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Servicio al cliente

Foro de discusión – paso 2 Reconocimiento.

Humberto Arana Quezada 72276178


Ingrid Margarita Duran

Grupo: 102609_67

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Ingeniería Industrial

Barranquilla - Colombia

Servicio al cliente
A continuación, encontrará una serie de preguntas en inglés las cuales debe contestar de manera argumentada

(en inglés). Con la finalidad de dar apoyo en la

apropiación de los temas analizados en la unidad 1.


1. Define what is a customer service from your viewpoint.

The definition of customer service can be taken as the meeting between two or more

people to sell a product, in which a sender and a receiver meet.

The sender who is in charge of offering a service and the receiver who receives that

information and will know whether or not it is to their liking.

Servicio al cliente

2. Develop a scheme about customers types.

3. Actually there are new trends for customer service, ¿why this happen?

This happens on a daily basis because we are more and more immersed in the world of

now, which is changing every time and with that we have to keep pace, be changing,

innovating is something that must always be kept in mind and be doing.

that is why we see that there are more new trends for customer service.

This makes proposing something more effective every day so that it reaches that receiver

who persists that message, in this case the client.

Servicio al cliente

4. Explain why enterprises should have customer support protocols.

Companies should prioritize customer service protocols, because with these it is possible

to identify flaws and failures in contracts made either in the care of a company or a person, in

addition, this can generate the standardization of processes , You can also minimize errors in a care

process, thereby seeking their loyalty and minimizing risks when obtaining the necessary care.
Servicio al cliente

[ CITATION Lad1 \l 3082 ]

[ CITATION Mat2 \l 3082 ]

[ CITATION Cel \l 3082 ]

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