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Computer Programming QUARTER 2 Management Concepts (5S) G EXPECTATIONS After completing this lesson, you should be able to: A. know the importance of technology awareness and its function, B. use appropriate software and operating instructions, and C. understand the concept of different management concepts (5S). Figure 2 https: / / d Figure 3 | wre 5 igure https://bit-ly/39azPQF q REcaP Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your answer on the space provided. 1. OHS is planned system of working to prevent illness and injury where you work by recognizing and identifying hazards and risks. 2. Health and safety procedure are not included in the responsibility of all persons in the computer and technology industries. 3, Hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work. _____4. Employees must use workstations and equipment correctly, in accordance with the training provided. 5. Employers must analyze workstations for safety. LESSON jana A simple tool for organizing your workplace in a clean, efficient and safe manner to enhance your productivity, visual management and to ensure the introduction of standardized working. Divided into 5 phases, each named after a different Japanese term beginning with the letter “S"; hence the name 5S. 58 SORT. ¥ SEIRI or Sort . Eliminate what ¥ SEITON or Straighten isnot needed ¥ SEISO or Shine/Swipe net ¥ SEIKETSU or Standardize a \ ¥ SHITSUKE or Sustain STRAIGHTEN | — coaringend—/ Organize what ‘maintaining / / / ‘SHINE Clean your £ ‘One of the main goals attained by implementing 5S, is that of increased productivity in your organization or yourself. Here are the procedures in 5S: 1. Seiri or Sort > Eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts and instructions. > Keep only essential items and eliminate what is not required. : https: / /¥gq 2. Seiton or Straighten > There should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place. > Each item should be labeled. hittps:/ /bit ly /3hjs!07 3. Seiso or Shine/Sweep > Clean the workplace and all equipment. > Cleaning should be part of daily work. Figure 8 https: / /bit-ly/SeGesuj 4, Seiketsu or Standardize _<: > All work stations for particular job should be FE identical. > Everyone should know exactly what is his/her 22 responsibilities. Ihttps:/ /bitly/20B0EX! 5. Shitsuke or Sustain > Maintain and review standards > Maintain focus on this new way and do not allow a gradual decline back to the old ways Figure 10 ACTIVITIES Directions: The 58 Numbers Game is designed to illustrate how valuable 58 can be to your business or workplace. Criteria a 3 2 1 Completeness |The student | Thestudent |The student _ | The student completes all | completes all | completes all | completes all steps with no | steps with 1-2 | steps with 3-4 | steps with 5 missing missing missing or more number. number. number. missing number, Neatness | Presentable | Presentable | Presentable _ | Not and neat. but with but with more | presentable. * | minimal correction and corrections. _| erasures Time Finished the | Finished the | Finished the | Finished the task in under | task more task more task in 5 3 minutes than3 ~ | than4 minutes and minutes but | minutes but _ | above. less than4 —_| less than 5 minutes. minutes. STEP 1: This paper represents a workplace. Our job during a 20 second shift, is to strike out the numbers 1 to 49 in correct sequence. STEP 2: We are now going to implement the first step of 5S in the workplace. The first step is “Sort” and so all the numbers from 50 to 90 have been removed as they are not needed. STEP 3: Having achieved some improvement, we now need to move onto the next step of 5S -- “Straighten”. We have installed some racking, and we have organized the items so the Number 1 is in the bottom left hand corner, the numbers are located from left to right and bottom to top. Example: 1 in the bottom left, 2 in the middle and 3 in the top left. We have also undertaken the “Sweep” step by cleaning up the numbers such that they are all the same colour. STEP 4: Having now made a significant step forward, we must now “Standardize”. ‘Since we are dealing with numbers 1 to 49 in sequence, it seems logical to re-organize them in a standard way that makes the completion of the work task as easy as possible. . STEP 5: To make the best use out of the “Standardize” step it is often beneficial to also implement another Lean tool “Visual Management” Returning to our original work area, we have for this assignment two numbers missing. We cannot complete the task without these numbers - so first we have to find them. Directions: Read the statements carefully’ and write your answer in the space provided. 58 has the following procedures: 1, Eliminate what is not needed. 2. Organize what remains. 3. Clean your workplace. 4. Schedule cleaning and maintaining. 5. Make 5S a way of life. In addition, some businesses include 2 more procedures with the 5S, making it 7S. 6. Safety - Keeping the workplace safe. 7. Spirit - Employee engagement across all levels. | Pp VALUING Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully in two to three sentences. 1. Based on what you have learned about the 58, how would you apply those strategies in your daily life? =. 2. Cite a situation in which you can apply the knowledge of understanding of the procedures of 58. + ga POST-TEST DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. In the Seiton phase, where should tools that are used daily be stored? a. Keep near to the workplace. b. Arranged according to their usage priority. c. In the personal boxes where they won't be stolen. d. Store at their point of use. 2. What is the correct order of SS? a. Seiton, Sciri, Sushi, Seiso, Seiketsu b. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke c. Seiketsu, Shitsuke, Seiso, Seiri, Seiton d. Seiri, Seiso, Seiton, Shitsuke, Seiketsu 3. Practicing Seiton or Straighten reduces what? , a. Excess motion c. Searching waste b. Human frustration d. Excess inventory 4. Which phase of 58 are you in when you clean machine, floors, ete.? a. Seiso b. Seiton . Seiri d. Seiketsu_ 5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Shine or Seiso? a. Less production downtime c. Improved quality b. Happier employees d. Inventory reduction 6. What phase of 88 are we talking when we regulate; how we color code our tools, how we use red tag system? a. Seiri b. Seiton . ©. Seiso d. Seiketsu 7. 88 should be implemented by only one person per department to save time and avoid confusion. a, True b, False 8. Which of the following is not a part of the Seiri or Sort phase? a, Clean the area c. Disposition of red tag items b. Use of red tags + d. Putting tools at point of use 9. Straighten includes making changes to the layout area. a, True b. False 10. To sustain §8, you must/ have: a. a 5S audit checklist b. management support ¢. perform audits for each area regularly. d. train employees on 5S and expectations. €. All of the above.

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