Practice Problems - Metal Drude Model and Semiconductor

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2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, Resistivity of the metal, p = 1.54 x 10° Q-m. Number of conduction electrons, n = 5.8 x 10 “/m® Relaxation time, t= ? on or O11 x 10 58x10 x [102 x10] x 15a = gat x10" 9.41 x10" 5B x (Le0ay x1S4x 10" 22.92 = X10" 39.747 «10° » 2292 4. For the metal having 6.5 x 10 conduction electrons/m. Find the relaxation time of conduction electrons if the metal has resistivity 1.43 x 10° Q-m. (Set-4-Sept. 2008), (Set-3-Nov. 2003) Sol: Number of conduction electrons, n = 6.5 x 10%/m? Resistivity of the metal, p = 1.43 x 10° O-m Relaxation time, r 1107 65310" (14x10) 91.4810" g2x10s 5. Caleulate the free electron concentration, mobility and drift velocity of electrons in aluminium wire of length of 5 m and resistance of 0.06 © carrying a itpe:tstes. google comsepuenggphyscsomlunt-Slslved-problam-sol-sate- physic impl=%2Faystemi2Fappi2Ftemplatask2Fpris.. 322 811012019 ?impl-%42F system '42Fapp's2Ftemplate.. [ARagaAFS number] = 6.025 x10” (Set-1, Set-2, Set-4—Sept. 2007), (Set-4-May 2006), (Set-2, Set-3-June 2005) Sol: Given data are: Aluminium wire length, L = 5m Resistance of wire, R = 0.06.0 Current in wire, = 15 A Number of conduction electrons of Al atom = 3 Resistivity of aluminium, p = 2.7 x 10° Q-m Atomic weight of aluminium, w = 26.98 Density of aluminium, D = 2.7 x 10° Kg/m* Avogadro’s Number, N, = 6.025 x 10” per k-mol Free electron concentration, n = ? Mobility of electrons, 1 = ? 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, Drift velocity of electrons, 1. of eletrons per atom x N,, x D atomic weight Number of conduction electrons per m’, »= 3 x 6.025 x 10% « 2.7 « 108 = 1.8088 x 10°/m* oan 1 10" /m" i i Weknow ¢=—or ret nep 1 t= conzs mvs 1.8088 % 10" 31.6 x 10 x 2.7 x 10 mobility, Drift velocity, 15 x 0.06 Fx 27x10 x 18088 x 10” x 16x 107 9 107 3007 = 23x10" m/s. 6. Calculate the mobility of the electrons in copper obeying classical laws. Given 73 x 10~ that the density of copper = 8.92 x 10° kg/m®, Resistivity of copper itp:lstes. google comsepuenggphyscsMomluntSlslved-problam-sol-sate physic impl=%2Faystem¥s2Fappi2Ftemplatask2Fpris.. S22 sii0z019 tps ool comb puengphstsharelun Shed proton so-ae- pyle mgY2FystomzFapp Fmt © ohm-m, atomic weight of copper = 63.5 and Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 10” per k-mol. (Set-3-May 2008) Sol: Density of copper, D = 8.92 x 10" kg/m" Resistivity of copper, p = 1.73 x 10“ ohm—m Atomic weight of copper, W = 63.5 Avogadro number, N, = 6.02 x 10" per K-mol Mobility 4 No. of fre electrons per atom ‘Number of free clectrons per m,n — ‘Atom weight pa VXGODKIO" 8.9210" ~ as ae = 8.456 x 10% per m! 1 p-—— where y~ mobility nap 1 1 ep SAORI RLOATO x TIAO™ = 0.0427 mi/Vs. 7. Calculate the mobility of electrons in copper, considering that each atom contributes one electron for conduction. Resistivity of copper = 1.721 x 10-“.Q-m, Atomic weight is 63.54, density of copper is 8.95 x 10 °kg/m: and Avogadro number is 6.025 x 10/mole. Sol: Given data are: istivity of copper, p = 1.721 x 10% Q-m itp:stes. google comsepuenggphyticsiomlunt-Slslved-problam-sol-state- physic impl=%2Faystem¥i2Fappi2Ftemplatask2Fpris.. 622 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, Atomic weight of copper, W= 63.54 Density of copper, D = 8.95 x 10° kg/m’ Avogadro's number, N, = 6.025 x 10° per K-mol Number of free electrons per atom Mobility of conduction electrons of copper, 1 Nameraf conduction elses pr myn — S50 esr perawome My =D sc oy = 1% 6025 510 5 805 3 107 ~ Gs = 8.49710" /m! 1 1 SB Gap ~ SaBTXIO” x LOX IU XL /ZIXIO™ 10428 m?/Vs 357510 8. Find the relaxation time of conduction electrons in a metal contains 6.5 10 conduction electrons perm’. The resistivity of the metal is 1.50 x 10% Q-m. Sol: Given data are: Number of conduction electrons, n = 6.5 x 10:/m? Resistivity of the metal, p = 1.50 x 10” ohm-m Relaxation time, r we know that itp:lstes. google comsipuenggphyscsMomluntSlslved-problan-sol-sate physic mpl=%2Faystem¥i2FappYi2Ftemplatask2Fpi.. 7/22 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, met mp _ 9.41 x10-" 6.5% 10 [1.602 x10} 1.50% 10° 9.110 ENO 0.364% 10? 6 25.022 10 Stee Ue 9. Auniform silver wire has a resistivity of 1.54 x 10° Q—m at a temperature 300 K, For an electric field along the wire of 1 V/om. Calculate: 1 the drift velocity 2, the mobility and relaxation time of electrons assuming that there are 5.8 x 10** conduction electrons per mof the material and 3, calculate the thermal velocity of conduction electrons. Sol: Given data are: Resistivity of silver wire, p = 1.54 x 10% Q—-m Electric field, E = 1 V/em = 10° V/m Number of electrons per unit volume, n = 5.8 x 10% / m’ Relaxation time, r Drift velocity, ») =? Mobility of conduction electrons, n itp. google comepuenggphyscsiomluntSlslved-problam-sol-sate physic impl=%2Faystem¥i2Fappi2Ftemplatask2Fpris.. 822 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, — “ne neo 911x107 Rexation time. 7 SS nax10 Fed STO = 211 x10 9.97 10% 22.93 x10" Davey, v.=[ 1,602 x 10 x 107} <— «397 x10" oT 10 Mobility KT [3x1381x10 910 10. The Fermi energy of silver is 5.5 eV, and the relaxation time of electrons is 3.97 x 10“, Calculate the Fermi velocity and the mean free path for the electrons in silver. Sol: The given data are: ‘The Fermi energy of silver, E, = 5.5 eV = 5.5 x 1.602 x 10-19 J The relaxation time of electrons in silver, r= 3.97 x 10" S Fermi velocity, V, Mean free path, We know that je 1.60210" 9adx 10 or itp:lstes. google comsepuenggphyscsiomluntSlslved-problan-sol-sate physic impl=%2Faystem¥s2Fappi2Ftemplatask2Fpris.. 922 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, 1.39 x 10° m/s ‘The mean free path, A = Vr = 1.39 x 10° x 3.97 x 10° 5.52 x 10° m. 41, Calculate the Fermi energy in eV for silver at o K, given that the density of silver is 10500 kg/m, its atomic weight is 107.9 and it has one conduction electron per atom. Sol: The given data are: Density of silver, D = 10500 kg/m* Atomic weight of silver, M = 107.9 Number of free electrons per atom = 1 eevee concntation m-- umbstof Bie desroneperstoms x N, xD M __ Lx 6.025 x 10 x 10500 ~ 1079 6.63 x 10 7" 2 t Ve } s<(5:863s 10)" ~anoatare Uae 5.86310" perm’ Feemi energy F, = 5.85 x 10 x 1.5091 x 10% 883 x 10°"T 12. Find the drift velocity of free electrons in a copper wire of cross sectional area 10 mm*, When the wire carries a current of 100 A. Assume that each copper atom contributes one electron to the electron gas. [Density of copper = 8.92 x 6.02 x 10° kg/m3, Atomic weight of copper 10* per K-mol] 63.5 and Avogadro's number itp:lsts. google comsepuenggphyicsiomluntSlslved-problam-sol-state- physic impl=%2Faystem¥s2FappY42Ftemplatask2Fprint... 10222 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, Sol: Area of cross section of wire, A = 10 mm* = 10x 10°m* Current through the wire, I = 100 amperes Number of free electrons per atom Density of copper, D = 8.92 x 10° kg/m Atomic weight of copper, W = 63.5 Avogadro’s number, N, = 6.02 x 10% per K-mol Drift velocity of free electron, v, Current density, =. = 107 Amp/m? 7 a But J = nev, where n = free electron concentration No. of electro ‘Atomic weight om xN,xD No. of free electrons per m’, »= tasialinut 16.02% 10% 8.92107 os 63.5 " 107 x63.5 6.02 x 10 x 8.92.10" xL6x10° S07 yw UPSmis Find the resistivity of an intrinsic semiconductor with intrinsic concentration of 2.5 x 10” per m’. The mobilities of electrons and holes are 0.40 m*/V-s and o0.20m‘/V Sol: Given data are:'2Fapp'2Ftemplates%2Fprint... 11/22 2110/2019 __—ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis!nomelun-Siolved-problam-so-state-physiceimpl=Y2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplal, Intrinsic concentration (n,) = 2.5 x 10/m° Mobility of electrons (4,) = 0.40 m“/V-s The mobility of holes (u,) = 0.20 m:/V-s ‘The conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor (0) = nels, + Hp] “The resistivity (p, Hs) =e eee 25x10" x1.6x10 "040+ 020) “Tat oxeg ~ P4166 Om Calculate the number of donor atoms per m: of n-type material having resistivity of 0.25 Q-m, the mobility of electrons is 0.3 m?/V-s. Sol: We know: [Since n = number of free electron per m’ ~ number of donor atoms in n-type] Peas esa perm! Fem” WERLRITPROS Soom 3. At300 K, find the diffusion coefficient of electrons in silicon. Given the mobility of electrons (u,) is 0.21m*/V-s. Sol: From Einstein’s equation, we know: 0211.38 x10 shy 10-'mel itp. google comsepuenggphyscsomslunt-Slslved-problam-solt-sate- physic impl=%2Faystem¥s2Fapp2Ftemplatask2Fprint.. 12/22 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis!nomeluntSiolved-problam-soi-state-physice?implet2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, 4. The Hall coefficient (R,,) of a semiconductor is 3.22 x 10~ m’ C*. Its resistivity is 8.50 x 107 Q-m.Calculate the mobility and carrier concentration of the carriers. Sol: Since R,, is positive, so the given semiconductor is p-type. So Ry ‘whece » = hole concentration 1 1 @ Rye SRI KL ORI Mobility of holes x, is: 890 x 10° -m 4, Ry swhere p= 1p ~ T= oy hy — Be swhere p= resistwity SOO] = 00378 m/V-s 50x10 5. Mobilities of electrons and holes in a sample of intrinsic germanium at 300 K are 0.36 m’/V-s and 0.17 m“/ V-s, respectively. If the resistivity of the specimen is 2.12 Q-m, compute the intrinsic concentration. Sol: Mobility of electrons (,) = 0.36 m‘/ V-s Mobility of holes (u,) = 0.17 m*/V-s Resistivity p, = 2.12 0-m Energy gap (E,) ne (i, +B) aha, x16 x10" [0.36 +0217] 212 ny = _- 556.25 x10! 2.12 1.6x 0.53 itp:lstes. google comlsepuenggphyticsmomelunt-Slslved-problan-solt-state- physics impl=%2Faystem¥s2FappY42Ftemplatask2Fprint... 1322 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, 6. The following data are given for intrinsic germanium at 300 Kn, = 2.4 x 10°/m'; 1, = 0.39 m*/V-s; 4, =0.19 m*/V-s. Calculate the resistivity of the sample. (Set-1-Sept. 2007), (Set-2-Sept. 2006), (Set-1-May 2003) Sol: ln tH) n= 2A 10%; w= 0.39 mi Vs , = 0.19 a2/V-s 1 1 ZAKI x16 10" x(0394 019) 24xL6x058 a =0.449 D-m 7. The electron and hole mobilites in a silicon sample are 0.135 and 0.048 m°/V- s, respectively. Determine the conductivity of intrinsic Si at 300 K if the intrinsic carrier concentration is 1.5 x 10" atoms/m’. The sample is doped with 10° phosphorous atoms/m:, Determine the hole concentration and conductivity. (Set-3—May 2004), (Set-4—May 2003) Sol: Mobility of electrons (,) = 0.135 m?/V-s Mobility of holes (,) = 0.048 m*/V-s Instrinsic carrier concentration (n,) = 1.5 x 10"°/m* Conductivity (0) = me (1, + H,) = 1.5 x 10° x 1.6 x 10° [0.135 + 0.048] = 1.5 * 1.6 x 0.183 x 10-3 = 0.439 x 107°/Q-m. itp. google comepuenggphytics omelunt.Slslved-problan-sol-state- physics ”impl=%2Faystem¥s2Fappi2Ftemplatask2Fprit... 1422 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, Doping concentration, N;, = 10” phosphorous atoms/m* hole concentration, p conductivity (0,) = ? (5x10!) Ne 10° Nett, = 10" x 1.6 x 10" x 0.135 =2.16 x 10%9-m 23 x 107%m* 8. The R,, of a specimen is 3.66 x 10 m'/c. Its resistivity is 8.93 x 10° Q- m. Find wand n. (Set-1-May 2004), (Set-2-May 2003) Sol: Since R,, is positive, the given specimen is p-type material, Ry, = (Carrie concentratioa| 1 Teex OF ieee 17 10% me" (2) {liole concentration} | — Ra _ 366x104 = 4.099 10-7 m/V-s Px 8.93x10 NOOK Ry 9. Find the conductivity of intrinsic silicon at 300 K. It is given that n, at 300 Kin silicon is 1.5 x 10'°/m* and the mobilities of electrons and holes in silicon are 0.13 m*/V-s and 0.05 m*/V-s, respectively (Set-2-May 2003) Sol: Intrinsic concentration (n,) = 1.5 x 10"°/m* hpstos google cmstefpvenggphyichorluit-slsle problem soli-taephyix7inl+X2Feyata2FapptaFtampates2Fpt... 182 sii0z019 tps ool comb puengphstsharelun Shed proton so-ae- pyle mgY2FystomzFapp Fmt Mobility of electrons (u,) = 0.13 m?/V-m Mobility of holes (u,) = 0.05 m:/V-m Conductivity (0) = ne (u, + u,) = 1.5 x 10" x 1.6 x 10°" (0.13 + 0.05)/Q-m_ = 4.32 x 10°'/O-m 10. Apure silicon material has an intrinsic concentration of 1.5 x 10"°/m at 300 K, If it is doped with donor impurity atoms at the rate of 1 in 10° atoms of silicon, then calculate its conductivity. Assume that all the impurity atoms are ionized. Given that the atomic weight of silicon is 28.09, density = 2.33 x 10' kg/m: electron and hole mobilities are 0.14 m’/V-s and 0.05 m*/V- s, respectively. Sol: Given data are: Intrinsic concentration (n,) = 1.5 x 10°/m? Atomic weight of silicon (4) = 28.09 Density of silicon (D) = 2.33 x 10° kg/m’ Electron mobility (4) = 0.14 m?/V-s Hole mobility (u,) = 0.05 m*/V-s NyxD ‘No.of silicon atoms per unit volume (V) = 4 6,025 10% «233% 107 = 5x 10"%m 2809 Since the doping concentration is 1 in 10" silicon atoms itp:lsts. google comsepuenggphyticsiomeluntSlsclved-problan-solt-state- physic impl=%2Faystem¥2Fapp42Ftemplatask2Fprint... 16/22 2110/2019 —__—ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis!nomelun-Siolved-problam-sol-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplal, N 9x1" + Electron concentration (n) = a 5x 10m From law of mass action, hole concentration ». a = 4.5 x 10"%/m" «. Conductivity (0) = efny, + pia] = 1.6 x 10-"[5 x 10° x 0.14 + 4.5 x 10" x 0.05] 1.6 x 10°” [70,000 x 10" + 0.000225 x 10°] = 1.6 x 10° x 70,000.0000225 x 10" = 11.2/0-m 41, Pure germanium at 300 K has a density of charge carries 2.5 x 10"/m’. A specimen of pure germanium is doped with donor impurity atoms at the rate of one impurity atom for every 10° atoms of germanium. Assuming that all the impurity atoms are ionized, find the resistivity of the doped germanium if the electron and hole mobilities are 0,36 m‘/V-s and 0.18 m:/V-s, respectively and the number of germanium atoms/unit volume is 4.2 x 10% atoms/m’. Sol: Given data are: Density of charge carriers (n,) = 2.5 x 10°/m* Mobility of electrons (u,) = 0.36 m*/ V-s Mobility of holes (u,) = 0.18 m‘/ V-s Since doping concentration is 1 in 10° a ee 42510" = 42x 425 107%m* = 42x 10 itp. google comvsipuenggphyticsMomsluntSlscived-problan-solt-sate- physics impl=%2Faystem¥2FappY42Ftemplatask2Fprint.. 17/22 frraote __ipststes google. comtstlpvengghyscsorlui Sted problan-so-iae-pysic inp 2FeystaFappaFtompae As all the impurity atoms are ionized, So, the number of free electrons per m’ = n = 4.2 x 10/m* The hole concentration p is obtained from law of mass action as: np =n? (25x100F = 1.488 10% qos" 1 Resistivity (p) — + =__+ _- oma, + pen erm, + phy) _ L Tex iO [se 036+ 1ABR NTO DA i ~T6n 40" [is2x 10" + 0,0002678 x10" 1 Tox 512. 0000678 419% 10-/9-m 12, Anintrinsic Ge at room temperature with a carrier concentration of 2.4 x 10° m™ is doped with one Sb atom in 10° Ge atoms. What would be the concentration of holes if the Ge atom concentration is 4 x 10° m™"? Sol: Carrier concentration in Ge at room temperature, (n + p) = 2.4 x 10° m“ Doping concentration of Sb atoms = 1 in 10° Ge atoms Concentration of Ge atoms, N = 4 x 10 m? Since Sb atoms are pentavalent atoms, their ionization contributes free electrons and positive ions in the material, but holes will not be affected. x cartier concentration So, hole concentration, » 2x10" m? Lycraxa0 ov 2 itp:lstes. google comsepuenggphyscsmomeluntSlslved-problam-sol-statephysicsimpl=%2Faystem¥s2Fapp2Ftemplatask2Fprint... 1822 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, 13. Calculate the density of donor atoms to produce an n-type material with 0.2. 0- m resistivity and 0.35 m’Velectron mobility. Sol: Resistivity of the material, p = 0.2 Q-m Mobility of electrons, 1, = 0.35 m’ V" Density of donor atoms, n Electrical conductivity, ¢, = neu, 14. If resistivity of an intrinsic semiconductor is 5 O-m at 300 K and 2.5 Q-m at 320 K, what would be its energy gap? Resistivtiy at 320 K, p, = 2.5 Q-m Energy gap of intrinsic semiconductor, E, For intrinsic semiconductor, | ste sons nsenlae'z| or axeolsz'z| etre [ea Steak a itp. google comlsepuenggphyscs Moment Slslved-problam-sol-state- physic impl=%2Faystems2Fapp42Ftemplatask2Fprint... 1922 frino1e ape gee convtspurguyecanenatnt eave pain silane exo on appar *2Kn) 1.913.107 DOR IO* sisx1o"y tr t {300 320, 251810" oy asrsev a 45. Find the diffusion coefficient of electrons in Silicon at 300 K if u, is 0.19 m*/V-s. (Set-2-Sept. 2007), (Set-3-May 2007), (Set-4—June 2003), (Set-2—-May 2004) Sol: Probability of electrons, 4, = 0.19 m:/V-s Temperature of specimen, T'= 300 K Diffusion coefficient of electrons, D, Dy, 2B sticu X= Walesa coratint = 138 x 10 JK and e= charge on elections = 1.6 x 10°C 53 _ 4.92510 “mec 16. The resistivity of an intrinsic semiconductor is 4.5 Q-m at 20° C and 2.0 0- m at 32°C, What is the energy band gap? (Set-4—May 2004) Sol: p, = 4.5. Q-m itp:tstes. google comsepuenggphyicsiomluntSlslved-problam-sol-sate physics impl=%2Faystem¥s2Fapp2Ftemplatesk2Fprint... 20222 arrorzor9 2.0 0-m T,= 20° C= 293K T, = 32°C We know: rae? E, Resistivity = dep | 8 peeps te where A = constant k, = Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10 J/k Aexp| Ze SP aT, Aexp aa Taking logarithm on both sides, we get: aa. 295 305 = 1.6669 x 10-* hitp:stes google. coms elpuenggphyscsihomslunt-Slsoedprablem-solit-sate physics imp=*42Feystem?Z.2Fapp%4.2Femplates:2F rin nitps:istes google. comistlpuenggphysicshomelunitStoWed problam-soi-tate-physice?tmpl-2Feystan:2F app: 2Ftemplats aie 2110/2019 _ntipsstes google comisteypuenggphysis/nomelun-Sieolved-problam-soi-state-physice?impl=t2Fsystem2Fapptk2Ftemplat, itp:lstes. google comseipuenggphyicsiomluntSlslved-problan-sol-state physic impl=%2Faystem¥s2Fapp2Ftemplatask2Fprint... 22/22

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