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PRepublic of the Philippines

Department of Education

NAME: _________________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _____________________

COMPETENCY: Outlines reading texts in various disciplines (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-8)
Reference Materials (Tx/LMs):
Sequeton, Grace and Markit Uychoco. (2016) English for Academic and Professional Purposes.Quezon City: Rex Bookstore pp. 49-56
Tiongson, Marelle Theresa and Maxine Rafaella Rodriguez (2016) Reading and Writing. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore p.17
Direction: This activity sheet consists of five sections; Warm up, What’s this, Exercises, Application/ Valuing Process,
Assessment and Agreement. Read thoroughly with understanding and answer every activity given. May use separate
sheet of paper if needed.
This worksheet was made and written with you in mind. It is here to help you outline reading texts in various
disciplines. After going through this worksheet, you are expected to make an outline on reading texts in various
The previous lesson thought you that creating thesis statement comes as result of pre-writing. It is a product of
thinking about your ideas, seeking evidence, and looking for relationships between your ideas and your evidence.
Hence, it is not just the most important idea, but it controls the essay by determining what you should or should not
include in your work.
This new lesson (Creating Reading and Writing Outlines) is the next step in organizing your ideas (after creating
your thesis statement). But why do you need to think about the organization of your paper? No matter how original or
compelling your ideas are, they will not be appreciated by the reader if these ideas are not organized. Readers
appreciate it when they can see the relationship of one part of the text to the next. As a writer, you should strive to
achieve coherence in your writing. So, this will also serve as your guide and a roadmap to your writing destination. Enjoy
your journey as you discover Lesson 4. Good luck!
The word OUTLINE can be intimidating, especially to students. But if you know that a writer uses an outline for
an essay the way the architect uses blueprint for a building, then you will have an easier time understanding its purpose
in the writing process.
To better familiarize you with the concept of an outline, can you think of other things you can compare an
outline’s purpose to, like in the case of the architect’s blueprint? Write your answers beside the lines in the image.


An outline is a summary that gives essential features of a text. It shows how the parts of the text are related to one
another as parts that are equal importance, or sections that are subordinate to a main idea.
There are two kinds of outlines: the reading outline and writing outline. A reading outline is used to get the main
ideas of a text that are already written. It helps you understand the text’s structure more critically because you will have to
find the text’s thesis statement and support. You will better understand how a writer connects and sequences the information
in the reading. Meanwhile, a writing outline is a skeletal version of your essay. It is used as a guide to organize your ideas. It is
usually done before you write the first draft of your essay. There are also two styles of outline: scratch outline (or topic) is
simple list of ideas that take the form of words and phrases; and Sentence outline uses sentences to define the subject
Creating a Reading Outline
A reading outline is highly structure. Below are some steps that you can follow in creating a reading outline:
1. Read the entire text. Skim the text afterward. Having an overview of the reading’s content will help you flow its
structure better.
2. Locate the main idea or thesis of the whole essay
 Look at the title of the text.
 Look for heading, if any.
 Look for information that answers the questions, “What is the text talking about?”
3. Look for key phrases in each paragraph of the essay
4. Locate the topic sentence of each paragraph
5. Depending on the length of the text, look at the topic sentences and group those with related ideas together. See
if they describe a process or are examples.
6. To logically organized information, the contents of the reading are arranged according to levels. A level refers to
the number of ranks in the hierarchy of information in the reading. Provide a general group name for each group
topic sentences. These will be the main division of your outline, or the first level. Label these with a Roman
numeral. The topic sentences will be the subtopics, or the second level. Label these with capital letters.
7. Evaluate the supporting details provided. These will be the third level of your outline. Labe these with Arabic
8. Go back to the text after you have finished your outline. Check whether you have followed its sequence closely
and that you have not missed any important information.
Creating a Writing Outline
A writing outline is basically a skeletal overview of your draft, which contains your fundamental points and
different ideas that support them. It shows you where each of your ideas is placed in your writing; how all of them fit
together; and how each lead to the central idea of your writing. Below are the parts of a formal outline. Like reading outline,
the main ideas are written Roman Numerals. Supporting ideas are written beside Capital Letters and indented. Specific details
are written beside Arabic numbers and are further indented.
I. Main Idea
A. Supporting idea to I
B. Supporting ideas to I
1. Supporting idea to B
2. Supporting ideas to B
a.) Supporting idea to 2
b.) Supporting idea to 2
II. Main Ideas
A. Supporting idea to II
B. Supporting ideas to II
C. Supporting ideas to II
Some suggestions in creating your outline:
 Determine what your purpose is for writing the thesis.
 Begin your outline with a thesis statement
 Review your notes
 Group together similar ideas and thoughts
 Label all the main topics (roman numerals)
 Identify subtopics and classify them (uppercase letter)
 Identify supporting points like illustrations and examples (Arabic numbers)
 Identify particular details like statistics, quotes and other secondary info (lowercase letter)
 Check your outline for unsupported evidence
 Re-examine all your main topics, subtopics, supporting points and particular details to see that they all
develop your thesis
 Show your propose outline to a number of people such as your teacher, classmates, friends or even your
family. Get feedbacks from them on what to improve in your outline

A. Below are lists of words which form parts of main ideas. Provide each group with a main idea/ general
topic that includes all the terms in the set as subtopics.
1. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr
General topic: ______________________________
2. Ondoy, Yolanda, Sendong, Milenyo
General topic: ______________________________
3. University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, University of Santo
General topic: ______________________________
4. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology
General topic: ______________________________
5. Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Lemony Snicket, Divergent
General topic: ______________________________
B. Below is a list of topics that could serve as main ideas. Provide each main idea with three possible
subtopics that relate to the main idea as examples, stages or steps, or parts.
1. The process of photosynthesis
Subtopics: A. ____________________________________________________
2. The parts of a basketball court
Subtopics: A. ____________________________________________________
3. The application on a smartphone useful in your studies
Subtopics: A. ____________________________________________________
4. The people that became famous through YouTube
Subtopics: A. ____________________________________________________


Read the direction of each activity. Use separate sheet if needed for this activity.
A. Select a short reading assignment in any of your other classes. Afterwards, create a reading outline of that
assignment, applying the guidelines you have learned from this lesson.

B. Go back to your previous lesson’s last activity. Reread your old essay and the new thesis statement that you
provided. Based on this, come up with a formal writing outline. How would you reorder the ideas in your old
essay? What ideas need to be developed or eliminated?
Part 1- MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer. Write only the letter only before the number.
1. Which of the following levels that uses roman numerals as its label in writing an outline?
a. subtopics b. main topics c. supporting points d. all of the Above
2. Franz is writing a story about caterpillar. Which fact for outlining idea doesn’t belong?
a. Caterpillar has six pairs of small eyes called stemmata.
b. Can be lots of different colors and are usually the same color
c. Egg, larva, pupa, and adult are their life cycle
d. How many species are there of the butterfly
3. Which technique is used to outline a successful essay?
a. Writing down all possible essay topics b. Finding quotes by unknown people to backup essay
c. Writing down the main idea and all subtopics d. Writing down all word for word
4. What is the greatest benefit of using outline to draft an essay?
a. Outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a direction for the essay before jumping to a
first draft.
b. An outline is the same thing as the first draft, once the outline is written, the draft is done.
c. With an outline, writers don’t have to worry so much about their final product.
d. Writers who use an outline always produce successful and engaging essay.
5. Why is it good idea to develop your thesis statement before writing your outline?
a. It will allow you to insert the thesis statement into every section of your essay.
b. You can use it to check each point in the outline and ensure it directly relates to and support the thesis.
c. This will allow you to proofread your thesis statement more easily
d. It helps to ensure each of the other points in the outline do not repeat ideas from your thesis.
6. One should focus on _______ during the outlining process.
a. Sentence structure, quality of ideas and logical order
b. Creating a thesis statement clearly presenting one’s position on the topic
c. The content of the opening and closing paragraphs
d. Brainstorming possible discussion points
Read the following to answer items 7-10.
Mathias is tasked to make an outline as their requirement in English subject, but before he can do it, he had to
read first the text given and jot down the important details from the reading material. As he is done reading, he
arranged the details and identified the main idea and supporting details of the text in the form of words and phrases and
labeled it using roman numerals, uppercase letter, Arabic number, and lowercase letter. He strictly followed the
guidelines and steps in writing an outline.
7. What outline style did Mathias use?
a. sentence outline b. scratch outline c. writing outline d. reading outline
8. What kind of outline did Mathias use in the making of his output?
a. sentence outline b. scratch outline c. writing outline d. reading outline
9. Which of the following is NOT part in writing an outline?
a. Determine what is your purpose in writing the thesis
b. Evaluate the supporting details provided
c. Group together similar ideas and thoughts
d. Identify supporting points like illustrations and examples
10. Which of the following is NOT true about outline?
a. Outline is the most challenging part in making of essay because it needs evaluation.
b. Outlining efficiently requires ability to locate the main ideas of the text.
c. Outline reveals the coherence and complexity of an essay.
d. Outline involves knowing how to distinguish ideas according tot the level of importance in the text.

Read one of the SONA Speeches of President Duterte and make a reading outline. Be sure to secure a copy
(handwritten or encoded) be sure to indicate the link where you retrieved the article for my basis in checking the

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