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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

DLP No.: Learning Area: Empowerment Technology Grade Level: 11 TVL-A; Quarter: 2 Duration: 1 HR
TVL-B ABM, STEM-A & B Weeks 17–18 October 18, 2017
Day 1
Learning Competency/ies: Demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, Code: CS_ICT11/12-
(Taken from the Curriculum managed, and promoted for maximum audience impact ICTPT-IIq-r20
Key Concepts / Publishing an ICT Project covering the topic of Uploading and Website Management
Understandings to be

Domain 1. Objectives
Knowledge Recognize a design of an ICT project in relation to Uploading of documents and Website Management.
Skills Develop a website using online dashboards of Google Site,, and
Attitude Discuss the reasons why the user should upload the documents and manage his/her website/s.
Values Justify the importance of uploading the documents and website management.
2. Content:
Uploading and Website Management
3. Learning Resources: Copies of the Curriculum Guide in Empowerment Technology, online dashboards and MS Office
Applications, internet, computer systems
4. Procedures:
Introductory Activity Webpage show.
5 minutes Can you browse these links? and
Activity Read the labels of the linked Google Sheet and ask yourself or ask your group members.
7 minutes
1. Have you accomplished the assigned performance tasks?
Analysis 1. Do you need to update and maintain your group and personal websites?
10 minutes 2. Can you link an online Google Sheet that could be edited by your group members? Yes or No! And
how can you develop an online collaborative Performance Monitoring Sheet?
Abstraction Group Discussion:
15 minutes How could you develop a webpage posting the group’s performance monitoring sheet?
The webpage for Performance Monitoring Sheet could be accomplished by students using Google
Sheet or dashboards for accomplishing their ICT Projects.
Application Think-Write-Encode-Present-Discuss-Collaborate-Share to Public (TWEP-DiCoSP): (My newly coined
13 minutes acronym)
The students think of keywords or statements using Bilingualism; they write them first; they
encode; they present; they discuss; they collaborate; and they share them to public using Google
Site or Weebly account! This is done to update and manage the group and personal websites.
Assessment Present to the class the group and students’ personal websites:
10 minutes
1. Show or present your performed tasks.
2. Have you linked the webpages of your performance tasks to your personal website/s? How
can you do it?

Concluding Activity What we did not imagine was a Web of people, but a Web of documents. 
Dale Dougherty
5. Remarks “No Work and No Classes” on October 16-17, 2017 as declared by Malacañang Palace due to
Nationwide Transport Strike.
6. Reflections

Prepared by:
Position/Designation: TEACHER 3 Division: CEBU PROVINCE
Contact Number: 09213964825 Email address:
Professional Website: Classroom Website:

Online Resources:

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