Akhmad Qusyairi (A031191167) Exercise 13 14 15 Inferring Topic and Main Ideas

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Nama: Akhmad Qusyairi Amiruddin (A031191167)

Tugas MKU Bahasa Inggris

Exercise 13
1. Topic: Television have negative effect on family life
How can you tell: From the passage infers that TV, its communication that happens is
one way. TV can bring the family together in one room but most of them no one talks.
2. Topic: Laundry tips
How can you tell: Passage tells us about how to do laundry if it's your first time. First sort
into piles and let the laundry machine work and repeat the whole procedure again.
Exercise 14
1. Long haul truck driver
The minute you climb in, you start feeling exited. There’s always someone doing
something crazy who’s likely to end up under your wheels.
2. Postman
In between I do a lot of walking. The other problem is the dogs. One thing I like is the
way you meet a lot of people.
3. Car sales
The most important thing is to understand people. In the end you can put them into
anything you want. They need a little car for the city; you send them home with a truck
Exercise 15
1. The real reason of many people who they’re feel a little tired and sleepy is inside their
2. Researches are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate.
3. A few tips about making the most of your nap for many working people.

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