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Name : Sri Rahayu

Class : VII 1

Museum Kata Andrea Hirata

Museum Kata Andrea Hirata is located at jalan Laskar Pelangi 7, Gantong, East
Belitung. The museum was founded by the author of Laskar Pelangi novel, Andrea Hirata.
The atmosphere presented in Laskar Pelangi novel will be immediately felt when
we arrive in front of this museum. The photos that have been posted on the museum wall
tell about the journey of literature which become one of Belitung’s pride.
When the visitors come to the museum, they will be invited to commemorate the novel of
Laskar Pelangi. It started from the thriller page until the main story becomes the best-
selling novel and turned into a box-office movie in Indonesia. Having entered the museum,
we will see photographs of the author with inspiring sentences. One of the inspirational
words is "Keep on dreaming, for God will always hug you”. In addition, there are also
excerpts from the novel which have been published in various languages.

1. What does the text mainly discuss about?

A. The history of a unique island in Bangka Belitung.
B. The description about “Laskar Pelangi” movie.
C. The historical place in Belitung Island.
D. The tourism object in Belitung Island. 
2. From the text, we know that…
A. museum is located in East Belitung.
B. there are many Andrea Hirata’s novels.
C. there are some Andrea Hirata’s best selling novels.
D. the visitors will see photos of the author of Laskar Pelangi.
3. “The photos that have been posted on museum wall tell about the journey of the
literature … (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word has the closest meaning to…
A. Expedition C. Departure
B. Adventure D. Travelling
4. Who is the author of Laskar Pelangi novel ?
A. J.K Rowling C. Andrea Hirata
B. Tere Liye D. Raditiya Dika
5. What is the title of the text above ?
A. Museum Kata Andrea Hirata C. Andrea Hirata
B. Laskar Pelangi D. East Belitung
Name : Sri Rahayu
Class : VII 1

Museum Kata Andrea Hirata

Museum Kata Andrea Hirata terletak di jalan Laskar Pelangi 7, Gantong, Belitung
Timur. Museum ini didirikan oleh penulis novel Laskar Pelangi, Andrea Hirata.
Suasana yang disajikan dalam novel Laskar Pelangi akan langsung terasa ketika
kita tiba di depan museum ini. Foto-foto yang telah diposting di dinding museum
menceritakan tentang perjalanan sastra yang menjadi salah satu kebanggaan Belitung.
Ketika para pengunjung datang ke museum, mereka akan diundang untuk mengenang
novel Laskar Pelangi. Mulai dari halaman thriller sampai cerita utama menjadi novel
terlaris dan berubah menjadi film box-office di Indonesia. Setelah memasuki museum, kita
akan melihat foto-foto penulis dengan kalimat yang menginspirasi. Salah satu kata
inspirasional adalah "Teruslah bermimpi, karena Tuhan akan selalu memelukmu." Selain
itu, ada juga kutipan dari novel yang telah diterbitkan dalam berbagai bahasa.

1. Apa bahasan utama teks tersebut?

A. Sejarah pulau unik di Bangka Belitung.
B. Deskripsi tentang film "Laskar Pelangi".
C. Tempat bersejarah di Pulau Belitung.
D. Objek wisata di Pulau Belitung. 
2. Dari teks, kita tahu bahwa ...
A. museum terletak di Belitung Timur. 
B. ada banyak novel Andrea Hirata.
C. ada beberapa novel terlaris Andrea Hirata.
D. para pengunjung akan melihat foto-foto penulis Laskar Pelangi.
3. "Foto-foto yang telah diposting di dinding museum menceritakan tentang perjalanan
literatur ... (Paragraf 2)
Kata yang digaris bawahi memiliki arti terdekat dengan ...
A. Ekspedisi C. Keberangkatan
B. Petualangan D. Perjalanan
4. Siapa penulis novel Laskar Pelangi?
A. J.K Rowling C. Andrea Hirata
B. Tere Liye D. Raditiya Dika
5. Apa judul teks di atas?
A. Museum Kata Andrea Hirata  C. Andrea Hirata
B. Laskar Pelangi D. Belitung Timur

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