TLE10 Cookery Q2 W2b

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Learning Competencies
 The learners are expected to acquire skills in preparing vegetable
dishes from purchasing quality vegetables to cooking various
vegetable dishes based on a given menu

o Objectives
At the end of the lesson you are expected to acquire the following:
 Select various kinds of vegetables according to the given menu;
 Cook vegetable dishes following appropriate methods.

Let’s Recall
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose your answer by writing
the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_________1. It is a process of cooking vegetables quickly in boiling water
before placed them in a container.
A. Blanch C. Julienne
B. Chiffonade D. Sauté
_________2. Which of the following is the appropriate action to do before
using glass jars for canning?
A. Blend vegetables before placed them inside the glass jars
B. Check the headspace jars of about ½ inch free space
C. Remove the air bubbles in the glass jars
D. Sterilize glass jars.
_________3. How to pour water, syrup or juice in a jar?
A. Use sterilized spoon C. Use sterilized bowl
B. Use sterilized ladle D. Use sterilized funnel
_________4. How is the appropriate way of removing cans inside the large
A. Use sterilized spoon C. Use sterilized lifter
B. Use sterilized ladle D. Use sterilized cooling rack
_________5. What should be combined with grated papaya overnight when
preparing atchara?
A. Pickling liquid C. sugar
B. Salt D. Vinegar

Let’s Understand

1|P age
One of the things to consider to have a palatable dish is the right
selection of vegetables. Poor quality of vegetables affect the overall taste of
food. Thus, it is very important to select those that have desirable
characteristics of vegetables.
Tips on how to select and buy vegetables:
1. Vegetables’ appearance and texture should be the first criteria to
consider in selecting vegetables.
2. Look if the vegetables are not bruised, broken, spoiled or damaged.
3. Look at with high quality vegetables that are young, crisp and brightly
4. Inspect the vegetables by looking at the signs of injury, worm, or decay.
5. Choose vegetables that are with high nutrient content.
6. Vegetables such as eggplants, upo, and patola should be firm, even-
colored, scars and spots free.
7. Avoid buying vegetables that are already cut up, peeled off, or soaked in
8. When selecting legumes, try to choose those that are hole-free and not
Characteristics of High Quality vegetables:
Vegetables Characteristics
Avocado The color is brightly purplish black,
and smooth.
Beans Over maturity seeds show toughness,
discoloration, and wilt while young.
Seeds are firm, tender, crisp and
bright pods.
Cabbage Over maturity show puffy and slightly
yellow leaves, while appropriate ones
show greenish-white in color and with
hard compact heads.
Carrots The color is brightly yellow to orange,
roots are well-shaped with smooth,
fresh and firm skin.
Cucumber The color is even with well-shaped
form, firm, and tender skin.
Eggplant Free from holes, worm, and decay. It
has a firm with uniform dark purple
Green leafy vegetables Absence of discoloration or wilted
leaves, with crisp and tender young
Onions The skin is bright dry, hard, and well-
Papaya Green color with no lump and well-
Squash It has bright yellow to orange color,
hard rind and fresh.
Tomatoes It has an even red color, smooth and
bright bodies.

2|P age
Preparation for Fresh Vegetables
1. Washing
This is done to remove soil, surface microorganisms, insecticides or
pesticides that may be present during the harvest. Washing of vegetables
should be done using running water so as to get rid of any possible residues
or foreign particles that are on vegetables. It is also necessary that all
important tools and equipment which will be used for cooking vegetables be
included during the washing time to avoid the transfer of dirt and bacteria.
2. Sorting
This process involves removal of non-standard quality of vegetables or
possible foreign bodies that are still present after washing. Sorting may be
based on variety, shapes, size, weight and maturity stage of vegetables so that
it will be easier for the consumer to identify which one is the appropriate. This
operation is practiced when vegetables are just harvested from a farm and
about to deliver to different sales channels.
3. Soaking
Some vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower can be
soaked to cold salted water to eradicate insects and other foreign particles
that are present on vegetables. Wilted or limp green leafy vegetables can be
soaked to cold water for about 30 minutes to restore its crispness and
tenderness. However, it is recommended not to soak vegetable to water longer
to prevent flavor and nutrient loss.
4. Skin Removal/Peeling
This operation is done in various ways depending on the characteristics
of vegetables. Potatoes, and other root vegetables may be peeled with a
machine abrasive device, while carrot, radish, and the like may be peeled
using a peeler. It is recommended to cut vegetables thinly as much as possible.
In the cooking preparation it becomes more attractive if they are to be cut in
uniform size. Some vegetables such as potatoes, eggplant, sweet potato should
be treated with acid or hold in water just until they are ready to use because
they brown easily when they are peeled. Other trim vegetables may be used
for stocks, soups, and juice.
Basic Knife cuts
1. Bias This is cutting vegetables in a diagonal form.
2. Chiffonade It is a technique in cutting that is mostly used for flat
leafy vegetables such as basil and lettuce to look elegant
by their uniform and curly strips.
3. Chopping This term is widely used in culinary which may indicate
a no specific measurement. It is done through moving
your hands straight downward when holding a knife.
4. Diamond Cutting vegetables into thin strips that produces a
diamond shapes.
5. Dicing Cutting vegetables in a dice or block shapes. This cut is
done uniformly for aesthetic purposes. This can also
apply not only to vegetables but also to meat, fish, or
6. Julienne This is a long strips cut of vegetables which is usually in
rectangular form of about 3 inches long.

3|P age
7. Mincing This is cutting vegetables into small tiny pieces that
needs a very sharp knife.
8. Pays Anne This is cutting vegetables thinly based on the vegetables
body shapes. In French cooking, it indicates an informal
or unprecise cuts.
9. Rondelle A type of cutting vegetables in which the cut produces a
round or oval shapes. This is done by slicing a
cylindrical vegetables crosswise.
10. Roll cuts This is also called oblique cut. Most of the vegetables
that are cut in oblique form are those with long
cylindrical shapes of food such as carrots and radish
which add visual appeal to it.

General Rules in Cooking Vegetables

 Cook vegetables as quickly as possible with strong heat and serve
 Cook vegetables in small quantities.
 Undercook vegetable if they are to be cooked ahead of time. Put it in
the chiller and reheat at service time.
 Never add baking soda most especially when cooking green leafy
 Cut vegetables with uniform technique and size to produce even
 Boil green leafy vegetables or any grown above the ground vegetables
to salted water.
 Tubers and roots vegetables should start cooking with cold water
 Uncovered the pot when cooking green vegetables and other strong-
flavored ones.
Ways of Cooking Vegetables
1. Baking
Starchy vegetables like potatoes, peas, and squash, may also be cooked
over oven rather than using a range top. The effect of the dry heat results to a
better and desirable texture from starchy vegetables.
2. Boiling
This is the easiest way of cooking vegetables by putting water to a pot
and let it boil for few minutes before salt and vegetables are added to it. After
boiling, to prevent overcooked vegetables, let it cool quickly with cold water.
When they will be reheated for sauté, use butter or other fat added with
seasonings and sauces.

3. Braising
This method of cooking is not just for meat but can also for any variety
of vegetables. This is done by placing the blanched or raw vegetables in a pan,
then you may use any liquid such as water, wine, or stock to cook it slowly. If
you desire to make it more flavorful, you may use the remaining liquid to boil,
then add butter, pepper, and lemon juice for better taste. Stir the liquid until
it is reduced. Pour the sauce to the vegetables.
4. Deep-frying
Frying vegetables is also possible by coating it with breading or batter.
It will be more flavorful if you will add savory sauce. To save time and effort
for frying, some of them may be precooked through steaming or simmering
before frying.

4|P age
5. Sautéing and pan frying
These methods are used for precooked or complete cooking of raw
vegetables. Using a pan over high heat, add small amount of oil, butter or fat
with the preferred vegetables based on the standard recipe.
5. Steaming
This method works with boiling water using a steamer. Vegetables are
placed in a food steamer which then cooked through the heat carried by the
steam. Through constant boiling of water, the vapor will continuously arise
that caused an intense heat that will produce a moist texture to vegetables.

Let’s Apply
Directions: Perform the following ways of cooking following the given recipe.
Garlic Sautéed Vegetables
Tools and Equipment
Bowl Ladle
Pots/pan Spatula
Stove Strainer
Chopping board Knife
Vegetables of your own preference
Oil or butter

1. Prepare all vegetables you have prepared for your dish.
2. Carefully turn on the stove and place the cooking pan over the top
of the stove until it is on a high heat.
3. Check if the pan is hot, add just small amount of oil or butter
sufficient to cover the bottom of the pan, then add garlic and wait until
it is a bit brown.
4. Add your prepared vegetables but make sure that you won’t
overload the pan. Keep in mind that overloading the pan would result
to lower temperature which will then turn the vegetables to simmer
instead of sauté
5. Use the ladle to toss the vegetables or simply flip the pan for tossing.
7. You may add a little salt and pepper to taste.
8. Remove the pan from the stove, and eliminate the excess fat by
draining the vegetables in an absorbent paper.

Deep Frying Vegetables

Fryer Pots and pan
Rack Stove
Vegetables Breading
Oil Salt and Pepper to taste
1. Prepare the tools and ingredients needed for cooking

5|P age
2. Pre-heat the fryer to appropriate cooking temperature (325 0-3500)
3. Add breading or batter to the appropriate amount vegetables that
you will cook.
4. Add desired amount vegetables in the fryer as long as the pan is not
5. Wait until vegetables are fried according to your desired doneness.
6. Remove them from the fryer.
7. Remove the excess fat by putting fried vegetables on absorbent

Let’s Analyze
As a child, you are tasked by your parents to cook for the family’s
dinner because they are busy with their work and will not be able to go home
The following below shows the Market in your area. Select only the
available vegetables that you can buy in the market. You are also tasked to
make your own recipe based on the standard ways of cooking vegetables.

Ampalaya leaves Chayote Gabi

Kangkong Squash Potato
Malunggay Patola Sweet potato
Green Chili leaves Upo Carrot

Black Pepper

Paring knife Oven
Chopping Board Stove



6|P age
Tools and Equipment Needed: Ingredients:


Let’s Create
Cook “lumpiang shanghai with puso ng Saging”
The learner will cook lumpiang shanghai with “puso ng saging”.
The parents will check their child’s work.
“Puso ng saging” is popular by many Filipinos because there are various
recipes that can be used for cooking this. Try to explore by making your own
recipe in cooking lumpiang shanghai with puso ng saging.
Product Performance
You are encouraged to prepare and cook vegetables that are local and can be
available at home. Your performance will be recorded through video.
The following criteria will be used to assess students’ work.
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Score
10 pts 5 pts 3 pts
Cutting Cutting of There was a There was no
technique vegetables slight uniformity on
were uniform. uniformity of cut
cut vegetables
Cooking Demo Learners had Some Learners had
based on complete ingredients incomplete
recipe ingredients, were missing ingredients
and but and had not
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
proper usage proper usage proper usage
of utensils of utensils of utensils
and and and
equipment. equipment. equipment
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
of vegetables was average needed
was engaging and prepared improvement
and well- and was not
prepared prepared

7|P age
Palatability Cooked food Cooked food Cooked food
was well-done was done was not done
with great although properly,
aroma and there was a tasteless, and
savory. lack of burnt food or
aromatic overcooked.
scent, savor.

Name:___________________________________Grade & Section:____________


Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Direction: Solve the following puzzle by filling in the blanks on the statement
below as your hint.
1 2 3


7 8

1. __________ is a French term that means “a little ribbon”.
4. When trimming vegetables, there are others that may be used for ______
most especially those that are starchy.
6. A ________ cut requires no specific or precise sizes. Its cut is based on the
way the vegetables are formed.
7. Cooking vegetables could be a __________ while you are at home. You can
cook healthy food to have a strong body and mind.
9. When you are dealing on cutting vegetables into very thin pieces, ________
is the right term to be used.
1. You are positioning your knife straight downward when you are___________
the vegetables.
2. Using a pan over high heat, add small amount of oil, butter or fat with the
preferred vegetables based on the standard recipe.

8|P age

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