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Key Concept: Global Interactions

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National level Analysis

Question Answer (point form is fine)

What area is being Kashmir

fought over?

Which countries are India and Pakistan

fighting over the

Why does each Majority of people in Kashmir was Muslim, so Pakistan thought them,
country think the as a country with mostly Muslim, should take Kashmir. However, the
area belongs to ruler was Hindu, so India thought Kashmir belonged to themselves,
them? because India was ruled by Hindu as well. Also, there were still Hindu
and Sikh people in Kashmir, so India thought Pakistan shouldn’t get the
whole area.

Who would the Obviously, the country won’t blame themselves to start the conflict.
countries blame for India will blame Pakistan for trying to take Kashmir, and getting
starting the conflict? aggressive when Kashmir disagreed. However, Pakistan will blame
India for taking Kashmir even though most of the population is Muslim.

Related concept (conflict): Impact of the border dispute

Local: ​
Regional level analysis
Question Describe the situation for locals in Kashmir (Try to be as detailed as you

How do people in They are very scared, because people are fighting in Kashmir and it’s
Kashmir feel about dangerous. Because of the conflict, there can be fighting anytime and
the conflict? anywhere in Kashmir, because India and Pakistan keep fighting to take
the land. It’s the “battleground” of the conflict in which everyone could
die any moment.

What are they They would hope India and Pakistan stop fighting each other. They
hoping for? obviously want to get out of the life threatening situation in which they
are currently located.

Describe three 1) There is conflict and fighting all the time; there are several wars.
details of what it is
like to live in 2) Your life is suppressed by the Indians. You can’t go against the
Kashmir Hindus that tries to put Islams under control, or else you will be

3) There are tensions, then fighting, then more deaths. There is no

way to get out of this deadly cycle.

Who do they They blame India and Pakistan. They blame the country themselves for
blame for the being very careless of people and just fighting each other, just for their
situation? own good. The innocent Kashmirs die because of the conflict they
haven’t caused. So, the Kashmirs blame India and Pakistan for having
endless tension and conflicts in Kashmir.

Criterion The student does not The student: The student: The student: The student:
D: reach a standard 4. Identifies different 4. Recognizes 4. Clearly recognizes 4. Clearly recognizes
described by any of perspectives. different perspectives different perspectives different perspectives
the descriptors and suggests some of and describe most of and consistently
critically their implications their implications. explains their

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