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Principle of Void Contract which they were before the contract was
- voidable or annullable contracts are those executed.
which possess all the essential requisites of a
valid contract but one of the parties is incapable 6. Real Contract- there must be a delivery
of giving consent, or consent is vitiated by - the exceptions are the so-called real contracts
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence, which are perfected not merely by consent but
or fraud. by the delivery, actual, or constructive, of the
- they are valid and binding between the parties object of the obligation. These contracts have for
unless annulled by a proper action in court by their purpose restitution because they
the injured party. Once ratified, they become contemplate the return by a party of what has
absolutely valid and can no longer be annulled. been received from another.
*Note that the existence of economic damage is
not essential for their annulment as in the case of 7. Situational- both negative
rescissible contracts. 8. Ono
Kinds of voidable contracts 9. Principle of Undue Influence
a contract otherwise legal in object and - influence of a kind that so overpowers the
operation is voidable because of a defect caused mind of a party as to prevent him from acting
by either: understandingly and voluntarily to do what he
a) Legal incapacity to give consent, where one would have done if he had been left to exercise
of the parties is incapable of giving consent to freely his own judgement and discretion.
the contract; or - the influence must be undue or improper to
b) Violation of consent, where the vitiation is avoid a contract. Mere general or reasonable
done by mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence is not sufficient. If gained by kindness
influence, or fraud. and affection or argument and persuasion, the
influence will not vitiate consent.
2. Statute of Fraud - the ff: are examples of circumstances which
- In 1677, the English Parliament enacted a shall be considered to determine whether undue
statute to counter the evil practice of giving false influence has been exercised:
testimony in actions founded on certain kinds of a) confidential, family, spiritual and other
contracts. relations between the parties,
- It attempted to deal with the prevalence of b) mental weakness,
successful perjury by making specified contracts c) ignorance, or
unenforceable unless evidenced in a prescribed d) financial distress of the person alleged to have
manner - in general, by a written memorandum been unduly influenced.
signed by the party against whom liability under
the contract was sought to be enforced. 10. Both tango
11. Principle of Lucid Interval
3. The principle of Rescissible Contract - is a temporary period of sanity. A contract-
4. - there must be damage entered into by an insane or demented person
- are those validly agreed upon because all the during a lucid interval is valid. It must be
essential elements exist and, therefore, legally shown, however, that there is a full return of the
effective, but in the cases established by law, the mind to sanity as to enable him to understand
remedy of rescission is granted in the interest of the contract he is entering into.
- they are valid and enforceable although the 12. Qualified Acceptance- no acceptance
subject to rescission by the court when there is - if the acceptance is qualified, as when it is
economic damage or prejudice to one of the subject to a condition, it merely constitutes a
parties or to a third person. In a rescissible counter-offer which, in law, is considered a
contract, there is no defect at all but by a reason rejection of the original offer and an attempt by
of some external facts, its enforcement would the parties to enter into a contract on a different
cause injustice. basis.
- a qualified acceptance must, in turn, be
5. Annulment accepted absolutely in order that there will be a
- nagkamali ang isa- voidable contract.
- is a remedy provided by law, for reason of 13. Offer thru an agent
public interest, for the declaration of the 14. Acceptance thru an agent
inefficacy of a contract based on a defect or vice - an offer made thru an agent is accepted from
in the consent of one of the contracting parties in the time acceptance is communicated to him.
order to restore them to their original position in - Communication of acceptance
1) to offerer- the acceptance of the offer must -
be absolute(supra). The other requisite is that the
acceptance must be communicated to the offerer. 21. I'm utang, I'm Bayad
The acceptance may be either express or implied 22. Double
subject to the terms of the offer.
2) to agent- by legal fiction, an agent is 23. Principle of Unenforceable Contract
considered an extension of the personality of his - unauthorized contracts are unenforceable.
principal. - as a general rule, a person is not bound by the
contract of another of which he has no
15. Principle of Stipulation Pour Autrui knowledge or to which he has not given his
- is a stipulation in a contract clearly and consent. A contract involves the free will of the
deliberately conferring a favor upon a third parties and only he who enters into the contract
person who has a right to demand its fulfillment can be bound thereby. A contract entered into in
provided he communicates his acceptance to the the name of another by one who has no authority
obligor before its revocation by the obligee or is unenforceable against the former unless it is
the original parties. ratified by him before it is revoked by the other
contracting party.
16. Commence of Men
- all things which are not outside the commence 24. Definition of Consent
of men, including future things, may be the - is the conformity or concurrence of wills (offer
object of a contract. All rights which are not and acceptance) and with respect to contracts, it
intransmissible may also be the object of is the arrangement of the will of one contracting
contracts. party with that of another or others, upon the
- outside the commence of men- clings of public object and terms of the contract.
ownership such as sidewalks, public places, - it is the meeting of the minds or mutual assent
bridges, streets, etc. things that are common to between the parties on the subject matter and the
everybody such as air, sunlight, air, etc. cause which are to constitute the contract even if
neither has been delivered. Mutual assent or
17. Autonomy Clause Liberty agreement takes place when there is an offer and
- acceptance of the offer.
18. Real and Consensual Contract
1) consensual contracts- as a general rule, 25. - 28. Definition of Acceptance and Offer
contracts are perfected by mere consent of the - acceptance- is the manifestation by the offeree
parties regarding the subject matter and the of his assent to all the terms of the offer.
cause of the contract. They are obligatory in Without acceptance, there can be no meeting of
whatever form they may have been entered into, the minds between the parties.
provided all the essential requisites for their - acceptance of offer must be clear and
validity. absolute-it must be unconditional or
2) real contracts- the exceptions are the so- unqualified, that is, it must be identical in all
called real contracts which are perfected not respects with that of the offer so as to produce
merely by consent but by the delivery, actual, or consent or meeting of the minds.
constructive, of the object of the obligation. -offer- is a proposal made by one party (offerer)
These contracts have for their purpose restitution to another (offeree), indicating a willingness to
because they contemplate the return by a party enter into a contract.
of what has been received from another. - offer must be certain or definite so that the
*classification of contracts according to liability or the rights of the parties may be
perfection exactly fixed.
-an offer made in jest or in anger, or while
19. Solemn Contract emotionally upset or in other ways indicating
- or that which requires compliance with certain that the same was not seriously intended is not a
formalities prescribed by law, such prescribed valid offer.
form being thereby an essential element thereof. -but lack of serious intent to enter into a
- when the law requires that a contract be in contract where such a condition was not
some form to be valid, this special form is apparent to the offeree who honestly believed
necessary for its perfection. Thus, a donation of that the offer was seriously intended, does not
real property cannot be perfected until it is invalidate the offer.
embodied in a public instrument.
29. Offer/ Acceptance thru agent
20. Mutual Contract-
30. Option Money -reciprocal- are those which arise from the same
- is the money paid or promised to be paid in cause and in which each party is a debtor and
consideration for the option. It is not confused creditor of the other, such that the performance
with earnest money which is actually a partial of one is designed to be the equivalent and the
payment of the purchase price and is considered condition for the performance of the other.
as proof of the perfection of the contract.
49. Decertain
31. Real Contract -
- the exceptions are the so-called real contracts
which are perfected not merely by consent but 50. Parties in obligation
by the delivery, actual, or constructive, of the - debtor
object of the obligation. These contracts have for -creditor
their purpose restitution because they
contemplate the return by a party of what has subject matter
been received from another. causal situation
juridical ties
32. Situational (Valid or Void)
33-35. Valid / Voidable
36-37. Real / Real

38. None of the above

39. Ratification
- means that one voluntarily adopts or approves
some defective or unauthorized act or contract,
which, without his subsequent approval or
consent, would not be binding on him. It
indicates an intention on the part of the ratifier
to be bound to the provisions of the contract.

40. All of the above

41.- 43. Situational
44. Principle of prestation
- subject matter of the obligation
- the conduct required to be observed by the
debtor. It may consist in giving, doing, or not
doing. Without the prestation, there is nothing to
perform. In bilateral obligations, the parties are
reciprocally debtors and creditors.

45. Negotiorum Gestio

- is the voluntary management of the property or
affairs of another without the knowledge or
consent of the latter

46. Obligation with a Period

- is one whose effects or consequences are
subjected in one way or another to the expiration
or arrival of said period or term.

47. Accessions/Accessories
-accessions- are the fruits of a thing or additions
to or improvements upon a thing
-accessories- are things joined to or included
with the principal thing for the latter's
embellishment, better use, or completion.

48. Unilateral/Reciprocal
-unilateral- when only one party is obliged to
comply with a prestation.

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