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Bagsit, Kemuel G.

Understanding the Lesson 3

1. Why is metacognition important to a teacher and a learner?

Metacognitive strategies can be learned. Accordingly, teachers should open their
learners to these various techniques by including these methodologies in different
learning exercises. By presenting the learners to such, the learners become familiar
with them, are able to try at utilizing them, and all the while, recognize which ones they
find best. Thusly, by deciding the best metacognitive strategies for them, learners are
probably going to use these procedures in their different classes, in the process further
improving their use of these methodologies and conceivably evaluating different
techniques, as well. Regarding showing the learners the different learning strategies ,
teachers should help their students on the most proficient method to perform such
techniques. The teacher ought to likewise examine the reason for learning these
strategies and give the learners input on how well they can play out the said
methodologies. This will empower the learners to distinguish he zones where they ought
to improve. Likewise, the educator ought to exhibit how to utilize these strategies and
urge the learners to utilize them in their learning exercises.

2. Is prior knowledge essential in developing metacognitive knowledge? Justify your

Metacognition is a significant part of learning. Metacognition refers to consciousness of
our own knowledge, what we know or don't know, it is the ability that comprehends and
control our cognitive processes. Through metacognition we can realize when to use
specific strategies to tackle an issue. Metacognition permit us to use our prior
knowledge to take care of an issue, or came up methodologies permitting us to finish an
assignment. Metacognition grows slowly, with experience assembling more information.
Metacognition is likewise referred as "thinking about thinking" which assist learners with
figuring out how to use their earlier prior knowledge to build their learning.

3. Using available search tools, read about organization, rehearsal and elaboration
strategies as learners aid to enhance the content of the metamemory. With the
diverse types of learners in the classroom, how would you use these strategies to
benefit your learners?
Make sure to comprehend the text. It is important to find ways to process the text
deeper and in more elaborative ways. Make sure to retrieve text details from memory
As you know, one of the six successful learning strategies is retrieval practice. Thus,
retrieving information from memory has been shown to be an excellent learning
technique. Make sure to get feedback. Feedback is key to learning, but also to
achieving highly accurate metacognition, it seems. 

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