will 
work. If you need more space, use another blank page. 
Link​ ​Link   
Down Below 
6. What problems or issues might you encounter with this design? Is this design 
compatible with the principle of sustainability? Who did you talk to about this 
design (another student, parent, teacher, etc.)? What were their comments about 
your design? 
We might run into the problem of the keys being too sensitive and so one 
click will accidentally trigger both functions. 
7. How can you fix those problems or address those issues? 
We can fix this problem by adding a spring so that more force needs to be 
used to push the second button. 
9. What parts, materials, and tools will you need to make the invention and how 
much will they cost? 
Buttons ​Link​(1) - $6.8 
Arduino Mega​(1) - $15 
Copper Wires(1) - $5-7 
CardBoard - Free 
3D printer material - 
10x Cherry Buttons(2) - $10 
10. Where will you get those parts and materials? 
11. What additional skills or abilities will you need to make the invention? 
Learning how to code/edit an already existing program to suit our needs. 
12. Who can help you build the invention? 
Mr.Cupit or Ms. M can help with the wiring and frame. We plan to 3D print 
the frame so that it will be more precise. 
What we want: Double-action keyboard that can reprogram each key in a user-friendly software
control panel. The keyboard is cost-effective and affordable.

Time Constraint: 1st quarter (till november)

Prototype 1
Cherry Mx Speed Silver Switches​ - $11.81 (for 10)
Buttons​ - $3.98 (for 100)
Cardboard -
Circuit Board Secured​ - code
Luamacros - Code for our program
Prototype 2
Prototype Circuit Boards
Removed extra pieces on the circuit
board that wasn’t needed + tested all the buttons

Wiring Mapping
Key Port mapping
User Interface Prototype
Prototype 3 (Final)
3.5 mm long and 2 mm in diameter for wooden stick

Boxes are 14.7 mm by 14.7 mm

6 mm + width

5 mm + heigh

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