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Jalan Perlawanan Nomor 2 Karanganyar Kabupaten Kebumen Kode Pos 54364
Telepon (0287) 6655106 e-mail:




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan / Kelas : SMPLB /9 C
Hari / Tanggal : ……………….
Waktu : ……………….

I. Berilah tanda silang( x ) pada huruf a, b, atau c di depan jawaban yang paling tepat !

1. 1 is… b. Brown
a. One c. Red
b. Two
c. Three 9. The colour of apple is…
a. White
2. 5 is… b. Red
a. Four c. Yellow
b. Five
c. Six 10. The colour of banana is..
a. Red
3. 10 is… b. Blue
a. Eight c. Yellow
b. Nine 11. It is…
c. Ten a. Milk
b. Tea
4. There are … apples c. Coffee
a. One
b. Two
c. Three 12. It is…
a. Tea
5. It is.. b. Milk
a. Apple c. Coffee
b. Banana
c. Mango 13. It is…
6. It is… a. Car
a. Orange b. Bus
b. Banana c. Train
c. Mango
7. Selamat pagi…
a. Good morning 14. It is…
b. Good afternoon a. Cat
c. Good night b. Cow
c. Goat
8. The colour of table is…
a. Black 15. It is…
a. Fish c. cat
b. cow

16. Three plus two is…( 3 + 2 =…) 21. I didn’t go to school

a. Four It is..
b. Five a. Thursday
c. Six b. Friday
17. One plus two is… ( 1+2 =… ) c. Saturday
a. Three 22. After July is…
b. Four a. August
c. Five b. September
18. Salsa : How are you? c. February
Fathan :…. 23. It is…
a. I am fine a. Book
b. Thank you b. Pencil
c. Yes, I am c. Bag
19. It is … ( Senin) 24. It is…
a. Sunday a. Book
b. Monday b. Pencil
c. Tuesday c. Bag
20. It is … ( Desember )
a. December 25. Ike goes to school by….
b. January a. Bicycle
c. July b. Motorcycle
c. Train

II. Jodohkan dengan pasangan yang tepat!

26. Sun (…..) a. Juni
27. Moon (…..) b. Matahari
28. Sunday (…..) c. Bulan
29. Tuesday (…..) d. Minggu
30. June (…..) e. Selasa

III. Jawablah dengan jawaban yang tepat!

My name is Mila
I live in Karanganyar
I have one brother and one sister
My brother’s name is Toni
My sister’s name is Lulu

31. Where does Mila live?

32. How many brother does she have?
33. How many sister does she have?
34. Who is her brother’s name?
35. Who is her sister’s name?

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