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To community:

1. Is there any presence of environmental violation in your area? If yes, how frequent

these incidents happened or how often you witnessed those incidents?

2. Are you aware that cutting of trees, illegal mining, fishing and the like are punishable

by law?

3. Are you concern of what may happened to your province if this illegal activity


4. As an individual, what can you do stop or at least reduced violations in environmental

law in your province?

Government agencies:

1. What are the actions of Barangay officials/ municipality / provincial officials in dealing

with this environmental law violations?

2. What is the cost of damage in the province of Bataan in relation to environmental

crime or violations?

3. How widespread is the problem in Bataan regarding environmental crime?

4. What is/are your recommendation/s to stop or at least reduce the number of violators

in Bataan?

Convicted offenders:

1. Why you commit this ____ (illegal logging/mining/illegal fishing…) crime?

2. How do you enter in this kind of activity (illegal logging/mining/illegal fishing…)?

3. What are your motives in committing ____ (illegal logging/mining/illegal fishing…)?

4. Don’t you have any other means or source of income to support your needs or your

family’s needs, rather than cutting trees, mining, etc.?

5. In a month how many trees did you cut? (If the respondent is illegal logger)

6. Do you have any companion in doing this activity? How many are you in your group?

1. How widespread is the problem in Bataan regarding environmental crime?

2. What are the motives of committing environmental crime?

3. How they enter this crime?

4. What are the causes of violating environmental crime in the province of Bataan?

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