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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 (Cagayan Valley)
Division of Isabela
Benito Soliven North District


SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020

I. Introduction
In pursuant to Republic Act No. 10176, an Act Reviving the Observance of
Arbor Day by Authorizing the Local Government Units the responsibilities for Celebrating
the Day for Tree Planting as an Annual Event. It is hereby declared the policy of the state
to protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. Towards this end, the vital role and
importance of trees in ecological stability is recognized. Hence, there is a need for a
collaborated effort between the State and its citizenry to combat the loss of our natural
resources and rejuvenate our environment by undertaking nationwide tree planting
activities and providing effective measures for their maintenance and sustainability.
The Department of education (DepEd), under its core value
Makakalikasan, supports the national government’s efforts in protecting and conserving
the environment through the National Greening Program (DM No. 187, s. 2018)

II. Objectives:
1. To inculcate among learners the importance of planting and
conserving indigenous and endemic tree and plant species and their
role in the ecosystem.
2. Sustain environmental consciousness and action among learners in
particular and community in general; thereby instilling in them the
values of unity, teamwork, sense of volunteerism, nationalism, and
community service for environment protection and conservation.
3. Highlight the importance of the schools and their natural environment
and to highlight the importance of the schools and their significant
role as well as their initiatives toward a sustainable Expanded national
Greening Program.

III. Activities and Highlights of Accomplishment:

Maluno Integrated School conducted tree planting activity as mandated by
the RA 10176, and to support the trust of DepEd “Makakalikasan. The said activity was
participated by the school personnel, Barangay Officials of Maluno Sur, the GPTA
Officers of both Elementary and Secondary department and parents are unselfishly
rendered their time to support the tree planting activity.
“Clean and Safe learning environment”. Barangay Captain Crisanto J.
Ancheta, emphasized the participation of all stakeholders to attain the programs,
projects and activities of DepEd. He assured in his message that Barangay Maluno Sur
officialdom supports any programs and activities of the school.
Mr. Marcelo P. Ginez, School Principal, stressed the role of the
stakeholders in keeping the school as a second home of the learners. He acknowledged
the supports of all organizations in their attendance during the school activities amidst
this time of pandemic.
IV. Pictorials

The Stakeholders of Maluno Integrated School supports the National Greening Program.

Parents, students and volunteers participates the tree planting activity of Maluno
Integrated School.

V. Recommendation

1. The concept of the role and value of trees and other natural resources in
maintaining the ecosystem shall be taught to students through integration in
appropriate subject areas and during the actual planting activities.

2. Training and workshops on tree-planting and nurturing of trees and plants may be
given to members of the YES-O, SSG, and SPG.

3. Schools may partner with other organizations and government agencies such as the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department of
Agriculture (DA) to assist DepEd in the implementation of the program.
(DM No. 187 s. 2018)

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