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 Assesment Report TRYOUT UNBK-II [SMP/MTS]

 Statistik  Daftar  Daya Serap  Analisis Siswa  Gra k

 Soal & Pembahasan  Analisis & Rekapitulasi


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Tingkatan : SMP/MTs

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Paket : PAKET-03

10 records Search:

No. Soal
No. Soal

What merit will the readers get upon understanding the notice?

1 A.Those who want to meet the principal will pass through the main entrance
B.Parents will pick up their children at the main entrance
C.The student who needs to go home earlier may pass the gate
D. The students cannot use the main entrance


Manfaat dari teks notice tersebut adalah untuk memperingatkan para

pembaca, termasuk siswa, bahwa jika ada keperluan dengan pihak sekolah
selama jam sekolah harus melalui pintu gerbang utama
No. Soal

If there is an emergency case such as fire, what will the school most likely
A.The school will restrict the fire rescue team pass this gate
B.The school will open both this gate and the main entrance
C.The school will not permit the students pass the main entrance
D. The school will open this gate only to let the students to go to safe place


Apabila terjadi kasus kebakaran maka kemungkinan besar yang terjadi

adalah sekolah akan membuka gerbang “Children’s Entrance” ini dan
gerbang utama (untuk melakukan tindakan penyelamatan).
No. Soal

Maritime Museum is located at Pasar Ikan, 1 North Jakarta. Initially these

building served as warehouse for storing spices. The Dutch East India
Company started the constructions in 1652 and expanded in the years later.
In 1976 the premises were handed over to the municipal government of
Jakarta and preparation were started to convert them into a museum.
The maritime museum was officially opened on July 7th, 1997. The objective
of this museum is to converse, maintain, protect and expose the Indonesia
maritime and fishery tradition. A variety of traditional Indonesia boats with
their very specific shapes, equipment and decorative trimmings reflect a
high-standard maritime heritage. Apart from these props, there also
miniatures of modern ships on display. Navigational tools, anchor, the model
of light house, antique canons and many more items form part of the
museum's collection.
Those collections are, for example, traditional boats (originals and models)
found in the Nusantara archipelago like Bugis boat, Phinisi (Bugis cargo
boat), Pandekawang, miniature of Alut Pasa boat from Kalimantan and
Warship from Maluku called Kora-Kora. Sea biota, sea archaeology,
fisherman equipment, fishery anthropology and folklore, history of shipping
relations between Nusantara and the Netherlands, Maritime tourism,
3 information on the Navy, paintings of maritime prominent figures and other
important maritime information. In the context of its development, the
Maritime Museum often holds collaboration with the related Foreign
Embassies and Governmental Agencies.

(Adapted from http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/jakarta/maritime-


In general, the text informs about …

A.the construction of the museum

B.the initial function of the museum
C.the objective of the museum opening
D. the features and displays of the museum


Secara umum teks tersebut membicarakan informasi detail (bentuk dan isi
dari) Maritime Museum
No. Soal

Maritime Museum is located at Pasar Ikan, 1 North Jakarta. Initially these

building served as warehouse for storing spices. The Dutch East India
Company started the constructions in 1652 and expanded in the years later.
In 1976 the premises were handed over to the municipal government of
Jakarta and preparation were started to convert them into a museum.
The maritime museum was officially opened on July 7th, 1997. The objective
of this museum is to converse, maintain, protect and expose the Indonesia
maritime and fishery tradition. A variety of traditional Indonesia boats with
their very specific shapes, equipment and decorative trimmings reflect a
high-standard maritime heritage. Apart from these props, there also
miniatures of modern ships on display. Navigational tools, anchor, the model
of light house, antique canons and many more items form part of the
museum's collection.
Those collections are, for example, traditional boats (originals and models)
found in the Nusantara archipelago like Bugis boat, Phinisi (Bugis cargo
boat), Pandekawang, miniature of Alut Pasa boat from Kalimantan and
Warship from Maluku called Kora-Kora. Sea biota, sea archaeology,
fisherman equipment, fishery anthropology and folklore, history of shipping
relations between Nusantara and the Netherlands, Maritime tourism,
information on the Navy, paintings of maritime prominent figures and other
important maritime information. In the context of its development, the
Maritime Museum often holds collaboration with the related Foreign
Embassies and Governmental Agencies.

(Adapted from http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/jakarta/maritime-


After reading the text, we know that Maritime Museum …

A.is a warehouse where spices are stored

B.was built by the municipal government of Jakarta
C.needs 21-year preparation before it is officially opened
D. keeps traditional boat miniatures that come from many places in Indonesia


Jawaban C dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir paragraf 1 dan kalimat

pertama paragraf 2

5 Maritime Museum is located at Pasar Ikan, 1 North Jakarta. Initially these

building served as warehouse for storing spices. The Dutch East India
Company started the constructions in 1652 and expanded in the years later.
No. Soal

In 1976 the premises were handed over to the municipal government of

Jakarta and preparation were started to convert them into a museum.

The maritime museum was officially opened on July 7th, 1997. The objective
of this museum is to converse, maintain, protect and expose the Indonesia
maritime and fishery tradition. A variety of traditional Indonesia boats with
their very specific shapes, equipment and decorative trimmings reflect a
high-standard maritime heritage. Apart from these props, there also
miniatures of modern ships on display. Navigational tools, anchor, the model
of light house, antique canons and many more items form part of the
museum's collection.
Those collections are, for example, traditional boats (originals and models)
found in the Nusantara archipelago like Bugis boat, Phinisi (Bugis cargo
boat), Pandekawang, miniature of Alut Pasa boat from Kalimantan and
Warship from Maluku called Kora-Kora. Sea biota, sea archaeology,
fisherman equipment, fishery anthropology and folklore, history of shipping
relations between Nusantara and the Netherlands, Maritime tourism,
information on the Navy, paintings of maritime prominent figures and other
important maritime information. In the context of its development, the
Maritime Museum often holds collaboration with the related Foreign
Embassies and Governmental Agencies.

(Adapted from http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/jakarta/maritime-

What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

Museum was a warehouse that stored spices belonging to the
Dutch East India Company
B.The building starts its function as the Maritime Museum in 1997, 21 years
after its preparation
C.The main function of Maritime Museum is to make students understand
traditional fishery
D. Maritime Museum is a house for traditional boats, modern boats, and war


Kalimat pertama paragraf kedua menjelaskan bahwa Museum Bahari

(Maritime Museum) secara resmi dibuka pada tahun 1997
No. Soal

Maritime Museum is located at Pasar Ikan, 1 North Jakarta. Initially these

building served as warehouse for storing spices. The Dutch East India
Company started the constructions in 1652 and expanded in the years later.
In 1976 the premises were handed over to the municipal government of
Jakarta and preparation were started to convert them into a museum.
The maritime museum was officially opened on July 7th, 1997. The objective
of this museum is to converse, maintain, protect and expose the Indonesia
maritime and fishery tradition. A variety of traditional Indonesia boats with
their very specific shapes, equipment and decorative trimmings reflect a
high-standard maritime heritage. Apart from these props, there also
miniatures of modern ships on display. Navigational tools, anchor, the model
of light house, antique canons and many more items form part of the
museum's collection.
Those collections are, for example, traditional boats (originals and models)
found in the Nusantara archipelago like Bugis boat, Phinisi (Bugis cargo
boat), Pandekawang, miniature of Alut Pasa boat from Kalimantan and
Warship from Maluku called Kora-Kora. Sea biota, sea archaeology,
fisherman equipment, fishery anthropology and folklore, history of shipping
relations between Nusantara and the Netherlands, Maritime tourism,
6 information on the Navy, paintings of maritime prominent figures and other
important maritime information. In the context of its development, the
Maritime Museum often holds collaboration with the related Foreign
Embassies and Governmental Agencies.
(Adapted from http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/jakarta/maritime-

The municipal government of Jakarta had done 21-year preparation … it

was officially opened as the Maritime Museum in 1997.




D. but


Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kedua kalimat yang disajikan
dalam soal tersebut adalah “before”
No. Soal

Dear Yuli,
You never fail to astonish me.

Congratulation on your success as the best science teacher in the 2019

National Outstanding Teacher Award.
May your dedication and determination inspire other teachers in our school.

Head Master,
Danang Nugroho, Ph. D

The writer writes the text is …

A.to salute his colleague’s achievement
B.to encourage his colleague to be inspiration
C.to convince his colleague to win the award
D. to ask his colleague to show her dedication


Manfaat dari greeting card tersebut adalah memberikan penghormatan

berupa ucapan selamat kepada rekan kerja penulis atas prestasi yang telah
No. Soal

Dear Yuli,

You never fail to astonish me.

Congratulation on your success as the best science teacher in the 2019
National Outstanding Teacher Award.

May your dedication and determination inspire other teachers in our school.
Head Master,
Danang Nugroho, Ph. D

The greeting card is sent to someone who …

A.is a science teacher
B.has received the Award
C.has shown his/her dedication
D. becomes an inspiration in his/her workplace


Kartu ucapan tersebut diberikan kepada seseorang pada situasi ketika

orang tersebut berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan seperti yang disebutkan
dalam teks.
No. Soal

My first overseas trip was when I went to Thailand with my father. At that
moment I was still in Junior High School level and it was a school day off. My
father took this trip because he needed a data for his research about the
legendary bird “Garuda”, which turned out to be a legend too in Thailand.
We spent only one day in Thailand, but I experienced a lot of new things.

Having landed at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, we went to Windsor

Suites Hotel located on Sukhumvit Road and booked a room for that night
and one day after. After taking a quick shower and changing our clothes, we
rode tuk-tuk, a typical means of transportation found in Bangkok, to find
Halal food. Then we arrived at a small restaurant which turned out to be
owned by Indonesian. The owner was very nice, he gave us a free meal
when we were about to left his restaurant. He said that it was for our
breakfast, just in case we couldn’t find any Halal food at the hotel. My father
thanked him and exchanged phone number each other. Before we went
back to the hotel, my father took me around the Chatuchak Market where my
father bought me a rubber chicken. It was so funny, because when we
squeezed it, it made sound just like a rooster.
In the morning, after we had enjoyed free breakfast, which were a lot of
Halal food to choose, we headed to three archaeological sites in Thailand
which were Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ban Non Wat village, and the temple
9 of Prasat Ta Muen Thom. When we arrived on each destination, my father
started collecting the data. While my father was working, I walked around the
historical sites and took a lot of pictures. At 5 p.m., we went back to the
hotel, took a quick shower and drove right away to the airport. We flew to
Indonesia that night at 9 p.m. My father and I were exhausted but I was so
(Adapted from http://ekspektasia.com)

The topic of the text is …

A.the writer’s trip during a holiday season

B.the writer’s first overseas trip by himself
C.the writer’s trip to the foreign country for the first time
D. the writer’s trip to do a research in the foreign country with his father


Topik dari teks tersebut adalah pengalaman penulis bepergian ke luar negeri
untuk pertama kalinya (kalimat pertama paragraf pertama).
No. Soal

My first overseas trip was when I went to Thailand with my father. At that
moment I was still in Junior High School level and it was a school day off. My
father took this trip because he needed a data for his research about the
legendary bird “Garuda”, which turned out to be a legend too in Thailand.
We spent only one day in Thailand, but I experienced a lot of new things.
Having landed at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, we went to Windsor
Suites Hotel located on Sukhumvit Road and booked a room for that night
and one day after. After taking a quick shower and changing our clothes, we
rode tuk-tuk, a typical means of transportation found in Bangkok, to find
Halal food. Then we arrived at a small restaurant which turned out to be
owned by Indonesian. The owner was very nice, he gave us a free meal
when we were about to left his restaurant. He said that it was for our
breakfast, just in case we couldn’t find any Halal food at the hotel. My father
thanked him and exchanged phone number each other. Before we went
back to the hotel, my father took me around the Chatuchak Market where my
father bought me a rubber chicken. It was so funny, because when we
squeezed it, it made sound just like a rooster.
In the morning, after we had enjoyed free breakfast, which were a lot of
Halal food to choose, we headed to three archaeological sites in Thailand
which were Ayutthaya Historical Park, Ban Non Wat village, and the temple
of Prasat Ta Muen Thom. When we arrived on each destination, my father
started collecting the data. While my father was working, I walked around the
historical sites and took a lot of pictures. At 5 p.m., we went back to the
hotel, took a quick shower and drove right away to the airport. We flew to
Indonesia that night at 9 p.m. My father and I were exhausted but I was so

(Adapted from http://ekspektasia.com)


From the text, we know that …

A.the writer and his/her father loved to travel abroad

B.the restaurant they went located nearby the hotel
C.the hotel did not serve free Halal food
D. the writer’s father was a researcher


Jawaban D dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat 3 paragraf 1.

 1 2 3 4 5 

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