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Kongsberg Maritime

Underwater Acoustic Noise Measurement

Propagation Modelling
& Impact Assessment
Kongsberg Maritime Ltd Underwater Acoustic Noise Measurement & Analysis Support Services

Kongsberg offer the following support services related to the measurement, analysis & impact assessment of underwater sound/noise

1. Underwater noise measurement & monitoring

2. Underwater noise propagation modelling
3. Marine impact modelling

Applications include:

 Environmental impact assessment

 Measurement & analysis to verify predicted underwater noise modelling
 Measurement & analysis to verify subsea device design noise
 Determination of underwater noise signature of subsea devices

Measurement & monitoring of underwater noise levels:

Baseline noise levels: The prevailing noise at an underwater site before any
development works are carried out.

Offshore construction or decommissioning noise levels: The noise generated by activities associated with the development,
installation or removal of subsea based infrastructure. These can include foundation socket drilling; foundation pile-driving, associated
vessel movements, industrial cutting and grinding, and use of explosives.

Operational noise levels: The underwater noise associated with an offshore wind, wave, tidal turbine farm or other subsea
devices. This is man-made noise that has been introduced to the environment and which may have an acoustic impact upon the
marine life and environment.

Verification of predicted underwater noise models : Measurement, analysis & comparison/verification of the actual generated
noise against desk top studies or predictive modelling

Verification of predicted noise by device designers : Measurement, analysis & reporting of the actual device generated noise
signature versus the predicted design noise criteria.

Measurement hardware & analysis

RUNES (Remote Underwater Noise Evaluation System) is an autonomous seabed recorder.

The unit is deployed and remains in-situ for extended periods. The background noise is recorded over a pre-defined
sampling protocol, between the broadband frequency range, 100 Hz to 250 kHz. At the end of the sampling period,
RUNES is recovered, the processed data provides a series of graphs indicating sound pressure spectral density and
its variation over time.

“Over-the-Side” hydrophone sound recording equipment.

The recording hydrophone is trailed over the edge of a platform or vessel and the recorded data is processed to provide
figures indicating the variation of noise levels as a function of time and the pressure spectral density.

In either case, the underwater noise can be processed using appropriate filters representing the audiology of a number
of species of marine mammals or fish. The filters enhance or diminish the hearing capability over a range of
frequencies and thus indicate the possible impact the noise may have on individual species.

Desk studies – acoustic propagation modelling

Acoustic propagation modelling is undertaken in order to predict levels of noise that may be emitted into the
environment from a device such as a wind or tidal turbine that has not yet been constructed.

The modelling is undertaken using a specific computer program that allows the local environment to be characterised in terms of the
seabed bathymetry, sediment coverage and prevailing oceanographic conditions. Each of these factors has a decisive impact on
where the sound goes and the levels of sound at a given location.

No single computer program can model underwater sound; the choice of which program to use depends upon the underwater
environment and the precise nature of the sound-emitting mechanism.

KONGSBERG MARITIME LTD 11 The Briars Waterberry Drive Waterlooville Hants UK PO7 7YH
tel: +44 23 9224 7800 fax: +44 23 9224 7808 email: April 2012
Kongsberg Maritime

Underwater Acoustic Noise Measurement

Propagation Modelling
& Impact Assessment

The output from the modelling thus undertaken consists typically of figures showing the underwater noise levels as a function of depth
and range.
Wave, wind and tidal turbine devices are broadband sources; that is, the sound that is emitted is spread over a wide range of
frequencies. It is necessary to model the response of the environment over each frequency and as a result, the time taken for a fully
comprehensive model run can take many hours.

An alternative approach is to make use of Kongsberg

“Quick-Look” propagation modelling technique.
This may be used during, for instance, a Rochdale
Envelope workshop. During the early stage of the
design process for an offshore wind farm, the precise
development configuration may not be known. It is
necessary however, to rule-in, or rule-out, various
turbine size, numbers and location scenarios in order to
limit to a practical level the number of acoustic
modelling runs that are subsequently required.

The “Quick-Look” approach allows these parameters to

be modified and a result showing the spatial variation of
underwater noise levels to be generated in a matter of
seconds or minutes. The “Quick-Look” propagation
model is based on a simplified approach and must not
be used as an alternative to providing the full,
broadband result.

Desk studies – acoustic impact modelling

The acoustic impact of a noise source on marine life may be assessed by estimating the range at which an animal may be affected or
damaged by the sound emitted by that source.

A number of studies previously published in the international literature have indicated underwater noise levels that may give rise to
fatality, physical injury, auditory damage and behavioural reactions in a number of species of whale, dolphin, seal and fish.

The impact modelling process involves taking the results generated during the previous acoustic propagation modelling and finding the
maximum range at which the noise levels associated with each impact are likely to arise. The result demonstrates the spatial extent
of the acoustic footprint of the noise source.

KONGSBERG MARITIME LTD 11 The Briars Waterberry Drive Waterlooville Hants UK PO7 7YH
tel: +44 23 9224 7800 fax: +44 23 9224 7808 email: April 2012

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