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Naval systems &
World class
- through people, technology and dedication

Kongsberg Gruppen ASA (KONGSBERG) is an international

technology corporation that delivers advanced and reliable
solutions that improve safety, security and performance in
complex operations and during extreme conditions.

KONGSBERG is a customer focused organization with a

worldwide performance culture. KONGSBERG works
with demanding customers in the global defence,
maritime, oil and gas and aerospace industries.

Naval System & Surveillance

Submarines. . ...........................................................................................4-5
Surface Vessels. . .....................................................................................6-7
Simulation & Training...........................................................................8-9
Navigation Combat System. . .......................................................... 10-11
MCM.......................................................................................................... 12
Underwater Surveillance & Protection.............................................. 13
Combat System Integration ................................................................ 14

su b m a r in e s

in t e g r at e d co m b at s ys t e ms
- for th e 2 1 S T Centu r y

Submarines of the 21st Century face an The key words for the 21st Century com-
ever-increasing range of missions. By defi- prise:
nition, they have to operate in the chal- • International Operations/Task Forces
lenging conditions of the littorals, as well • Interoperability
as in the blue ocean. • ISTAR (Intelligence Surveillance,
As in the first 100 years of submarine op- Target Acquisition, Reconnaissance)
erations, the need to be able to find, • Network Enabled Capabilities
track and defeat enemy surface ships and in addition to the traditional Maritime
submarines remains paramount. Operations (ASuW and ASW).

M S I - 90 U M k 2
The MSI-90U Mk 2 Submarine Combat
Management System is designed for 21st • Data processing is distributed on a
Century operational and lean manning number of powerful, general-purpose
requirements. The system typically Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
comprises three to five Multi-Function computers
Consoles. This number can easily be • Data communication between the
adjusted upwards or downwards to meet MSI-90U Mk 2, sensors and effectors is
the customer’s operational concept or to handled by a local area network
fit the available space. (Gigabit Ethernet)
• Built-in redundancy and graceful deg-
The basic design philosophy, augmented radation provide a high system
with operational experience from the availability
legascy MSI-90U system, has resulted • Torpedo Board Interface tailored to
in a solution with the following system selected torpedo types
architecture features:

su b m a r in e s

pa ssi v e s o n a r p r o c e ssin g s ys t e m
The KONGSBERG Passive Sonar Process- tors for surveillance, tactical and safety
ing System (PSPS) provides the best purposes, as well as providing contact
possible picture of the surface and information to the submarine’s Combat
underwater environment including high Management System.
quality displays to the sonar opera-

The KONGSBERG PSPS is fully based on transmissions and integrates Bottom Map-
Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) compo- ping and Mine Avoidance Sonars.
nents and Open System Standards, which
facilitates easy future modifications and The very compact systems solution can
upgrades. easily be accommodated in existing and
new submarines and comprises the fol-
The KONGSBERG PSPS processes and inte- lowing units:
grates data from all kinds of passive sonar
arrays, including: • Front End Conditioning/Analogue to
Digital Converters
• Bow Arrays • Sonar Processing Cabinet
• Intercept Arrays • Multi-Function Consoles
• Distributed Arrays
(Passive Ranging Sonar)
• Flank Arrays
• Towed Arrays
• Own Noise Sensors
In addition, the PSPS controls active sonar

delivering outstanding
system performance
by combining technology
and experience

s u r fa c e v e s s e l s

KONGSBERG is the world leading provider of flexible solutions for integration of
the AEGIS Weapon System to national requirements, including various sensors
and weapons; enabling national industries to provide Life Time Support.

Our product comprises:

- Anti Surface Warfare systems (ASuW)

- Anti Submarine Warfare systems (ASW)
- Integration to AEGIS Anti Air Warfare systems (AAW)

KONGSBERG has integrated AEGIS on the following platform:

- RNoN Fridtjof Nansen Class frigates

- ROK Navy KDX-III destroyers
- RAN Air Warfare Destroyers

S u r fa c e v e s s e l s

b r i d g e a n d n av i g at i o n
KONGSBERG’s military bridge and navigation systems are based on World Class,
IMO approved civilian solutions, and provide:

- ECDIS/WECDIS with enhancements for passive terrestrial navigation
- Navigation Data Distribution system

S i m u l at i o n &
t r a ining

N ava l simu l at i o n & T r a inin g

- M ax i mi ze p er fo r m a nce in ex trem e o peratio n s
The need for efficient, effective and af- Trainers and scenarios can be specifically
fordable high-quality training of armed tailored to allow warfighters to prepare
forces personnel will continue to in- for every situation, from important
crease over the next decade as threats, procedural training to challenging,
operational requirements, and equip- high-stress, combat missions where the
ment capabilities continually evolve. immediate action drills critical to survival
Real-life training using operational can be developed and practiced. Such
equipment often presents too many exercises using validated tactics and
challenges including: risks to personnel procedures can be re-run many times to
safety and equipment damage; the risk develop, build and maintain core skills in
of compromising operational security; a safe training environment.
and limited access to over-stretched
operational platforms for training. Simulation is highly responsive to the
demands of the operational requirement
Everywhere budgets are being squeezed, and can be customized to provide on-
with naval forces being required to demand training ranging from dedi-
provide increased effectiveness for less cated, single-operator, part-task training,
money. Fortunately simulation technol- through team and sub-team training and
ogy has now evolved to a level where up to large fleet and task force synthetic
highly-realistic scenarios can be used to training in a live, virtual and constructive
meet key requirements including: train- (LVC) environment.
ing; decision making; development of
strategy, tactics and procedures; formula-
tion and validation of concepts of opera-
tions; mission rehearsal; and after-action

As real shipboard equipment and simula-

tor platform technologies converge, so
do the shipboard and simulator train-
ing environments. Simulator training
in highly-realistic operational scenarios
presents a shorter route to competency
and force readiness.

s i m u l at i o n &
t r a ining

KO N G S BERG n ava l t r a inin g s o lu t i o ns

KONGSBERG has several families of 3. INTERACT (Integrated Naval Training
simulation products covering the full Environment for Resource manage-
spectrum of naval and maritime simula- ment And Crew Teamwork), which
tion and training, which may be tailored provides an High-Level Architecture
to your specific training needs and objec- (HLA) federation, into which any com-
tives. The main product areas are: bination of POLARIS, PROTEUS and
third party HLA and DIS-compliant
1. The POLARIS/NEPTUNE family of (Distributed Interactive Simulation)
ship-handling, engine room, navi- trainers can be linked in a common
gation, marine communications and scenario to provide whole-crew
equipment trainers. training.

2. The PROTEUS family of tactical and

weapons procedural trainers that
cover the whole spectrum of naval
operational training.

KONGSBERG has been dedicated to quality training for the past four decades

n avig ation com b at
s y st e ms

S e a Co mm a n d
- N av i gat i on Co m bat System
Sea COMMAND is a compact system for Radar targets are engaged rapidly and
safe navigation combined with naval confirmed visually in the chart. At Multi
tactical support, including control of Target Scenarios, tracks are prioritized
weapons, radars and electro-optical and Track Management Functionality is
sensors, for small to medium high speed available.
craft. The High Speed Navigation System up-
dates charts and radar plots in a timely
Sea COMMAND provides increased manner, paramount at high speeds in
situation awareness, operator efficiency littoral waters.
and lean manning. This is achieved by
true multi-function operator positions, The Open Backbone Architecture enab-
with user defined screen layouts, which les the integration of various on-board
may be optimized for any task, like the devices and video distribution. Thus,
navigator to use the Remote Weapons Sea COMMAND can also serve as the
Station (RWS) for navigation planning Electronic Backbone System of the boat.
and its IR capabilities at night for safe

Sea COMMAND takes integration to

another level through its seamless inte-
gration between the navigation chart
and the RWS. Low latency video enables
the gunner to aim at any position in the
electronic map or as directed by a radar
echo or an EO sensor.

n avig ation com b at
s y st e ms

The PROTEUS trainers are compatible
with Sea COMMAND:
- Navigation, Weapon and EO operator
- Platform Crew Training, tactical training
- Squadron training, mission training


- Scenario Simulation, e.g Swarm attack
- Mission debrief provides tactics im


Sea PROTECTOR is a lightweight,
remotely controlled, fully stabilised sen-
sor platform and high precision weapon
mount. It provides surveillance, detec-
tion, tracking and prosecution of various


S u p p o r t in g a l l p h a s e s
– from s e arch to d estr u c t io n
KONGSBERG’s MCM systems support Organic MCM
all operation of mine hunting or mine performed from any vessel of opportu-
sweeping, from planning and prepara- nity with remotely operated sensors and
tion, via operation, to reporting and effectors.
evaluation done either from dedicated
MCM vessels or organic MCM. KONGSBERG can supply:

The MCM C2 system is fully integrated to - Mine Warfare Data centre

all sensors and uses all available informa- - MCM C2 system
tion, being historical-, tactical-, environ- - Hugin 1000 AUV
mental- and sensor information to give - Minesniper One Shot Mine
the most real data to the operators. The Disposal system
C2 system together with a KONGSBERG
DP system makes it safe to operate Our systems are based on open systems
within the minefield with low risk to architecture largely based on COTS, this
personnel and equipment. makes it convenient to integrate our
systems to any ship configurations being
SES vessels, as in Norway, mono hull
Dedicated MCM vessels MCM vessels or some organic solutions.

KONGSBERG can supply: The Norwegian coastline includes almost

any type of environments and bottom
- Integrated Navigation Bridge conditions and the KONGSBERG systems
- Dynamic Positioning system (DP) have proven their capabilities in use on
- Mine Warfare Data Centre the Norwegian Oksøy class MCMVs.
- MCM C2 Tactical System
- MCM sonar
- Minesniper One-Shot Mine
Disposal system
- Optional Hugin or Remus

Photo:Peter Reed Larsen/UmoeMandal

U n d e r wat e r s u r v e i l -
l a n c e & p r ot e c t i o n

U n d e r wat e r su r v e i l l a n c e & p r ot e c t i o n
– C -S cop e US P
The C-Scope USP System includes a Being part of the C-Scope family of
unique portfolio of high performance KONGSBERG maritime surveillance
active and passive sonars designed by systems means that the C-Scope USP
KONGSBERG especially for surveillance System benefit from proven C-Scope sur-
applications. KONGSBERG sonars are veillance and interoperability capabilities
built for the special purpose of sur- and data from the widest possible choice
veillance and therefore have optimal of sensors. This includes radar and AIS
frequencies and bandwidths for reliable information as well as live satellite feeds
long range detection in challenging in order to improve the confidence of the
coastal areas and reverberant conditions underwater tactical picture and reduce
typically found in littoral waters and the false alarm rate.

The C-Scope USP System employs ad-

vanced sensor technology and process-
ing algorithms. Even in the adverse
conditions encountered in littoral waters
the system is capable of providing early
detection with low false alarm rate which
is the most important quality factor in
order to provide sufficient time for inter-
ception of the identified threats.

Full picture from inner harboUr to open sea

Unmatched performance
Advanced sensor technology
Designed for automatic operatioN

com b at s y st e m
int e g r ation

Co m b at S ys t e m I n t e g r at i o n
The performance of an Integrated In the Test & Verification Phase:
Combat System (ICS) relies on the • Combat System Integration and Test
performance of the Combat Manage- - Perform Risk Mitigation Tests
ment System and the connected sub- - Providing a Land-Based Test Facility
systems (i.e. sensors and effectors). In - Perform CS/CMS System Test
order to achieve the best possible ICS - Planning and preparation of Yard
performance an optimal Combat System Integration and Test
Integration (CSI) process is of vital
importance. • Combat System Yard Integration and
Many ship-yards are no longer able to - Set-to-Work and HAT for the CMS
perform such a task alone due to the vast - Support to shipyard during CS
complexity of today’s Integrated Com- Sub-system Yard work
bat Systems and lack of appropriate CSI - Functional Chain Testing
experience. KONGSBERG has for a period - Sea Acceptance Test (SAT) support
of more than 40 years built up such
expertise and is fully capable of taking The main strategy of the CSI is a strict
the ICS responsibility for a submarine or control of the interfaces between the
a surface ship. CMS and the connected CS Sub-systems
and to verify these interfaces prior to
The CSI process will normally comprise installation on board the actual platform
the following activities, where KONGS- through a series of Risk Mitigation Tests.
BERG can be responsible for the techni-
cal and functional integration of the CMS
with the CS Sub-systems.

In the Engineering Phase:

• Combat System Engineering
- End User Requirements Analysis
- Define Combat System Architecture
- Provide support to ship-yard
- Development of ICS Interface
Requirement Specifications
- Develop a CS/CMS Test & Verifi-
cation Plan

KONGSBERG is an international corporation with strong
Norwegian roots. Collaboration with our customers, partners and
suppliers, and a commitment to understand the context where
our technology is applied, are important driving forces behind
the corporation’s international development and growth.


Norway (15) * Denmark

Main Office in Sweden
Kongsberg Finland
Vancouver (Canada)
Lynwood (USA)
St. John’s (Canada) Poland (2)
London (Canada)
Salt Lake City (USA) Pocasset (USA) United Kingdom (8) Hungary
Netherlands Dalian (China)
Ottawa (Canada)
Halifax (Canada) Italy
Long Island (USA) Zhenjiang (China)
Spain Greece South Korea (5)
United Arab Emirates
West Mystic (USA)
Houston (USA) Mount Arlington (USA)
India (2) Shanghai (China)
Washington (USA)
New Orleans (USA)
Saudi Arabia Guangzhou (China)

Nigeria Singapore (2)


South Africa

Antarctica *
Kongsberg , Asker, Bergen, Billingstad, Horten,
Kjeller, Kristiansand, Oslo, Sandefjord, Sandvika,
Stavanger, Stjørdal, Svalbard, Tromsø, Trondheim.
World class
- through people, technology and dedication

Kongsberg Defence Systems Headquarters:

© 2013 / 06 KONGSBERG - All rights reserved. Print: Allkopi Service Point AS

P.O. Box 1003 Kirkegaardsveien 45

NO-3601 Kongsberg NO-3616 Kongsberg
Norway Norway
Phone: + 47 32 28 82 00 Phone: +47 32 28 82 00
Fax: + 47 32 28 86 20

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