Stage 2 Checklist

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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

 Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación

Stage 2: “My checklist” / Etapa 2: “Mi lista de chequeo”

Fuente: SENA

Fuente: SENA

Hey! My name is Diana. I’m an enthusiast about a travel. I’m planning a various
trip along the colombian caribbean coas. Have a look to the checklist for my trip!

Checklist: African safari / Lista de chequeo: Safari africano

Vaccination and Immunization
Visit the doctor to check my vaccines.
Plan my vaccination schedule - At least three month prior to my trip.
Get a vaccine certificate.
Arrange a meet-and-great service – Location: The Jomo Kenyatta
International Airport.
Get tennis shoes.
Get light clothes like, shorts and T-shirts.
Get a mosquito net.
Money and payment
Authorize credit cards for international use.
Exchange money – I need Dollars or Euros.
Get familiar with the Kenyan currency.
Animal behavior
Do not interfere with animal behaviour.
Do not get out of the vehicle without consulting a guide.

Now, it is time to write your own checklist. It will help you to record your audio. /
Ahora es momento de escribir su propia lista de chequeo. Esta le ayudará en el
momento de grabar su audio.

Script / Guión
Hello! I'm taking a trip along the Caribbean coast! Let me describe my "Caribbean
Coast Trip" checklist to you.

My checklist includes five important points. The first and most important is
vaccination and immunization. This is because if I don't have the yellow fever
vaccine. I could get this disease due to the tropical climate and the stagnant water. I
must keep in mind that the vaccination card must be up to date in case something
happens. For that reason, I have to visit the doctor to check my history and plan a
vaccination schedule (in case I need it) at least four months before I leave.

The second point on my list, is to take the right clothes for the trip like getting a pair
of sandals, swimsuits, shorts, beach dresses and hats.

The third point on my list is personal care products such as sunscreen, moisturizers,
hair conditioners, shampoo, deodorant, repellent and sun protection for the lips.

The fourth item on my list is money. I need to make sure I have enough cash with
me in case I can't find an ATM. With this money I can pay for sightseeing tours and
buy souvenirs, either in cash or with a credit card.

The last point on my list is the arrival. I have to make sure of the travel plan I'm
going to carry out as soon as I arrive at my first destination. As the hotels are not
close to the different airports where I am going to arrive, I have to organize a
welcome service. The people from the respective hotel can pick me up at the Simon
Bolivar, Ernesto Cortissoz, Rafael Nuñez and Los Garzones International Airports.
Which are located in Santa Marta, Barranquilla, Cartagena and Montería
respectively. I have to talk to them soon to tell them the time of my arrival and the
flight number.

This is all friends, I'll see you on my next trip.


Criterios de evaluación
 Describe la existencia y ubicación de algo o alguien con la estructura y el
vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe los preparativos para un viaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura, el

vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Expresa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura

gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Describe experiencias de vacaciones haciendo uso de la estructura

gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Describe lugares, ciudades y personas con la estructura gramatical,

vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

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