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1. All hemodialysis patients with advance directives shall follow the following:
A. Proxy Directives – on the event that the patient is incapacitated (the patient can no longer
decide, deteriorating, or comatose) the indicated person in the directives will decide on
behalf of the patient regarding his/ her care and medical interventions.
- It should be made known to the attending physician and staff handling the
patient on admission.
- All enclosures should be strictly followed according to the patient’s wishes.
- It is notarized by their lawyer.
B. Will and testament – it is notarized and kept by their lawyer.
C. On the event that the patient will pass away, the lawyer should be informed; he will also
decide for the wishes of the patient especially the distribution/ division of whatever the
patient wants his/ her keen to inherit (usually properties such as land, money, jewelries,
and other material things to be inherited.

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