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Created by Erik Bjelke

Technological Terrors
This is a list of weapons, armor, equipment, droids, and starships for the Star Wars universe.

New Rules
Powering weapons
Most energy weapons require Power Packs to operate. A standard power pack provides 100
units of power, 1 unit of which is enough to power most standard energy weapons for one shot.
Some weapons may require more power to fire.
Weapons which use special power cells, such as hold-out blasters, generally use custom
power cells which provide the number of shots listed.

Expanded Weapons Ranges

Weapon ranges have been expanded to provide for different performance profiles for
various weapons. Note that some weapons may use a different range category then what one
would normally expect. For example, the BlasTech T-6 Thunderer, designed for firepower above
all else, uses the range category for Hold-Out Blasters, rather then Heavy Blaster Pistols.
In addition, some weapons may add or subtract squares from their appropriate range
categories. Such a weapon will have a +X or –X listed after its Range Category, signifying to add
or subtract that many squares from the end of each bracket. For example, a blaster pistol with +2
range would have ranges 0-22, 23-44, 45-66, and 67-88.

Weapon Type Point Blank Short Medium Long

Hold-Out 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40
Pistol 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80
Heavy Pistol 0-15 16-30 31-45 46-60
Carbine 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
Rifle 0-30 31-60 61-150 151-300
Long Rifle 0-100 101-200 201-500 501-1000
Heavy 0-50 51-100 101-250 251-500
Simple* 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80
Thrown** 0-6 7-8 9-10 11-12
*Includes bows, slings, and energy balls hurled from atlatls and cestas.
**Includes grenades and thrown melee weapons such as spears and lightsabers.

Ignoring DR and Fortitude Defense

Any weapon described as ignoring Damage Reduction also ignores an armor’s
equipment bonus to Fortitude defense.

Expanded Stat Block

Accommodating these changes is an expanded stat block below each weapon’s
Weapon Type: What kind of weapon it is.
Proficiency Group: Pistol, rifle, etc. Cost: How much it costs
Damage: How much damage it does Stun Damage: How much stun damage it does
Power Per Shot/Ammunition: Rate of Fire: Single or Auto
Range Category: Pistol, rifle, etc. Type: The type of damage it deals
Weight: How much it weighs Size: How big it is
DR/HP: Damage Reduction/Hit Points Break DC: How hard it is to break
Fort Defense: Fortitude Defense Damage Threshold: When it moves down a Condition
Availability: How illegal it is Era: In which era it’s available for use

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Armor Stat Block:

Armor: Which armor it is
Armor Type: Light, Medium, Heavy Cost: How much it costs
Reflex Defense: Armor bonus Fortitude Bonus: Equipment bonus
Maximum Dex Bonus: Dex to Def Weight: How much it weighs
Speed, 6 sq: Speed reduction Speed, 4 sq: Speed reduction
Availability: How illegal it is Era: In which era its available for use
Notes: Additional equipment.

Expanded Rarity/Restriction List

All items have two ratings in availability. The first is their rarity, how often they can be
found in the galaxy at large. The second is their restriction. . . how legal, or illegal, the weapon is
to own. Each category has five ratings.

Prevalent: Available basically everywhere. If the planet you’re on has any contact with the
galaxy at large, you can find it.
Common: Available in nearly every well-developed area. While it might not be in the local store
at Anchorhead, you can probably find it in Mos Eisley.
Uncommon: Available in most well-developed worlds. It may not be available on Tatooine, but
you can probably find it on Naboo.
Rare: Available on only select worlds. You can’t find it on Naboo, but you can find it on Corellia,
Mon Calamari, and Coruscant.
Specialized: Available only on its world of origin. You can only find it on Kashyyyk.

Legal: Ownership/use of the item is perfectly legal most everywhere in the galaxy. No one will
mind if you use your datapad or consult your protocol droid.
Licensed: A license must be obtained to own or operate the item, and the license is easy to
obtain. You have to be able to find your way to the building and spell your name to drive a
Restricted: Only specifically qualified individuals and organizations may normally own or use the
item. It takes many tests and background checks to purchase a blaster.
Military: Only members of the military may own or use the item. Civilians can’t legally fly X-
Wings, carry rocket launchers, or own battle droids.
Illegal: No one is legally allowed to own or use the item. Disruptors and neuronic whips are
barbaric instruments outlawed since the formation of the Old Republic.

Some weapons aren’t available at all times. A few were made and fell out of favor long
ago, others may not have been invented yet. The Eras and their abbreviations are as follows:
UW: Unification Wars. The founding of the Old Republic, some 25,000 years before The
Phantom Menace.
KoR: Knights of the Old Republic Era, some 5,000-1,000 years before The Phantom
Menace. Includes the Great Hyperspace War, the Great Sith War, Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil
War, and New Sith War. The Era essentially ends with the Battle of Russan.
RoE: Rise of the Empire. This is the Era of the prequel films, essentially starting with the
Stark Hyperspace War and ending with Order 66.
Reb: Rebellion. This is the era of the classic trilogy, extending from the birth of Luke and
Leia and the founding of the Rebel Alliance to the defeat of the Empire at Endor.
NR: New Republic. This covers the timeframe from the formation of the New Republic,
shortly after the Battle of Endor, to the peace accords between the New Republic and the
Imperial Remnant.
NJO: New Jedi Order. Begins with the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong and ends when
the Vong relocate to Zonoma Sekot.

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Leg: Legacy. Begins 150 years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Includes
the rise of the New Sith, fall of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, and the rise of the New
NE: New Empire. An alternate Star Wars future, created by myself, beginning some
1,000 years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. For more details, see the New Empire
Some items are available from a given era on. . . they never really go out of style. Such
items will have a + after their Era abbreviation. Thus, an item with RoE+ will be available any
time after the Rise of the Empire era. Some items, however, were only available in certain eras. .
. cortosis-laced vibroblades, for example, fell out of use after the Battle of Russan. Those
weapons would only be available in the Knights of the Old Republic era, and so would have a
KoR listed as their era.

Some powerful weapons are capable of over-penetrating their targets. Such weapons
will be designated as such in their Notes section. A weapon capable of over-penetrating will do
so if any of its damage dice score their highest number. When such a weapon over-penetrates,
after dealing damage to the primary target, divide the damage in half (rounding down), then apply
it to another target on a line of sight behind the primary target. A weapon can over-penetrate as
many times as it scores maximum numbers on it’s damage dice, reducing the damage by half
each time.
EXAMPLE: An Exotac Arms Predator Blaster Rifle deals 5d8 damage, and can over-
penetrate. If one die comes up an 8, the damage will over-penetrate to one additional target. If
the amount of damage scored was 26, the weapon would deal 13 damage to an additional target.
If two 8s were rolled in the damage roll, the weapon would over-penetrate to two additional
targets. If the total damage was 28, 14 damage would be dealt to the second target, and 7
damage would be dealt to the third. If this were to penetrate to a fourth target, that target would
take 3 damage.

Weapon Modification and Upgrading

Weapons can be customized to their owner in a variety of ways, but they all fit into two
categories: Modifying a weapon involves retuning the weapon’s performance to suit the owner,
without adding new parts. Upgrading involves adding to the weapon’ statistics by applying new
parts, almost always aftermarket and frequently illegal.

Modifying a weapon requires a Mechanics check, DC 15, and one hour’s worth of work.
One of the following statistics can be improved, but the weapon must take a penalty from the
accompanying list.

Modification Increase Modification Decreases

+1 Damage -1 Range, +1 Power Per Shot,
-1 to attack checks
+1 Range -1 Damage, +1 Power Per
-1 Power Per Shot -1 Range, -1 Damage
+1 to attack checks -1 Range, -1 Damage, -1
Power Per Shot

Upgrading a weapon requires a Mechanics check, DC 20, one hour’s worth of work, and
an appropriate upgrade part. The types of upgrades a weapon can accept depend on the type of
Advanced Melee Weapon: Edge, Energy Cell, Grip
Unpowered Melee Weapon: Edge, Grip

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Blasters: Chamber, Emitter, Power Cell

Slugthrowers: Barrel, Breech, Magazine

Upgrades come in a variety of forms, each having their own effects on a weapon’s

Melee weapons: Unpowered
Combat Knife
The combat knife is a basic, practical weapon used almost universally by soldiers and
mercenaries for thousands of years. It is almost 30 centimeters in total length and its blade is
saw-toothed on one side, causing devastating wounds. Despite its size, it is still balanced for
Weapon Type: Combat Knife
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 60
Damage: 1d6 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Simple Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 1.5kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Legal Era: All

Massassai Knuckler
The Massassai warriors occasionally used these hand-to-hand weapons to augment their martial
arts techniques. Like the Sith species itself, the martial arts these weapons were designed for is
extinct, but the weapons themselves remain.
Weapon Type: Unarmed Weapon
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 60
Damage: 1d6 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Simple Type: Piercing
Weight: 1.5kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Legal Era: UW

The preferred sword of Unfyr warriors of Ka’hren, the rantok is a formidable weapon. A single
straight blade extends about third of a meter past the heavy hilt, which is bent up towards the
point of the blade, for catching the blades of opponents. Along the flat of the blade, a series of
small quillions point toward the tip, partially for blade-catching and partially for the causing of
extremely unpleasant thrusting wounds.
Weapon Type: Ancient Sword
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: 7,000+ (collector’s item RoE+)
Damage: 2d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Thrown Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 4kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Legal Era: RoE+

Yautalor Wrist Blades

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The Yautalor Wrist blades are a fearsome weapon. Twin blades extend from a box worn on the
forearm. These blades are about a foot long, with vicious serrations on the back. When powered
by Yautalor strength, these weapons are truly terrifying. Various clans manufacture their own
variations, with the only differences being cosmetic.
Weapon Type: Yautalor Wrist Blades
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 300-700 (Depending on Clan/workmanship)
Damage: 1d6 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: None Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 1.5kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 15
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: RoE+

These are some of the most interesting weapons out there. For a low-tech weapon manufactured
by uneducated brutes, these are surprisingly effective. The mechanism for deploying the blades
is simple and elegant, a sharp turn of the wrist and the blades deploy, another sharp turn in the
opposite direction, and they retract. Some Yautalor Clans have true warrior/artisans who hand-
craft beautiful versions of these weapons. They are often more than willing to hand-make a
custom pair for you in exchange for some blasters, glow rods, or other cheap pieces of high-tech.

True, very true. The Yautalor have extreme difficulty maintaining and repairing high tech.
Anyone with loads of high-tech cargo can often sell it to Yautalor Clans in exchange for Wrist
Blades, Combi-Sticks and Hunting Armor. After that, it's a simple job to make a run over to any of
the collector weapons shows and sell these items for profit. A nice way to make a little quick
money without getting shot at by Customs Ships.

Tril-Kil-kult Clan Wrist Blades

This is a version of the Yautalor Wrist Blades made by the warrior/artisans of the Tril-Kil-kult Clan.
Made of an especially hard alloy, these weapons are nearly impossible to break. Not only that,
but they are extremely resistant to corrosives, able to survive even a complete dunking in most
industrial acids.
Weapon Type: Tril-Kil-kult Wrist Blades
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 700
Damage: 1d6 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: None Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 3kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 10/30 Break DC: 30
Fort Defense: 15 Damage Threshold: 15
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: RoE+

Ruushtan Clan Wrist Blades

The Ruushtan Clan does not use larger weapons of war, such as the Combi-Stick, but rather has
impressively large Wrist Blades that serve the same function.
Weapon Type: Ruushtan Clan Wrist Blades
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 700
Damage: 1d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: None Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 6kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 2/10 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 15 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: RoE+

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Yautalor Combi-Stick
This is a collapsible spear made by the Yautalor. This was their primary weapon of war until
explorers introduced them to blasters, slug-throwers and vibroblades. While always ready to
blast away with high-tech, these weapons still see use constantly when the fighting gets up close
and personal.
Weapon Type: Yautalor Combi-Stick
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: 400-1,000 (Depending on Clan/workmanship)
Damage: 1d8/1d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Thrown Type: Piercing
Weight: 5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 7/15 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: RoE+

Kantran Clan Bone Whip

The Kantran Clan of Yautalor does not use Combi-Sticks as their primary weapons of war. . .
rather, they use the vertebrae of native Spine Stalkers, whose bony spines are razor sharp, to
fashion razor-edged whips.
Weapon Type: Yautalor Bone Whip
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: 900
Damage: 1d4/1d4 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: - Type: Slashing
Weight: 5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 7/15 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Note: This weapon has a 2-square reach. A user with the Pin and Crush feats may make a
grapple attack with this weapon, dealing the weapon’s damage instead of their unarmed damage.

Tril-Kil-kult Combi-Stick
The Tril-Kil-kult, long renowned for making radically different versions of standard Yautalor
weapons, have a far superior version of the standard Yautalor Combi-Stick. Collapsible in the
same way as the regular spear, this weapon is designed more along the lines of a halberd, with a
large blade at one end. the opposite side has a regular spear point, allowing it to be thrown as
Weapon Type: Tril-Kil-kult Combi-Stick
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: 1,000
Damage: 1d10/1d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Thrown Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 20/50 Break DC: 40
Fort Defense: 20 Damage Threshold: 20
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: RoE+

Sith Sword
Forged using the techniques of Sith Alchemy, these blades were the pride of their wielders,
usually Sith Lords or their apprentices. A skilled user could channel the force through his blade,
deflect incoming attacks and call on the power of the Dark Side to aid him in battle. With the
advent of Lightsaber technology, the art of crafting Sith Swords faded into obscurity. Today, they
are extremely rare and are almost entirely in the hands of powerful force users.
Weapon Type: Sith Sword
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: Not available for sale
Damage: 1d8 Stun Damage: -

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Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -

Range Category: Thrown Type: Slashing/Piercing
Weight: 4kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 10/20 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 20 Damage Threshold: 20
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: UW
Note: This weapon retains it’s damage reduction against lightsabers. This weapon gains
bonus damage equal to the user’s Dark Side Score. Because of the Sith Sword’s unique
properties, it can be used with any talents and abilities that normally require a lightsaber.

A symbol of the Matukai force tradition, this shafted blade weapon resembles a halberd. The
blade is forged with the aid of the Force, resulting in an incredibly sharp and resilient weapon. A
wan-shen is collapsible for easier transport. It takes a full-round action to assemble or
disassemble a wan-shen.
Weapon Type: Handcrafted Wan-Shen
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: Not available for sale
Damage: 2d6+1 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Thrown Type: Slashing
Weight: 5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: KoR+
* The forging process of the wan-shen is incredibly exacting, resulting in a weapon of
unbelievable quality. This is represented mechanically by a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
when wielded by a character who is proficient with the weapon. This bonus has already been
factored into the listed damage.

Melee Weapons: Powered

Kantran Clan Vibro Razorwhip

The first powered melee weapon to be produced by Yautalor clans, this razorwhip applies micro-
vibration motors to the standard Kantran Clan Bone Whip, making the weapon far more deadly.
Weapon Type: Yautalor Bone Whip
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: 900
Damage: 2d6/2d6 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: - Type: Slashing
Weight: 5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 7/15 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Note: This weapon has a 2-square reach. A user with the Pin and Crush feats may make a
grapple attack with this weapon, dealing the weapon’s damage instead of their unarmed damage.

Neuronic Whip
Outlawed on thousands of world, the neuronic whip is a brutal weapon favored by slavers. It
uses energy pulses along its length to cause excruciating pain in addition to stunning its targets.
Weapon Type: TholCorp Neuronic Whip
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 500
Damage: 1d6 Stun Damage: 3d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: None Type: Slashing or Slashing and Energy
Weight: 1.8kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/3 Break DC: 14

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Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 8

Availability: Rare, Illegal Era: RoE+

Stun Gauntlets
Stun Gauntlets typically appear to be a pair of standard heavy gauntlets with extremely long cuffs.
The gauntlets conceal a tiny battery connected to a mesh or contact wiring over an insulated
glove which, when activated, delivers a stun charge on contact. Stun Gauntlets can be useful
when a combatant is disarmed of more conventional weapons.
Weapon Type: Palandrix Personal Stun Gauntlets
Proficiency Group: Simple Cost: 500
Damage: - Stun Damage: 1d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: None Type: Bludgeoning
Weight: 1.8kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: RoE+
Notes: Using these weapons is considered to be an unarmed attack.

Actually, these weapons are easy to modify. I had a Verpine hook them up to a large power cell,
which I concealed at the small of my back. In addition, he upped the power flow so the things
were capable of dealing a lethal charge. Makes settling arguments REAL easy.

Yeah, until you get picked up for murder.

Melee Weapon Upgrades


Custom Grip
Effect: +1 to attack rolls for a specific user, -1 to attack rolls for any other user.
Cost: 100

Balanced Grip
Effect: -1 to Dual Weapon fighting penalties. Both weapons must be equipped with
Balanced Grips to gain this benefit.
Cost: 150

Basket Hilt
Effect: This grip allows you to treat a weapon as though held in two hands for purposes
of disarm attempts. You may not hold this weapon in two hands.
Cost: 150

Bladecatcher Grip
Effect: This grip grants a +2 equipment bonus to disarm attempts.
Cost: 200

Knuckle Grip
Effect: This grip has rings for each of the user’s fingers, allowing him to punch with them
and deal extra damage. The user is treated as wearing combat gloves for unarmed attacks he
makes while wielding this weapon.
Cost: 100

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Trapped Grip
Effect: This grip contains a booby trap to prevent unauthorized use. The trap can be
triggered by biometric readings, fingerprint or palm scans, or even a simple switch that the real
user knows not to touch while wielding the weapon. If an unauthorized user triggers the trap, he
takes damage based on what kind of trap was installed.
Shock Trap: 2d6 electrical damage
Stun Trap: 3d6 Stun damage
Blade Trap: 2d6 slashing damage
Only powered melee weapons may mount Shock or Stun traps.
Cost: Shock 200, Stun 200, Blade 300


Ionite Edge
Effect: This edge causes the weapon to inflict ion damage in addition to it’s normal
damage type. Only powered melee weapons may mount this edge.
Cost: 200

Monofilament Edge
Effect: This edge allows the weapon to ignore the damage reduction of any object it
Cost: 500

Serrated Edge
Effect: Adds +2 to the weapon’s damage.
Cost: 200

Shielded Edge
Effect: This weapon retains it’s damage reduction against weapons which would
normally ignore damage reduction, such as monofilament edges and lightsabers. Only powered
melee weapons may mount this edge.
Cost: 500

Stun Edge
Effect: This edge causes the weapon to deal stun damage. Only powered melee
weapons may mount this edge.
Cost: 200

Energy Cells

Ion Cell
Effect: Adds +1 to the weapon’s damage. The weapon does Ion damage in addition to
it’s normal damage type.
Cost: 300

Jolt Cell
Effect: Adds +1 to the weapon’s damage. The weapon does Energy damage in addition
to it’s normal damage type.
Cost: 300

Ultrasonic Vibration Cell

Effect: The vibroweapon’s distinctive hum has been retuned into the ultrasonic
frequency, making it inaudible to most beings.
Cost: 400

Unstable Vibration Cell

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Effect: The weapon does an additional die of damage, but any character using the
weapon takes a –2 penalty to all attack rolls made with the weapon.
Cost: 500

Venom Reservoir
Effect: When an attack roll with this weapon beats both the target’s Reflex and Fortitude
Defense, the target is affected by a poison loaded in the reservoir. See Poisons for more details.
Unpowered Melee Weapons may mount this “Energy Cell.”
Cost: 400

The weapons of the Jedi, Sith, and other Force traditions, the lightsaber is a symbol for
nearly every being in the galaxy. . . though a symbol of what varies wildly form individual to
individual. Jedi, Sith, and others have come up with many ways of modifying their lightsabers
over the centuries.

A lightsaber can have up to three focusing crystals in it, each one affecting aspects of the
blade. Usually, a lightsaber will have a single crystal. . . allowing the blade to spring into
existence and determining its color. However, some lightsabers, such as the dual-phase
lightsaber, require additional crystals to be rotated at varying degrees to alter the blade’s length.
Other lightsabers will focus the energy through more then one crystal, affecting the blade’s
Adding more then one crystal to a single lightsaber increases the Use the Force check for
lightsaber construction by five for each additional crystal. So, a lightsaber with two crystals
requires a DC 25 Use the Force check, while one with three requires a DC 30. A Force Point
must also be spent on each crystal to be used in the lightsaber. A lightsaber must mount one
basic focusing crystal, and may only mount one such crystal.
Optional Rule: Crystal Tuning: Lightsaber blades can only be focused so far using
crystals. While a lightsaber can hold up to three crystals, the blade can only be effectively tuned
through two (while the blade may pass through the third crystal, its facets are not tuned in the
manner required for full effectiveness.) As a swift action, a character must alter how the crystals
face to gain the benefit from a third crystal, but losing the benefit from the second crystal. In
other words, a lightsaber can only receive a benefit from one crystal besides the basic focusing
crystal at a time.

Basic Focusing Crystals

Adegan: The typical crystal used for lightsaber construction, Adegan crystals from the
Illum system were nearly the only type of crystal Jedi used before and during the Clone Wars.
While still relatively common in the New Jedi Order, many younger Jedi Knights use synthetic
crystals in their lightsabers. Adegan crystals from Illum could only produce colors of blue or
green, while synthetic Adegan gems can produce blades of nearly any color imaginable, leading
to Jedi with orange, yellow, silver, bronze, purple, or nearly any color of lightsaber blade.
Adegan, Kathracite: Kathracite was the weakest of the Adegan gems, and so rarely
used in lightsabers. Lightsabers made with Kathracite gems deal one less die type of damage.
(So, a Medium-sized lightsaber deals only 2d6 damage, instead of 2d8.)
Adegan, Mephite: Mephite crystals are the most common Adegan gem used in
lightsabers, providing no special benefit or penalty.
Adegan, Pontite: Pontite is the rarest and most powerful of the Adegan gems. A
lightsaber made with Pontite crystals deals one more die type of damage (so, a Medium-sized
lightsaber made with Pontite crystals deals 2d10 damage, instead of 2d8.)
Corusca Gem: Rare enough to buy several Twi’lek slave girls, Corusca Gems also
make fine focusing crystals for lightsabers, behaving similarly to Adegan Mephite. Corusca
Gems can, like synthetic Adegan, create any color lightsaber blade, depending on how the
individual crystal is shaped and how it is situated in the lightsaber.

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Durindfire: Rare gems from Tatooine, Durindfire gems lend a silver sheen to a
lightsaber blade. They are otherwise equal to Adegan Mephite, save that Durindfire gems are the
only focusing crystal that can be used with other focusing crystals in a lightsaber, making them
ideal for inclusion in dual-phase lightsabers.
Heart of the Guardian: This unique crystal produces a yellowish-bronze blade. Said to
have been used by the ancient Jedi Revan, this crystal is thought lost or destroyed somewhere
deep in the Outer Rim. The crystal itself has no direct effect on the lightsaber blade beyond
color, however, it interacts with any other crystals in the lightsaber, improving, or perhaps
completely altering, their effects. No one is sure exactly how it affects any given crystal, and
some say its effects are not static, but rather based on the personality and fighting style of the
Jedi who attunes it.
Hurrikaine: Similar to Adegan Mephite, Hurrikaine crystals are grown on the bodies of
sapient, rocklike natives of the planet Hurikane. These crystals produce blades of deep blue to
Lambent: Lambent crystals are the fruits of Yuuzhan Vong plants. These crystals are
alive, remaining so even after being harvested from the plant that bore them. Telepathic like
some other Yuuzhan Vong creations, lambents emit light according to the thoughts of whoever
holds one, functioning as portable light sources for the Yuuzhan Vong. They can also be
integrated into larger shapings as glowing indicators or controls. If a Jedi can attune it in the way
of other lightsaber crystals (a difficult task, as the crystal appears to not exist in the Force) a
lambent makes a fine focusing crystal for a lightsaber, equivalent to Adegan Mephite. The
lambent crystal will create a blade of nearly any color, responding to its owner’s personality. The
crystal may even change colors over time, as its owner’s personality changes. Lambent crystals
also provide a new benefit to the Jedi who attunes them. . . they allow him to sense, dimly, the
Yuuzhan Vong and their technology. The character may use sense-based Force powers and
talents against the Yuuzhan Vong, although at a –5 penalty.
Lava Crystal: Formed from volcanic obsidian, lava crystals are quite rare, since they
can only be found on volcanic worlds, such as Mustafar, that have high concentrations of certain
minerals. Rumored to take centuries to crystallize, these crystals focus a lightsaber’s beam into
an orange, lavalike blade. Some of these crystals, such as the ones mined on the Tomat
homeworld of Thadius, produced black blades. They are the equivalent of Adegan Pontite.
Mantle of the Force: Another unique crystal, the Mantle of the Force is also said to
have been possessed by the ancient Jedi Revan, creating a turquoise blade. Like the Heart of
the Guardian, it affects the properties of other crystals in the lightsaber, though it seems to always
enhance the user’s Force abilities.
Rainbow Gem: Actually living creatures, rainbow gems are fantastically expensive. . .
one can fetch a price equivalent to a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. They take thousands of years
to mature, generating an inner light in manner not dissimilar from a Yuuzhan Vong lambent.
Rainbow crystals can be used in lightsabers, generating a blade of any color, and are the
equivalent of Adegan Pontite.
Sith-Infused Synthetic Crystals: Made using techniques steeped in the Dark Side,
Sith-Infused Synthetic Lightsaber Crystals, also called Synth-Crystals or Bloodshine
Gems/Bloodshine Blades are exclusively red in color, and are the equivalent of Adegan Pontite.
If a character using such a crystal scores a critical hit, and his attack is negated using the Block
talent, the opponent’s lightsaber shuts down, and must be reactivated, taking a standard action
instead of a swift action.
Viridian Crystal: Rare the point of unique, these crystals naturally produce a silvery-
green lightsaber blade.

Additional Crystals
Barab Ore Ingot: Crystals from the surface of Barab I, these gems absorb and
concentrate radiation. When used in a lightsaber, they excite the blade’s energy almost the point
of losing its cohesion, but increase the heat of the blade dramatically. A lightsaber with a Barab
Ore Ingot treats the opponent’s damage threshold as two less.
Bondar Crystal: Found on asteroids around Alderaan, Bondar crystals retune part of a
lightsaber blade’s energy into something akin to the common stun baton. A lightsaber with a

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Bondar crystal causes an organic opponent hit with the weapon to move an additional step down
the condition track if the attack roll exceeds his damage threshold.
Damind: Found on the planet Daminia, Damind crystals can increase a blade’s length,
granting the wielder a small but significant increase in reach. A lightsaber with a Damind crystal
provides a +1 equipment bonus to Reflex defense.
Dragite: Dragite crystals, found in the D’olop Mountain Range on M’haeli, reverberate
sonic energy. When used in a lightsaber, they increase the blade’s hum drastically. If an attack
roll with such a lightsaber beats both the target’s Reflex and Fortitude Defense, the victim is
deafened for 1d4 rounds.
Eralam: From a planet long ago reduced to rubble by Sith bombardment, Eralam gems
are almost unheard of in the modern galaxy. If they can be found, Eralam gems become some of
the most powerful to be used in any lightsaber. Eralam gems provide a lightsaber with +1 Crystal
bonuses to attack and damage rolls.
Firkrann: Mind on the planet Rafa IV, Firkrann crystals are denser and heavier then
most. Like Adegan crystals, they respond to energy, but unlike Adegan, Firkrann crystals emit
not light, but electricity. When used in a lightsaber blade, they add an electrical charge to the
blade’s energy field. A lightsaber equipped with a Firkrann crystal causes an inorganic opponent
hit with the weapon to move an additional step down the condition track if the attack roll exceeds
his damage threshold.
Jenraux: Jenraux crystals, refined versions of Opila crystals, alter a blade’s properties
for more favorable blaster bolt deflection. A lightsaber with a Jenraux crystal provides a +2
Crystal bonus to Use the Force checks made for the Deflect talent.
Kaiburr: Shards of the legendary Kaiburr crystal can be used in lightsabers. When
included in a lightsaber, a Kaiburr crystal shard provides allows the user to return any used Force
power to his Force suite once per encounter.
Kasha: Found only on Cerea, Cerans etch designs into kasha crystals to turn them into
focuses for meditative excercises. Such cut and etched stones can also be used in a lightsaber,
providing a +2 Crystal bonus on Use the Force checks made for the Farseeing Force Power.
Krayt Dragon Pearl: Ordinary stones from the surface of Tatooine, swallowed by
gigantic Krayt dragons to aid in their digestion. Like many lizardlike creatures, the Krayt dragon
will swallow stones and store them in its gizzards, using them to help it crush and grind food for
digestion. Unlike many lizards, however, Krayt dragons never regurgitate the rocks they swallow,
which eventually are worn to perfect spheres of a lustrous chine. Krayt dragon pearls are very
rare, since the only way to obtain them is to kill a Krayt dragon (a daunting prospect at best) and
the cut it open and remove the stones from its gizzard (substantially easier, but significantly less
pleasant, than killing the creature in the first place.) These stones can fetch thousands of credits
on the open market, and it is even said that brandishing one will grant you favor with the Sand
People. . . though no one has ever saw fit to prove the claim. They can also be used in
lightsabers, adding +2 damage.
Lorrdian: Lorrdian crystals are imbued with the Lorrdian’s abilities to read body
language, something they developed during their enslavement by the Argazdan. When used in a
lightsaber, these crystals provide a +2 Crystal bonus to Initiative checks.
Luxum: Formed from the Dark Side tainted waters of Lake Natth, these crystals provide
a +2 Crystal bonus to Use the Force checks made for any Force power with the Dark Side
descriptor. It also provides a +2 Crystal bonus to defense against any Force power with the Dark
Side descriptor.
Nextor: Also mined in the mountains of M’haeli, Nextor crystals provide a +1 Crystal
bonus to damage, and deal an extra 2 points of damage on a critical hit.
Opila: Opila crystals that have not been refined into Jenraux crystals are also usable in
lightsabers. A lightsaber with an Opila crystal deals an additional 1d4 points of damage on a
critical hit.
Phond: These crystals are the accidental result of impurities in alloy manufacture. The
crystals are capable of channeling extraordinary heat, resulting in a lightsaber blade that actually
sets the air around it on fire. When such a lightsaber strikes its target, the target is set on fire
(assuming the target wears anything flammable, or is flammable itself; note that most modern
armors and survival clothing is at least flame-retardant.) if the damage from the attack exceeds

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the target’s damage threshold. The fire deals 1d4 points of damage per turn, and may be
extinguished by the target dropping prone as a full round action.
Qixoni: Only usable by those with tremendous strength in the Dark Side, the Qixoni
crystals were created millennia ago when a planet was engulfed by its own sun’s supernova. A
character may only attune a Qixoni crystal if his Dark Side Score equals or exceeds half his
Wisdom score, and attuning the crystal increases his Dark Side Score by one. The crystal grants
a +2 Dark Side bonus to the Use the Force skill.
Rubat: Rubat crystals, mined exclusively on the planet Phemis, allow more precise
control over a lightsaber blade. While equipped with a Rubat crystal, a lightsaber gains a +1
Crystal bonus to attack rolls.
Ruusan: Ruusan crystals are found on the planet of the same name. These crystals are
exceptionally strong in the force, perhaps owing to the presence of the Valley of the Jedi, or some
other factor. The character who attuned the gem may, once per day, use his lightsaber as a
meditation focus for one full round, becoming helpless. At the start of his initiative next round, he
regains all Force powers spent so far in the encounter.
Sapith: Excreted from the now-extinct Volice worm of Lwhekk once every eleven
standard years, these crystals are exceedingly rare. They are quite usable in lightsabers,
however, providing a +2 Crystal bonus to Perception checks.
Sigil: Mined in the Sigil system, these crystals are costly but worthy additions to a
lightsaber’s blade. Sigil Crystals double the bonus provided by other lightsaber crystals. For
example, a lightsaber containing a Sigil Crystal and a Krayt Dragon Pearl gets a +4 Crystal bonus
to damage.
Solari: Strongly attuned to the Light Side of the Force, the Solari crystal (and the
lightsaber it is placed in) will cease to function if its owner accumulates a Dark Side Score of one
or higher, and it can only be attuned by a character who’s Dark Side Score is zero. While placed
within a lightsaber, it grants a +2 Light Side bonus to the Use the Force skill.
Stygium Crystals: While most famous for their use in cloaking technology, Stygium
crystals are useful lightsaber crystals. A character with an attuned Stygium crystal in his
lightsaber gains a +2 bonus to Stealth checks.
Upari: Typically found scattered in orbit around heavily forested worlds, Upari crystals
are brittle but versatile. They provide no special benefit unless attuned by a character with at
least one level in the Jedi Master or Sith Lord prestige class. A character with such a level may,
when attuning the crystal, choose to give it a +2 Crystal bonus to any one of the following: attack
rolls, damage rolls, any one defense, or any one skill check.
Ultima Pearl: Found on Mon Calamari, these silvery, lustrous pearls are exceptional
lightsaber gems, though installing one is greatly difficult. Installing an Ultima Pearl adds an
additional +5 to the DC of the Use the Force check to construct a lightsaber, but the Pearl
provides a +2 Crystal bonus to both attack rolls and damage.
Velmorite: These crystals produce a blade perfect for dueling purposes, granting a +2
Crystal bonus on Use the Force checks made for the Block talent.

Crystal Acquisition
Obtaining lightsaber crystals can be difficult in the extreme. Certain gems are only
available on certain planet, some of which no longer exist. As such, finding any gems, let alone a
specific type of gem, can be a daunting task.
The table below will help players and gamemasters figure out just how long and hard a
search will be required for a specific crystal, and also if that crystal would be available for sale,
and if so, for what price.
The type of check made to find a lightsaber crystal varies with the method used to find it.
A character can simply land on an appropriate planet, and start conducting sensor sweeps and
physical searches, using his Perception skill. A character could frequent the cantinas and hit up
contacts for stories of likely crystal caches, making a Gather Information check to piece together
the whereabouts of a crystal or two. A character could also stretch out with his feelings, making a
Use the Force check to allow the Force to guide him to where his new crystal lays in wait.
Crystals can also be synthesized using an appropriate furnace and a supply of raw
material, using a Mechanics check. Synthesized crystals take a –1 die step penalty to

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damage. . . thus, a medium lightsaber using synthesized Adegan Mephite deals 2d6 damage,
instead of 2d8. Special crystals cannot be synthesized. . . at least, not in a capacity that will have
any effect on a lightsaber blade.

Crystal Find DC Create DC Cost Special

Adegan, Kathracite 20 20 5,000
Adegan, Mephite 25 25 7,000
Adegan, Pontite 30 30 10,000
Corusca Gem 40 - 500,000
Durindfire 35 35 5,000
Heart of the - - - Unique
Hurrikaine 35 - 10,000 Can be harvested from the
bodies of slain sapient
natives of the planet
Lambent * - - Can be harvested from
Yuuzhan Vong Lambent
Lava Crystal 40 - 1,000,000
Mantle of the Force - - - Unique
Rainbow Gem 40 - 50,000,000
Sith-Infused - - 5,000 Can only be made using Sith
Synthetic Crystals techniques
Viridian Crystal 50 - 5,000
Barab Ore Ingot 30 - 4,000
Bondar Crystal 35 - 3,000
Damind 30 - 4,000
Dragite 25 - 3,000
Eralam 40 - 50,000
Firkrann 30 - 1,000
Jenraux 25 - 3,000
Kaiburr - - - Almost Unique
Kasha 20 - 500
Krayt Dragon Pearl 35 - 10,000 Can be found by killing a
gutting a Krayt Dragon
Lorrdian 30 - 5,000
Nextor 35 - 5,000
Opila 35 - 3,000
Phond 30 - 7,000
Qixoni 40 - 10,000
Rubat 35 - 5,000
Ruusan 30 - 6,000
Sapith 40 - 5,000
Sigil 35 - 30,000
Solari 40 - 10,000
Stygium 35 - 10,000
Upari 20 - 6,000
Ultima Pearl 35 - 40,000
Velmorite 30 - 3,000

Lightsaber Modifications

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Lightsabers can be modified in one of three ways. . . lenses, emitters, and power cells
can all be modified, in the same manner as edges, grips, and power cells for advanced melee

Cortosis Emitter: Cortosis Emitters prevent a lightsaber’s blade from shutting down
when it encounters cortosis ore or special kinds of cortosis weave.
Deflection Emitter: This emitter produces a blade ideal for blaster bolt deflection,
providing a +2 Equipment bonus to Use the Force checks made for the Deflect talent.
Focused Emitter: This emitter uses vanes that extend up from the hilt of the lightsaber
to increase its power, providing a +1 Equipment bonus to damage.
Stealth Emitter: This emitter reduces a lightsaber’s light and noise dramatically. A user
takes no penalty to Stealth checks for holding an active lightsaber blade.
Dual-Phase Emitter: This emitter allows a lightsaber to alter its length. When this is
added, select one size category larger or smaller then the lightsaber’s normal size. You may
switch between the lightsaber’s normal size and this size as a swift action.

Dueling Lens: This lens focuses a blade in a manner ideal for dueling purposes,
providing a +2 Equipment bonus to Use the Force checks made for the Block talent.
Ssi-Ruuk Lens: Named for the alien race who use the weapons this lens was made to
defeat, Ssi-Ruuk Lenses negate the penalty imposed to use the Deflect talent against paddle
beamer shots, but inflict a -5 penalty to use the Deflect talent against regular blasters.

Power Cells
Switchless Cell: This cell doesn’t connect to an external switch, as with most power
cells. As such, the ability to activate and deactivate the lightsaber is completely internal, and so
can only be accessed by a Force-user. The character who built the lightsaber can
activate/deactivate it as a swift action normally, and any other Force user may do so by making a
DC 15 Use the Force check.

Exotic Ranged Weapons

The signature weapon of the Zeison Sha force tradition, a diskblade is a triangular or
circular bladed weapon, .5 to .75 meter in diameter with an opening in the middle for a handle.
The weapon can be used effectively in melee combat, or thrown at foes.
Weapon Type: Zeison Sha Discblade
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: 500
Damage: 2d4 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Simple Type: Slashing
Weight: 2kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: KoR+

Sith Lanvarok
As with much of Sith technology, the lanvarok is an adaptation of technology the Sith
encountered on their conquests. Originally a Massassi polearm that could be swung at high
speeds to expel metal disks, the Sith converted the idea into something that could be easily
concealed and more easily used to supplement their talents with the force. In combat, a lanvarok
is typically concealed until it is needed, to better catch a foe off guard.
A Sith Lanvarok is worn on the forearm, usually under heavy robes for maximum
concealment, and typically is utilized by the non-lightsaber wielding hand of a Sith duelist. It is

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activated via thumb stud on a retractable handle. While this handle is extended, the arm wielding
the lanvarok may not be used to wield a lightsaber or any other weapon. Extending or retracting
this handle is a swift action.
When activated, a dozen or so metal disks are magnetically propelled from the weapon in
a random and unpredictable pattern. This spray adds a +1 bonus to attacks with the lanvarok
made against targets in point blank range. A skilled user (one with Exotic Weapon Proficiency:
Sith Lanvarok) may, as a swift action taken before the attack, expend one use of Move Object for
this encounter to extend this bonus out to the weapon's maximum range.
Reloading a lanvarok is a time consuming process, involving individually setting the
metallic disks into place by hand. This requires a total of 3 Swift actions, even if you have an
extra set of disks ready on your person. These Swift actions may be taken consecutively, or over
any number of rounds.
Weapon Type: Sith Lanvarok
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: Not available for sale
Damage: 1d6 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: - Rate of Fire: -
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Bashing
Weight: 3kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Licensed Era: UW

Ssi-Ruuk Ion Paddle Beamer

The Ssi-Ruuk Ion Paddle Beamer is an unusual weapon, serving as both a tool to
paralyze entechment victims and a nonlethal sidearm and combat weapon. The paddle beamer
projects an ion beam which disables the nerves of organic beings, paralyzing them. As it’s name
implies, the paddle beamer is paddle-shaped, designed for the three-clawed hands of the Ssi-
Ruuk. The weapon is designed to function using entechment energy, as most all other Ssi-Ruukl
technology, and it’s circuitry is incompatible with galactic standard power sources. Recently, a
Verpine Jedi technician, Gorax, managed to convert a few captured paddle beamers to accept
standard power packs.
The beam from a paddle beamer scrambles nerve signals, and so makes a very effective
stun weapon. The beam also interacts strangely with a lightsaber blade. . . the blade does not
deflect the beam, but rather bends it slightly, making Jedi more vulnerable to the weapon.
Weapon Type: Ssi-Ruuk Ion Paddle Beamer
Proficiency Group: Exotic Cost: Not available for sale
Damage: - Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1/4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Stun
Weight: 3kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 20
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Restrricted Era: Reb/NJO
Notes: This weapon cannot accept a normal power pack, and so must be run off of entechment
energy. During the New Jedi Order, Gorax managed to retune the device to accept a standard
blaster power pack, though the weapon drains the power cell very quickly, requiring 4 power per
shot. When run off regular entechment energy, this weapon uses only 1 power per shot. This
weapon imposes a –5 penalty to Use the Force checks made to use the Deflect talent against it.

Projectile Weapons and Slugthrowers

The Auto-caster is an ancient weapon designed for use by snipers. The repeating crossbow is
very quiet and had excellent aim. It automatically loads the next quarrel into the firing groove,
allowing an emergency second shot in case the first one does not hit.

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Weapon Type: Drolan Plasteel Repeating Crossbow

Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 700
Damage: 2d10 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 20 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Simple Type: Piercing
Weight: 5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Restricted Era: All

Bolt Pistol
The Bolt Pistol is a rapid firing pistol which shoots explosive, rocket propelled rounds called bolts.
These weapons are highly technical to manufacture and require constant maintenance to function
properly. As such, they can be prone to misfires and jams if not taken care of properly. All the
same, they are powerful weapons which are capable of generating massive damage, lots of
noise, and an impressive muzzle flash. They are the weapon of choice for pirates, as their
impressive firing intimidates targets easily, even when they are not aimed at a target.
Weapon Type: Eldar Arms Bolt Pistol
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 1,000
Damage: 3d10 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 20 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Piercing
Weight: 2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 6
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+
Notes: Between uses, the weapon must be cleaned and serviced, requiring 3 hours work and a
Mechanics check (DC 15). If the check is passed, the weapon functions normally. If the check is
failed (or maintenance not performed) the weapon will jam if the attacker rolls a natural 2-5 to hit.
On a natural 1, the weapon misfires, becoming damaged (Mechanics DC 25 to fix with at least
500 credits’ worth of spare parts) and dealing 1d10 damage to the user.

Bolt Rifle
This is a larger version of a Bolt Pistol, using the same technology to deal even more damage.
As with it’s smaller cousin, the weapon must be carefully maintained to avoid the possibly of
catastrophic failure.
Weapon Type: Eldar Arms Bolt Rifle
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 2,000
Damage: 4d10 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 40 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Carbine Type: Piercing
Weight: 7kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/20 Break DC: 12
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+
Notes: Between uses, the weapon must be cleaned and serviced, requiring 4 hours work and a
Mechanics check (DC 20). If the check is passed the weapon functions normally. If the check is
failed (or maintenance not performed) the weapon will jam if the attacker rolls a natural 2-5 to hit.
On a natural 1, the weapon misfires, becoming damaged (Mechanics DC 25 to fix with at least
750 credits’ worth of spare parts) and dealing 2d10 damage to the attacker.

Heavy Bolter
This is an extremely large, unbelievably powerful version of the standard Bolt weapons, used by
some armed forces to attack heavily armored targets, such as tanks, fortifications, and power-
armored assault troops. It’s use against human targets is often considered overkill.
Weapon Type: Eldar Arms Heavy Bolter

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Proficiency Group: Heavy Cost: 5,000

Damage: 5d10 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 60 Rate of Fire: A
Range Category: Heavy Type: Piercing
Weight: 14kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/30 Break DC: 12
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+
Notes: Between uses, the weapon must be cleaned and serviced, requiring 4 hours work and a
Mechanics check (DC 30). If the check is passed the weapon functions normally. If the check is
failed (or maintenance not performed) the weapon will jam if the attacker rolls a natural 2-5 to hit.
On a natural 1, the weapon misfires, becoming damaged (Mechanics DC 40 to fix with at least
1,000 credits’ worth of spare parts) and dealing 3d10 damage to the attacker. This weapon
cannot be braced unless mounted on a tripod.

Slugthrower Modifications


Long Barrel
Effect: Range +5
Cost: 300

Suppressed Barrel
Effect: The wielder suffers no penalty to Stealth checks when firing the weapon.
Cost: 400

Compensator Barrel
Effect: Reduces penalties for Double or Triple Attack feats by 2
Cost: 300


Robust Breech
Effect: The weapon gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.
Cost: 200


Extended Magazine
Effect: Increase ammo capacity by half.
Cost: 500

Energy Weapons

Hold-Out Blasters
Unless noted otherwise, all Hold-out blasters require a custom energy cell to fire. This energy
cell is the same availability as the blaster itself, costs as much as a standard power pack, but only
supplies the listed number of shots. The energy cell can be recharged normally. Unless noted
otherwise, all Hold-out blasters grant a +5 equipment bonus on Stealth checks to conceal them.

Merr-Sonn Model Q2 (Standard Hold-out Blaster)

While BlasTech dominates the market in standard and heavy blaster pistols, Merr-Sonn is the
undisputed king of hold-out blasters, thanks to its highly successful Model Q2. The Q2 is so
prevalent nearly every diplomat, noble, and rich businessman owns and carries one. The design

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is so successful that SoroSuub licensed it from Merr-Sonn to create their own Q2 knockoff, and
design their larger ELG series of “diplomat’s blasters.”
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model Q2
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d4 Stun Damage: 2d4
Energy Cell: 6 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out Type: Energy
Weight: .5kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 2/3 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn Model Q4 “Quickfire”

The Quickfire-4 succeeds where the HSB-200 fails, a hold-out weapon built around a modified
power pack instead of an energy cell. The weapon does more damage and allows for more shots
then any other hold-out, but pays for these advantages in a range that boarders on horrible.
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model Q4 “Quickfire”
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 400
Damage: 3d6 Stun Damage: 2d6
Energy Cell: 20 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out-5 Type: Energy
Weight: .5kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 2/3 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: Reb+

Merr-Sonn Model J1 “Happy Surprise” Palm Blaster

Most Hold-out blasters are designed along the same lines as standard blasters, with a grip,
trigger, and muzzle. The J1 takes a different approach, with a paddle-shaped grip, a muzzle that
protrudes between the user’s first and second fingers, and a thumb plate for a trigger. As such, it
can be held in one hand without drawing much attention.
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model J1
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 360
Damage: 3d4 Stun Damage: -
Energy Cell: 6 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistols Type: Energy
Weight: .5kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 2/3 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+
Note: While held in one hand, this weapon provides a +2 equipment bonus to Stealth checks
made to conceal the weapon, but it only gains a +2 bonus to Stealth checks to conceal it on one’s

BlasTech HSB-200
BlasTech’s entry into the Hold-out market is a near complete failure. Large and clunky for a
weapon described as hold-out, but too small and underpowered for an actual blaster pistol, the
weapon found only a small following.
Weapon Type: BlasTech HSB-200
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 360
Damage: 3d4+2 Stun Damage: 2d4
Energy Cell: 12 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 12
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10

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Availability: Uncommon, Licensed Era: RoE+

Note: This weapon provides no bonus to a Stealth check to conceal it.

Czerka 411
Designed for the Imperial military as a hold-out blaster with extended range, the 411 was widely
used by Imperial officers as backup weapons, as well as by Intelligence operatives on deep-cover
assignments. Early in the Galactic Civil War, the design documents for the weapon, along with
an entire production run, were stolen by Rebel agents, and the 411 quickly became standard-
issue for Rebel espionage agents. The backlash from this event caused Czerka to sign an
exclusivity agreement with the Empire, leading shortly to Czerka’s wholesale nationalization and
the beginning of Imperial Munitions.
Weapon Type: Czerka 411
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d4-1 Stun Damage: 1d4
Energy Cell: 6 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out+2 Type: Energy
Weight: .5kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 5/4 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Common, Military Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn Model B22 “Imperial”

Also called (derogatorily) the Little Emperor, the B22 was designed by Merr-Sonn in response to
an Imperial request for a small, concealable weapon for use by political agents. It success
eventually led to the creation of the Imperial Munitions 22T4. After the Galactic Civil War, it was
released for civilian purchase (its Availability is reduced to Uncommon, Licensed in the NJO era.)
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model B22
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 360
Damage: 3d4+1 Stun Damage: 2d4+2
Energy Cell: 6 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out Type: Energy
Weight: .5kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 2/3 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 8 Damage Threshold: 8
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon provides a +7 equipment bonus to Stealth checks to conceal it.

Imperial Munitions 22T4

Designed for durability and punch, this weapon is standard-issue for every member of the ISB.
Unlike most early Imperial Munitions designs, it was subjected to rigorous quality control
measures, resulting in arguably the best hold-out weapon in the galaxy. A tiny microdot under
the blaster actuator contains a unique serial number. Removing the microdot requires a DC 15
Mechanics check, and inflicts a –1 penalty on attack rolls with the weapon.
Weapon Type: Imperial Munitions 22T4
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d4+2 Stun Damage: -
Energy Cell: 6 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out-2 Type: Energy
Weight: .5kg Size: Tiny
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: Reb+

Sporting Blaster Pistols

Drearian Defense Conglomerate Defender (Standard Sporting Blaster Pistol)

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A standby of sporting blasters since the well before the Clone Wars, this pistol is often passed
from parent to child. Some pistols in service today bear the wear marks of generations of use.
Prominent sights, a long barrel, and a weight and balance designed for target shooting stances
make this the standard by which all other sporting blasters are judged. Additionally, the DDC
Defender can be broken down into three pieces. . . grip, body, and barrel. By punching in a
three-digit code on the weapon’s keypad, the weapon can be disassembled. (This requires one
swift action to type in the code, then a move action to break down the three pieces.)
Reassembling the weapon requires a full-round action (in addition to any actions spent retrieving
the three pieces.)
Weapon Type: DDC Defender
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d4 Stun Damage: 2d4
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+

Luxan Penetrator MB-450

This small blaster packs a punch far out of proportion with its size. Double-series galven circuits
in the barrel compress and focus the blaster beam, resulting in a weapon that deals far more
damage then any other weapon of it’s size. This extra focusing comes at a cost, however. The
thinner, more compact blaster beam is harder to aim, resulting in reduced accuracy.
Weapon Type: Luxan Personal Armaments MB-450 Penetrator
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 4d4 Stun Damage: 1d4
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol-2 Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn Model 6 “Quick 6”

A popular brand of target pistol, the Quick 6’s improved stun setting makes it popular with those
who sometimes prefer to incapacitate, rather then kill, their targets, such as certain game hunters,
scouts, and bounty hunters. Though it is a bit more delicate then most competing sporting
blasters, its light weight makes it an excellent choice for those who need to travel light.
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model 6 “Quick 6”
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d4-1 Stun Damage: 4d4
Power Per Shot: 2 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: .75kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 11
Fort Defense: 5 Damage Threshold: 5
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: RoE+

SoroSuub X-30 “Lancer”

The X-30 represents SoroSuub’s first attempt at concentrating a blaster beam for longer-range
firing. The Lancer is a thin-barreled pistol with a balancing stock, giving it its nickname. The
same technology that went into the lancer later went into SoroSuub’s X-45 sniper rifle. This
blaster’s improved range makes it popular among sport hunters and assassins alike.
Weapon Type: SoroSuub X-30 Lancer
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300

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Damage: 3d4 Stun Damage: 2d4

Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol+5 Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: RoE+

Blaster Pistols

BlasTech DL-18 (Standard Blaster Pistol)

The DL-18 is the most successful blaster pistol design in the galaxy. The perfect mix of range,
durability, firepower, and longevity make this the weapon of choice for any citizen needing a
reliable ranged weapon.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DL-18
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 500
Damage: 3d6 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 12
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+

BlasTech DL-22
The DL-22 was created as a response to the Merr-Sonn DD6, kicking off the infamous “blaster
wars,” in which several different companies continually sought to construct more and more
powerful blasters. The DL-22 is, essentially, a DL-18 with a slightly larger frame and bit more
firepower. The DL-22 has found a small but loyal following with some individuals who want the
compactness of a regular blaster pistol but are interested in dealing as much damage as
Weapon Type: BlasTech DL-22
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 550
Damage: 3d6+2 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: Reb+

These weapons are perfect for those who prefer using blaster pistols in both hands. They’re light
enough to make using one in each hand no strain, and have the best damage of any weapon of
similar size.

Double pistols? Who do you think you are, Jango Fett?

Elmainin Armaments SBP-200

A small-time weapons manufacturer, Elmainian Armaments attempted to enter the Blaster Wars
with this entry, which turned out to only be an inferior knockoff of more popular BlasTech and
Merr-Sonn designs. The weapon is very delicate, and its substandard focusing crystals result in
a beam substantially less powerful then those of blasters offered by the larger companies. EA
eventually wound up selling its units in bulk at discounted prices to customers more interested in

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bargains then in quality weapons. SBP-200s are therefore standard-issue weapons for various
backwater planetary militias.
Weapon Type: EA SBP-200
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 2d6 Stun Damage: 1d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn Model 44
Merr-Sonn’s answer to the DL-18 is really just a knockoff, generic blaster pistol.
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model 44
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 550
Damage: 3d6 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn Model DD6

Merr-Sonn made the Model DD6 after the success of their Model 44, which began to challenge
BlasTech’s supremacy in the pistol and heavy pistol markets. BlasTech’s answer was to create
their DL-22. Shortly after that, every major blaster manufacturer in the galaxy, as well as many
minor ones, began to create ever more powerful blaster pistols, each trying to outdo the other in
what became known as the “Blaster Wars.”
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model DD6
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 550
Damage: 3d6+1 Stun Damage: 2d6+1
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: Reb+

Merr-Sonn Model 434 “Deathhammer”

The Model 434 earned its nickname from bounty hunters who appreciated the weapons durability
and stopping power. Nearly large and heavy enough to be considered a heavy blaster pistol, the
weapon’s power ratings sneak in under the cap for a blaster pistol, making it legal in most star
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model 434
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 650
Damage: 3d6+2 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol-2 Type: Energy
Weight: 1.2kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn IR-5 “Intimidator”

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This singular blaster pistol is large and angular. . . bigger then most heavy blasters, in point of
fact. What makes the weapon unique is its fully-automatic setting. Sacrificing stopping power for
rate-of-fire, the IR-5 is basically the only full-auto blaster pistol ever made.
Weapon Type: Luxan Personal Armaments MB-450 Penetrator
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 750, +200 for retractable stock
Damage: 2d6 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 15
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+

SoroSuub ELG-3A “Diplomat’s Blaster”

These sleek, elegant weapons are a common sight for nobles, royals, bodyguards, and others for
whom a slender, attractive, concealable weapon is more important then one with incredible
firepower. The weapon is specifically calibrated to deal better then average stun damage,
making it the perfect option when violence is required, but killing is out of the question.
Weapon Type: SoroSuub ELG-3A
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d6 Stun Damage: 3d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: ,5kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Licensed Era: RoE+

COMPNOR Stun Blaster Pistol

This stun pistol was given to the elite leaders of COMPNOR SAGroups after their loyalty has
been proven. While not very useful in combat, these pistols are useful for self-defense,
disciplining other SAGroup members, and gives the youth a sense of importance and belonging
in the Empire.
Weapon Type: COMPNOR Stun Blaster
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 300
Damage: - Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon only has a stun setting, but its stun setting is effective out to its normal range.

Imperial Munitions/BlasTech KK-5 Blaster Pistol

Designed by BlasTech but produced by nationalized factories lumped under the bureaucratic
heading of Imperial Munitions, the KK-5 is the standard sidearm for most Imperial officers. Based
on popular DL-18, the KK-5 was billed as the superior weapon, though this was rarely the case.
Weapon Type: Imperial Munitions KK-5
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 550
Damage: 3d6+1 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10

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Availability: Common, Military Era: Reb+

Imperial Munitions/SoroSuub SC-4 Blaster Pistol

Designed by SoroSuub and produced by Imperial Munitions, the SC-4 was sold or gifted to
“important” individuals requiring “special” protection. Unbeknownst to most of these important
people, the SC-4 was equipped with a special locator beacon, allowing Imperial tracking systems
to pinpoint any specific SC-4 pistol with almost no effort. Some pistols were modified to carry
explosive charges in their handles; these pistols were frequently “allowed” to fall into Rebel
Weapon Type: Imperial Munitions SC-4
Proficiency Group: Pistol Cost: 550
Damage: 3d6 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.2kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 15
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Licensed Era: Reb+
Note: The weapon is equipped with a tracking device that records all firings of the weapon, and
transmits it to any Imperial tracking system within range. The tracking system can also pinpoint
the weapon’s location with a DC 5 Use Computer check.

DC-15s Blaster Pistol

The DC-15s Blaster Pistol was designed as the main sidearm for the Clone Troops of the Old
Republic. This lightweight blaster was designed for use in either hand, as many clones
(especially elite ARC troopers) preferred to follow Jango Fett’s example and use two pistols in
battle. Those that didn’t, however, demanded maximum firepower per single shot. The design
was an attempt to please all, and worked rather well.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DC-15s Blaster Pistol
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 4,000
Damage: 2d12 Stun Damage: 2d10
Power Per Shot: 2 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Restricted Era: RoE+

Heavy Blaster Pistols

BlasTech DL-44 (Standard Heavy Blaster Pistol)

The DL-44 is the standard for heavy blaster pistol technology. While all heavy blaster pistols are
heavily restricted, to the point of being illegal for non-military use in most star systems, the DL-44
finds its way into the hands of smugglers, pirates, mercenaries, rebels, and anyone looking for a
reliable weapon with considerable punch.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DL-44
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 750
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.3kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Restricted Era: RoE+

BlasTech DL-6H Heavy Blaster Pistol

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BlasTech was able to finally make a heavy blaster pistol that not only gave the user the firepower
of a standard heavy blaster pistol, but also had the range of a BlasTech DL-18. It is only a bit
larger than the standard pistol frame, making the pistol easy to disguise. The weapon is illegal or
heavily restricted in many systems.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DL-6H Heavy Blaster Pistol
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 800
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 5 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 12
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+

BlasTech DT-12
The DT-12 was designed solely for firepower, sacrificing weight and long-range accuracy for
improved punch. Built with a larger then normal trigger grip, it is a popular model among those
whose hands deviate significantly from the humanoid standard. The bounty hunter Greedo used
a DT-12, a fact that loyal users of the DL-44 never tire of telling others.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DT-12
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 800
Damage: 3d8+2 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 5 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out Type: Energy
Weight: 2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/7 Break DC: 17
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: Reb+

Yeah, Greedo used a DT-12. Look where it got him. The DL-44 reigns supreme!

Yeah, sure. My and me DL-6H’ll wipe that grin off your face.

BlasTech DY-225
The DY-225 was designed with an impressive stun setting in mind. BlasTech was hoping to use
the DY-225 to improve the image of heavy blaster pistols in the galaxy at large (and thus, lift
some of the heavy restrictions regarding them.) Though the DY-225 was a failure in this regard,
its improved stun setting has made it popular with both police forces looking for nonlethal
methods and kidnappers.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DY-225
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 300
Damage: 3d8-2 Stun Damage: 3d8
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.3kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 15
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: RoE+

BlasTech T-6 Thunderer

When SoroSuub debuted their Renegade, billed as the most powerful blaster pistol on the
market, BlasTech began designs on the Thunderer. When the weapon was unveiled and
demonstrated before representatives from Merr-Sonn and SoroSuub, the two rival companies
ceded the victory to BlasTech, who emerged “King of the Blaster Wars.”

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Weapon Type: BlasTech T-6 Thunderer

Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 900
Damage: 3d10 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 5 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-Out+2 Type: Energy
Weight: 2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 17
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: Reb+

Merr-Sonn Model 4 “Flash 4”

The Flash 4 was made to directly compete with BlasTech’s ubiquitous DL-44. Essentially the
same weapon, the Flash 4 sold successfully enough to make Merr-Sonn a serious rival to
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model 4
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 750
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.3kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Restricted Era: RoE+

Merr-Sonn Model 5 “Power 5”

The Power 5 was Merr-Sonn’s second foray into the heavy blaster pistol market, which had been
dominated by BlasTech until the Merr-Sonn Model 4 proved they could compete with the popular
DL-44. Lighter and little more delicate then the DL-44 or Flash 4, the Power 5 is popular among
beings of smaller stature who still want considerable firepower.
Weapon Type: Merr-Sonn Model 5
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 825
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.1kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 11
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Restricted Era: RoE+

SoroSuub Kylan-3
The Kylan-3 was designed as part of the infamous Blaster Wars, in which several companies
tried to build the hardest-hitting blaster pistols ion the galaxy. The weapon, jokingly nicknamed
the “Sullustan Blaster Rifle,” was eventually overshadowed by the BlasTech DT-12, which was
eventually overshadowed by the SoroSuub Renegade, which was eventually overshadowed by
the BlasTech T-6 Thunderer.
Weapon Type: SoroSuub Kylan-3
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 750
Damage: 3d8+1 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.7kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 17
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Restricted Era: RoE+

SoroSuub Security S-5

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A multipurpose weapon, the S-5 is designed to offer many options in one weapon. As a result, it
excels in no one area, but the versatility it offers makes it popular with certain security, police, and
paramilitary forces, such as Naboo’s Security Volunteers.
Weapon Type: SoroSuub Security S-5
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 750
Damage: 3d8-2 Stun Damage: 2d8+2
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 17
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Military Era: RoE+

Weapon Type: S5 Dart Launcher

Damage: 3d4 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Pistol Type: Piercing
Note: Can use special dart ammunition (see Darts in the Slugthrower section.)

Weapon Type: S5 Grappling Spike Launcher

Damage: 1d8 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Hold-out Type: Piercing
Note: Contains a liquid cable dispenser attached to a grappling spike. The spike can be fired at
a wall, ceiling, or other object. The character may then use the weapon’s winch to haul himself to
that object as a full-round action. See Liquid Cable Dispenser (Page 138 of the Star Wars Saga
Edition Core Rulebook) for more details.

SoroSuub Renegade
Billed as the most powerful blaster pistol of its day, the Renegade’s day ended with the invention
of the BlasTech T-6 Thunderer. The Renegade still sees a lot of use, especially among pirates,
smugglers, and other disreputables who feel the need to have the biggest gun in the room.
Weapon Type: SoroSuub Renegade
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 750
Damage: 3d8+3 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol-1 Type: Energy
Weight: 2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 15
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: RoE+

Imperial Munitions Heavy Blaster Pistol

Imperial Munitions stole the design for the BlasTech DL-44 and created their own version,
squeezing just a bit more power out of their version, without sacrificing range or capacity.
Resembling a sleeker DL-44, the Imperial Munitions Heavy Blaster pistol was a favorite of front-
line officers.
Weapon Type: Imperial Munitions HR-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 1,000
Damage: 3d8+2 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.3kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Military Era: RoE+

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The BlasTech DE-10 is a favorite among bounty hunters and gunslingers. Streamlined,
intimidating, and powerful, this weapon does have a few small drawbacks. It’s customized power
cell is hard to obtain and takes longer to change then those of most common blaster designs. It
also has one of the slowest fire rates of any recent blaster design. Lastly, it lacks a stun setting,
meaning anyone drawing this weapon intends to kill. . . though this isn’t necessarily seen as a
drawback by those who favor the weapon.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DE-10
Proficiency Group: Pistols Cost: 2,000
Damage: 3d8+3 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 5 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Pistol Type: Energy
Weight: 1.2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Illegal Era: RoE+
Notes: This weapon requires a special power pack, which costs twice as much as a standard
power pack. Replacing the power pack requires a standard action, instead of a move action.
The Double Attack and Triple Attack feats cannot be used with this weapon.

Blaster Carbines
Unless noted otherwise, all blaster carbines feature a retractable stock. For full rules on
retractable stocks, see page 125 of the Star Wars Saga Edition Core Rulebook

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BlasTech DH-17 (Standard Blaster Carbine)

One of the most widely used blaster carbines in the galaxy, the DH-17 is the standard-issue
sidearm of Imperial Navy Troopers, and is likewise found in the hands of Rebel soldiers, scouts,
mercenaries, and survivalists.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DH-17
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 900
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Carbine Type: Energy
Weight: 2.2kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Common, Restricted Era: RoE+

DC-15M Blaster Carbine

To increase the amount of blasterfire clone troopers could put downrange, BlasTech radically
redesigned the DC-15 Rifle, creating a carbine that, while lacking the punch of the larger rifle,
was lighter, more compact, and able to spew forth a withering hail of blaster fire. Massed fire
from DC-15 carbines proved able to shred through heavily armored battle droids, drain destroyer
droid shield generators, and mow down formations of regular infantry droids. Many of the design
features of the DC-15 were implemented in the E-11 blaster rifle, which SoroSuub shamelessly
stole to create the Stormtrooper-1 blaster rifle.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DC-15M
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 6,000
Damage: 2d6 Stun Damage: 2d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: A
Range Category: Carbine Type: Energy
Weight: 3kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: RoE+
Note: When using the Double or Triple Attack feats with this weapon, you gain one additional
attack. When using the Burst of Fire feat with this weapon, you deal +3 dice of damage.

N’Gant-Zarvel 9118 Heavy Carbine

Produced by Rodians, this heavy-stocked carbine was designed with an eye toward hunting,
though it is just as useful in both the wilderness and urban settings. Boba Fett uses a heavily
modified 9118. His personal modifications render the weapon nearly unrecognizable, to the point
where Elmainin Armaments manufactures a knockoff called the EE3, billed as “the bounty
hunter’s choice.”
Weapon Type: N’Gant-Zarvel 9118 Carbine
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 6,000
Damage: 3d8+1 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Carbine Type: Energy
Weight: 2.7kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 14
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: RoE+
This weapon’s stock is not retractable.

Elmainin Armaments EE3

Built from visual observations of Boba Fett’s modified N’Gant-Zarvel 9118, the EE3 was billed as
the “bounty hunter’s choice” in an attempt by the struggling Elmainin Armaments corporation to
cash in on Fett’s infamy. The company went bankrupt anyway, and many think that’s a good

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thing. . . no one is certain which would have been worse: dealing with an angry Rodian weapons
manufacturing firm, or facing Boba Fett’s wrath when he discovered the company attempting to
cash in on his reputation.
Weapon Type: EA EE3 Carbine
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 6,000
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 3d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Carbine-5 Type: Energy
Weight: 2.5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 14
Availability: Rare, Restricted Era: Reb+
This weapon’s stock is not retractable.

Blaster Rifles
Like blaster carbines, all blaster rifles have a retractable stock unless noted otherwise.

SoroSuub Stormtrooper One/BlasTech E-11 “Freedom One” (Standard Blaster Rifle)

Essentially the same weapon, BlasTech designed the E-11 based on the success of the DC-15
blaster carbine. SoroSuub shamelessly stole the design when contracted by the Empire to create
a new blaster rifle for the Imperial Stormtroopers, doing little more then renaming it the
“Stormtrooper One.” After the New Republic installed itself on Coruscant, BlasTech began
reproducing the E-11 under the name “Freedom One,” and began equipping New Republic troops
with it. The E-11/Stormtrooper One/Freedom One is the most common model of blaster rifle in
the galaxy. Though ownership is generally restricted to military or police forces, it is not difficult to
obtain these weapons in a less-then-legal fashion.
Weapon Type: BlasTech E-11 “Freedom One”/SoroSuub Stormtrooper One
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 1,000
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 4.5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12
Availability: Prevalent, Military Era: Reb+

DC-15L Blaster Rifle

The DC-15L was the blaster rifle made for the Clone Troopers of the Old Republic. A large,
powerful, and accurate weapon, it was designed for every situation a trooper could encounter.
Unfortunately, the weapon’s relatively low fire rate was ineffective at draining the shields of
certain Separatist units, specifically the destroyer droid. While the rifle could punch clean through
a super battle droid, it’s low fire rate proved a hindrance when dealing with massed formations of
regular battle droids, against which this weapon was sheer overkill. By the end of the Clone
Wars, the DC-15L rifle had been phased out in favor of the rapid-fire DC-15M Carbine, though the
larger rifle still found work as a fire support weapon among certain clone squads.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DC-15L
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 7,000
Damage: 4d8 Stun Damage: 3d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 6kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 18
Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: RoE+
Note: This weapon’s stock is not retractable, and so does not benefit from the retractable stock

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DC-17m Interchangeable Weapons System

The DC-17m was a design based on the DC-15 Rifle carried by most clone troopers, and in many
ways was the forerunner of the DC-15 carbine. The DC-17m was a smaller, more compact
weapon then the DC-15, and had a unique system whereby different attachments could alter the
weapon’s abilities and role on the battlefield. The default configuration is a rapid-fire blaster rifle,
but the barrel can be switched out to create an effective sniper rifle or anti-armor mortar.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DC17m
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 20,000
Damage: 3d8+3 Stun Damage: 3d6
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 5.5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: RoE+
Notes: You can switch between the repeating blaster, sniper, and anti-armor attachments as a
full-round action. The weapon becomes Large when either the sniper or anti-armor attachments
are used, and the weapon’s weight increases by the weight of the attachment.

DC-17S Sniper Rifle Attachment

Weapon Type: DC-17 Attachment
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: (See above)
Damage: 3d10 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 10 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Long Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 1kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: RoE+
Notes: When you aim with this attachment, you gain two extra dice of damage. These extra dice
are lost if using the Rapid Shot feat, but do stack with dice gained from the Deadeye feat. The
DC-17’s stock must be extended to use this attachment.

DC-17A Anti-Armor Attachment

Weapon Type: DC-17 Attachment
Proficiency Group: Heavy Cost: (See above)
Damage: 6d8 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Heavy Type: Energy and Slashing
Weight: 2kg Size: Small
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: RoE+
Note: This weapon has a splash radius of two squares. Shells for this weapon cost 300 credits
and weigh 1kg. It takes a full-round action to reload this attachment.

BlasTech 500 “Espo” Riot Gun

The BlasTech 500 was designed using a similar philosophy to the DC-15M, but even more so. In
essence, the 500 simply seeks to hose out as much blasterfire as possible with the theory that, if
you fire enough shots, you’ll eventually hit something. The 500 is manufactured exclusively in the
Corporate Sector, where the CSA’s special police force, the Espos, use it to quell riots. Espos
typically spray fully-automatic fire from this weapon, taking full advantage of it’s “spray and pray”
design philosophy.
Weapon Type: BlasTech 500 Riot Gun
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 1,000

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Damage: 3d6 Stun Damage: 2d6

Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Carbine Type: Energy
Weight: 4.5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 16
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Specialized, Military Era: Reb+
Note: When used in autofire mode, the autofire penalty is reduced by one. When used in single
shot mode, the character takes a –2 penalty to all attack checks.

BlasTech DLT20A
The DLT20A was a common long-range blaster rifle, designed for use by mounted troops. It is
larger and heavier then later blaster rifles, but has a significant range advantage over most other
blaster rifles. Design elements of the DLT20A were incorporated into the DC-15L, and even later
into the A280, the standard Rebel rifle at the Battle of Hoth.
Weapon Type: BlasTech DLT20A
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 1,300
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 1 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Long Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 7kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 18
Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12
Availability: Common, Military Era: RoE+

BlasTech Firespray DL-87

Probably the first breakthrough in blaster technology in centuries, the Firespray is just that. . . a
weapon that sprays forth blaster bolts in an arc, intending to hit as many targets with one shot as
possible. Despite this advantage, the blaster was rejected for Imperial Naval service. . . its fire
rate was deemed too slow for Imperial combat doctrine.
Weapon Type: BlasTech Firespray DL-87
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 1,000
Damage: 3d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 20 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Special Type: Energy
Weight: 4.5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 18
Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon fires in a six-square cone. Make a single attack roll, and compare it against
the Reflex defense of all characters in the cone. If the attack roll exceeds a character’s Reflex
defense, they take full damage, if not, they take only half. The weapon can only be fired once
every other round.

Merr-Sonn Deck-Sweeper
Taking (some say stealing) the technology of the Firespray, Merr-Sonn created their own version,
though it’s intended primarily to stun, rather then kill, as many people as possible. Like the
Firespray, the Deck-Sweeper was rejected by the Imperial military, though police forces and
pirates alike would kill to get their hands on them.
Weapon Type: BlasTech Firespray DL-87
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 1,000
Damage: 1d8 Stun Damage: 3d8
Power Per Shot: 20 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Special Type: Energy
Weight: 4.5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 18

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Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12

Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon fires in a six-square cone. Make a single attack roll, and compare it against
the Reflex defense of all characters in the cone. If the attack roll exceeds a character’s Reflex
defense, they take full damage, if not, they take only half. The weapon can only be fired once
every other round.

Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

Highly illegal, the Tenloss Disruptor rifle is a favored weapon among pirates and vicious bounty
hunters. It is a molecular disruptor, meaning that it weakens, or even destroys, the bonds holding
molecules together. At low charges, it can disrupt molecules enough to be slightly more fatal
than the average blaster. At high energy levels, it can be instantly fatal, or even completely
disintegrate it’s target.
Weapon Type: Tenloss DXR-8 Disruptor Rifle
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 5,000
Damage: 3d10/6d10/12d10 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 5/10/20 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/5 Break DC: 10
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Illegal Era: Reb+
Note: The weapon does 3d10 damage if fired as a standard action, using 5 power per shot. If
the user spends a swift action to charge the weapon, it inflicts twice this damage (6d10) and uses
10 power per shot. If the user expends two swift actions charging the weapon, it deals twice the
previous damage (12d10) and uses 20 power per shot. If a character is killed by a shot from this
weapon at the 12d10 damage setting, the character and all equipment on his person is

Imperial Repeater
This fearsome personal weapon is a scaled-down version of the Dark Trooper Assault Cannon.
Introduced shortly before the Battle of Hoth, this weapon is only being issued to Elite
Stormtrooper units, where it is slowly gaining acceptance. The weapon uses six rotating barrels
and a unique blaster actuator to achieve fully automatic fire. However, the weapon does not fire
as quickly as the Assault Cannon, and the damage of each individual shot had to be drastically
reduced as the smaller casing forced radical redesigns of the cooling system. The ability to mow
down a full Rebel squad more then makes up for these deficiencies, however.
Weapon Type: IR-5 Imperial Repeater
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 3,000
Damage: 2d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 2 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 5kg Size: Medium
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 12
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+
Note: When using the Double or Triple Attack feats with this weapon, you gain an additional
attack. When using the Burst of Fire feat with this weapon, you take only a –3 penalty to your
attack roll.

I can't fathom why anyone would ever want to use one of these. They have inferior ammo
capacity, no stopping power, overheat like mad, and let everyone in the area know where you
are. I say don't waste the cash, buy something with more finesse.


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Spoken like an amateur. I've owned one of these since they came out, I pried it out of the cold,
dead hands of an Elite Stormtrooper. Next to my lightsaber, it's the best weapon I've ever owned.
When you absolutely, positively have to take down every single flarging person in the room,
accept no substitutes.

Best weapon next to his lightsaber, huh? Well, there’s no accounting for taste.

Heavy Blaster Rifles

Unlike Blaster Rifles and Blaster Carbines, the stocks of Heavy Blaster Rifles are not retractable
unless noted otherwise.

Imperial Munitions StarAnvil Heavy Blaster Rifle (Standard Heavy Blaster Rifle)
Designed to put the last word in firepower in the hands of Imperial troops, the StarAnvil is
considered by some to be the ultimate blaster rifle. Dealing heavy damage with good accuracy,
the weapon makes the Empire’s already formidable Stormtroopers even more formidable.
Weapon Type: Imperial Munitions StarAnvil
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 2,000
Damage: 3d10 Stun Damage: 2d10
Power Per Shot: 2 Rate of Fire: S, A
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 6kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/15 Break DC: 18
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+

BlasTech A280
Developed shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the A280 is one of the most powerful blaster rifles in
the galaxy. The weapon was highly sought after by the Rebellion, and a daring raid on a cargo
convoy netted them a sizable number of these weapons, which became the standard-issue
blaster rifle of Rebel soldiers on Hoth. The weapon is powerful enough to nearly cut a fully-
armored stormtrooper in half, though it failed to make more then a fist-sized dent in the armor of
the massive AT-AT.
Weapon Type: BlasTech A280
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 1,400
Damage: 4d8 Stun Damage: 2d8
Power Per Shot: 2 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Rifle+10 Type: Energy
Weight: 6.5kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 18
Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+

Exotac Arms Predator Blaster Rifle

The Predator is an experimental weapon, with only three prototypes in existence. Two are
undergoing testing at Exotac labs, while a galactic big game hunter named Kaori Batta got the
call to handle the field evaluation. It is a large, cumbersome weapon that must strapped across
one’s back when not in use. However, it’s devastating damage and precision targeting system
more than makes up for the added weight, especially when a huge beast is bearing down on you
at full speed.
Weapon Type: Exotac Arms Predator
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 5,000
Damage: 5d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 10 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 10kg Size: Large

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DR/HP: 5/15 Break DC: 18

Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Restricted Era: NJO+
Note: This blaster features an advanced dual-laser targeting system, providing the user with a +2
equipment bonus to ranged attacks with the weapon, no other sights or scopes may be added.
The weapon must be fully braced by the user before firing, requiring a move action. This weapon
doesn’t exist, not even on datafile, until after the Battle of Endor. The prototypes are not
constructed until near the end of Thrawn’s campaign against the New Republic. The weapon is
finally available for sale just at the beginning of the New Jedi Order period.

Concussion Rifle
While not technically a blaster, the concussion rifle is similar in build and function to a large,
powerful blaster rifle. Using plasma energy encased in sonic “shells”, the concussion rifle
delivers punishing explosive damage. The weapon is capable of killing targets wearing up to
medium armor with it’s splash damage, and a direct hit can kill all but the most heavily armored
troops. A concussion rifle may mount up to two power packs, each powering the weapon for
twenty-five shots. The weapon may also be hooked up to a fusion generator, allowing unlimited
Weapon Type: CN-20 Concussion Rifle
Proficiency Group: Rifles Cost: 4,000
Damage: 6d8 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 4 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Carbine Type: Energy
Weight: 10kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/20 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 12 Damage Threshold: 12
Availability: Rare, Illegal Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon may mount up to two standard power packs. This weapon has a splash
radius of 2 squares.

This weapon is AMAZING. I’ve seen a guy fire it into a squad of 12 stormtroopers. There was a
loud, banging whirr sound, and brilliant flash of blue light. When it was over, all the stormtroopers
lay on the ground, 10 meters from the blast, their armor smoking. Too bad for my bud one of the
stormtroopers got a shot off at him. So I took his CN-20. Love this gun.

Blaster Upgrades


Amplifying Chamber
Effect: The weapon deals +2 damage.
Cost: 500

Mandalorian Chamber
Effect: The weapon deals +1d4 additional damage, and consumes an additional power
per shot.
Cost: 1,000

Precision Chamber
Effect: The wielder of the weapon gains a +1 equipment bonus to attack rolls.
Cost: 300


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Sealed Emitter
Effect: The weapon gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.
Cost: 300

Power Cells

Stun Cell
Effect: The weapon gains one additional die to its stun damage
Cost: 400

Ion Cell
Effect: The weapon’s stun damage become Ion damage.
Cost: 200

Heavy Weapons

BlasTech Auto Blaster

The auto blaster is the last word in mobile infantry support. This lightweight, compact blaster
spits out streams of fire at opponents, mowing down approaching infantry. Designed to be run by
one trooper, this weapon is ideal for providing a withering hail of cover fire while other troops
advance, and for mowing down formations of troopers.
Weapon Type: BlasTech E-231A AutoBlaster
Proficiency Group: Heavy Cost: 4,000
Damage: 3d10 Stun Damage: -
Power Per Shot: 2 Rate of Fire: A
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 10kg Size: Huge
DR/HP: 5/20 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon is mounted on a stabilized frame and harness. To drop the weapon, the
character must disengage the harness, requiring a full-round action. The harness reduces
Autofire penalties by 2 (so bracing the weapon before firing inflicts no penalty.)

Lightweight? Compact? In a nerf’s eye!! This thing makes a T-21 look like a hold-out. In case
you didn’t know, this is actually an E-Web repeating blaster scaled down to be man-portable. A
nice feat of engineering, but still WAY too bulky and inefficient to be used in mainline combat.
Basically, this is only useful in squad-level battles. . . one of your guys lugs this around and
sprays blaster fire in the general direction of anything that moves, while everyone else shoots for
targets. If all you want is massed firepower, look for an Imperial Repeater or rotary carbine.

Rail Launcher
The Rail Launcher was devised by some extremely militant Sluissi who wanted to create the
ultimate anti-personnel projectile weapon: a rifle-sized rocket launcher with thermal detonator
Weapon Type: SluisVan Armaments Corporation Rail Launcher
Proficiency Group: Heavy Cost: 4,000
Damage: 6d8 Stun Damage: -
Ammunition: 5 Rate of Fire: S
Range Category: Rifle Type: Energy
Weight: 10kg Size: Large
DR/HP: 5/10 Break DC: 14
Fort Defense: 10 Damage Threshold: 10
Availability: Rare, Military Era: Reb+
Note: This weapon launches thermal detonators with a 4-square burst radius.

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Weapon Accessories

Electronic Blaster Sighting System

This small electronic device fits on the barrel of a blaster and projects a small holographic
crosshairs about 1 meter in front of the barrel, allowing much greater accuracy when firing.
Unfortunately, at night the glowing holoprojection can make the user easy to spot. Attaching this
device to a ranged weapon requires a Mechanics check (DC 10) and five minutes of work.
Type: SoroSuub True-Site System
Weight: .25kg Cost: 500
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: RoE+
Effect: This device provides a +5 equipment bonus to ranged attack checks with the weapon on
which it is mounted. While using this device, you do not gain the benefit of concealment from
lighting conditions or smoke, fog, etc. The device can be turned on or off as a swift action.

The main drawback to this sight is it’s visibility. . . but if you are fortunate enough to belong to a
race that sees in spectrums other then egotistically-named “visible light,” you can retune the
hologram so that only you can see it!

Sighting Macroscope
The Merr-Sonn Targeter Ranging Scope is theoretically sold to the target-shooting and
competition-marksmanship market, but it is in reality an outstanding macroscope for military
applications. It must be mounted on the weapon to be fired to function: This requires a Repair
check (DC 10) and five minutes of work.
Type: Merr-Sonn Targeter Ranging Scope
Weight: .5kg Cost: 750
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+
Effect: When Aiming, this device removes all range penalties.

Ultrasonic Sighting System

Unlike optical, infrared, or laser targeting systems, the Novaless Soni-Optics Target
Imager uses twin ultrasonic beams to build an image of the target even in poor lighting conditions
or around distracting heat sources. As such, it is not affected by sudden bursts of light or heat
(which can "blind" other scopes). Mounting the scope requires a Repair check (DC 10) and five
minutes of work.
Type: Novaless Soni-Optic Target Imager
Weight: .25kg Cost: 800
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed Era: RoE+
Effect: This device negates all concealment bonuses when firing on a target.

Grenades and Explosives

Dare to be Stupid

Blaster Power Pack Bomb

Positive Flow Detonator and Negative Flow Coupler Bomb

Light Armor

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Camo Armor
As a form of passive defense, this lightweight type of body-glove armor relies on boosting the
wearers chances of remaining hidden as the primary means of survival. The camo field unit
generates a small holographic distortion field that mimics the nearby terrain (trees, brush, sand,
and so forth.)
Armor: Creshaldyne Industries Light Scout Armor
Armor Type: Light Cost: 1,500
Reflex Defense: +2 Fortitude Bonus: -
Maximum Dex Bonus: +8 Weight: 5kg
Speed, 6 sq: 6 Speed, 4 sq: 4
Availability: Uncommon, illegal Era: Reb+
Notes: This armor allows a character to make Stealth checks even if he lacks cover or
concealment. It also provides a +5 bonus to Stealth checks if the character remains stationary.

Reflect Body Glove

A lightweight modification of a standard environmental body suit used to control body
heat and cooling. Typically worn next to the skin, this wraparound synthetic covering is
impregnated with a combination of reflective materials that help abate the blast effects of energy
weapons. It is intended for use as a readily disposable system, capable of absorbing a limited
amount of damage before being discarded.
These can be worn underneath ordinary armor, providing a little extra protection against
shots that would otherwise penetrate. Reflect body gloves are illegal except for military and law
enforcement personnel.
Armor: Syncronics ENVC-370 Body Glove
Armor Type: Light Cost: 4,000
Reflex Defense: - Fortitude Bonus: -
Maximum Dex Bonus: +8 Weight: 3kg
Speed, 6 sq: 6 Speed, 4 sq: 4
Availability: Uncommon, illegal Era: Reb+
Notes: This armor may be worn under any other suit of armor with no penalty. It provides DR
10/Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing. When the armor has reduced damage from five attacks, it is
rendered useless.

Yautalor Hunter's Armor

This armor, while incredibly sparse, offers outstanding protection. It is often exquisitely
sculpted, and is always molded to fit the wearer. No one besides the owner can wear this armor
unless it has been resized by a Yautalor warrior-artisan.
Armor: Yautalor Hunter’s Armor
Armor Type: Light Cost: 1,000-5,000 (varies by Clan and workmanship)
Reflex Defense: +6 Fortitude Bonus: -
Maximum Dex Bonus: +6 Weight: 20kg
Speed, 6 sq: 6 Speed, 4 sq: 4
Availability: Specialized, Restricted Era: Reb+

This is the first armor I wore when I became a hunter. I wore it over a Combat Jumpsuit, under
which I had a Reflect Body Glove. Not only does the armor make you look mysterious and
formidable (I actually think I was more intimidating wearing this then my Mandalorian), but it
provides excellent protection. Sure, it doesn't cover your whole body, but it does protect the
areas you're most likely to get shot in.

Not only that, but with a good tech and lot of credits, you can do some serious upgrading. The
forearms of the armor are designed to hook up to Yautalor Wrist blades; it only takes a minor
modification for it to accept a more useful weapon. In addition, the helmet can be modified to

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include flash suppressors, air filters, comlinks, and even targeting sensors. Add a few power
packs and air tanks, and you've got great insurance against flash canisters and gas grenades.
Just make sure the parts you buy are REALLY small.

The Neuro-Saav Predator is perfect for that.

Yeah, like I said, really small.

Medium Armor

Coynite Battle Armor

This bulky suit includes a helmet and is made from the stands of walt’sor plants, found
only on Coyn. Despite the suit’s rather humble origins, it provides excellent protection against
physical and energy attacks. Typically, Coynite Battle armor is not available to offworlders,
though it is in high demand among shockboxers and other participants in high-contact sporting
Armor: Coynite Battle Armor
Armor Type: Medium Cost: 3,000
Reflex Defense: +8 Fortitude Bonus: +2
Maximum Dex Bonus: +3 Weight: 12kg
Speed, 6 sq: 4 Speed, 4 sq: 3
Availability: Specialized, Restricted Era: Reb+

Elite Stormtrooper armor

When the Emperor formed his Elite Stormtrooper squads, he wanted them not only to be
the best trained, most deadly stormtroopers in the galaxy, but also the best equipped. He
ordered several military hardware corporations to take every piece of stormtrooper equipment,
and make it better. This resulted in the Imperial Munitions StarAnvil Heavy Blaster Rifle, the
Imperial Repeater, and the Elite Stormtrooper armor. Using radically advanced materials and
new molding techniques, this armor protects better then standard stormtrooper armor, while also
being less restrictive to movement. The helmet of the armor was also fitted with targeting
sensors, and the suit was also sealed to provide protection in vacuum. Unfortunately, problems
in manufacturing (and a few small Rebel attacks) caused the Elite Stormtrooper units to get their
new armor almost a year later than promised. . . just in time for the Battle of Endor.
Armor: Imperial Munitions Heavy Stormtrooper Armor
Armor Type: Medium Cost: Not available for sale
Reflex Defense: +8 Fortitude Bonus: +4
Maximum Dex Bonus: +3 Weight: 12kg
Speed, 6 sq: 4 Speed, 4 sq: 3
Availability: Rare, Illegal Era: NR
Notes: Provides a +5 equipment bonus to Perception checks, low-light vision, and an integrated
comlink, as well as a +2 equipment bonus to ranged attacks.

I tell ya, Elite Stormtroopers wearing this armor are some of the scariest things in the galaxy,
especially when they're cradling an Imperial Repeater or a StarAnvil in their hands. Precise firing,
fast movement, and good weapons make these guys a lot more deadly then regular
stormtroopers. Not only that, but you need at least a DL-44, and probably a Thunderer to crack
this stuff open. The problem is made worse by the fact that you often can't tell an Elite
Stormtrooper from a regular until he starts shooting. By then, it's often too late.


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Tell me about it, brother. I've seen to many of my pals get vaped by these guys to take any
Imperial Stormtroopers lightly anymore. Whenever I see one of those white-armored gimps, I
assume they’re Elites and open up with the biggest blamed gun I can find.

Heavy Armor
Katarn-class armor
A specialized suit of armor designed for the Republic’s elite clone commandos, Katarn
armor is still considered one of the best powered armor designs in the galaxy.
Armor: Republic Commando Katarn-class Armor
Armor Type: Heavy Cost: Not available for sale.
Reflex Defense: +10 Fortitude Bonus: +5
Maximum Dex Bonus: +2 Weight: 20kg
Speed, 6 sq: 4 Speed, 4 sq: -
Availability: Rare, illegal Era: RoE
Notes: This armor has an integrated shield unit, providing a Shield Rating of 20. The armor
grants a wearer with the Armor Proficiency (Heavy) feat a +2 equipment bonus to Perception
checks. As a swift action, the visor can be toggled over to provide low-light vision, but the
equipment bonus to Perception is lost while low-light vision is enabled. The suit also contains a
camouflage and noise-baffling system, providing a +2 equipment bonus to Stealth checks.

New Republic Marine Armor

As the New Republic moves ever closer to legitimacy, they seek to shed the rag-tag
image ingrained in people by the often mismatched costumes of the average Rebel squad. One
of the first things done when appropriate resources were available were to give the various
SpecOps forces the same unified look that the Rebel Starfighter and naval corps. already had.
Along with new uniforms, new armors were issued. The most anticipated of these being the
Marine armor.
Rebel Marines had operated using whatever off-the-rack armored space suits they could
buy, beg, or steal. As such, they had presented a rather hodge-podge look when engaged in
boarding or anti-boarding activities. The New Republic Marine armor not only gave New Republic
Marines a unified look to match their oft-fought foes, the Imperial Stormtrooper, but brought them
to a unification of ability as well. It was not at all uncommon for a Marine unit to suffer in
efficiency as one member’s brand of armored spacesuit was inferior to the rest of the unit’s.
The New Republic Marine armor contains many of the features found in several of the
well-liked makes of commercial armored spacesuit, and a few additions suggested by veteran
marines. One of these is a memory-metal retracting faceplate. . . at the touch of a stud, the
faceplate retracts into the domed top of the helmet, allowing unfettered vision. A safety protocol
prevents the faceplate from retracting in an airless or hostile environment.
Armor: MerrSonn NR-7 New Republic Marine Armored Spacesuit
Armor Type: Heavy Cost: Not available for sale.
Reflex Defense: +10 Fortitude Bonus: +5
Maximum Dex Bonus: +1 Weight: 20kg
Speed, 6 sq: 4 Speed, 4 sq: -
Availability: Rare, illegal Era: NR
Notes: This armor provides 24 hours of life support. It also contains a sensor package providing
a +5 equipment bonus on Perception checks. The armor’s faceplate is retractable, and can be
retracted into the helmet or closed over the wearer’s face as a free action. The faceplate
automatically closes and seals if the suit’s onboard sensors detect a hostile or unbreathable
atmosphere, and the faceplate cannot be retracted while in the presence of a hostile or
unbreathable atmosphere. The armor also contains two armatures, one on each arm, which may
be fitted with a Small or smaller weapon. These armatures will bring one or both weapons to
hand as a swift action (assuming the hand is empty.)

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Vagabond Suit
The vagabond got its name from its long-range exploration capability. More than just a
simple space suit, however, the Vagabond incorporates the sensor capabilities of a full standard
scanning unit with directional arrays mounted on the shoulders and chest, so the scout may
perform manual tasks without hindrance.
These scanners can be set to record data on the suit's small on-board computer system,
relayed directly to a nearby ship by the helmet's comm transfer programs, or given to the scout in
a continuous heads-up feature on the helmet visor. The scanners themselves are quite versatile,
and can be configured to probe nearby radiation levels and also provides information vital to the
scout, such as a full bio-scan readout and constant navigational fixes to keep the scout aware of
his location at any given time.
Armor: Vagabond Suit
Armor Type: Heavy Cost: 3,000
Reflex Defense: +11 Fortitude Bonus: +6
Maximum Dex Bonus: +0 Weight: 40kg
Speed, 6 sq: 4 Speed, 4 sq: 3
Availability: Common, Restricted Era: Reb+
Notes: Includes sensors and communications packages providing a +5 equipment bonus to Use
Computer and Perception checks made while scanning objects in space. The suit’s thrusters
allow for a movement in space of 1 square. The suit contains sufficient life support for 24 hours.

Armor Upgrades
Like weapons, armors can be upgraded with Overlays and Underlays.


Shielded Overlay

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Effect: Armors with shielded overlays retain their equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense
against weapons which deny such.

Armor Accessories

Electric Field
The "Big Shock" is a webbed lacing applied to armor surfaces to generate an electrical
field that does damage to those touching the wearer. Attaching this system to the armor requires
a DC 15 Mechanics check and eight hours of work.
Type: Corellian Personal Defense “Big Shock”
Weight: .5kg Cost: 1,600
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+
Effect: This device allows the armor to add +1d6 electrical damage to all unarmed, grab, and
grapple attacks.

Imperial Munitions Shield Generator Belt

Imperial Munitions developed a working shield belt during the height of the Rebellion.
Though expensive, the experimental shield was well-liked by many elite Imperial commandos.
The Rebels stole their fair share, and the belt gained quite a reputation as the lifesaver of Rebel
commando Kyle Katarn.
Type: Imperial Munitions Experimental Shield Belt
Weight: 2kg Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: Uncommon, Military Era: Reb+
Effect: This device provides a Shield Rating of 10. The belt can operate for two hours on three
standard power packs. If the belt’s SR is reduced to zero, the power packs are depleted and
must be recharged or replaced.

Predator Advanced Helmet System

Neuro-Saav created this advanced sensor suite to fit into most full-enclosure helmets on
the market. Using the latest in micrel circuitry, the Predator system offers far more options then
anyone ever really needs. The system provides unparalleled ease-of-detection software, both in
daylight and low-light conditions. In cases where there’s no available light at all, the system can
switch through the entire electromagnetic spectrum, allowing the user to see in infrared,
ultraviolet, and even radioactive. The system also incorporates brand new skin-gasket
technology, allowing normally unsealable helmets to seal to their user’s skin, preventing harmful
gases from reaching them. The latest in target acquisition gear improves the user’s combat
accuracy, as well. Attaching this system to a helmet requires a DC 20 Mechanics check and
eight hours of work.
Type: Neuro-Saav Predator Advanced Helmet System
Weight: .1kg Cost: 8,000
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: NR+
Effect: This device allows the armor to provide the wearer with a +5 equipment bonus to
Perception checks. The wearer also ignores all penalties for concealment due to darkness, and
halves penalties for other types of concealment. The system also provides two hours of life
support against hostile or unbreathable atmospheres. It also provides a +2 equipment bonus to
ranged attacks.


Camouflage Fatigues Cost: 500-1,000

Designed for specific environments, these suits aid in remaining unseen. They provide a
+2 equipment bonus to Stealth checks in their proper environment.

Cold-Weather Gear Cost: 1,000-3,000

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These thick, insulated garments are designed to protect from extremely cold
environments. Most versions of this gear use synthetic cloths and polymers with high insulating
capabilities, providing the usual +5 bonus to Fortitude defense to resist cold temperatures. Some
advanced suits contain heating elements to keep the wearer warm, adding an additional +5

Combat Fatigues Cost: 500-1,000

These lightweight, neutral-colored garments are standard issue for most soldiers. They
have numerous pockets to store needful items (4-8 pockets, .5kg per pocket.)

Exotic Dancer’s Outfits 2,000-10,000

These scant outfits are worn by entertainers across the galaxy, though they are
frequently not worn by their wearer’s choice. They leave little or nothing about their wearer’s
body to the imagination, and are never equipped with luxuries such as pockets, though some are
made from exotic silks, precious metals, or rare gemstones. Wearing such an outfit may grant a
bonus to checks involving performance or seduction, though they allow for no storage other then
what the wearer can hold in their hands or wedge into straps and bands. They count as
inappropriate clothing while in a hostile environment (-5 to Fortitude Defense to resist extreme
heat or cold.)

Jedi Robes Cost: 500

These simple garments are made from rough fabric, and designed for comfort and ease
of movement. Utility belts and cloaks are common additions.

Uniform Cost: 1,000

Standard-issue to most military forces, uniforms come in a variety of styles and functions.
Most shipboard uniforms are both functional and stylish, while dress uniforms are designed to
look good, sacrificing all other considerations (especially comfort.) Most army uniforms are
designed more for function and comfort.


Fusion Generator
Designed to be carried by heavy weapons specialists, this man-portable fusion generator
is mounted on straps to allow it to be worn as a backpack, or with magnetic couplers to allow it to
be mounted to heavy battle armor. It comes with a hard-wired power cord with several
connection jacks, allowing it to be plugged into a variety of weapons. Additional cords may be
spliced in, allowing the generator to power many smaller weapons.
Type: Televrexx Man-portable Fusion Power Generator
Weight: 5kg Cost: 5,000
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted Era: Reb+
Effect: This generator may power up to two Large weapons, four Medium weapons, or eight
small or smaller weapons. The generator never needs to be recharged, and cannot power
anything larger then a Large sized weapon. If the generator is reduced to zero hit points, it is
disabled and must be repaired. If it is reduced to zero hit points by an attack which exceeds it’s
damage threshold, the generator explodes. Make an attack roll (1d20+10) against all creatures
within six squares. Any characters hit by this attack take 5d10 damage, characters missed take
only half damage. The character wearing this generator is automatically hit. This is an area


Cybernetic Replacements

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Cybernetic replacements are commonplace for those who have lost limbs or organs due
to accident or injury. Most cybernetics are advanced, fully functional prosthetics, with the exact
same abilities as a natural limb. Most are simply functional, metallic limbs, but can be covered
with appropriately-toned synthflesh or other covering for a modest fee.

Basic Replacement Cost: 5,000

This is a basic replacement limb, functional, but blatatantly artifical.

Cosmetic Replacement Cost: 7,000-10,000

This is a replacement limb designed to both function and look exactly like the original.
The cheapest versions are covered in ordinary tinted synthflesh, but other races require more
detailed and extensive cosmetic work to replicate scales, chitin, and other coverings.

Primitive Replacement Cost: 2,000 or less

Some areas of the galaxy don’t have access to a ready supply of top-of-the-line
cybernetic replacement parts. In such cases, people have to resort to simple grasper mechanics
for replacement hands, and simple metal rods for replacement legs. These replacements inflict a
–5 penalty on any relevant action with the limb. In addition, a character with a primitive
replacement leg has his movement speed reduced by one square. Primitive replacements are
not available for organs, such as hearts, eyes, or lungs.

Cybernetic Enhancements
For some, replacing a limb or organ is not enough. . . they want something that functions
better then what they had before. Usually, such enhancements are illegal, though there are a few
exceptions. Generally, a person will have lost a limb from accident or injury before getting a
cybernetic enhancement, however, there are some individuals who willfully mutilate their own
bodies to have enhancements installed. Probably the most famous of these are the Metalheads,
a gang operating out of Corellia.
For each bonus a cybernetic enhancement provides, add one to the Treat Injury check to
install the cybernetic. For instance, a cybernetic limb granting a +2 bonus to Strength takes a
Treat Injury check of 22, while a limb with a +10 bonus requires a DC 30 Treat Injury check.

Basic Limb Enhancement

These enhancements provide a basic bonus to one attribute while using that limb.
Bonuses can range from +2 to +10. These limbs can also be cosmetically enhanced, adding
5,000 credits to the limb’s base cost.
Limb Enhancement Cost
+2 to Strength or Dexterity 10,000
+4 to Strength or Dexterity 20,000
+6 to Strength or Dexterity 40,000
+8 to Strength or Dexterity 80,000
+10 to Strength or Dexterity 160,000
+2 to Strength and Dexterity 20,000
+4 to Strength and Dexterity 40,000
+6 to Strength and Dexterity 80,000
+8 to Strength and Dexterity 160,000
+10 to Strength and Dexterity 320,000

Borg Implant
These artificial intelligence computers are plugged directly into a person’s brain, granting
them unparalleled cognitive ability. They are one of the few cybernetic enhancements that are
perfectly legal.
Enhancement Bonus Cost
+2 to Intelligence Score 10,000
+4 to Intelligence Score 20,000

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+6 to Intelligence Score 40,000

+8 to Intelligence Score 80,000
+10 to Intelligence Score 160,000
+2 bonus to all Int-related Skills 10,000
+5 bonus to all Int-related Skills 20,000
+10 bonus to all Int-related Skills 40,000
+2 to Intelligence Score and +2 to 40,000
all Int-related Skills
+4 to Intelligence Score and +5 to 80,000
all Int-related Skills
+6 to Intelligence Score and +10 160,000
to all Int-related Skills
+10 to Intelligence Score and +10 360,000
to all Int-related Skills

Enhanced Perception Suite

This enhancement includes cybernetic eyes with low-light, spectral analysis, and zoom
capabilities, as well as ears with high sensitivity to both sound distance and sound density.
Bonus to Perception Checks Cost
+2 10,000
+5 20,000
+10 40,000

Fitness Enhancement
This isn’t a cybernetic replacement, but rather an enhancement applied to the whole
body. By boosting blood cell production, strengthening the heart and circulatory system,
enhancing lung function, and boosting the body’s ability to produce certain chemicals, this
package results in an enhancement to overall fitness and health.
Bonus to Constitution Score Cost
+2 bonus 20,000
+4 bonus 40,000
+6 bonus 60,000
+8 bonus 80,000
+10 bonus 160,00

Internal Bacta Tank Cost: 30,000

Tied into the endocrine system, this small internal bacta reservoir can be released into
the blood stream to drastically accelerate healing.
While this system is installed, the character may initiate bacta release at will. Bacta
release is also triggered if the character is knocked unconscious or moved four steps down the
condition track. A bacta release will last for 2d4 rounds, during which time the character
automatically moves one step up the condition track and recovers 1d4 hit points at the start of his
Once used, the tank must be removed and refilled, requiring a DC 25 Treat Injury check.
A character performing this check on himself takes a –10 penalty to his Treat Injury check.

Repulse-Hand Cost: 50,000

This replacement hand contains a small repulsorlift generator, which is able to deflect
objects away from it. A skilled user can block knives, swords, and even lightsabers.
This cybernetic enhancement provides a +2 bonus to Reflex defense against melee


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Human Replica Droids

Human Replica Droids, or HRDs, are highly illegal droids made to pass as human beings,
or rarely other alien races. Earlier HRDs, those from the Clone Wars era and earlier, were droid
bodies covered in synthflesh, though the Confederacy of Independent Systems experimented
with battle droids coated in cloned flesh coverings. These models were moderately successful at
confusing the Republic’s Clone Troops, who initially believed their growing arsenal of specifically
anti-droid weaponry would be useless against these “human” soldiers.
During the Rebellion, a brilliant doctor, droid engineer, and outlaw tech named Simonelle
perfected a new HRD design. Earlier HRDs could fool the naked eye, and some advanced
models could even fool a cursory sensor scan, any detailed analysis would reveal the droid
chassis that lay underneath the cosmetic skin. Simonelle’s HRD was built, internally and
externally, to mimic human physiology, but retain the physical toughness of the most advanced
battle droid.

Early HRD
These HRD models are humanoid droid bodies covered in synthflesh
to mimic a human appearance. Most all early HRDs were custom-designed
by their owners, and built for hundreds of thousands or millions of
credits by outlaw techs. Some owners wanted the complete and slavish
devotion of a droid in a more. . . asthetically pleasing sheath, while
others wanted a loyal servant and bodyguard who wouldn’t arouse anti-
droid sentiment, while still others wanted a droid’s physical prowess in
a frame that wouldn’t arouse suspicion.
Early Human Replica Droid CL 1
Medium 3rd-Degree droid nonheroic 3
Init +9; Senses Perception +8
Languages Basic, Binary, two unassigned

Defenses Ref , (flat-footed ), Fort , Will

HP ; Threshold
Immune Droid traits

Speed 6 squares
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Atk Options
Special Actions

Abilities Str 16 +3, Dex 14 +2, Con -, Int 17 +3, Wis 12 +1, Cha 14 +2
Special Qualities

CIS 101 T-800 ‘Terminator’

The Confederacy of Independent Systems experimented with HRDs to confuse their
organic opponents in the Clone Wars. Neutronium steel armored combat droids covered in
cloned organic tissue, the initial model performed promisingly in trials, but suffered a flaw. . .
every model looked exactly the same. A later model, the CIS 101 T-900, used different sized
chassis, fluctuation in assembly of droid heads, and variation in cloned tissue coating procedures
to create models with individual appearances, everything from petite females to hulking males.

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CIS 101 T-800 ‘Terminator’ CL 6

Medium 4th degree droid Soldier 6
Init +9; Senses Perception +11, Darkvision
Languages Basic, Binary, two unassigned

Defenses Ref 23, (flat-footed 22), Fort 25, Will 17

HP 58; Threshold 23
Immune Droid traits

Speed 6 squares
Unarmed +13 (1d8+10) or
Ranged +7 (3d8+3, blaster rifle)
Base Atk +6; Grp +6
Atk Options
Special Actions

Abilities Str 24 +7, Dex 12 +1, Con -, Int 17 +3, Wis 12 +1, Cha 10 -
Special Qualities
Talents Juggernaut, Second Skin, Devastating Attack
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Burst Fire, Martial
Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy,
pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Skills Endurance +8, Initiative +9, Mechanics +11, Perception +11,
Treat Injury +9, Use Computer +11
Equipment Diagnostic Package, Heuristic Processor, Improved Sensor
Package (Darkvision), Locked Access, Neutronium Armor,

CIS 101 T-900 ‘Terminator’ CL 6

Medium 4th degree droid Soldier 6
Init ; Senses Perception
Languages Basic, Binary, two unassigned

Defenses Ref 23, (flat-footed 22), Fort 25, Will 17

HP 58; Threshold 23
Immune Droid traits

Speed 6 squares
Unarmed +13 (1d8+10)
Ranged +8 (3d8+3, blaster rifle)
Base Atk +6; Grp +6
Atk Options
Special Actions

Abilities Str 24 +7, Dex 14 +2, Con -, Int 18 +4, Wis 14 +2, Cha 14 +2
Special Qualities
Talents Juggernaut, Second Skin, Devastating Attack
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Burst Fire, Martial
Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy,
pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Skills Endurance +8, Initiative +11, Mechanics +12, Perception +12,

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Treat Injury +10, Use Computer +12

Equipment Diagnostic Package, Heuristic Processor, Improved Sensor
Package (Darkvision), Locked Access, Neutronium Armor,

Trade Federation Battle Droids

These were the droid foot soldiers of the Trade Federation's armies. There were four
types: Security, Pilot, and Officer, Infantry. While the Security droids had completely
autonomous functioning, the Officer droids relied mostly on orders from a Droid Control ship.
Infantry units could only function with a direct link to a Droid Control ship. The collapse of the
Trade Federation has led to a large surplus of these droids available for sale, often at reduced

Security Unit

The Trade Federation security droid wasn't even state of the art when it came out; with all the
advances in droid technology, these droids are completely obsolete. Designed with mass-
production in mind, these droids have only the bare essentials required to operate.

Yeah, right. Just because something is old, doesn't mean it's obsolete. While no great shakes
on their own, in groups these things are deadly. My crew ran into a group of pirates that had
actually managed to capture a small droid factory more or less intact. They bought twenty of
these things, tore 'em apart to find out how they were put together, then began to mass-produce
them. They could only churn out about twenty a week, but that's still numbers to be reckoned
with, especially when dealing with droids who don't give stang one about marching into cover fire.

Pilot Unit

The Neimoidians are known as cowards, and their reliance on droid technology proves it. Before
developing their droid starfighter, the Trade Federation bought standard fighters from other
companies and put these pilot droids in them. When the droid starfighter was introduced, the
pilot droids were reprogrammed for capital ship and transport piloting. While dated by modern
standards, the droids are still quite capable.

I had one of these things for about a week. While, I must admit, the droid was an excellent pilot, I
couldn't stand it's personality. There's not a whole lot of conversation in "roger roger." I tried
uploading a high-end personality matrix, but the program flat-out refused to link to the droid's
brain. I actually wound up paying a dumb Yautalor to take the flarging thing off my hands. (Bet
the damn droid is resting quietly in a billion pieces somewhere.)

Actually, all Trade Federation droids are extremely hard to add any kind of new programming to.
The design of the skill matrix is drastically simple, to allow easier mass production. To add any
sort of new programming, you first need to yank out the old skill matrix, upload the SkillWare to a
more advanced model, and then slap the new one in (preferably adding an actual brain while
you’re at it.) Once you do that, the droid accepts new programming just as well, if not better then
modern droids. I recently upgraded a bunch of droids, including two Trade Federation Pilot
droids, for a Yautalor who had just purchased an old J-Type 327 Nubian.

Did you say Nubian?!

Officer Unit

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These are the commanders of the Trade Federation's droid armies. The large transmitter
assembly on their back allows them to contact and download information directly from the ship.
This allows them to act as a "hub" for the droid army, relaying instructions to the army from the
ship. However, destroying all the command units for an army (and there is ALWAYS more than
one) will not disable the army; the Droid Control ship can beam instructions to the army itself, at
only slightly reduced effectiveness. Destruction of the Droid Control ship, on the other hand, will
knock out the commanders just as it does the regular troops.

Here's an idea. . . try upgrading the verbobrain and communications pack of an Officer droid to
act as control for the Infantry droids. While I doubt you'd be able to operate more then ten droids
at a time, that's still some pretty formidable numbers.

Not a bad idea. Of course, it'll seem like a terrible idea when one well-placed blaster shot takes
out your entire droid army.

Actually, it works pretty well. Either don't send the Officer droid in with the infantry, or have
multiple redundant backups, or both. Churchee's Riflemen have begun using a similar setup,
only they've been linking five or six Officer droids together through a high-capacity transmitter,
allowing for up to one hundred and twelve Infantry droids to be controlled (Just enough to fill up
an old Trade Federation MTT.)

Here's a nifty idea. . . why not just put advanced verbobrains in the Infantry droids and let them
control themselves?

Then you're paying for droid brains just to get shot up. I suggest optional full independence for
the Officer Droid Units. That way, they have more ingenuity, and taking out a control ship doesn't
drop them out of the battle. Or, if you find a good cyberneticist... drop the officers from the act
and have human hubs. Just got to make sure your opponents don't start taking out the cyborgs.

Infantry Unit

"Kessel Runner"/34:5:8:22/Nab
Any old Trade Federation equipment is so illegal in the Naboo system that even mentioning a
Battle Droid will get you questioned by the Royal Guards. If you own one, you can expect a fair
trial before you're strung up against the nearest wall and shot. If you even have one of these
things in your inventory, steer clear of Naboo. Permanently.

What would you expect? Naboo was pretty much tromped by the droid armies of the Trade
Federation. To this day, Neimoidians dare not show their faces in the system, for fear they'll get
blasted off. The Naboo and the Gungans were treated so poorly it makes the Empire look good.
Read up on some history of the occupation, and you'll understand why the Naboo take such a
dislike to anything formerly affiliated with the Trade Federation (which includes the Corporate
Sector Authority, by the way.)

Trade Federation Destroyer Droid

While the battle droids were designed to overwhelm their targets through sheer weight of
numbers, the "Droideka" was meant for an entirely different tactic: Blasting opponents into
oblivion. Armed with two high-powered twin blaster cannons, these powerful droids would rapidly
roll into battle in an armored wheel configuration, then quickly deploy into their standing mode for

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combat. Protected by powerful shield generators, these droids were difficult to destroy without
utilizing anti-vehicle weapons.
Model: Trade Federation Droideka Destroyer Droid

These are awesome pieces of hardware. Tough to take out without heavy artillery, and packing
enough firepower to level any barricade you try to hide behind. Bloody effective machines (but
damn intimidating if you're fighting them.)

Actually, the blasters on these things get knocked out pretty easy. If they hit any kind of obstacle
while rolling, they can jar the blaster housing. I've seen this mung up the weapons so that they
fail to blast through cover like they should (damn useful if you're fighting them,) or even cause the
guns to detonate, disabling the droid outright.

Actually, the problem is with the blaster barrels on the older models that were mass produced by
the Trade Federation. If you're dealing with droids made by the Colicoids, or versions made in
the last two years of the Trade Federation, you'll be in trouble. The problem is also easy to fix by
simply replacing the blaster barrels with more modern equivalents.

Okay, I'll buy that. But what about their walking speed? You have to admit the things are slower
than Banthas uphill in a sandstorm.

I'm working on that.

Starship Systems

Defense Systems

Chromatic Refractive Armor

Chromatic Refractive Armor is rare and very expensive, but it is specifically designed to
scatter laser blasts. A ship with Chromatic Refractive Armor divides all damage done to it’s hull
points by blaster and laser weapons in half. Halve damage after subtracting the ship’s DR.

System Emplacement Points Availabilty Size Restriction Cost

Chromatic 20 Specialized, None 100,000
Refractive Armor Restricted base

Weapons Systems

Proton Beam
These large weapons were developed by the Republic Navy near the close of the Clone
Wars, and mounted on a few select Venator-class Star Destroyers. These weapons proved
highly effective at critically damaging Separatist ships, the power and space requirements proved
too high to be a standard weapon on any future Star Destroyer models. A few Imperial-class Star
Destroyers were outfitted with the weapon during the Rebellion, to more effectively chew through
the tough shields of Mon Calamari Star Cruisers.

Weapon Damage Points Emplacement Cost

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Proton Beam* 10d10x5 20 Military 100,000

Charater Scale (in Squares) Starship Scale (in Squares)

Proton Beam* 1-500 501-1000 1001-5000 5001-10,000 0-5 6-10 11-20 21-30
*Colossal (frigate) or larger starships only


An Armory is a storage space for weapons, armor, and other equipment for use by troops
aboard a ship, either to repel boarders, form a boarding party, or take a team down to a planet.
Armories are generally secured arms lockers, access to which requires a specific code, rotated
constantly by the ship’s computer. Authorized personnel can access the armory through a code
cylinder, voiceprint, biometric scan, or nearly any means the designer of the armory sees fit. An
armory can be stocked with weapons, armor, and equipment as seen fit by the ship’s
quartermaster/Marine commander. A standard armory can hold ten weapons, ten suits of armor,
and 15 pieces of equipment. Armories can be combined to provide larger secure storage for
weapons and armor.

Droid Workshop
A Droid Workshop is a space containing all the tools necessary for the modification,
design, and construction of droids. This includes a drafting design holotable, assembly tools fine
and large-scale, lockers and bins for the storage of spare parts, consumable items such as
lubricants and cleaning solutions, oil baths, and so on. Each Droid Workshop applies a +1 bonus
to any Droid Repair teams present on the same ship, and allows droid heroes and NPCs to be
maintained in perfect working order for as long as the ship’s consumables rating. Characters
attempting to design, build, or modify droids enjoy a +1 equipment bonus to their mechanics
check per Droid Workshop, to a maximum of +5. Multiple Droid Workshops can be combined.

HoloNet Communication Hub

Some ships, notably the Munificent-Class frigate, have communication gear in excess of
HoloNet transceivers, and actually contain HoloNet hubs (or their equivalent.) Such ships can
function as free-roaming HoloNet relays, brining HoloNet access to places that normally do not
have it. HoloNet access of this level is extremely restricted, especially during the Empire,
requiring either dozens of permits, licenses, and inspections, or several extremely talented
HoloNet Comms Hubs allow a ship to access the HoloNet anywhere, and provide
HoloNet access to any other suitably-equipped ship or structure within the same star system.

Hydroponics Bay
A Hydroponics Bay allows a ship to grow certain food items. Hydroponics bays can be
used to grow not only staple fruits, vegetables, and grains, but seasoning plants as well. A
hydroponics bay may either add one week to a ship’s Consumables rating, or provide a +1 bonus
to Will Defense for resisting “Spacer Fever.” Multiple Hydroponics bays may be combined.

Stealth Suite
A Stealth Suite is designed to baffle attempts to detect the ship. Using sensor masks,
energy baffles, signiture scramblers, and other techniques, a Stealth Suite adds a bonus to
Stealth checks made to conceal the ship from other ship’s attempts to detect it. For every
(1xCost Factor) Emplacement Points spent on this system, add a +1 bonus to Stealth checks for
the ship.

System Emplacement Availability Size Restriction Cost

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Armory 1 Uncommon, Colossal or larger 1,500
Licensed base
Droid Workshop 1 Uncommon, Colossal or larger 5,000
Licensed base
HoloNet 10 Specialized, Colossal (frigate) 100,000
Communication Hub Military or larger base
Hydroponics Bay 2 Uncommon, Colossal or larger 20,000
Legal base
Stealth Suite 1xCost Factor Uncommon, None 10,000
Military base


There are many different kinds of spice, some mined varieties, others special blends.
The following is a list of some of the most common spices, their effects, costs, rarities, and their
Spices have availabilities, just like all items. This indicates how legal the spice is, and
how hard it is to get ahold of it. Costs are ballpark generalizations, as dealers prices fluctuate
drastically throughout the galaxy, even from two dealers in the same city.
When consumed, Spice makes an attack against a character’s Will Defense. If the attack
succeeds, the character becomes addicted to the Spice, suffering a –2 penalty to all skill checks,
ability checks, and defenses until he gets his fix. Breaking the addiction requires the character to
not use spice for two weeks, at which point the penalty will increase to –5. After two more weeks,
the penalties vanish, and the character is no longer addicted. However, if he takes that kind of
spice again, he is automatically readdicted. Some spices may have additional withdrawal
Spices are used in a variety of different ways. How a spice enters your body affects how
long it takes to affect you.
Ingested: 1d8 rounds.
Under the tongue: 1d4 rounds
Inhaled: 1d4 rounds.
Femoral Artery: 1d10 rounds
Femoral Vein: 1d8 rounds
Brachial Artery: 1d6 rounds
Brachial Vein: 1d4 rounds
Jugular Vein: 1d4-1 rounds
Carotid Artery: instantly
Heart: 1d2 rounds
Topical: 1d4 rounds

Andris is a common spice used both as a preservative for foodstuffs and as a sensory
enhancement. When first mined, Andris is a tan, crumbling cake, suitable for preventing the
spoilage of food. It can be refined into a white, crystalline powder which enhances the spicer’s
senses. It can be even further refined into a highly addictive stimulant. The first two incarnations
of Andris are perfectly legal, the third is not.
Andris, Raw
Availability: Common, Legal
Will attack bonus: -
Method: Ingested

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Bonus: None
Penalty: None
Duration: Indefinite

Andris, Stage One Refined

Availability: Common, Licensed
Will attack bonus: +5
Method: Inhaled, Ingested
Bonus: +5 Spice bonus to Perception
Penalty: -5 Spice penalty to Initiative
Duration: Thirty minutes

Andris, Stage Two Refined

Availability: Rare, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +15
Method: Injected, Ingested
Bonus: +10 Spice bonus to Perception
Penalty: -10 Spice penalty to Initiative
Duration: Thirty minutes

A rare and highly illegal spice mined on Sevarcos, Carsunum provides boosts to mental
and physical abilities, but can also cause side effects ranging from jitters to death.
Availability: Rare, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +10
Method: Inhaled, Ingested
Bonus: All attributes +2
Penalty: None.
Duration: Thirty minutes
Special: After it’s duration has expired, roll a d6. The resulting number indicates how many
steps down the condition track the character moves. If the roll would move the character more
then five steps down the track, he dies.

Crash n’ Burn
A designer spice, Crash n’ Burn mixes stimulant and depressant spices in search of the
ultimate high. It is less then successful.
Availability: Uncommon, Restricted
Will attack bonus: +10
Method: Injected
Bonus: Dexterity and Wisdom +2
Penalty: Strength and Intelligence -2
Duration: Thirty minutes

Glitterstim is the quintessential spice, mined from Kessel, and used all over the galaxy,
despite it’s illegality. Addicts, called glit-biters, claim to be able to read the minds of those near
them. Some say it’s all in their head.
Availability: Uncommon, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +15
Method: Ingested
Bonus: +5 Spice bonus to Initiative
Penalty: None.
Duration: Ten minutes
Special: When consumed the character may use the Telepathy ability of the Use the Force skill,
but only against characters in the same room, substituting his Initiative skill for Use the Force.

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Characters with the Force-Sensitive feat instead gain a +5 bonus to their Use the Force check
when using the Telepathy ability.

Made by feeding spice spiders ryll spice, glitteryll has the odd effect of removing a
person’s memories. Some people pay surprisingly well to have their memories erased for a
time. . . and others pay even more to erase them permanently.
Availability: Rare, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +15
Method: Ingested
Bonus: None.
Penalty: None.
Duration: Varies
Special: When this spice is taken, the character loses a random memory for 2-8 hours. If the
character is given a large enough dose of glitteryll, the memory loss affects nearly all of their
memories, and is permanent.

Giggledust is the name given to the spice mined from the moons of Naboo. Once
refined, it grants the user a sense of euphoria, triggering uncontrollable giggles. It also speeds up
reaction times, allowing the spicer to act and react faster then normal. Giggledust is a fine, red-
orange power, and is inhaled.
Availabilty: Common, Restricted
Will attack bonus: +5
Method: Inhaled, Ingested
Bonus: +5 Spice bonus to Initiative
Penalty: -5 penalty to Wisdom-based checks.
Duration: Thirty minutes

This spice can turn most anyone into a rampaging, berserk killing machine, with almost
no reasoning capacity whatsoever. It is highly illegal, though it sees wide use in equally illegal
gladiatorial arenas, combat sport events, and as a battle drug by certain mercenary units.
Availability: Rare, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +5
Method: Ingested, Injected, Inhaled
Bonus: Strength and Constitution +6
Penalty: Intelligence and Wisdom -10
Duration: Ten minutes
Special: While under the effects of this spice, the character automatically fails any Intelligence or
Wisdom check, or any skill checks based on those attributes. The character cannot speak, aside
from inarticulate growls and cries of rage. The character cannot do anything but attack any being
it can perceive, and may only make unarmed attacks or attacks with melee or natural weapons.

Muon Gold
A favorite of unscrupulous doctors, researchers, scientists, and intellectuals, Muon Gold
increases brain function and creativity. It is banned under Old Republic, Imperial, and New
Republic law for long-term risk of permanent brain damage.
Availability: Rare, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +15
Method: Injected
Bonus: Wisdom and Intelligence +6
Penalty: Strength and Dexterity -4
Duration: Thirty minutes

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Special: Every time this spice is used, make an attack against the character’s Fortitude defense,
using the spice’s Will attack bonus. If the attack succeeds, the character permanently loses one
point from either Intelligence or Wisdom.

Neutron Pixie
A fine powder, usually ingested with a light fruit flavor, this spice increases the body’s
physical toughness. . . for a time.
Availability: Rare, Illegal
Will attack bonus: +15
Method: Inhested, Injected, Inhaled
Bonus: Constitution +4
Penalty: -2 Dexterity and Wisdom
Duration: Thirty minutes
Special: This spice grants Damage Reduction 5/- for it’s duration. When its duration expires, the
character loses 5 hit points every round for ten rounds.

When mined and concentrated into a pill, Pyrepenol drastically increases physical
strength. However, the endorphins released, combined with the Spice’s own chemical
interactions cause a loss of general motor control and mental function.
Availability: Common, Licensed
Will attack bonus: +5
Method: Ingested
Bonus: Strength +4
Penalty: Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma -2
Duration: Ten minutes

Sedative H4b
This medical sedative is technically a spice, used on many frontier worlds where more
sophisticated medical drugs are unavailable or highly expensive. It’s depressive properties also
cause it to be used recreationally more then is probably healthy.
Availability: Prevalent, Licensed
Will attack bonus: +5
Method: Injected
Bonus: +10 Spice bonus to Fort Defense
Penalty: -5 penalty to Will and Reflex Defense
Duration: Thirty minutes

Sweetblossom is made from the Sweetblossom plant. This thick liquid is ingested,
increasing a person’s physical vitality and hardiness but dulling their thoughts. It also has some
use as a truth serum.
Availability: Common, Licensed
Will attack bonus: +5
Method: Ingested
Bonus: +5 Spice bonus to Endurance
Penalty: Wisdom and Intelligence -2
Duration: One hour
Special: A Wisdom check (DC 15) is required to tell a lie, or DC 10 to conceal a truth.

This spice is derived from the root juices of the Yarrok plant. The juices are mixed with
chemicals to trigger crystallization. The resulting Yarrok crystals are placed underneath the
spicer’s tongue, absorbing into the bloodstream. Yarrok spice enhances and expands a person’s
mind, and is a favorite of intellectuals and thinkers who can’t afford Muon Gold.
Availability: Common, Licensed

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Will attack bonus: +5

Method: Ingested (Under the tongue)
Bonus: Wisdom and Intelligence +2
Penalty: -10 to Will Defense.
Duration: Thirty minutes

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