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Memories are faded past of our lives which can be a good or bad. But memories can't be
changed, they are the way they are and it's up to us that which memory we want to remember
and which we don't. Memories build our personality because basically memories are our past
which we remember!! If we ask anyone about their best memories then most of them will
mention that childhood memories are the best memories which we want to cherish always. It
has been treasured by all of us in our brain as well as in our heart!

My childhood was really good and I have a lot of wondrous childhood memories. I
would like to share one among them.

So one fine day my mom told me and my little brother that we are going to a hill
station (Manali) in this winter vacation. I become very excited. Next day we took a flight for
Bhuntar airport and after reaching there we booked a cab which took us to our hotel. Manali
was so beautiful- big snowy mountains, clean air and colourful markets. Everything was so
fascinating for me. But one thing that made me sad was the weather, I was expecting snowfall
but it was really sunny there. My dad asked to some locals and they told us that snowfall may
occur tomorrow, after listening this I became happy again.

Next morning when I woke up I looked outside window, something was falling from
the sky like cotton balls. At first I t though it was raining but no it was snowing. I woke up
my family and then we went outside, the view was breathtaking! Everything was covered
under white snow. We wore waterproof clothes and started playing in the snow. I also made a
snowman and named him 'snowy'.

My dad clicked several photos of us, when I look at those pictures now, the memories
come alive in front of my eyes. Today a lot of things have changed but my childhood
memories are still fresh in my heart. These precious childhood memories are very close to my
heart and make me smile in my difficult times.

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