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The advancement by technology on many sectors in this era surely gives society abundant options to

fulfill their basic necessities. However On the other hand, certain society did not have same level of
accessability on those kinds of choices caused by particular condition such as lack of resources or in
conflict. Therefore, According to my point of view I partially agree with the topic. (harus ditambah
alasannya dulu)

Nowadays, people had offered by so many choices in way to fill their needs. To illustrate, society
now can have pleases their time by enjoying entertainment program from many television channels.
This kind of condition might not even crossed in mind for people who living live in area that lack of
electricity or currently living in conflicted area. This society even find it hard to just meet their
human right such as get eligible food or access to helath care.

Another example is for people who living live in a developed country might able to choose types of
transportation they want to use that depends on depending on their budget and other reasons. On
the other side, society in under-developed developing country might not have some options of
trasportation types because it is not yet provided by their country government. Even, baing able to
transport from one place to another is such a luxurious thing.

(Tidak bisa dipakai) In conclusion Therefore this the level of abudancy of options really depends on
some condition such as economy and technology. It might need to become consideration that
society in developed country should not taking their so many options for granted. (Thesis
statement : general statement yg ingin dijelaskan, tapi lebih panjang)

Graded: 5

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