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(b) (1) Conrad ~-;t"'-
( fI... DeLoach

(b)..{3) ~ Evans~~=-

Per CIA fi> 1961 tEf:-n....!L\.."...,LIq'_..l<._

MR. H. n DATE: December 28,
Trotler _ _

:if.~c .
In9rom _ __
Gandy _ __

'<:~0 , VALL INFoRrvlA-nO:'~

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... You may be interested in the following information which

l'laS furnished to the Bureau Agents dllring the COurse of the South
America assessment survey:
As you know, a few weeks a~o Ted Kennedy :;de a t~ur ~f
countries. I (b)(3) per C I A ,
Americ~n I
Kennedy l'laS accompalll.e \ by Professor ~an~, liho tm;ly be
several .
(b)(3) per CIA
J. en with John: Nathan 'Plank, Associate Professor, Center ot:]
International Affairs, Harvard University. Bufiles contain no:-previous
references to Plank prior to his trip with Kennedy. Plank a arent
served as Kennedy's political counselor on the trip. '(b)(3) per CIA
in each coun-try Kennedy ins~sted on interviel'ling "the angry young men
of the country.' He wanted to meet with communists and oth~rs who had.
left ..wing vi~ws. Plank allegedly was the person who 'recommended that ._ ~
certain loca·l politicians be made available. Ambassador FJi'~eet1lan, /'
Bogota_, said- the first person whom Kennedy wanted to meet was Lauchli-n
Currie-. .
( (b)(3) per CIA in ~rexico Kennedy asl{ed ,Ambassador Mann that
~ cer aJ.n. left"l'lingers be invited to the Embassy 'residence where inter-
~ views could be held. ~Iann took the\;strong position that he liould not
. ~ invite such people and stated that if any such interviews were to be
~ conducted, all arrangements should be made by Kennedy himself.•
' . Douglas Henderson, State official in Lima, confidentially,.
- advised~that Kennedy had nmde similar requests in Peru. Henderson }~
[}describ~d· Kennedy as pompous and a spoi_~ed brat. .--
(S) (b)(1 )'(-:b)(3) er CIA /(b)(1 ),(b)(3) per CIA
,p IWliJ.le Kennedy ·was in :Santiago, he
macfe arllangements to Itrent" a brothel for an entire nigl}.t. 'Kennedy
all~ged~ invited one -'of the Embassy cJtiUjifeu!JlJ1» participate in,Jl:
night's ~:?tivities.; . McY.i8 ~/ ~'-;)/f"'"~ S::i':?
AC~~ON: :.A ~ A~£e·V lIG't!;/'I, -" / ,11;:.
- -
Ar.\o For information.
\. ~~I)n
'/ '
:=1 'J//~
-- ......,
if}, Mr.Belm?nt 1 - Liaison .1w"''f? ~" ~8E~}aJA~ 1~,
l~ ~ iA~g ·1..:~~lhY-j'n 1 - Mr. Fer~J.N .9( JlS;::;j:cI.
Qj)cf. \.:. ~~~ur/2!9G- I -~ ~mijj
q ; •

1 - lIIr. ,J •
OIission to South America) S(I{\ .':ct: ~--tr
SJP:gpa40 (7) =-- ________ N .
-at ~ BI-MSJ-3

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