NEON Proposal Final

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Crossover call 2018

Full proposal
Crossover call 2018
Full proposal

1 Application details

Title of the proposal NEON (New Energy and mobility Outlook for the Netherlands)

Main applicant Prof. Dr. Ir. Maarten Steinbuch

Institute Eindhoven University of Technology

Telephone number +31 62 07 38 111


Correspondence preference ☐ Dutch ☒ English

Topsectors ☐ Agro-food ☐ Life sciences

☐ Chemical industry ☒ Logistics
☐ Creative industry ☐ Horticulture and basic materials
☒ Energy ☒ Water & Maritime
Connection to other - Topsectors Energy (TKI Urban Energy, System Integration), HTSM
research agendas (Automotive roadmap), Logistics (Urban Logistics, Synchromodality),
Water&Maritime (E-Ship).
- NWA routes: The blue route: water as a pathway to innovation and
sustainable growth; Measuring and detecting: anything, anytime,
anywhere; Energy Transition; Logistics and transport in an energetic,
innovative, and sustainable society; Smart Liveable Cities
- Horizon 2020 ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport’ and the new
Horizon Europe FP9 program “Climate, Energy and Mobility”.
- EIT KIC on urban mobility, starting in 2019
- ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council):
European Roadmap Electrification of Road Transport; Integrated Urban
Mobility Roadmap; A Truly Integrated Transport System for
Sustainable and Efficient Logistics
- Paris climate agreement and Dutch national climate plan.
Main societal challenge ☐ Health, demographic change and wellbeing
(choose max. 1) ☐ Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and
maritime and inland water research, and the bio-economy
☒ Secure, clean and efficient energy
☐ Smart, green and integrated transport
☐ Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
☐ Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and
reflective societies
☐ Secure societies
Secondary societal ☐ Health, demographic change and wellbeing
☐ Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and
maritime and inland water research, and the bio-economy
☐ Secure, clean and efficient energy
☒ Smart, green and integrated transport
☒ Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
☐ EU in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
☐ Secure societies
Keywords Energy transition, mobility transition, agent-based modelling, electric
mobility, MaaS

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Full proposal

2 Research proposal
2.1 Main research question
NEON addresses three interrelated societal challenges: climate action, renewable energy, and intelligent
green transport. We are destabilizing the ecosystem we depend on (Pachauri, Mayer, & IPCC, 2015) and
in response to this, 197 nations have ratified the "Paris Agreement" and pledged to keep global warming
below 2℃ relative to preindustrial levels. But the Netherlands is not on track to reach this goal (PBL,
2019). On the contrary: it is one of the slowest adopters of renewable energy (Eurostat, 2019).
Furthermore, our mobility system is not only unsustainable because it emits too much CO2, citizens also
feel mobility problems are increasing (Onkenhout, 2017) and costs are skyrocketing (Waterstaat, 2019).
NEON aims to change this. To address those problems, we need to design systems that are sustainable,
affordable and attractive. To that end our overall research question is:
How can we develop interdisciplinary methodologies and technologies to support the
acceleration of the transition towards sustainable energy and mobility?
2.2 Barriers to a swift transition
Contrary to what is often reported in the media (‘De Telegraaf drijft klimaatexperts tot wanhoop’, 2019),
the transition could raise our standard of living. Recent decades have shown rapid advances in renewable
energy technology, and research shows that further development of existing technologies delivers low
cost sustainable energy systems (Jacobson, Delucchi, Cameron, & Mathiesen, 2018) and electric vehicles
(Hoekstra, Vijayashankar, & Sundrani, 2017). Our country is a frontrunner in sustainable transition
science (Li, Trutnevyte, & Strachan, 2015) so we should have the knowledge to create swift transitions.
Unfortunately, transition science teaches us that technological possibility and economic opportunity alone
are not enough to shift socio-technical systems towards more sustainable modes of production and
consumption (Geels, 2002; Markard, Raven, & Truffer, 2012). We must also take into account human
actors, institutions, and knowledge networks (Carlsson & Stankiewicz, 1991). And we know a transition
requires changes in institutions, business and consumer behavior (Jacobsson & Bergek, 2011).
In a comprehensive review of innovation system problems we show that sustainable transitions often fail
at the system level (Negro, Alkemade, & Hekkert, 2012). And while technological innovation often has a
global dimension, transition pathways also need to look at local circumstances and users (Schot, Kanger,
& Verbong, 2016). This brings us to a diagnosis that takes all this into account.
Our consortium identifies the following barriers in the Dutch knowledge and innovation system:
1. Investments do not go to the most important technologies but those with the shortest time to
market. Because of that, complex issues like mobility as service, mobility hubs and electric freight
transport and shipping are not addressed. Also, technologies with the potential to be cheaper and
more popular in the long run such as airborne wind, thin film solar, BIPV and flow batteries receive
too little funding.
2. Technological solutions that show great promise in theory face public resistance and/or institutional
difficulties when applied on a large scale. Examples are self-driving cars, large scale wind and
distributed local energy generation. There seems to be a lack of understanding between technology
experts and social scientists (e.g. psychologists, legal experts, standardization experts and transition
scientists), and a lack of involvement of societal stakeholders.
3. Transition science is currently lacking quantified models that can provide policy makers with
actionable intelligence (see also Holtz et al., 2015). Although the outline for realistic transition models
is already defined (Hoekstra, Steinbuch, & Verbong, 2017) they are not available yet.
Therefore, we argue that a successful strategy to accelerate the energy transition needs to focus on:
(1) potential breakthrough technologies (2) system level barriers, (3) quantified transition models.
2.3 Overcoming the barriers and delivering results
NEON matches each of these three barriers to a solution and will deliver:
1. A range of breakthrough innovations in energy and mobility. Backcasting from optimal end states
(instead of incremental extrapolation from the status quo) shows the value of these breakthroughs.
2. A cross-disciplinary consortium of engineers, social scientists, companies, NGOs and governmental
organisations that can consider implementation strategies from all sides. The consortium will test
strategies in five 'living labs' in a real-life context with stakeholders and users to find out what works.
3. A quantified model as a basis for the NEON acceleration methodology, that will provide integral,
location based and context sensitive scenarios. It will include greenhouse gas emissions, overall
system costs, technological learning, consumer behaviour, business cases and public acceptance.
Stakeholders can use the model to find optimal scenarios.
NEON offers the potential to create Dutch technology leadership in a number of potentially very valuable
sustainable technologies. It will also bring the theory on sustainability transitions to a new level by
explicitly including technology evaluations, environmental effects and quantified modelling. Finally NEON
will uncover cost-effective fair and inclusive pathways to sustainable energy and mobility and will show
businesses, policy makers and citizens what they can do to make these desirable pathways a reality.

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2.4 NEONs innovative cross-disciplinary methodology

The NEON methodology is innovative in that it focuses on difficult technological problems while
simultaneously evaluating and testing all technological and social options in a system setting through
social research, living labs and an integral computer model. This requires integrating and interfacing
technological knowledge with knowledge from the social sciences and humanities. To this end, NEON
requires an innovative multimethod approach that is both monodisciplinary and
interdisciplinary. Figure 1 below gives an overview of how this methodology is embedded in NEON
project organisation. The centre of the circle depicts our target to contribute to the societal challenges on
energy, mobility and climate. We do this by constructing quantifiable scenarios in our innovative integral
model. Model input is generated by taking technological knowledge in different domains (outer rim) and
enrich it with input from economics, energy ethics, governance and behavioural psychology.

Figure 1: NEON structure (numbers and topics refer to workpackages)

Questions regarding the energy and mobility transition are often of a systemic nature and their solution
requires interdisciplinary knowledge. Textbox 1 gives some examples.
On the interaction between energy and mobility.
- How does bidirectional charging of electric vehicles improve the business case of solar and wind
and lower investments in the electricity grid at the same time?
- What's the impact of MaaS, self-driving and mobility hubs on location and timing of charging?
- How can we minimize the strain on the electricity grid of ultra fast chargers for electric trucks?
On the ability of technological breakthroughs to create disruptive but cost-effective pathways.
- What's the cheapest pathway from our current energy system to one running on wind and solar?
- How can metal fuels, flow batteries and hydrogen keep the system cost of renewable energy low?
On the relation between technological breakthroughs and personal preferences.
- Could airborne wind and building integrated PV lead to higher acceptance of wind and solar?
- Can interventions to increase acceptance of shared cars and vehicle automation help to solve
problems regarding urban mobility while at the same time reducing green house gas emissions?
On the regulation and standardization needed in future energy and mobility systems.
- What standards and regulations are needed for markets that minimise overall system costs?
- How can regulation and standards impede negative MaaS developments like Uber replacing bikes?
On directing the energy and mobility transition based on societal desirability.
- How can we build 'energy justice' into market models?
- How can we create MaaS and smart mobility hubs in such a way that it improves mobility for
everyone while minimizing infrastructure investments and green house gas emissions?
Textbox 1: Examples of cross-disciplinary research questions that can be answered by NEON

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The sustainable energy transitions literature describes the determinants of sustainability transitions
but not their socio-economic and environmental consequences. This requires quantifiable scenarios with
detailed inputs on technologies as well as local economic structures. In order to realize NEON objectives
it is necessary to move beyond the descriptive case studies that are the foundation of the field of
sustainability transitions research. At the same time the complexity of the interactions between actors,
technologies and institutions is too large to be captured in the analytical models typically used in
economic geography and innovation sciences. Bridging this gap requires a novel methodological
approach. In a recent position paper we propose simulation models are needed to further sustainability
transitions research (Holtz, Alkemade et al., 2016). These proposed simulation models are explicit, clear
and systematic. They allow the study of complex dynamics and facilitate systematic experiments, as they
support systematic and controlled what-if analyses. Applying methods from the new, interdisciplinary
field of computational social sciences, makes it possible to model the process of energy and mobility
transitions while recognizing its complex nature.
More specifically, energy and mobility transitions result from interactions between actors, technologies
and institutions at different levels. In WP 10 we provide an open source integral model that
captures these dynamics and that allow us to (1) explore the consequences of energy transitions at the
level of our 3 living labs (in Rotterdam and Brabant) and the Netherlands, and (2) quantified
local, regional and national scenarios for the energy and mobility transition. We take a
combined quantitative and qualitative approach using stakeholder and participatory approaches and
agent based modeling. These come together in a set of comprehensive simulation models. The NEON
project yields insights in the mechanisms that determine the effects of energy and mobility transitions
and brings the theory on sustainability transitions to the next level. The model is integral in that it allows
us to immediately evaluate the NEON breakthrough technologies in a systems context.
As NEON explicitly seeks to strengthen the Dutch knowledge and innovation system for sustainable
energy and mobility technologies during but also beyond the duration of the project, we target our
technology development at difficult problems at various stages of the innovation life cycle. Electrification
of transport and industry (in combination with hydrogen and power to gas) is pivotal in most visions of a
sustainable future energy and mobility system. However, several technological breakthroughs are
required to realize this system. The technological challenges addressed by NEON include electrification of
freight transport and shipping, superfast charging, energy storage, airborne wind energy technologies,
and building integrated PV. For all technologies, we seek to improve technological readiness levels.
Evidently this strategy is high-risk high-gain for the technologies that currently have a large distance-to-
market. As the NEON approach is technology-specific, the different technology development work
packages (WP1-WP6) each face different barriers related to socio-economic (e.g., cost reduction,
business models), regulatory or public acceptance questions.
At the same time we see that there is increasing public resistance against the cost of the energy
transition, the large scale deployment of renewables (NIMBY) and the behavioural changes required.
Addressing these challenges while maintaining legitimacy for the transition poses a challenge. The
crosscutting social science and humanities work packages address the non-technological challenges of
the technological work packages in order to:
1. Directly provide input to the technological development process
2. Evaluate possible roles and applications of the technologies from a systems perspective, exploiting
complementarities between technologies, designing feasible business models and formulating
governance requirements
3. Explicitly analyzing and reflecting on technology development from a user perspective through our
living labs and use cases
4. Evaluating broader social costs and benefits of the different technologies, taking into account existing
industrial structures, local economic development as well as inequality and fairness aspects of the
different system options.
We strongly believe that this cooperative and interactive approach is required to realize the necessary
acceleration of the transition. The cooperation between the work packages is not only embedded in NEON
project structure but also enforced through the co-location of PhD students and the bi-weekly modelling

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Table 1 below provides an overview of the selected breakthrough technologies and their main
technological and non-technological challenges.
Breakthrough Technological Economic Governance Public acceptance
technologies challenges challenges challenges and behaviour
Airborne wind energy Proof of concept Cost reduction Regulatory framework public perception
System integration Cooperative models
Building integrated PV Performance Cost reduction Regulatory framework User acceptance and
improvement Business models aesthetics
Market potential
Electric ships Proof of concept Cost reduction Standardization Public perception
Neighbourhood level System integration Market models Regulatory framework, Individual preferences,
renewable generation and governance cooperative models
storage arrangements and spatial impacts
Electrical powertrains System integration Business case Individual preferences
MV charger technology Proof of concept Business cases for busses, Standardization of MV Audible noise and
with grid support System integration ships and trucks grid codes functional safety
Mobility as a service and Proof of concept Public-private-civil Future Mobility
smart hubs System integration partnerships, social preferences and
pricing schemes behaviour,
standardization accessibility, reduction
of cars and sharing
Safety shell for EV Proof of concept Acceptance of
Perceived safety
Table 1: Main crossover challenges addressed in NEON

In the rest of this chapter we will describe the research program in more detail along the lines of the
work packages.

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2.5 Energy (WP 1 to 3)

Breakthrough technologies for sustainable energy supply (WP 1) focusses on how we can
produce the energy we need in the Netherlands, both on a national level and, on the level of regions,
neighbourhoods and houses. The multi-level integral model developed in WP10 will take all energy
supply into account, but in WP1 we will zoom in on solar and wind energy. Solar is our most abundant
energy source, sustainable or otherwise (Inganäs & Sundström, 2016; Khan & Arsalan, 2016). The
potential for wind energy is two to three orders of magnitude smaller but still more than enough (Marvel,
Kravitz, & Caldeira, 2013).
The reduced need for raw material promises to make solar and wind much cheaper than fossil fuels in
the long run, even if the externalities of fossil fuels are ignored. E.g., a coal fired power plant burns
about 300 grams per kWh (Nugent & Sovacool, 2014; Whitaker, Heath, O’Donoughue, & Vorum, 2012)
but wind energy could reduce this to 10 grams (Cavazzi & Dutton, 2016; ‘Vestas V164’, 2017), airborne
wind energy to 2 grams (Ahrens, Diehl, & Schmehl, 2013)) and thin film solar integrated into building
elements like roofs and window panes would use a fraction of a gram of material per kWh over its
lifetime (Chopra & Das, 1983; Fthenakis, 2009) with the perovskite cells we focus on at the TU/e being
potentially the most environmentally friendly. Since 1980, the price of wind power has fallen by a factor
of ten (Wiser et al., 2016) and of solar by a factor of hundred (‘Solar cell’, 2017). The challenge is now
moving from the price of the technology itself to the price of integrating these intermitted
sources of energy into the grid an overcoming public and systemic resistance. NEON will
address these issues.
NEON Wind energy will be covered by Roland Schmehl (task leader) and fellow researchers of the
section of wind energy at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of TU Delft. They will supply the NEON
scenarios with cutting-edge knowledge so we know what to expect from wind energy. The TU Delft will
work together with the companies Ampyx Power and Kitepower who are working on potentially
disruptive airborne wind energy or AWE solutions (Ahrens et al., 2013; Bechtle, Schelbergen,
Schmehl, Zillmann, & Watson, 2019; Cherubini, Papini, Vertechy, & Fontana, 2015; Schmehl, 2018).
AWE essentially means that wind energy is harvested not by a regular wind turbine but by tethered flying
devices higher up in the sky. In the case of Ampyx Power it is a fixed wing aircraft that harvests the
energy and in the case of Kitepower it is a kite made of flexible membrane material (Oehler & Schmehl,
2019). Both are already able to generate wind energy using much less material than conventional wind
turbines but understanding the mechanisms in more detail will help to scale up the models (van der
Vlugt, Bley, Noom, & Schmehl, 2019). NEON will support this research for both Ampyx Power and
AWE could harvest wind with half the area needed for traditional turbines (Bechtle et al., 2019). The
cross-disciplinary approach of NEON allows us to make AWE part of the integral system, both spatially
and temporally. NEON will e.g. determine how AWE would use a smaller part of the Dutch North Sea
would be more flexible in terms of siting that takes the ecosystem, electricity grid costs and other
economic uses of the North Sea into account. Onshore on locations where there are impediments to wind
on ground level, NEON will show how the reduction in footprint would increase even further. The link with
psychologists and living labs allows Ampyx Power and Kitepower to assess how much the fact that AWE
is less noisy and visible will reduce NIMBY resistance and the integral model can determine what this
means for potential market share. The integral model can also calculate the impact on the grid and
storage requirements to make the business case and overall system costs for AWE explicit.
NEON solar energy research will be led by Adriana Creatore and Erwin Kessels, from the department of
Applied Physics at TU/e. The TU/e will exploit the hybrid organic metal halide perovskite technology,
presently widely acknowledged for its conversion efficiency and low-cost solution processability (Grätzel,
2014; Green, Ho-Baillie, & Snaith, 2014; Jena, Kulkarni, & Miyasaka, 2019). The TU/e will leverage it's
world leading knowledge of how atomic layer deposition can be applied to hybrid perovskite PV (Koushik
et al., 2019; Kuang et al., 2018), and apply it to building-integrated photovoltaics (PV), specifically for
perovskite PV implementation into the vertical facades (e.g., windows) of high-rise buildings (Shin &
Choi, 2018). With the support of Solliance and Solarge, TU/e will explore the major material science
challenges to engineer semi-transparent perovskite PV. These are: the development of novel absorber
chemistries and morphologies to deliver efficient solar light absorbers, but without compromising on the
average visible light transmittance of the PV design; the accurate design of interfaces to suppress
optical, voltage and resistive losses in PV devices; environmentally stable device architectures.
Moreover, Solarge will contribute to the integration of a solar panel in the roofing module. This makes
solar panels much cheaper (since the structural layer is the roof panel), reduces the added labour cost of
installation to zero, increases the area covered by solar panel, and presents a more aesthetically pleasing
result. A first business case is farm buildings with their large uniform roofs, and this will be explored
together with Friesland Campina. However, the challenges of developing the materials and adhesives
to make a solution that will last as long as a traditional roof are substantial which is why NEON
incorporates further research.
NEON uses expertise in other work packages to address the following research gaps into AWE and BIPV:

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In parallel with technological development, NEON uses expertise in other work packages (7-10) to
address the following research gaps concerning system integration and societal acceptance of AWE and
Very little work has been done into the personal preferences of people towards AWE and BIPV. AWE
and BIPV have potential to alleviate the societal acceptance problems of traditional wind and solar as
they are less obtrusive, less noisy (AWE) and more aesthetically pleasingly (BIPV). However systematic
analysis is needed.
The governance WP will look into the regulatory changes needed to admit wind energy drones and
kites. It will also look into the steps we need to take in order to change certain regulations that today
block a quick rollout of solar BIPV elements, such as tax consequences and fulfilling norms such as EPC
and BENG.
The integral model WP will take all this into account and is especially relevant for this work package
because it will estimate how much solar and wind will bring in in terms of revenue once demand
flexibility, energy market, transport costs and storage are taken into account for the entire energy
system on a 15 minute basis. It might show how investment in solar and wind and especially AWE and
BIPV would accelerate and lower costs. It will probably show how AWE and BIPV have the potential to
deliver higher amounts of energy at lower financial and social costs.
NEON energy transport (WP 2) is about 'future proofing' our energy transportation system. WP2
builds on expertise of Pavol Bauer (TUD), Han Slootweg and Korneel Wijnands (TU/e) and realistic grid
data of Dutch grid operators Liander and Enexis (together owning about 70% of the distributed grid in
the Netherlands). We will not redesign the grid but our cross-disciplinary approach and integrated model
allow us to quantify grid related bottlenecks and investments in different breakthrough scenarios. This
WP is also strongly linked to WP 5 regarding charging and the added value of many inventions from WP 5
will be tested using the tasks and expertise of this WP 2.
NEONs focus is on the Netherlands but we must make an estimate of the world around us and calibrate
our model with other models in order to perform realistically. That's why we enlisted the help of Tom
Brown of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology whose leading research shows how EU interconnectivity
can bring down the cost of 100% renewable scenario (Brown, Schierhorn, Tröster, & Ackermann, 2016;
Schlachtberger, Brown, Schramm, & Greiner, 2017; Schlachtberger, Brown, Schäfer, Schramm, &
Greiner, 2018). Mark Z Jacobson of Stanford University (Jacobson et al., 2018) and Christian Breyer of
the Finnish Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (Bogdanov & Breyer, 2016; Breyer, Caldera,
Afanasyeva, & Child, n.d.; Brown et al., 2018; Metayer, Breyer, & Fell, 2015) are leading modellers of
worldwide 100% renewable energy system and will not only assist in cross-validating the NEON model
but also help us incorporate international energy flows from e.g. transportation. Both will be helping us
to use their open source models in return for time and access to the open source models of NEON.
Coupling such optimization models to the agent-based model of NEON in order to optimize grids is
something that has not been done before (as far as we know) and could bridge the gap between local
socio-technical simulations and large-scale 'supergrid' optimization models.
A potential grid and transport related breakthrough is development of DC microgrids by task leader
prof. Pavol Bauer. The potential of DC for High Voltage 'supergrids' is well known (Jovcic & Ahmed, 2015)
but since our world is increasingly moving to DC (e.g. solar and batteries) and DC fast charging of EVs
over 100kW, we are rediscovering the value of DC for buildings and other 'microgrid' applications (Weiss,
Ott, & Boeke, 2015). Right now, one of the best business cases for DC microgrids is use on board of
ships (Jin et al., 2016, 2016; Satpathi, Ukil, Nag, Pou, & Zagrodnik, 2019; Shekhar, Ramírez-Elizondo, &
Bauer, 2017; Sulligoi et al., 2014, 2013). That's why Damen Shipyards and Royal IHC are committed
to this research, but DC systems are a potential electricity grid breakthrough with much wider
applications that this WP brings into the NEON fold.
Energy storage, demand and new market models (WP 3). The electricity must always be perfectly
balanced and many mechanisms and markets are in place to deal with this. With fossil fuels this
challenge was limited since fossil fuels include storage. Temporary imbalances where solved by ramping
fossil power production up and down. In a system dominated by wind and solar, the mismatch between
supply and demand becomes a much bigger problem and wind and solar can only be 'ramped down' by
curtailing it, essentially throwing away free energy. An open question is how local renewable supply and
demand can be integrated in the energy market in a way that aligns with energy transition objectives.
The main aim of this WP is therefore to develop an inclusive framework for different market models in
order to be able to explore the impacts of the different options in terms of energy, costs and GHG
reductions. We thereby start from the case studies in the living labs in the province of Noord
Brabant and the city of Rotterdam. The focus in demand lies on the built environment including
demand side management. Investigating demand side management entails a smart combination of local
supply, demand, grids and storage. New market models including concepts such as aggregators,
prosumers etc. are required to make smart energy systems work. It will be a challenge to balance the
interests of government, business and consumers (Lavrijssen, 2016), to design market models for
flexibility (Lavrijssen & Carrillo, 2017) and to implement the necessary regulatory changes (Marhold &
Lavrijssen, 2016). We envision a close cooperation between PhDs in WP 3 and WP 8 to draw on the

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knowledge of technical experts and on realistic use cases in living labs and to analyse disruptive future
scenarios to define what regulatory changes are desirable.
From the literature we know that storage and demand response are usually not comprehensively
modelled (Brown et al., 2018) and that without accurately modelling seasonal storage, nuclear or CCS
are almost mandatory for zero emission energy systems (Jenkins et al., 2018). We also know that
integral technological models in which storage and flexibility are taken into account show that low-cost
zero emission energy systems running on wind, water and solar seem possible (Jacobson et al., 2018).
In NEON we will therefore model a comprehensive set of storage options: lithium batteries, sodium
batteries, flow batteries, metal fuels an hydrogen where businesses give us up-to-date knowledge about
these technologies in return for an estimate of the possible business case and market share in different
NEON thereby advances the state-of-the-art in energy system modelling by integrating social constraints
to allocate flexibility. E.g. from heat pumps and electric vehicles. In case electric vehicles: modelling
model smart charging, vehicle to grid and even electric trucks and MaaS based on realistic travel
patterns and technological advances is currently innovative (Hogeveen & Hoekstra, 2019) but with NEON
we will be able to integrate it into different energy system scenarios and the living labs allow us to apply
it to realistic regions and users which takes it to a new level. Although there is some preliminary
information in the literature about users opinion on smart charging (Hoekstra & Refa, 2017; Refa, 2017;
Schmalfuß et al., 2015), this information is still sketchy. The cross-disciplinary NEON approach will
enable technological experts and modelers to draw on the expertise of proper psychologists.
2.6 Mobility (WP 4 to 6)
The past century saw the transformation of cities through the introduction of cars (Sheller & Urry, 2000),
and bicycles that contested their hegemony (Oldenziel & Bruhèze, 2011). The coming decennia will see
even bigger changes with cars becoming electric, self-driving and shared while cities reinvent mobility.
WP 4 and 5 are about enabling electrification while WP 6 is about smart and safe mobility.
Electric mobility (WP 4) is centred on developing novel electric (e-) powertrain system design
methodologies. This will reduce the time and cost of designing cost effective and efficient powertrains.
This capability is crucial for the Netherlands where we often produce small series of special purpose
vehicles. The methodology will be applicable for different sizes: from lightweight (LEVs, solar cars) to
heavy transport systems such as e-buses (López, Wilkins, & Iglesias, 2019; Nageshrao, Jacob, & Wilkins,
2017), trucks (Barrero Fernandez, Tran, Hegazy, Omar, & Van Mierlo, 2018; Tran et al., 2018;
Verbruggen, Hoekstra, & Hofman, 2018; S. Wilkins et al., 2018; Steven Wilkins, Pham, Tran, Hegazy, &
Omar, 2018) and e-ships (McCoy, 2015).
Our consortium has experience with forecasting electric vehicle uptake (Cuijpers, Staats, Bakker, &
Hoekstra, 2016; Hoekstra, 2017; Hoekstra & Refa, 2017; Hoekstra, Vijayashankar, et al., 2017) but
state-of-the-art models lack a specification of the impact of the drivetrain in terms of weight, costs,
design costs, V2G ability and time to market. The knowledge base in this work package will make sure
assumptions about electric drivetrains made in the integral model (WP 10) are as accurate as possible.
Technical design challenges are seen in the handling the huge design space in constructing new system
architectures, selecting and specifying suitable component technologies and control. Moving from this
‘micro-grid level’ design problem to the ‘macro-grid level’, the new functionalities of the e-powertrain
systems are not solely limited to the transportation of goods/passengers, however extends to having a
mobile, intelligent, shared, safe and autonomous system (WP 6) enabling sustainable energy storage
allowing grid load leveling by storing wind/solar energy production temporarily, utilizing ultra-fast
charging (WP 5) and efficiently reusing it for driving or feeding it back to the grid at other peak demand
hours. New design challenges by connecting e-powertrain systems to a grid of energy consumers and
producers (studied in WP 1-4) stem from the system design challenges at micro-grid level. Here, the
scientific innovations in the energy transitions are seen on studying the interfacing of the design of e-
powertrain systems, advanced energy management systems and its integration in a smart-charging grid
system by answering questions on: (i) how to optimize e-powertrain systems of which the states change
dynamically in a holistic energy framework with shared design variables at different systems levels; (ii)
how to determine the optimal synergy and business case by exploring new product design methods for
specific (customer-dependent) use cases based on design process validation: integrating component
specification, design and manufacturing - even for small production series; (iii) how to predict
technological breakthroughs accelerating the energy transition by studying the energy and cost-saving
potential of light-weighting and efficiency improvements for future powertrain systems (wind/PV
systems, batteries, transmissions, E-machines, cooling and heating systems); and, finally, (iv) how to
study the people’s preferences in the usage of electric vehicles (e.g., solar cars) and the interaction
between cars/trucks (defined by its parameters), charge points (linked to WP 5) and real use cases that
predict adaptation?
Charging mobility (WP 5) is literally about connecting the energy and mobility system. We need many
connections at the right place that are available at the right time and although electric vehicles use 2-5x
less energy than fossil powered ones, they still require a lot of energy that could either overload the grid
while being charged with marginal energy from fossil fuelled power plants. Fortunately, properly
managed charging could add grid- and storage capacity while simultaneously lowering charging costs for

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EV drivers and improving the business-case for wind and solar. Because of this, charging strongly
interacts with energy supply (WP1), transport (WP2) and demand (WP3) and NEON will be one of the
first research proposals to allow for optimization of interconnected energy and mobility systems.
In terms of breakthrough technology, NEON puts the focus on the emerging field of medium-voltage
(MV) heavy duty (larger than 1MW) charging. Medium-voltage (MV) charger technology is key to be able
to fully benefit from the potential in electric mobility (WP 4 and smart hubs (WP 7) while connecting
these to energy grids (WP 2). This interdependency is key to the broad scope of NEON, and makes the
research to chargers within the entire energy system much more relevant.
TU/e, TUD and HvA will investigate the potential of ultra-fast chargers connected directly to the medium
voltage grid, and demonstrate the developed high-power charging technology with a proof of concept.
The impact of high-power charging on MV grids will further be investigated by determining optimal future
charging combinations, comparing the use of fast charging, opportunity charging, overnight charging,
destination charging and caternary charging) for different business cases (e.g. busses, ships, trucks and
maybe even ultra-fast charging of regular cars in the far future). This objective also requires a thorough
analysis of individual preferences (WP 7). Distributed control algorithms for enabling efficient charging
and grid stabilization will be developed, along with the resulting implications for ICT standards and grid
code. Lastly the impact and possibilities of high power V2G (vehicle to grid) and grid support on future
grid configurations, resulting in optimal use of renewable energy, will be investigated.
Smart and safe mobility (WP 6) addresses the ways in which ICT, user preferences and governance
interact to revolutionize how we will get from A to B. Regarding smart mobility we will focus on smart
hubs and mobility as a service (MaaS). Regarding safe mobility we focus on the safety shell.
Smart hubs will be researched by prof. Tom van Woensel and the Province of Noord-Brabant as a
way of optimizing urban transport (Campbell & Woensel, 2019). Smart hubs are central hubs within a
city which can concentrate personal mobility and smart urban freight logistics. Hubs can be used
dynamically in time and space as flexible consolidation points in urban centers. This way inner city
mobility can be optimized, while at the same time smart hubs can have profound implications for the
energy grid (WP 2) and will require ultra-fast chargers (WP 5). However, the multimodal network flow
needs to be optimized (SteadieSeifi, Dellaert, Nuijten, & Woensel, 2017), taking into account e.g.
pollution (Dabia, Demir, & Woensel, 2017), perishable goods (Crama, Rezaei, Savelsbergh, & Woensel,
2018), time windows (Ghilas, Demir, & Woensel, 2016) and fleet planning for city logistics
(Franceschetti, Honhon, Laporte, Woensel, & Fransoo, 2017). The resulting optimization algorithms will
be added to the agent-based integral model allowing us to analyse and quantify the influence of smart
hubs on energy and climate.
Mobility as a service (MaaS) is often seen as the future of city mobility but one that is poorly
understood (Wong, Hensher, & Mulley, 2018) with big questions regarding how to govern it to improve
the city (Smith, Sarasini, Karlsson, Mukhtar-Landgren, & Sochor, 2018) and how to offer it to travellers
(Wong, Hensher, & Mulley, 2019). Soora Rasouli will analyse how people make choices (Gan, Yang,
Feng, & Timmermans, 2018; J. Kim, Rasouli, & Timmermans, 2017; S. Kim, Yang, Rasouli, &
Timmermans, 2017; Rasouli & Timmermans, 2013; Seheon et al., 2018; V., S., & H., 2019) to determine
the daily demand for various transportation modes with MaaS (origin-destination, timing) with high
spatial resolution (PC4). This enables the city planners not only to determine the optimum location for
the smart hub within the city and the best configuration of the available modes within hubs, which itself
can contribute to minimizing the total travel distance and lower pollution, but also serves as a guideline
for the energy demand on the grid system (related to WP5) within such high resolution. This is possible
because charging location and time is one of the activity facets which will be simulated by the activity
based model adopted in WP6. Moreover, the willingness to adopt the service would depend on the
technological characteristics such as Battery range, charging duration which is the topic of WP4 and WP5.
In addition, the diffusion of MaaS system related to the social network influence (WoM) and the users’
level of satisfaction will be integrated into the forecasting model (WP 10).
Safe mobility will focus on improving the safety of semi-autonomous EV vehicles by improving context
modeling and awareness. The increasing fatality numbers of 2018 - with Brabant on top in the
Netherlands rankings - brings a sense of urgency and Toyota and other OEMs like Volvo, Daimler are
pointing to the direction of a safety shell (or as Toyota calls it: the Safety Guardian (Pratt, 2019)). The
safety shell combines the strength of technology and the human being in a seamless man machine
system. Regardless to the question of when completely self-driving autonomous vehicles will roam the
streets, we will have a period where man and automated vehicles must co-exist and the safety shell
could make this period safer.
In many sharing concepts as a stepping stone towards the MaaS concept, the EV is a favorite choice.
With MaaS, society moves into the direction of usage of vehicles instead of ownership, which means that
the driver is driving in vehicles of different brands with different user interfaces (UIs). As every brand
comes with their own UI, the driver might be put at risk by not understanding the vehicle UI in sudden
emergency situations or he/she might put the vehicle in a dangerous situation by not being fully in
control. The safety shell concept (dealing with mixed-traffic situations) could support and protect the
driver in these movements from car ownership to mobility user in different type of vehicles.

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Based on these observation, the goal of NEON is to obtain a better understanding of this safety shell that
autonomously prevents accidents or minimizes accident-impact by actively anticipating needed actuation,
and then gives back control to the driver again. The safety shell could also activate advisory or warning
signals (auditive, tactile of visual) to the EV-driver or other vulnerable other road users. Ideally the
system will take into account: uncertainty; intent; and (non)-responsiveness of the driver.
2.7 Cross-cutting social sciences (WP 7 to 9)
These work packages add the social science component to NEON.
The Human factors (WP 7) This work package installs the human factor into the work packages 1 to 6.
It is lead by prof. Rein Jan Renes (HvA), an expert on behavioural science (Hermsen & Renes, 2016;
Renes et al., 2011), specifically in how government can reach citizens (Bleijenberg, Aarts, & Renes,
2018) and how behavioural scientists can add value to the work of inventors like the ones in WP 1 to 6
(Essen, Hermsen, & Renes, 2016; Hermsen, Frost, Renes, & Kerkhof, 2016; Hermsen, van der Lugt,
Mulder, & Renes, 2016).
Most companies and researchers in the renewable energy domain have a strong technical focus, but in
order to determine to what extent technological solutions are desired or acceptable (e.g. how much
people are willing to pay for them), we need to determine individual preferences of the relevant groups.
Think of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) arguments regarding wind and solar, or the level of comfort in
MaaS (Mobilty as a Service). Whether these social concepts are taken into account when developing
technologies and modelling societal change could make or break the development.
In general, it is widely understood that changes in behaviour and acceptance of new technologies are
needed to promote a more sustainable future. However, the perceived need to engage in new, pro-
environmental behaviour is often met with resistance as there are numerous examples of pro-
environmental technologies that encountered public rejection. When determining what facilitates pro-
environmental choices or what influences the adoption of new technologies it is important to look at the
psychological barriers that limit environmental behaviour change as well as the socio-technical factors
that impact the way a technology is perceived.
Numerous studies show that when confronted with environmental risks, individual decisions to engage in
preventative actions are based on a reasoned assessment of the perceived risk vulnerability (‘what are
the odds that this will happen to me?’) and the severity of the adverse consequences (‘if it happens, how
serious is it?’) on the one hand, and the perceived potential to minimize those risks through the
individual’s perceived response efficacy (‘will this actually minimize the risk?’) and perceived self-efficacy
(‘do I have the skills and capacity to deal with this?’) on the other hand. When people experience a
relatively high perceived severity and susceptibility as well as a high perceived self-efficacy and response
efficacy, it is more likely they will be involved in pro-environmental behaviours in order to minimize the
risks. It is important to address these issues effectively to create a pro-environmental setting in which
consumer compliance is likely.
Even when people feel there is much at stake and achievable solutions are available they often still
hesitate to act. Although they are willing and capable universal psychological barriers still continue to
exist withholding them to act. People tend to overvalue losses and undervalue gains. In case of E-hubs,
giving up your own private car will trigger loss aversion. To induce a switch, the expected gains from
sharing modalities must overwhelm the (overvalued) anticipated losses. Furthermore, people tend to
overvalue what significant others in their social network do. Social norms are an important factor in the
decisions people make. For many, owning a car is still the norm and because people tend to conform to
the norm they usually hesitate to share. Even worse, when asked to adapt, people sometimes are
inclined to react aggressively negative. People treasure their sense of autonomy and self-determination
and if threatened they will do anything to regain this sense of freedom (reactance). In other words:
when people sense that others interfere with their choice of transportation they will automatically choose
to rebel. In sum: it is crucial to take these psychological barriers into account when developing and
implementing innovative solutions to ensure that people are not only willing to change but also start to
act upon this willingness
Considering the consumer adoption process the aforementioned individual psychological factors are
intertwined with the socio-technical attributes of pro-environmental innovations. For example what is the
relative advantage of the innovation: is it technically superior (in terms of cost, functionality, “image”,
etc.) than the technology it supersedes? Or what about the compatibility of the innovation with existing
values, skills, and practices of the potential adopter or the ease with which the innovation can be
understood and used. Also the trialability and observability are important socio-technical factors to
consider; i.e. is it possible to experiment on a trial basis without undue effort and expense and can the
results and benefits of the innovation`s use easily be observed and communicated to others?
Governance for accelerating the energy and mobility transition (WP 8). The transition to
sustainable energy and mobility requires an appropriate and transparent governance structure and
institutional environment. WP 8 focuses on two important elements in this governance structure: Law
and regulations (WP8a), and technical standards (WP8b). The transition of the energy sector towards a
Smart Energy System (Lavrijssen & Carrillo, 2017) comprises several developments that require radical
changes in the governance and regulation of the energy market:

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1. A move from centrally generated energy from fossil fuels to energy generated (locally) from
renewable sources which are more volatile and intermittent;
2. A move from citizens acting only as energy consumers to them becoming more active as prosumers,
as they are able to produce energy themselves, for instance by installing solar panels and supplying
the generated energy to the energy network;
3. The substitution of the traditional demand-driven system by a supply-driven system supported by the
introduction of demand response programmes and the storage of electricity by means of storage
facilities and Electric vehicles connected to the distribution grid;
4. The transition towards a multi-carrier energy system in which power can be stored by transforming it
to heat or to hydrogen; and
5. The deployment of smart energy meters and related data protection concerns.
In terms of standards, a successful, widespread transition towards durable solutions in the field of
energy and mobility will increasingly require interconnected and ‘smart’ systems (in contrast to isolated,
dumb solutions), and creates a need for interoperability. Cost-effective solutions are best achieved if
markets are functioning well, and there are no undue obstacles for parties to participate in that market.
In such an environment, interoperability is best realized by technical standards that meet the WTO
criteria of transparency, openness, impartiality, and consensus-based mechanisms. If society fails to
develop and adopt such open standards, than the results will be either fragmentation of incompatible
solutions (and therefor lower adoption), or a monopoly by a single partly that controls the full platform.
Technical standards are (usually) not promulgated by law, instead, there is a system of self-governance
where stakeholders together draw up standards, usually within standard development organization’s
(SDOs). These actors and organizations operate in a regulatory environment formed by competition law,
the European ‘new approach’ for standards, and specific (European) law and regulations. In principle,
adoption and involvement in standards-setting is voluntary. Yet, in very exceptional cases, regulators
may consider making specific standards mandatory, as the European Commission did for the charging
plug for electrical vehicles, and currently is planning to do for vehicle-to-vehicle communications. One
specific challenge in this study is to go beyond regular standardization, which is usually narrow in scope
and aimed at one specific technological layer, and look at the institutional standardization
structure from the perspective of vertical, cross-sector application areas. What we learn here for
mobility can also have be applicable to related areas such as energy and IoT. A second challenge is
the end user as legitimate stakeholder in standards. For instance, if we want to allow citizens to
maintain autonomy over their decisions and data, technical standards would be able to offer
interoperable solutions for that, without locking them in to specific suppliers. This work package takes
research on multi-mode standardization (Wiegmann, de Vries, & Blind, 2017), platforms (den Hartigh,
Ortt, van de Kaa, & Stolwijk, 2016), platforms (Den Hartigh, 2016) and standards battles (van de Kaa,
van den Ende, de Vries, & van Heck, 2011) as a starting point. Yet, the novelty our approach is that we
integrate this standardization literature into actual development of standards in the technical fields of
interest, instead of merely investigating the standardization in specific domains merely from the
technological perspective (see for instance (Andreev et al., 2015; Bui, Castellani, Casari, & Zorzi, 2012;
Sheng et al., 2013). By doing so, we expect to contribute a new step of truly integrating social-economic
and technical standardization research. In NEON, standardisation needs are addressed in WP 8b, which
also is tightly related to the technical WP 1-6. Specific examples are standards for DC power distribution
(WP 2), standards for smart charging and V2G (WP 3) and standards for medium voltage chargers (WP
Societal values – towards fair energy and mobility transitions (WP 9) The technological changes
that are part of the energy and mobility transition will have profound impacts upon society, and vice
versa are largely driven by entrepreneurial citizens and researchers pushing for structural changes. The
sustainability transitions literature focuses on the determinants of sustainability transitions but not
on their consequences (Geels, 2002; Geels and Schot, 2007). Transitions may, however, have
severe economic and social consequences. Rather than to improve upon existing technologies and
infrastructures, the transition approach starts with the guiding social values (such as clean, social and
just) and asks how emerging new and existing technologies and solutions could be supported to build
transition pathways in this direction. This work package works builds upon insights from WP2-WP6 to
explore possible barriers and drivers for accelerated societal diffusion vis-à-vis the longer-term societal
values pursued. We will identify critical challenges, paradoxes and potential pitfalls of accelerated
diffusion of new technologies and explore how markets, governments and citizens could proactively deal
with these. By taking a transdisciplinary action oriented research approach, we will work together in
practice to actively shape transition pathways, mobilising knowledge developed within the NEON project
as well as generating new empirical insights.
Regarding sustainable mobility, one of the focus areas will be the mobility transition in cities, focusing on
the shift towards EV combined with decentralized renewables and mobility as a service concepts. Where
these technological solutions are developing rapidly towards accelerated diffusion, they might also lead
to more undesired effects such as increased automobility, rising mobility costs, negative environmental
impacts of large quantities of batteries and so on. Alternatively however such technologies, when
diffused within a context of set societal goals and facilitated by new forms of governance, could
simultaneously address multiple persistent urban mobility challenges. One could for example imagine

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that shared automobility with electric vehicles could radically reduce the amount of cars in cities,
substantially lower collective mobility costs, reduce resource use drastically and make mobility more fun.
In this WP we will work with the city of Rotterdam and the Province Noord-Brabant, to explore how to
develop the strategies and governance that facilitate a fundamental shift from the current individual-car
based system to such a social collective mobility system.
Regarding sustainable energy, we increasingly observe that the costs and benefits of such sustainable
energy transitions are not equally distributed (Straver et al. 2018). Concerns thereby regard the overall
affordability of the energy transition and the accessibility of the new technologies for low-income groups
(Negro et al., 2012), as well as legitimacy and NIMBY. Furthermore, we find that the success factors of
energy transition experiments are often location-specific. Yet, current transition pathways and scenarios
are often formulated at the national or even global level and the specific welfare and local environmental
effects of sustainability transitions have received surprisingly little attention. As energy transitions occur
at different levels and energy systems differ in scale, so do their socio-economic consequences. This WP
therefore systematically investigates how energy transitions affect poverty, inequality, economic
development and environment. This requires to move beyond a focus on diffusion and adoption to a
focus on use and consequences. In the living labs as frontrunners in local energy and mobility transitions
we will monitor the welfare effects of this transition. The welfare effects of the transition are expected to
differ for the different households that are involved (home-owners versus social housing, newly built
versus existing housing stock etc.). A thorough understanding of these welfare effects is needed to
identify suitable governance arrangements for fair sustainability transitions.
2.8 Integral model (WP 10)
The work packages 1 to 6 bring together mostly technical or product oriented scientists and companies.
The work packages 7 to 9 add social scientists and organisations focused on the social perspective.
But how can you turn all that cross-disciplinary expertise into coherent interdisciplinary pathways?
That's where the integral model comes in. We already know that in order for transition science to be
used by policy makers it should add the quantified models (Holtz et al., 2015) and that such models can
also improve internal consistency (Eising, van Onna, & Alkemade, 2014) and challenge incorrect
narratives (Trutevyte et al., 2014). A recent paper by three initiators of NEON describes the
requirements for such a model (Hoekstra, Steinbuch, et al., 2017) as summarized in the table below.

Agents are detailed, heterogeneous and Global level with technological innovation
strategizing. They learn in interaction with each through science, R&D and economies of scale.
other and the environment. Behavior is defined Also climate impacts and policies. Ability for
through interviews and surveys. Exceptional rich nations to invest in climate mitigation in
actors can drive innovation. poorer nations (e.g. rainforests).
Technology is detailed, disaggregated, National level with energy related policy,
decentralized and validated by domain experts. subsidy and taxes. Also large scale energy
Agent adoption drives endogenous, possibly production/use, high voltage grids and mobility
exponential, bottom-up feedback loops for e.g. patterns. Important level for modeling regime
solar, wind, storage and EVs. resistance.
Ability to price externalities differently for Local level with actors that drive adoption and
different actors. Underlying assumptions are use of new energy technology. Constrained by
explicit and user adjustable. E.g. discount spatially modeled physical infrastructure,
rates, Negishi welfare weights, chance of connecting subsystems like grids, roads,
catastrophe and value of health/ecosystems. buildings, machines and people.
Overview of requirements for energy transition management models

From the requirements the paper goes on to describe why agent-based simulations using realistic
populations and maps are best suited to capture the required transition dynamics, and how such a model
can be constructed and developed in larger teams in a way that learns from professional object-oriented
software developments. And althoug the approach is still unproven at the scale of NEON, small scale
models have been succesfully constructed by consortium member Zenmo but NEON.
NEON will allow us to create a simulation capturing all the most relevant assumptions and relationships
from WP 1 to 9 and implement them into 'digital twins': virtual worlds inside the computer that contain
the NEON living labs on a neighborhood scale and a representation of national level and global level.
Once we have captured all the knowledge from WP 1 to 9 in a functioning model it becomes relatively
easy to create a multitude of different scenarios that can explore different pathways and can immediately
see things like societal costs, green house gas emissions and business cases for the different
technologies. It will be able to show how interventions and investments that seem unimportant initially
can have big consequences later on in the simulation. In short: the model allows us to find and explore
the 'managed disruption' that is needed for changing our energy and mobility systems in time to avoid
severe climate damage and needlessly expensive slow and unhealthy mobility that clogs up our cities.

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3 Societal impact and valorisation

3.1 Positioning of the research proposal
The NEON project addresses the challenges of the following 4 Topsectors with their roadmaps (in
brackets): Energy (TKI Urban Energy, System Integration), HTSM (Automotive roadmap), Logistics
(Urban Logistics, Synchromodality), Water&Maritime (E-Ship). NEON connects to several aspects in the
NWA routes: The blue route: water as a pathway to innovation and sustainable growth; Measuring and
detecting: anything, anytime, anywhere; Energy Transition; Logistics and transport in an energetic,
innovative, and sustainable society; Smart Liveable Cities. NEON is aligned with the current and future
European research agenda’s: Horizon 2020 ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport’ and the new Horizon
Europe FP9 program ‘Climate, Energy and Mobility’. The research agenda fits into the challenges of the
EIT, reflected in the call for proposals for the KIC Urban Mobility. The EIT KIC on urban mobility is
starting in 2019. Some of the research agendas of ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory
Council) have inspired the NEON project, like the European Roadmap Electrification of Road Transport,
the Integrated Urban Mobility Roadmap and the roadmap on A Truly Integrated Transport System for
Sustainable and Efficient Logistics. The urgency of decreasing the impact of climate change as agreed in
the Paris climate agreement and the Dutch national climate plan (Ministerie van Economische Zaken en
Klimaat, 2018) is the cornerstone of the NEON research approach.
3.2 Societal challenges
The NEON project provides a significant contribution to solving the grand societal challenges on secure,
clean and efficient energy, and smart, green and integrated transport. This contribution is
embedded to our main research aim of accelerating the energy and mobility transition.
More specifically, NEON contributes to the objectives specified in H2020 for clean and efficient energy:
1. Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint (All WPs)
2. Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply, (All WPs)
3. Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources, (WP 1-6)
4. New knowledge and technologies, (All WPs)
5. Robust decision making and public engagement (WP 7 - 10)
For smart, green and integrated transport, NEON contributes to the key H2020 objectives on:
1. Resource efficient transport that respects the environment (WP 5-6),
2. Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security (WP 6),
3. Socio-economic and behavioral research and forward looking activities for policy making (WP 7-10).
By realizing the project goals, NEON outcomes will also positively contribute to societal goals on Climate
action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials and EU in a changing world - inclusive,
innovative and reflective societies
3.3 Societal and/or economic impact
NEON has high expected societal and economic impact. The main societal impact lies in accelerating the
energy and mobility transition. The NEON consortium believes this can be done in an
economically attractive way. Not only realizing the transition in a cost effective and affordable way
(for consumers and businesses alike), but rather creating new business opportunities and
technology leadership for the Netherlands is a key driver of the consortium. The expected economic
impact for industrial stakeholders is especially high in new markets resulting from the electrification of
mobility and energy systems;
Progress in TRL depends on the specific technology and task. The research trajectories are a balanced
mix of development stages, varying from discovery (TRL 1-3) to development (TRL 4-7) (See WP tasks
for exact TRL developments). A unique advantage of this consortium is the combination of early stage
proof of concept developments (such as thin-film building integrated PV and ultra-fast charging) with
validation in a virtual test environment and in real world mobility piloting environments like in
Rotterdam. This is relevant in the energy transition to understand viability of a technology in an
integrated renewable energy system in an early phase of the development. NEON thereby strengthens
the Dutch knowledge and innovations system both on the short and on the long term.
Increasing the SRL in alignment to the TRL is a key focus of NEON. The social scientist in the proposal
are experts on identifying key societal issues in the acceptance and diffusion of renewable energy
technologies. The interaction between WP 1-6 on the on the one hand and WP (7-10) on the other hand
ensure continuous attention for important SLR factors concerning societal acceptance. In addition
adequate legislation and governance arrangements to mitigate adverse effects; and the existence of
mechanisms to ensure involvement of citizens and societal actors in the production and assessment of
new knowledge and technologies are key NEON objectives. WP 13 on valorization ensures SRL level 3 by
investigating societal readiness in living labs, or other testing environments for new technologies.
By working in and with practice to systematically explore possible and desirable transition pathways
(using the technological advances, modelling insights as well as practice based transition methods) we
will support practitioners in government and industry to strategize and contribute more effectively to the
sustainability transition. We will also stimulate political, market based and societal discussions around
equity, (spatial) justice, inclusion and reduction of environmental impacts and consumption.

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3.4 Knowledge utilisation and entrepreneurship

Knowledge utilisation
NEON partners expressed that actual transfer of research results to the market proofs to be difficult.
NEON industry partners further state that solutions might exist, but do not get introduced due to
regulatory obstacles as well as lacking social acceptance. Exploitation and dissemination of NEON results
is thus key in order to bring developed solutions on the road and to make them transferable between
NEON has 5 partners on board (AutomotiveNL, NKL, eLaadNL, BrainportDevelopment and De
Verkeeronderneming) who are owning and managing network platforms, which are truly complementary
to each other and together cover nearly the whole spectrum of the field which NEON is addressing:
industry, grid network providers and (local) governments. With these 5 partners and their large network
and experts in their domains, we have brought together in NEON the optimal mix of partners which are
seen in the market as the network platforms which have the organizational power to transfer created
knowledge, to boost impact of NEON results, to stimulate and seduce collaboration within their networks,
and to support co-creation by activating their network members. And by heart all these 5 organizations
bring together partners in the triple helix of knowledge, industry and (semi-) public entities. Hereafter we
will describe in more detail the core activities of these 4 network organizations to illustrate what they are
capable of in general, and will support NEON specifically.
AutomotiveNL is the cluster organization for the Dutch automotive industry, mobility sector, automotive
education sector and has over 175 members. From its base of operations on the Automotive Campus in
Helmond, AutomotiveNL performs activities essential to its members. The industry is facing a lot of
challenges, especially in the domain of Smart and Green Mobility. The Societal challenges addressed in
the NEON project outlined are similar to the challenges addressed in the Automotive Roadmap, part of
the topsector policy (topsector High Tech Systems and Materials). AutomotiveNL members are active in
this domain and will also participate in the NEON project. AutomotiveNL will support those partners with
their activities, by dissemination of project results amongst the Automotive partners, national and
internationally. The NEON project will also give new insights in the direction of the Top sector Automotive
Roadmap. AutomotiveNL will also help the project with new cross sectoral collaboration by involving
other cluster organizations in NL and abroad.
Brainport Development NV (BPD) works with representatives from industry, knowledge institutions and
government to strengthen the Brainport Eindhoven top technology region. High Tech Systems &
Materials (incl. Additive Manufacturing), Food, Automotive, Lifetec and Design are focal sectors. BPD has
an extensive network consisting of SMEs and OEM’s. One of the societal challenges in the Brainport
Eindhoven area is to achieve zero-emission energy and transportation. BPD is, as an economic
development organization, involved in the Brainport Smart Mobility programme of Brainport Eindhoven.
The NEON project fits excellent into this programme especially since BPD is also involved in the Brainport
MaaS-project. BPD will support the regional partners with their activities, by dissemination of project
results amongst the Brainport members and abroad. BPD will help the project with new cross sectoral
collaboration by involving their members in the Brainport region, Brabant province, nationally and
NKL is a foundation to provide a neutral and open place for the development, discussion and
dissemination of initiatives that contribute to the development of EV’s and its charging infrastructure in
its broadest context. NKL has an advisory council made up of all leading public and private entities in the
Netherlands, including representation from central, regional and local governments (Min I&W, IPO, VNG,
G4/MRAe), sector organizations (DOET Energie-NL), grid operators (Elaad) and academic representation
(HvA, TU/e). Recently, NKL has contributed to the Climate agreement proposal by co-authoring the
‘National Agenda for Charging Infrastructure’, containing a set of concrete agreements to provide a
charging infrastructure to support the intended goal by the government to only have zero-emission new
car sales per 2030 (amounting to an estimated presence of 1,8M EV’s in 2030). NKL is currently working
on policy guidelines for the different charging solutions and has a number of other projects going on for
standardization and dissemination best practices, like interoperability, EV roaming and price
transparency in the Netherlands and the EU. NKL is currently owner of the open roaming protocol OCPI.
For NKL, it is a logical decision to support NEON explicitly and contribute to the deliverables and its
success. NKL has good experience with translation research results into products and messages for a
broader audience and has an extensive network of public and private stakeholders and communication
channels that can be used for the purpose of giving NEON deliverables maximum outreach and impact.
ElaadNL is the knowledge and expertise centre for the Dutch grid operators in the field of electric
mobility. ElaadNL researches developments, their impacts and mitigate complications for EV. As grid
operators it is important to look ahead into the future, at least 40 years as the electricity grid and its
components are designed to last at least four decades. The NEON project, using the complexity of
domain interactions and agent-based development as a backbone, provides us with the required
information and knowledge to explore the possible and likely future scenario’s and will aid us with the
possibility to mitigate complications at an early stage. In NEON, ElaadNL will provide the most prominent

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experts in the field regarding Smart Charging, charging developments and Charging systems for a
variety of modalities. During the development of the model, ElaadNL will advocate and guard the
practical applicability of the research and use a variety of interactive moments to contribute both
practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of charging mobility. With its years of experience ElaadNL
is the perfect stakeholder to bridge the grid operator, practice and science gap.
De Verkeersonderneming is a public-private partnership network organisation founded in 2008 by
Rijkswaterstaat, the Port of Rotterdam, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Metropolitan region
Rotterdam-The Hague with the aim of improving accessibility and mobility in the Greater Rotterdam
Area. Their focus is on the use of infrastructure with instruments influencing the traveller by mobility
management (pre-trip), logistics, traffic management (on-trip) and (small) infrastructure investments.
De Verkeersonderneming wants to adopt the knowledge generated within NEON and directly apply it in
their user-centred mobility approaches as they are very keen on getting insights in the effects of
sustainability and electrification of mobility on user behaviour and appreciation of mobility. In the NEON
project used co-creation workshops, experience within the Rotterdam region will be brought to the table.
In co-operation with our aforementioned 5 platform organizations, NEON will setup a dissemination plan,
which includes the replication-oriented dissemination of results, in line with the NEON objectives and its
annual New Energy Outlook, building upon the communication and dissemination capabilities of the 5
partners in co-operation with NEON community , and engage a wider community beyond the NEON
partnership at national and European level. Through the dissemination activities we aim to target at
stakeholders of governments, industries, cities and citizens. The main instruments used by NEON to
implement our dissemination activities are target oriented as listed in the table below.

Target group Tools

Blogs; NEON Website; Thematic brochures; Social Media; NEON Best-practice kit; Press releases;
Co-creation workshops; Newsletter; Online webinars; Hackathons
Technical and scientific conferences; Scientific publications; NL & EU High level networking events;
Research & Education
Case studies; Videos; Hackathons
Grid providers &
NL & EU High Level networking events; Policy brief; Roadmap
Citizens, end-users &
Ambassadors; Personal letters; Contests; Living labs visits
Industry, Innovators & Videos; NL & EU High Level networking events; Pitches; Technical and scientific conferences; Case
Investors studies; Business plan competitions

As the NEON project has quite some project partners, we will setup a dissemination committee headed
by a dissemination manager, reporting to the NEON Quadruple helix board. Their role will be to setup the
dissemination plan and to execute upon it.

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Entrepreneurship activities
Challenge based education, innovation ideation and start-up creation
Utilizing creative collaboration spaces such as TU/e Innovation Space, NEON is aiming for bottom-up
student driven projects supported by industry and grid providers and inspired by NEON research results.
The students themselves supported by NEON academics where needed, will seduce industrial and urban
stakeholders for sponsorships, thus creating maximum engagement. The collaboration spaces of TU/e
Innovation Space provide a platform where students and researchers work together in multidisciplinary
teams, developing innovative science-based solutions to real-world challenges in collaboration with
industry and the society around us. NEON will actively co-operate with Innovation Space and define
seducing ideation and startup topics from the NEON research results while stimulating collaboration in
parallel where possible and between NEON researchers and Innovation Space young students
Utilizing KIC Urban Mobility entrepreneurial activities
The 2019 started KIC Urban Mobility will be utilized by NEON where possible for entrepreneurial
activities. The KIC Urban Mobility is a 14 year lasting European funding project for creating and scaling
innovations for liveable urban spaces. The NEON objectives fit very well with the ones of the KIC Urban
Mobility as it states: “Technological advances and European policy-goalsetting clearly point towards a
largely electric, clean, safe and autonomous urban mobility by 2030. As a consortium, the KIC is
dedicated to improve urban spaces while ensuring accessibility by the most convenient, efficient,
sustainable and affordable transport modes. This will be done based on cross-sectoral approach, which
will overcome the fragmentation in the urban mobility sector by enabling the integration of all urban
mobility players “
Next Move: the entrance for starting and growing companies
Utilizing the TU/e embedded entrepreneurial ecosystem, NEON will setup an entrepreneurship plan,
consisting of at least the following elements:
1. Identification of NEON ideation projects for potential start-ups in close co-operation with TU/e
Innovation Space
2. Feed NEON research results into KIC Urban Mobility Innovation and Education process
3. Describing how the NEON project will deal with IP-related matters:
a. What strategy/strategies will the project follow regarding protecting key IP? And why? (File for
patents, copyright, closed/open source)
b. How will this IP potentially be utilized? (transfer and further development beyond the scope of this
proposal for instance by a spin-off/start-up/Industry partner/strategic partnership etc)
c. IP matters i.e. if it is decided that certain results contain IP that need to be protected those
actions are taken before any public dissemination of those results takes place.
4. If opportunities for spin-offs based on IP generated within the project are identified, the business case
for these will be actively developed by preparing business plans, identifying funding (investors,
grants). If possible, NEON will do this as a joint effort with project partners.
5. If further development of results (IP, know-how) within strategic partnerships is anticipated, NEON
will touch upon this.
6. Demonstrators will be part of the entrepreneurship plan
7. Workshops and conferences will be included.
8. Feasibility market studies for spinoffs and start-ups and NEON partner SMEs will be anticipated for.

As the NEON project has quite some project partners, we will setup an Innovation committee headed by
an Innovation manager, reporting to the NEON Quadruple helix board. Their role will be to setup the
entrepreneurial activities plan, to execute upon by contnously identify routes of knowledge utilization and
opportunities for entrepreneurship based on NEON research results and by applying the elements
described above.

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4 The consortium
4.1 Description of the consortium
We are not claiming this consortium captures all, or even the best methodologies and technologies
needed to accelerate the shift to sustainable energy and mobility, because it's simply too soon to tell
which ones are needed yet. But what we do claim is that if there ever was a consortium with the drive,
expertise and organisation to determine how we can destabilize our current energy and mobility system
towards sustainibility, it's NEON.
Previously we described how the energy and mobility system is a socio-technical complex adaptive
system and how we we have to find and exploit the positive feedback loops that can disrupt/destabilize
this system towards sustainability, because that is our only chance for change that is fast enough.
Elsewhere (chapter 2 and 5) we describe our plans for doing that in more detail but here we will sketch
why this group is perfect for the job. In order to do that we focus on the four types of people and
organisations that we need to do this job: 1) technical, 2) social, 3) methodological and 4) practical.
For the technical system part, you need researchers and organisations with the expertise and drive to
develop disruptive sustainable technologies. We identified six broad areas (WP 1 to 6) and we are happy
that we can say that we not only got expertise in all areas but also companies that are willing to put up
their own money and that thus have 'skin in the game' when it comes to sustainable disruption. Some
want to harvest wind energy from kites (Kitepower) and planes (Ampyx Power) while others want to turn
ordinary building materials and windows into solar cells (Solarge) using films so thin that you have to
look at atomic deposing (Soliance). We have liquid batteries (Elestor) and metal fuels (Metalot). We have
ultralight electric cars directly running on the sun (Lightyear), large electric ships (Damen, IHC) and
ultra-fast chargers that connect directly to the 10.000 Volt grid (5 companies). We look at smart cars
that prevent accidents (NXP) and while others invent new systems to transport people and freight using
smart hubs and mobility as a service (6 companies). All in all, the NEON consortium will bring together a
veritable treasure trove of expertise and drive on disruptive sustainable technologies.
For the social system part we first brough together world leading transition management experts (WP
9). With NEON they will finally be part of a team that can complement them with technical expertise and
quantified models. We also determined we needed psychologists that can put 'the human into the
machine' (WPHvA) with expertise on what will make people accept or reject the disruptions we want to
introduce. For example, improbable as that may sound, to our knowledge nobody has ever researched if
airborne wind energy or building integrated solar create less NIMBY effects, let alone integrate this
knowledge into a plan for accelerating the transition. And while technical systems are limited by laws of
nature, human systems are limited by human laws and computer systems by standards so we added that
to the consortium (WP 8).
The crossdisciplinary technical and social expertise NEON brings together (WP 1 to 9) is already unique
but in order to integrate it into a coherent interdisciplinary group able to define coherent pathways we
need to do more. That's where the integral model comes in (WP 10). This is not trivial because as we
have referenced before, we are dealing with a complex adaptive system and humans are not well
equipped to intuitively understand such systems. Fortunately, recent advances in agent-based
simulations and computer speed make it possible to construct simulations that accept the most important
social and technical inputs from WP 1 to 9. We have a company that has tested this in practice and is
willing to co-finance the research (Zenmo) with a director willing to exchange Zenmo for NEON because
he thinks NEON will be able to create even more acceleration. Furthermore we have enthousiastic
modelers from seven leading institutions who are willing to be our international cooperation partners and
crossvalidate our model. Our experiences with students show they are very interested in this new field
and we are determined to leverage the contacts in the Openmod open source modelling community te
develop our model with a growing and international group of international developers.
By now our interdisciplinary consortium has all the expertise needed to create the right plan, but as the
sayings go: 'no plan survives contact with reality' and 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'.
Fortunately our consortium also has the parties and resources needed to test the plans in living labs in
Brabant and Rotterdam. Also, the methodology from WP 10 was expressively developed to be able to use
real GIS-based data and realistic human and machine populations in the simulations. That way experts
that know the 'situation on the ground' (e.g. residents in a neighborhood and local policy makers and
companies) can play around with our model to check if it makes sense to them.
We have to be honest: this consortium is not perfect. After NEON is awareded we would like more bring
on board even more technical expertise (e.g. on lithium batteries and hydrogen), more social scientists
(e.g. we seek companies willing to invest in this area), more living labs (e.g. we've been talking with
Amsterdam, The Hague and internationally), more modellers (this field is still very young) and all in all
we need more people and money because these are huge societal challenges. And although we are
happy to have many young researchers on board, our consortium is overwhelmingly male and in our
hiring process for PhDs we must focus on bringing more gender balance to our consortium.
But all in all, this is a well rounded consortium and suprisingly enough we where able to cover all the
areas that we wanted to cover with young and enthusiastic companies and researchers. We honestly
think that in terms of bringing together a group that can address the research question of NEON, this
consortium is peerless globally.

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4.2 Main applicants, co-applicants and co-financing partners

Main applicant
Name, title(s) Organisation Position Expertise Maarten TU/e Full professor Control systems theory on automotive engineering (connected
Steinbuch cars & clean vehicles), mechatronics, motion control

Name, title(s) Organisation Position Expertise
Prof. dr. ir. Geert Verbong TU/e Full professor System Innovations & Sustainability Transitions
Prof. dr. Floor Alkemade TU/e Full professor Economics and Governance of Technological Innovation
Prof. ir. Korneel Wijnands TU/e Full professor Electrical Power Conversion Components
Prof. dr. Tom van Woensel TU/e Full professor Freight Transport and Logistics
Dr. Virginie Lurkin TU/e Assistant professor Mobility and Logistics, choice modelling
Prof. ir. Sjef Cobben TU/e Full professor Electrical energy systems
Dr. ir. Maurice Roes TU/e Assistant professor Electromechanics and power electronics
Dr. ir. Vladimir Cuk TU/e Assistant professor Electrical energy systems and power quality
Dr. ir. Mircea Lazar TU/e Associate professor Model predictive and distributed control
Prof. Soora Rasouli TU/e Full professor Urban planning, travel behaviour, consumer demand
modelling, activity based model
Dr. ir. Feixiong Liao TU/e Assistant professor Urban Planning and Transportation Rudi Bekkers TU/e Full professor Standardization and Intellectual Property
Prof. dr. Adriana Creatore TU/e Full professor Synthesis of ultra-thin films by atomic layer deposition;
hybrid perovskite PV technology Erwin Kessels TU/e Full professor Synthesis of ultra-thin films by atomic layer deposition;
crystalline silicon PV technology
Dr. ir. Gijs Dubbelman TU/e Assistant professor Video Coding & Architectures
Dr. ir. Emilia Silvas TU/e Assistant professor Control System Technology, Cooperative/Autonomous
Vehicle Systems and Mobile robots
Dr. ir. Theo Hofman TU/e Associate professor Control Systems Technology Pavol Bauer TUD Full professor Power electronics, electric vehicles, charging infra., DC grids Roland Schmehl TUD Associate professor Airborne Wind Energy
Dr. ir. Gautham Ram TUD Assistant professor DC systems, Energy conversion and Storage
Dr. ir. Thiago Batista TUD Assistant professor DC systems, Energy conversion and Storage
Prof.dr. Saskia Lavrijssen Tilburg Full Professor Market regulation and market supervision
Prof. dr. ir. Jan Rotmans EUR Full professor Transitions and integrated environmental assessment
Prof. dr. Derk Loorbach EUR Full Professor Transition Management
Drs. ing. Paul van de BUAS Lector Urban Intelligence, integrated multimodal transport
Drs. ing. Joost de Kruijf BUAS Senior Lecturer Research & Business Innovation, cycle design/policy
Drs. Barbara van Schijndel BUAS Senior Lecturer Geographic data collection
Dr. Reint-Jan Renes HvA Lector Cross-media communication in the public domain
Dr. ir. Maarten Bonnema UT Associate professor Design, production and management

Co-financing partner(s)
Name, title(s) Organisation Sector Position Expertise
Mark Smidt Heliox Industry Director business High performance power
development conversion
Paul van Nunen Brainport Other General Director Green mobility innovation
Ton de Kok eSCF Transport and Research director Supply Chain
Pieter Huyskens Damen Shipyards Industry Manager R&D Electric Operated Ships
Martijn Stamm TNO Other Research Manager Electric Drive Train
Pim Breukelman Ampyx Power Industry Director Airborne Wind Energy Power
Roland Ferwerda NKL Other Director Charging Infrastructure
Auke Hoekstra Zenmo Service industry Director Agent based modeling
Onoph Caron ElaadNL Other Director Grid Operator Foundation
Leo Kusters AutomotiveNL Other Director Cluster organisation,
Huibert Baud Liander Utilities Manager Strategy & Converters for medium voltage
Innovation Electricity Grid
Han Slootweg Enexis Utilities Director Asset Sustainable Electricity Supply
Management System
Arjo van der Ham Lightyear Industry CTO Solar powered family car
Jan Vesseur Solarge Industry CEO Building integrated PV
Johannes Peschel KitePower Industry Director Airborne Wind Energy Power
L.J. Seijbel Royal IHC Industry Managing Director Electric ship propulsion and
hybrid propulsion systems
Raymond Gense PON Transport and Director Future Governance and Mobility as a
Logistics Technology and Public Service
Ronn Andriessen Solliance Science Director Thin Film PV Technologies
Guido Dalessi Elestor Industry CEO Flow batteries
Wim van de Donk Province of Noord- Government and Commissaris van de Sustainable Energy and Mobility
Brabant education Koning policy
Peter van der SWOV Other Managing Director Traffic Safety Research
Maurice Geraets NXP Industry Managing Director Automotive Semiconductors

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Roger Demkes Verkeersonderneming Government and Directeur Sustainable Mobility Management

Petra de Groene Stad Rotterdam Government and Director Sustainability and Sustainable Mobility
education Economy
Martijn van de Ven ProDrive Industry Manager R&D High Tech Electronics
Sven Maltha Dialogic Service industry Director Public domain digitization
Hans Nijland PBL Government and Senior Researcher Environmental assessment
J. van Kasteren Metalot3C Industry Board Member Metal fuels storage

4.3 Cooperation partners

National cooperation partner(s)
Name, title(s) Organisation Type Sector
Jos Sentel, manager SYNTRUS ACHMEA Business large Real Estate
strategy & research
Prof dr ir Ad van Wijk TUD Public knowledge Government and education

International cooperation partner(s)

Name, title(s) Organisation Type Sector
Business large Service industry
Profdr. Mark Z. Stanford University Public knowledge Government and education
Jacobson institute
Prof. dr. Jesse Jenkins Princeton University Public knowledge Government and education
Dr. ir. Tom Brown Karlsruhe Institute of Public knowledge Government and education
Technology institute
Prof. dr. Christian LUT University Public knowledge Government and education
Breyer institute
Prof. dr. Joeri van Vrije Universiteit Brussel Public knowledge Government and education
Mierlo institute
Glen Peters Cicero Institute for Public knowledge Government and education
International Climate institute
Jenny Chase Bloomberg New Energy Business large Service industry

Country table international partners


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5 The work plan

5.1 Overall work plan
The illustration shows the work packages and their relationship.
How they are managed is explained in paragraph 5.5 on the management structure.
How they will work together to form a unique approach is described in par. 2.4 to 2.8.
The relationship of consortiumpartners to the work packages is described in paragraph 4.1.

THe NEON work packages and their organisational relationship

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5.2 Work packages

The work packages described in chapter 2 are defined using objectives, activities and expected output.
Work package 1a Breakthrough technologies for sustainable energy supply – wind
Work package leader Roland Schmehl (TUD)
Involved partners Academic: Roland Schmehl
Other: Kitepower, Ampyx Power
1. Develop an airborne wind energy resource analysis tool and forecasting model.
2. Develop AWE system performance models for full integration with the integral model of NEON.
3. Optimize the operation of AWE systems arranged in wind parks, to minimize levelized cost of
energy (LCOE) and profit of energy (LPOE) while ensuring reliable and safe operation.
4. Optimize the joint operation of wind and solar parks for the energy scenarios proposed in NEON.
5. Develop design methodologies for performance-critical (e.g. flying) system components.
6. Assess environmental footprint (acoustic emissions, effect on flora and fauna, water) and public
acceptance of AWE systems.
7. Define regulatory framework for commercial operation of AWE systems for on- and offshore.
1. Combine AWE resource assessment tool and system performance model to calculate annual energy
production (AEP) for specific locations on- and offshore. Validate with existing measurement data.
2. Explore potential of dynamically varying operational parameters to further optimize AEP.
3. Refine park level aspects such as phase shifted operation, aerodynamic interaction, maximizing
packing density, availability and impact of turbulence and extreme weather.
4. Analyze the effect of large-scale AWE generation on the electricity landscape, particularly also how
this breakthrough technology can be used to complement conventional wind and solar energy.
5. Create design methodology for for flexible membrane wings, including bridle line system, based on
coupled flight dynamic, aerodynamic and structural dynamic model of the wing.
6. Develop a supply chain for major cost parts and their production, in particular for the flying
components. This includes smart choices for durable materials and advanced manufacturing.
Expected output
1. At least 5 journal papers describing the advancement of AWE for large-scale offshore energy
generation, some co-authored with other WPs (M12x1,24x2,36x2,48x2).
2. At least 5 journal papers describing the advancement of small-scale onshore energy generation,
some co-authored with other WPs (M12x1,24x2,36x2,48x2).
3. At least 3 journal papers describing the environmental footprint of AWE and public acceptance,
some co-authored with other WPs (M12x1,24x1,36x1,48x1).
4. At least 14 conference papers, some co-authored with other WPs (M12x2,24x6,36x6).
5. Toolchain from wind resource assessment to annual energy output with focus on the Netherlands.
6. At least 3 PhDs will spend more than 3 months abroad with knowledge institutions.
7. At least 20 mentions of NEON scenarios in national newspapers or on television.

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Work package 1b Breakthrough technologies for sustainable energy supply – PV

Work package leader Adriana Creatore (TU/e)
Involved partners Academic: Adriana Creatore, Erwin Kessels, Other: Solarge, Solliance,
Campina, Enexis
Opening up the prospects of cost-effective, high conversion efficiency thin film hybrid perovskite solar
cells in building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).
BIPV is one of the most exciting opportunities to deliver clean electricity and meet the energy
demands of buildings. Next to the PV panel integration on rooftops, integration in façades and, in
particular, in windows, is highly interesting because of the several and different exposure to sunlight.
In the latter case, semi-transparent devices are demanded: next to high conversion efficiency, visual
comfort, expressed in average visible light transmittance (AVT), is also necessary. Hybrid perovskite
thin film PV, nowadays widely acknowledged for their high efficiency values up to 23% and low cost
processability, has presently the potential for successful integration in buildings, especially in windows,
because the control on the perovskite absorber morphology can lead to neutral-tinted films, with
minimal impact on the spectral properties of the light entering indoor. In parallel, from a processing
point of view, atomic layer deposition (ALD) has recently gained widespread attention for tailoring
interface properties in hybrid perovskites, known to play a critical role on efficiency conversion and
environmental stability of the PV device. TU/e and Solliance have already successfully demonstrated
the integration of ALD layers in hybrid perovskite devices, such as metal oxide charge transport
layers, transparent conductive oxide contact layers and passivation layers. The next challenge is to
combine ALD and hybrid perovskite PV to deliver environmentally stable, semi-transparent and
efficient devices for BIPV.
This WP embraces the full spectrum of research activities, i.e. from fundamental studies on novel
materials and interfaces for semi-transparent hybrid perovskite PV (carried out from TU/e and
Solliance) to more application-oriented work. Specifically, the latter focuses on market potential and
grid impact of BIPV and development of perovskite based BIPV for rural and urban areas, including
high-rise buildings (carried out from Solliance, Campina and Solarge). This WP contributes to the
cross-over character of this proposal because it addresses technological breakthroughs to create
disruptive but cost-effective pathways for solar energy harvesting.
1. Synthesis of novel morphologies of the hybrid perovskite absorber to deliver high conversion
efficiency and acceptable AVT (Solliance)
2. Design and engineering of films and interfaces by ALD for perovskite absorber passivation; ultra-
thin and highly transparent carrier-selective transport layers and transparent conductive
electrodes; thin-film based moisture barrier approaches to guarantee a long shelf-life for BI
perovskite PV (TU/e and Solliance)
3. Generation of insights into the mechanisms of selected charge transport at interfaces in hybrid
perovskites by adopting sensitive diagnostics (e.g. UV photo-electron spectroscopy, ultra-
electrodeless photoconductivity and impedance spectroscopy) to probe carrier transport, trap
densities, and recombination processes (TU/e)
4. Market potential research for BIPV at farmers (Solarge, Campina and Enexis)
5. Surveys on human perceptions regarding BIPV and PV-fields (Solarge)
Expected output
1. Demonstration of new morphologies of the perovskite absorber (Solliance, MM18)
2. Demonstration of contact stacks with excellent passivating properties, efficient carrier selection and
transport (TU/e, MM24)
3. Demonstration of intrinsic and extrinsic moisture barrier thin film approaches to deliver
environmentally stable perovskite PV devices (TU/e, MM30)
4. Demonstration of a semi-transparent hybrid perovskite device combining novel morphologies of the
absorber layer to increase the device AVT and highly transparent electrodes and transport layers
towards an efficiency of 10-15% with an AVT in the range of 20-30%, TRL 2 (Solliance and TU/e,
5. Scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals (5x) and 1 PhD thesis (TU/e, MM18-48)
6. Definition of low cost solutions, quick to install, BIPV technologies for rural areas (Solarge,
Campina, Enexis and Solliance, MM36)
7. Definition of low cost solutions, quick to install, BIPV technologies for urban areas, including high-
raise buildings (Solarge, Enexis and Solliance, MM48)
8. BIPV approaches of Solarge moved from TRL 4 to 6, by adopting hybrid perovskite thin film PV
9. Papers on BIPV, regulatory framework needed to accelerate the implementation of BIPV and
business models and impact of BIPV (Solarge and Solliance, MM18-48)

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Work package 2 Energy transportation using electricity grids

Work package leader Pavol Bauer (TUD)
Involved partners TUD (Pavol Bauer, Gautam Ram), KIT (Tom Brown), Liander, Enexis, 3E,
Pre power developers, Enpuls, Damen, IHC
1. Provide grid topologies:
a. high voltage grid topology of the Netherlands
b. medium voltage grid topology of Brabant
c. low voltage grid topology of selected neighbourhoods to the integral model
2. Provide input and judge output of the impact on the grid by loads caused through the scenarios
simulated by the integral model with a focus on grid cost and the limitations that the grid places in
different scenarios.
3. Develop the ‘more electric ships’ (MES) concept, a hybrid form in shipping propulsion. Electric
shipping purposes a number of unique challenges in terms of charging, storage and grid. DC grids
are seen as a solution, to increase efficiency and reduce space requirements for the power
equipment. The main topics of investigation are
a. Designing high power and enhanced controllability in DC Bipolar grids
b. Optimum sizing of energy storage systems
c. System reliability, redundancy and cost-effective designs
d. Operational system efficiency enhancement
4. Determine what amount of interconnectivity with other countries is available at what price so the
integral model can explore the interplay between interconnectivity and storage.
5. Determine how people perceive power lines and what this means for the political costs of grid

1. Research DC microgrid solutions for ships
2. Research the applicability of DC (micro)grid solutions in the Netherlands
3. Investigate potential cost savings of DC grids
4. Develop realistic grid models for neighborhoods and the Netherlands as a whole
5. Set up scenarios and boundaries for interconnectivity in integral models
6. Find regulatory obstacles towards energy transportation developments
7. Investigate how people perceive power lines

Expected output
1. Designs of DC microgrid solutions for ships, buildings and small neighbourhoods.
2. Papers showing how to minimize both grid investments and overall system costs using scenarios
that include not only the regular electricity network but also interconnections, and local storage
under different adoption levels of technologies from other work packages.
3. Papers guiding policy making on grids

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Work package 3 Local energy demand, storage and new market models
Work package leader Geert Verbong (TU/e)
Involved partners TU/e (Geert Verbong, Floor Alkemade, Jan Hensen, Elphi Nelissen, Pieter-
Jan Hoes), Province of Brabant, ElaadNL, NKL, Enexis, Liander, Achmea,
Enpuls, PON.
An open question is how local supply and demand can be integrated in the energy market in a way
that aligns with energy transition objectives. The main aim of this WP is therefore to develop an
inclusive framework for different market models in order to be able to explore the impacts of the
different options in terms of energy, costs and GHG reductions. We thereby start from the case
studies in the living labs in the province of Noord Brabant and the city of Rotterdam.
The focus in demand lies on the built environment including demand side management. Investigating
demand side management entails a smart combination of local supply, demand, grids and storage.
New market models including concepts such as aggregators, prosumers etc. are required to make
smart energy systems work.

1. Design cost-effective and fair markets models that can be implemented at the local level (link to
WP 8 and 9)
2. Design and evaluate neighbourhood-level storage technologies in a living lab context
3. Analyze the consequences for the organization of these models in terms of roles for different new
and existing actors (including prosumers, aggregators, ESCOs, VPPs, LECs, local energy
4. Identify the regulatory boundaries at and responsibilities at the relevant governance levels
5. Identify institutional barriers (and ways to overcome them) for beneficial market models.(link WP

1. Design and investigate new local roles and market structures in demand side management such as
prosumers and aggregators.
2. Research the societal challenges in smart energy systems with a focus on local social costs and
benefits and embedding in the built environment.
3. Investigate local energy demand scenarios in the built environment of the use cases
4. Determine the role of different storage technologies within local renewable energy systems
(including batteries, hydrogen storage and power to gas).
5. Develop interface between local and national models (link to WP10)
Expected output
1. 10 conference papers
2. 8 journal publications in top social science / interdisciplinairy and energy/mobility journals
3. Interface of models of local built environment with integral model (WP10)
4. 2 PhD theses (Y5M48)

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Work package 4 Electric mobility

Work package leader Theo Hofman (TU/e)
Involved partners TU/e (Theo Hofman, Maarten Steinbuch, Korneel Wijnands, Auke Hoekstra),
(most involved) TUD (Pavol Bauer), Lightyear (Arjo van der Ham), TNO (Steven Wilkins),
IHC, Provincie of Brabant, automotiveNL

1. Develop a methodology for improved parametric design and optimization of electrical (e-)
powertrains for a range of applications from lightweight (LEVs, solar cars) to heavy transportation
systems (e-trucks, e-buses).
2. Develop a methodology to optimally determine the synergy and business case of a smart-charging
(solar) car, truck, or buses (depending on the chosen case study) in the energy transition.


1. Creating a modular electric powertrain simulation platform:

a. Functional and component system analysis; integrated in a network of smart and sustainable
energy producers (solar and wind) and (mobile and stationary) consumers of which the states
change dynamically.
b. Data collection (state-of-the-art components), (scalable) component and e-powertrain system
model development (TU/e, Lightyear, TNO).
c. Definition on the required design analysis responses, identifying coupled design variables
between the sub-design problems – e-powertrain(s) with advanced energy management design
interfacing new ultra-fast charging technology (linked to WP5 for heavy transport).
d. Development of an advanced energy management based on parameter/state estimation, taking
into account operation conditions (such as those presented by automation), as well as changing
parameters during the ageing of the systems.
2. Creating new model-based system engineering tools (MBSE):
a. Enabling design space exploration (e.g. automatic generation of new system architectures),
flexible to change designer’s preferences (e.g. problem setup), objectives (e.g. energy, cost of
ownership, transport efficiency) and components (technology, architectures).
b. Allowing the reusability of models (control system, storage, transmission, conversion
components) for different use cases as a shell around the modular simulation platform (from
task 1).
c. Allowing automated powertrain system design for (customer-)specific use cases in a fast and
cost-effective manner (even for small series production): using commonality-in-design and
other novel product design concepts based on studying the step moving from the classical
design to a new process validation method in product design.
3. Determining the optimal synergy and business case of a smart charging (solar) car in the energy
a. Iteration on the shared variables (via the constraints, objectives) between the design problems
at micro-grid (powertrain) and macro-grid level (energy producers/consumers).
b. Cost benefit analyses enabling to estimate and predict break through opportunities (linked to
WP10 in which aggregated results from this WP will be used) and estimate minimum component
and system specifications.
4. Determining and analysing people's preferences regarding electric vehicles (e.g. solar cars):
Studying daily commuting behavior of people, the charging opportunities and in case of solar cars the
stochastically prediction of seasonal (solar) weather conditions (geographically), acceptance and trust
(social acceptance, linked to Task 1, WP5) in care free usage will be invested here.

Expected output

1. Modular electric powertrain simulation platform capturing the component characteristics, operation
conditions of the powertrain systems with sufficient accuracy (M24).
2. New MBSE tools to quickly design optimized e-powertrain for small series production using novel
product design methods (M48).
3. At least 16 journal publications (M12x4, 24x4, 36x4, 48x4) and 32 conference publications (M12x8,
24x8, 36x8, 48x8) on describing new integrated system design methods and tools, new product
design using process validation concepts, technical analysis of potential integration benefits, the
business case and acceptance of LEVs, solar cars, e-buses and e-trucks are foreseen.

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Work package 5 Charging mobility – Medium-voltage charger technology

Work package leader Korneel Wijnands, TU/e
Involved partners TU/e (Sjef Cobben, Vladimir Cuk, Korneel Wijnands, Maurice Roes, Mircea
Lazar), TUD (Pavol Bauer), Damen, IHC, Prodrive, Heliox, NKL, ElaadNL,
Liander, Enexis, Enpuls
1. Develop a MV-charger proof of concept: ultra-fast bidirectional charging technology that can be
connected directly to the medium voltage electricity grid without a 10kV/400V transformer and is
especially suitable for heavy transport where high power is needed.
2. Determine the impact and possibilities of high power V2G (vehicle to grid) and grid support on
future grid configurations, resulting in optimal use of renewable energy.
3. Provide input and check output regarding the business case of MV chargers for busses, trucks and
4. Develop distributed control algorithms that enable grid stabilization using (multiple) MV chargers,
supporting the development of future ICT standards (input for WP8).
5. Provide input to and check output of the integral model to determine the impact (both positive
and negative) of these high-power chargers.
6. Analyse the legal ramifications of directly connected high-power chargers to the electricity grid.
7. Determine optimal future charging combinations, comparing the use of fast charging, opportunity
charging, overnight charging, destination charging and caternary charging) for different business
cases (e.g. busses, ships, trucks and maybe even ultra-fast charging of regular cars). This
objective also requires a thorough analysis of individual preferences.
1. Charger supported MV grid capacity optimization with societally desirable incentives and business
models (Enexis, Liander, Elaad, Enpuls, TU Delft, TU/e, HvA)
2. Modular bidirectional power conversion for MV grid-connected ultrafast chargers (Damen, Heliox,
IHC, Prodrive, Elaad, TU/e)
3. Scalable distributed control techniques for networks of grid connected high-power chargers
(Enpuls, Enexis, Liander, TU/e)
4. Power converter architectures with extended lifetime and zero downtime (Heliox, Prodrive, TU/e)
5. Improved reliability, power quality and stability in active-converter-dominated MV grids (ElaadNL,
Enexis, Liander, Enpuls, TU/e)
Expected output
1. Publications: 8 papers in top relevant journals (IEEE transactions etc.) and 12 conference papers.
2. MV Ultrafast charging technology and proof of concept MV charger (M46)
3. Technical constraints for a legal framework and challenges regarding the deployment of MV
chargers (M36)
4. Control algorithms (including input for ICT standards and grid code) to stabilize the grid using MV
chargers (M46)
5. Parametrization and vetting of integral model scenarios using MV chargers, charging hubs, V2G
and different use of charging infrastructure (M35)
6. Estimation of the likelihood of different charging infrastructures and their impact on grid structure
and renewable energy use (M42)
7. Innovative technology with unique business potential for the Dutch charger and vehicle
manufacturing industry (M48)

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Work package 6a Smart & safe mobility - smart hubs and mobility as a service
Work package leader Tom van Woensel, TU/e
Involved partners TUe (Soora Rasouli, Virginie Lurkin, Feixiong Liao), BUAS (Paul van de
Coevering, Leo Kemps, Joost de Kruiff), eSCF, Province of Brabant, VDL,
PON, SWOV, de Verkeersonderneming, NXP.
This WP aims at moving towards a more efficient and sustainable mobility system by combining travel
options into individually optimized multimodal services, ultimately tailored for each user and each trip
(MaaS). This WP will also explore how to use Smart Hubs in urban areas to facilitate last-mile
To deal with these complex problems of smart mobility, we plan to build on the Albatross activity-based
mobility model. NEON will extend Albatross to (1) encompass MaaS, (2) integrate freight transport
though the development of smart hubs, and (3) integrate energy and climate models.
These research efforts will achieve substantial efficiency gains by allowing stakeholders (customers and
operators) to cooperate and bundle passenger’s trips as well as freight on the last mile. A better
coordination between freight and passengers flows within an electric mobility (WP5) will lead to less
environmental pressure in cities. This will lead to new business models that better exploit the shared
existing infrastructure in space and time. With over a hundred publications and thousands of citations,
Albatross has a solid scientific basis. The main risk associated with this WP is to not have the relevant
data to calibrate the model. However, the involved parties have the needed experience, as well as the
required network to collect the relevant data and create their own case-studies.

1. Calibrate the MaaS and Smart Hubs adoption models (econometric based model) with the Stated
preference (SP) data (M48) and determine which MaaS services (bundle configuration, pricing
scheme and price) should be offered to whom in order to maximize the adoption rate (M12).
2. Investigate the societal boundaries to multi-modal travel behaviour (M12).
3. Define mobile smart hubs as a system, including the demand to be serviced, the type and number of
facilities used, the layout of the network and the transport modes supporting the operations of the
network (M12).
4. Calibrating daily use of MaaS and Smart Hubs (Probabilistic Decision Tree based model, Dynamic
Programming, Multi objective optimization algorithm) with revealed data combined with SP (M36)
5. Determine the optimum locations for the smart hubs within cities in light of forecasted demand
6. Determine how mobile smart urban freight logistics hubs can be used dynamically in time and space
as flexible consolidation points in urban centres (M36).
7. Determine which fleet configuration is the best in each hub with respect to the demand of the users
8. Research regulatory boundaries to the integration of multi-modal MaaS systems and smart hubs
9. Determine how dynamic pricing can be employed to coordinate the use toward a more
environmentally friendly passenger and freight travel behaviour (M36).
10. Develop city logistic algorithms (freight and personal mobility) including the smart mobility concepts
11. Model and simulate the location requirements of smart hubs in neighbourhoods (M36).
12. Describe the administrative and business models adopted (M48).
13. Implement the new model heuristics in the formalism of Albatross so it can drive smart mobility
behaviour in the integral model (M48).

Expected output
1. At least 4 papers on MaaS
2. At least 6 papers on Smart Hubs
3. At least 4 papers on Smart Mobility
4. Algorithms for the optimum locations of the smart hubs and optimum configuration of services
within each hub.
5. Algorithms to optimize locations of smart hubs including smart mobility concepts.

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Work package 6b Smart & safe mobility - the safety envelope

Task leader Emilia Silvas, TU/e
Involved partners TU/e (Gijs Dubbelman), SWOV, NXP, RDW.
1. The EV comes with quite some benefits w.r.t environment, lower to zero carbon emissions and zero
urban air pollution. The objective is to eliminate negative impact on traffic safety, due to the low
noise emissions, causing less perception of approaching vehicles by other vulnerable road users,
like elderly, pedestrians and/or cyclists.
2. To address the challenges from 1) develop and introduce a safety shell around the vehicle.
3. Obtain a good understanding of an autonomous safety shell around a car, which autonomously
maximally prevents accidents or minimizes accident-impact by active anticipating actuation within
the limits of the vehicles capabilities, and then continues-gives back control to the driver.
4. Give insight in the ways the safety shell may activate automated, advisory or warning signals to
the EV-driver or vulnerable other road users, by auditive, tactile, visible, or vehicle control
1. Sensor data interpretation and fusion techniques for anticipatory safety systems.
a. Safe driving requires anticipating on possible future events. Deep learning has, so far, solved
object detection and classification. The next step is to automatically hypothesize what these
objects, e.g. vehicles and vulnerable road users, will be doing in the future. In complex safety
scenarios, this requires a holistic scene understanding approach that is able to detect and
interpret (inter-) object behavioral cues embedded deep in the spatio-temporal domain.
b. This research line focusses on automatically learning these behavioral cues from big data using
semi-supervised techniques. The innovation is in the training strategy that takes as input many
positive examples, i.e. safe situations, and only few to none negative examples, i.e. (near)
collision situations.
c. The solution that will be explored is casting this problem into a regression task, where a deep
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is trained to i) regress on positive examples, and ii)
learned to generate and extrapolate negative samples.
d. The trained GAN is embedded in the safety shell system, to feed world modeling and motion
2. World Modeling and Motion planning for EV Safety Shell
3. To define a safety-shell for an autonomous vehicle, understanding and modeling the
context/situation the car is in is crucial.
a. Looking into classes of scenarios and complex situations rather than single use case (e.g. define
the safety shell with respect to. various Road Users)
b. The search of the free space for maneuvering and for fail-safe situations
4. Determine regions of interest or regions of care (i.e. safety shell), for all possible maneuvers and
incorporate these into motion planning.
a. Investigate with respect to what are these regions parametrized or if they change with context.
b. Which path can we plan using the information of the safety shell, such that no or nearly 0
collisions exit.
Expected output
1. At least 6 journal papers describing the results of the safe mobility research (M12x1, M24x1,
M36x2, M48x6).
2. At least 4 conference papers. Most co-authored with other WPs (M24x2,M48x2).
3. A tested concept system in 1 digital twin in 1 of the 5 representative neighborhoods in WP10
4. At least 2 workshops in which the safety shell concept is explored with NEON stakeholders
5. At least 1 PhDs will have spent more than 3 months abroad with knowledge institutions or from
abroad hosted by NEON.
6. At least 5 mentions of Safety shell concept in national newspapers or on television.

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Work package 7 The Human Factor

Work package leader Reint Jan Renes, HvA
Involved partners TU/e (Soora Rasouli, Geert Verbong, Floor Alkemade), EU (Derk Loorbach),
Verkeersonderneming, Municipality of Rotterdam, Province of North-Brabant
1. Determine the basis for public support or resistance with regard to innovative technologies in the
domains of energy and mobility: What makes people willing?
2. Determine the most important psychological factors that trigger energy and mobility related
sustainable actions on the part of individuals for whom such actions are feasible: What makes
people act?
3. Determine the most important socio-technical factors that facilitate the acceptance and adoption of
innovative technological solutions in the domains of energy and mobility: Which aspects of
innovative technology make people smile?

1. Perform a systematic review establishing the current evidence base for what determines public
support of, and opposition to innovative technologies in the domains of energy and mobility.
2. Perform a systematic review establishing the current evidence base for what triggers energy and
mobility related sustainable actions.
3. Perform a systematic review establishing the current evidence base for what socio-technical factors
facilitate the acceptance and adoption of innovative technological solutions in the domains of
energy and mobility.
4. Establish the practice-based relevance of the insights from the systematic reviews by means of in-
depth interviews with experts involved in the innovative technological solutions.
5. Establish the practice-based relevance of the insights from the systematic reviews by means of
focus group discussions with potential consumers.
6. Setting up a series of Delphi studies to determine the most influential ‘adoption and acceptance’
factors related to the specific technologies of interest in this project.
7. Designing lab-experiments to test the actual effect of the defined psychological ‘adoption and
acceptance’ factors on the uptake of the innovative technologies:
a. Do they stimulate public support?
b. Do they trigger actions?

Expected output
1. At least 4 scientific papers detailing the result of research into the aforementioned objectives
a. The most crucial evidence based human factors (M12)
b. The practice based relevance of the evidence based human factors (M24)
c. The actual effect on public opinion and consumer uptake: the energy case (M36)
d. The actual effect on public opinion and consumer uptake: the mobility case (M48)
2. At least 3 (public/professional/policy) listed taxonomies of influential factors related to the uptake
of innovative technologies in the domains of energy and mobility (M18)
3. At least 4 professional Dutch publications on the importance of the human factor in developing
successful innovative technological solutions for climate change (M12, M24, M36, M48)
4. A roadmap on how to develop ‘public & consumer-friendly’ technological solutions for climate
change (M48)
5. A full PhD thesis that builds upon the scientific papers listed above (M48)
6. Personal parameters to parametrize the agents in the integral model.
7. Contributions to papers containing integral model scenarios.

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Work package 8a Governance for accelerating the energy transition – regulation

Work package leader Saskia Lavrijssen, Tilburg University
Involved partners Tilburg University (Saskia Lavrijssen), TU/e (Rudi Bekkers), Enexis, Liander,
(most involved) Province of North-Brabant, PON, Dialogic Innovatie & Interactie.
1. Contribute to the overall goal of the NEON consortium by answering the research question which
legal principles, rules, and governance processes should be embedded in the law to accelerate the
energy transition in the Netherlands in line with the principles of good governance;
2. Contribute to the NEON consortium by answering the question how should these principles, rules,
and processes be implemented in the law and governance processes in line with the principles of
good governance.

This WP will support the other WPs (and especially WPs 1,2,3,5, 6a) identifying possible regulatory
barriers for the introduction and development of new innovations in the energy and mobility sectors
and in finding approaches and solutions for dealing with the barriers identified.
1. Analyze what are the general and sector specific legal principles and concepts governing the
energy transition
2. Analyze what should be the role of the law in accelerating the energy transition and what are its
3. Analyze what are the implications of the move from a central to a decentralized energy supply
model for regulation and supervision of the energy sector
4. Analyze what legal and institutional barriers hamper the energy transition
5. Analyze what are new roles, new responsibilities and new activities in the energy sector
6. Analyze whether new/changing roles and responsibilities, such as the role of the distribution
system operators, the role of aggregators, the operators of storage facilities, the role of EV owners,
and trading platforms, should be regulated and if so how
7. Analyze how legal and institutional barriers hampering the energy transition can be overcome
8. Analyze what role data plays in the energy transition and how can access to data be safeguarded
to enable energy users to participate in the energy transition
9. Analyze how data protection concerns and access to data can be balanced
10. Synthesize which regulatory changes and governance processes are needed to facilitate the energy
transition in line with the principles of good governance.

Expected output
1. A project report identifying regulatory and institutional barriers for the energy transition; (M12)
2. A project report identifying data protection concerns in the energy transition; (M24)
3. A project report that advises project partners on dealing with regulatory changes; (M12,24,36,48)
4. Paper on regulatory principles and concepts that form the basis for the regulation and governance
of the energy sector; (M12)
5. Paper on legal constraints in sector and location specific transition scenarios (detailed at level of
neighborhood, municipality, province) under different regulatory frameworks; (M24)
6. Paper on the balancing of data protection concerns and the relevance of access to user data; (M36)
7. Paper on detailing regulatory changes (rules and governance processes) needed to accelerate
wanted developments and block unwanted developments in line with the principles of good
8. On the basis of the abovementioned papers a complete PhD will be defended.
The (draft) papers will be presented during consortium and working meetings with the partners. The
papers will be also be presented during academic conferences and seminars. The papers will be
submitted to international peer reviewed journals, such as Energy Policy, Regulation and Governance,
Utilities Policy and Law, Innovation and Technology.

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Work package 8b Governance for accelerating the energy transition – standardization

Work package leader Rudi Bekkers, TU/e
Involved partners TU/e (Rudi Bekkers), leaders of WP 1-6, Dialogic Innovatie & Interactie,
PON, Enexis, Liander, Province of North-Brabant
1. Preventing monopolization of one or more levels in the value chain by addressing the availability
and adoption of open standards,
2. To analyze whether the needs for standardization for the full scope of NEON are properly met,
3. To recommend steps to ensure the required standards will become available and obstacles for
adoption are removed where necessary.

1. Analyze where standardization is required in the technical areas of each of the work packages
WP1-WP7 in order to ensure successful, interoperable realization (7 cases). Special attention for
specific needs related to the Dutch context and for the end user as legitimate stakeholder
2. Organize stakeholder meetings with internal and external parties for each of the 7 cases, and
selection of two to three ‘critical’ cases for further focus
3. Evaluate the (future) availability of standards in the focus cases, and whether they sufficiency
align with the requirements found in Activity #1
4. Study possible obstacles in the standards setting institutional environment and propose solutions
and recommendations (especially for Dutch stakeholders)
5. Investigate the possible need for mandated interoperability standards in this area.

Tasks in 9b are performed by PhD student located at TU/e and at Dialogic Innovatie & Interactie.
Expected output
1. A project report that analyses the needs for standardization in seven cases related to energy
and mobility, corresponding to WP1-WP7 (M10)
2. A project report on the ongoing standardization activities related to three focus cases (M18)
3. A project advising stakeholders on involvement and taking possible initiatives in
standardization (36)
4. An academic paper reviewing existing research on standardization in vertical, cross-sector
application areas such as mobility, energy, health, and IoT (M8)
5. An academic paper on the degree to which the current standardization infrastructure is able to
successfully meet the needs for interoperability related to Grand Technical Challenges,
focusing on energy and mobility (M20)
6. An academic paper on the new legitimate role of users and stakeholders in standardization to
ensure their position in the value chain (M32)
7. An academic paper on whether and in which situations regulators should go beyond voluntary
standardization and mandate the use of specific standards (M42)
8. A full PhD thesis that builds upon the academic papers listed above (M48)

Academic papers will be presented at leading conferences in standardization and mobility, and
intended target for academic papers include Research Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, International Journal of Standardization Research, and also relevant more technical-oriented
journals such as IEEE Transactions.

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Work package 9 Societal values – towards fair energy and mobility transitions
Work package leader Derk Loorbach, EUR
Involved partners EUR (Loorbach, Rotmans, Denktas), TUE (Geert Verbong, Floor Alkemade),
ElaadNL, Province of Noord-Brabant, Gemeente Rotterdam, De
1. Analyzing socio-economic consequences of the different transition scenarios (inequality / access /
income distribution / public space / participation)
2. Co-create desired transition pathways towards sustainable and just urban energy-mobility systems
3. Developing proactive governance strategies to advance such desired pathways to maximize
societal benefits (link to WP9)

1. Baseline analysis of persistent problems in urban energy/mobility
2. Exploring socio-economic consequences of the different transition scenarios (inequality / access /
income distribution / public space / participation) with specific attention for the use cases of i
Rotterdam, De Verkeersonderneming and the living labs in the Province of Noord-Brabant. (link to
WP’s 2, 4 & 7 ). We would like to realize quadrupple cooperation in four living Labs in Brabant and
stimulate acceptance by civilians and support businesses
3. To develop quantitative socio-technical transition scenarios and assess their potential impacts
related to identified persistent problems.
4. Co-creating desired transition pathways for urban energy/mobility with De Verkeersonderneming
and Citizens. The output of Task 1 will provide the basis for participatory co-creation of concrete
transition roadmaps towards zero emission, smart, sustainable and inclusive energy/mobility
systems. The task will be led by EUR, supported by TuE, in close cooperation with the city of
Rotterdam, De Verkeersonderneming and Province Brabant. The concrete output will be
reports/documents on the developed roadmaps for setup of practical field tests with maximum
effects and well designed monitoring methodology for learning the best out of the experiments.
5. Developing sustainability transition governance for energy/mobility. Led by EUR, we will explore
the dilemma’s, dynamics and decisions to advance desired transition roadmaps. These include
typical government-led interventions as well as market-based strategies and civil-society
initiatives, including ideas developed in other WPs on behavioral change, pricing and cooperative
models. This will lead to an ‘urban energy/mobility transition handbook’.

Expected output
1. Literature review of persistent unsustainability current energy/mobility systems (M9)
2. Scientific paper on persistent unsustainability of urban energy/mobility (M12)
3. Baseline transition analysis of dynamics, mechanisms and momentum for energy/mobility
transition (M15)
4. Assessment of societal costs and benefits of possible urban energy/mobility transitions (M21)
5. Co-creation workshops (M18-M24)
6. Scientific paper on social costs and benefits of possible urban energy/mobility transitions (M24)
7. Transition roadmap reports from workshops (M27)
8. Scientific paper on urban energy/mobility roadmaps (M33)
9. Urban energy/mobility transition handbook (M39)
10. Scientific paper on transition governance for urban energy/mobility transition (M45)

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Work package 10 Integral model

Work package leader Floor Alkemade (TU/e)
Involved partners TU/e (Geert Verbong, Maarten Steinbuch, Korneel Wijnands, Roora Rasouli),
(most involved) HvA (Reint Jan Renes), TUD (Roland Schmehl, Pavol Bauer), BUAS (Paul
van de Coevering), EUR (Derk Loorbach, Jan Rotmans), KIT (Tom Brown),
LUT (Christian Breyer), Province of Brabant, TNO, Quintel, PBL, Damen,
IHC, Elestor, Heliox.

1. Develop a methodology turns the inputs of an interdisciplinary set of stakeholders in energy and
mobility into integral, quantified and potentially disruptive scenarios.
2. Develop a methodology that allows an interdisciplinary set of stakeholders in energy and mobility
to jointly explore the most interesting/disruptive interventions.
3. Create a tool that brings the work packages together in interdisciplinary cooperation.
4. Find scenarios that can successfully Dutch address energy, mobility and climate challenges.
5. Give insight in the business case and potential market share of individual technologies.

1. Creating a modelling fundament:
a. Software environment: training; wiki; online server; collaborative environment; etc.
b. Shared modelling values: definitions; taxonomies; naming conventions; coding guidelines;
main agents and behaviors; interfaces; ways to modularize and co-simulate; etc.
c. Low level data like maps; demographic data; initial mobility patterns; road congestion
parameters, initial energy supply and demand, grid loads, etc.
2. Creating 'digital twins':
a. Choosing and modelling representative neighborhoods in cooperation with stakeholders.
Here individuals and machines travel and use energy and individual behavior is explored.
b. Choosing and modelling representative regions. This aggregates neighborhoods.
c. Modelling the global landscape: technological change; policy; energy interfaces (e.g. grid
interconnections and hydrogen pipelines); mobility interfaces (e.g. import/export).
d. Modelling the Netherlands as an aggregation of regions in the global landscape.
e. Creating energy and mobility systems in neighborhoods, regions and the Netherlands.
3. Modelling and exploring transformative energy scenarios. For example: cost-effectiveness of
different renewable subsidies; impact of breakthroughs in airborne wind, BIPV, (flow) batteries or
hydrogen; using smart or even bidirectional charging to stabilize a grid with lots of wind and solar.
4. Modelling and exploring transformative mobility scenarios. For example: how MaaS can lead to
both more and less congestion and CO2 emissions; smart hubs; integrating personal transport and
freight; impact of the availability of fast (MV) chargers on truck adoption and grid load.

Expected output
7. At least 24 journal papers describing transformative energy and mobility scenarios, most co-
authored with other work packages (M12x3,4x7,36x8,48x6).
8. At least 8 journal papers on methodology, describing the modelling approach and effect of creating
scenarios in interdisciplinary teams (M12x2,24x4,36x1,48x1).
9. At least 25 conference papers. Most co-authored with other WPs (M12x5,24x15,36x10).
10. Digital twins of at least: 5 representative neighborhoods (living labs); 3 representative regions;
the Netherlands as a whole; and the global landscape impacting the Netherlands.
11. Environment in which all members of NEON and external participants can contribute code.
12. Online model versions that anybody can experiment with containing the annual outlook scenarios.
13. At least ten workshops in which scenarios are explored with NEON stakeholders interactively.
14. At least ten in depth scenarios every year (depth and sophistication gradually increasing) published
in the annual outlook report and coauthored with the relevant WPs (M12,24,36,48).
15. At least 5 PhDs will have spend more than 3 months abroad with knowledge institutions.
16. At least 8 PhDs from abroad hosted by NEON.
17. At least 100 mentions of NEON scenarios in national newspapers or on television.

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Work package 11 Project Management

Work package leader Auke Hoekstra (Zenmo)
Involved partners Everyone
1. Make sure NEON is well managed with maximum coherence and quality but minimal irritation.
2. Implement the directives of the quadruple helix board and make NEON a success.
3. Ensure guidance of the project by all relevant stakeholders.
4. Ensure the integral model and outlook are of high quality with input of all project members.
5. Ensure deliverables are on time, include partner contributions and are of good quality.
6. Maximize coherence, synergy, knowledge sharing and (in)formal collaboration.

1. Set up a strong quadruple helix board with distinguished representatives of research, industry,
government and citizens.
2. Set up the advisory board and make sure every co-financer is heard. Also keep in contact with co-
financers outside of board meetings: involving them is key to NEON.
3. Organize bi-yearly symposia that function as shared information sharing gatherings.
4. Organize quadruple helix board, advisory board and project management meetings.
5. Manage timeliness, quality and connectedness of deliverables, especially the model and outlook.
6. Connect relevant NEON members and organise activities that increase team spirit.
7. Provide and manage physical and virtual shared spaces. Order the avatar.
8. Maintain a project risk register and address risks with proactive measures.
9. Manage Dissemination and Entrepreneurship activities.
10. Monitor and report project progress and quality of deliverables.
11. Drive the project to achieve project milestones.
12. Work with the project partners and industry stakeholders to ensure concerted project activities.

Expected output
1. Interim project reviews (M6,12,24,30,36,42,48,54,60)
2. Mid project report to NWO (M30)
3. Final report to NWO (M60)
4. Bi-weekly sprints from scrums, monitored and supported by shared software (M3-60)
5. Professional software development environment (incl. branching) for the shared model (M5-60)
6. Virtual shared spaces and website (including training) (M3-60)

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Work package 12 Valorisation, dissemination and annual outlook

Work package leader To be decided
Involved partners Everyone
1. To maximize the value of the project for the co-financers and society and thus to contribute to
accelerating the energy and mobility transition.
2. To create jobs and profits in the Netherlands.
3. To make the results known to as many people as possible.
4. Annual new energy outlook
a. To provide an actionable prediction that shows how we can accelerate the energy and
mobility transition in the Netherlands.
b. To save society money by showing least cost pathways.
c. To save society grief by showing which pathways are desirable and which ones are
undesirable and how the desirable ones are facilitated and the undesirable ones blocked.
d. To become an authorative source of information on the energy and mobility transition,
providing an alternative to less innovative and integral predictions that are currently
e. To create a product that all work packages contribute to, thus not only helping to
document findings but also to create coherence. (Few things create as much coherence
as working together on a shared deliverable.)

1. Define dissemination project plan and entrepreneurial activities project plan
2. Setup and maintain NEON collaboration and dissemination website, blog, social media sites
3. Define, write and print thematic brochures, videos, webinars, pitches, press releases, newsletters
4. Organisation of technical and scientific conferences and high level networking events
5. Setup and organize hackathons, contests, business plan competitions,
6. Produce yearly New Energy Outlook
7. Identify and train ambassadors and disseminate best practices, case studies, policy briefs, living
lab visits
8. Setup and maintain process of project ideation in collaboration with TU/e Innovation Space
9. Setup and maintain process of feeding research results into high TRL innovation projects of the KIC
Urban Mobility
10. Support business case development for NEON IP initiated start-ups and partner SMEs
11. Support feasibility market studies for NEON spinoffs and start-ups and partner SMEs
12. Support new IP filing, patent creation with NEON partners, start-ups, strategic partnerships

Expected output
1. Website with easy access to all papers, videos and models. (The models are open source.)
2. Video recordings of all symposia.
3. A steady stream of messages on social media creating an interested following.
4. Regular blog posts on the site.
5. Talks on non-academic symposia and congresses.
6. Well publicized demos of prototypes and other developments that can be used to generate buzz.
7. Articles in newspapers and popular journals to spread the word among entrepreneurs, citizens and
policy makers.
8. Annual new energy outlook
a. The annual new energy outlook report
b. An online model that people can 'play' with themselves so they 'get a feel' for the
c. Supporting multimedia material

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5.3 Timeline, Milestones and Output

The table below summarizes the main output and the table on the next page gives a high level overview
of the project over time.

Number Expected year of publication

Academic output
☒ Articles in refereed journals 102 1, 2, 3, 4
☐ Articles in non-refereed journals
☐ Books
☐ Book chapters
☒ Dissertation 33 4
☒ Conference papers 97 1, 2, 3, 4
☒ Data (see also section 5) 1 3
☐ Other scientific output (specify)
Output related to knowledge exchange, impact and utilization
☒ Professional publications 31 2, 3, 4
☒ Publications aimed at general public 125 1, 2, 3, 4
☒ Prototypes/demonstrators/concepts 12 3, 4
☒ Protectable Intellectual Property 3 4
☒ Open source technologies 8 3, 4
☒ Other output (specify): Workshops 5 2, 3, 4

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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

1. Ener g y Sup p ly
Journal papers describing the advancement of AWE for large-scale offshore
energy generation, small-scale onshore energy generation and the public
acceptance of AWE x x x x
Conference papers on AWE x x x
Journal papers on thin film PV x x x x x
Demonstration of new morphologies of the perovskite absorber x
Demonstration of new promising absorber layers
Assessment of potential industrialization of novel thin film technologies
Low cost solutions, quick to install, BIPV technologies for agro x
Ibid thin film solar technologies for integration in urban environment, high rise
windows x
2 . Ener g y T r ansp o r t at io n
Journal papers on dc-microgrids x x x x
Defing of DC migrogrid solution on ships x
3 . Ener g y d emand and new mar ket mo d els
Journal publications in interdisplincary journals x x
Conference papers x x
Interface of local environment models x
4 . Elect r ic mo b ilt y
M odular electric powertrain simulation platform x
New M BSE tools to quickly design optimized e-powertrain x
Journal publications x x x x
Conference publications x x x x
5. C har g ing mo b ilit y
8 Journal publications and 12 conference papers x x x x
M V Ultrafast charging technology and proof of concept M V charger x
Technical constraints for a legal framework and challenges regarding the
deployment of M V chargers
Control algorithms to stabilize the grid using M V chargers x
Parametrization and vetting of integral model scenarios using M V chargers,
charging hubs, V2G and different use of charging infrastructure x
Estimation of the likelihood of different charging infrastructures and their impact
on grid structure and renewable energy use x
Innovative technology with unique business potential for the Dutch charger and
vehicle manufacturing industry x
6 . Smar t & saf e mo b ilit y
14 Journal papers on M aaS, smart hubs and smart mobility x x x x
Calibrate the M aaS and Smart Hubs adoption models (econometric based model)
with the Stated preference (SP) data x
Define mobile smart hubs as a system x
Calibrating daily use of M aaS and Smart Hubs x
Develop city logistic algorithms x
M odel and simulate the location requirements of smart hubs in neighbourhoods x
6 journal papers on safe mobility x x x x
2 workshops on safe mobility perception x x

A tested concept system in 1 digital twin in 1 of the 5 representative neighborhoods x

7.T he human f act o r
4 scientific papers on the human factor in innovation x x x x
4 professional publications x x x x
Roadmap on public & consumer-friendly solutions for climate change x
8 . Go ver nance
4 scientific papers on the human factor in innovation x x x x
3 project reports on governance in the energy and mobility transition x x x x
3 project reports on standardization in the energy and mobilty transition x x x
4 Scientific papers on standarization x x x x
9 . So ciet al V alues
Scientific papers on transitions x x x x
Assessment of societal costs and benefits in transitions x
Co-creation workshops x x
Transition roadmap x
Urban energy/mobility transition handbook x
10 . Int eg r al mo d el
32 journal papers on transformative energy and mobility scenarios and modelling
methodology x x x x
Digital twins of at least: 5 representative neighborhoods (living labs); 3
representative regions; the Netherlands as a whole; and the global landscape
impacting the Netherlands x x x

Workshops in which scenarios are explored with NEON stakeholders interactively x x x x x x x x x x

11. Pr o ject manag ag ement

Work Package Scrum meetings x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Interworkpackage collaboration x x x x x x x x x
Consortium conference x x x x

12 . V alo r isat io n and d isseminat io n

New Energy & M oblity Outlook x x x x

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5.4 Risk assessment and contingency plan

The risk management strategy covers monitoring, assessing, measuring and minimizing the impact of
the identified risks, including actions in advance (pro-active - Prevention), the preparation of contingency
plans and the execution of these plans (reactive). At WP level, the WP leader and his team will be
responsible for identifying and mitigating any risks. The Quadruple-helix board (see Section 5.5) is
responsible for risk management on project level. Any unresolved risks will be dealt with by the WP
team, and if required escalated to the Quadruple-helix board. Conflict resolution procedures have been
agreed and will be specified in the Consortium Agreement, prior to project commencement.
5.4.1 Risks related to technological development and feasibility
The technological work packages 1-6 are all high risk, as they concern the development of possible
breakthrough technologies. NEON embraces this risk as high risk activities are necessary precondition for
the Dutch knowledge and innovation system on the long term.
High risk (WP 1-6) When the required technological performance levels cannot be realized
within the project, we will provide an outlook for the technologies describing required technological
progress and cost reduction for the longer term (5-20 years). Overall project outcomes are not affected
as our model explicitly include alternative technological options in different phases of the life cycle. Due
to our co-creation suitable business models and public acceptance are explicitly included, so these
risks are mitigated through project design. The continuous feedback between technology
development, stakeholder co-creation, and system integration through the model allows us to quickly
adjust and improve our technology development process.
Medium risk (WP 7-9). The main risk stems from the dependence on WP1-6, this risk will mainly
become apparent as a data availability problem. Our risk mitigation strategy here is twofold: First, risk
diversification, through project organisation there are multiple links between WP1-6 on the one hand and
WP 7-9 on the other hand. Second, project partners have agreed to make data available from relevant
projects when needed.
5.4.2 Integration risks.
The strength of our consortium is in the integration of methods and disciplines, which makes it directly
our main risk. The development of the integral model (WP10) depends on the outcomes of all other WPs,
while the testing and quantification of pathways in the different WPs depends on the integral model. Our
project manager Auke Hoekstra has ample experience leading large software development project and
will bring in this expertise to guide the model development process in NEON. Unique for such a large
project is the close cooperation between the junior researchers within the different WPs with researchers
involved in WP10 from project start. We ensure rapid development cycles through the delivery of
preliminary versions for testing and final versions as soon as possible. Both these interactions work both
ways and are dealt with in our bi-weekly scrums, following the dominant approach in large software
projects. This more flexible project setup also allows us to add extra resources to specific WPs when
5.4.3 Managerial risks.
As in all projects, some managerial risks are present. As stated above, the main managerial risk also
relates to ensuring continued integration and cooperation. In addition, we foresee some more traditional
management risks:
Description of Risk Proposed mitigation measures
Prevention (pro-active measures) Contingency plan (reactive
Delay in recruitment • Start recruitment as soon as results are in • Adjust planning
junior researchers • Distribute call for all positions widely by
advertising on the websites of all applicants, but
• Take over activities by
also on several external websites and web services
(e.g., academic transfer, twitter, LinkedIn).
• Use cofinancing and cooperation partners and
other contacts for recruitment
Industry partner • Good connections with NEON partners Good connections with non-
leaves NEON • Have an attractive program also for companies NEON partners to take over
consortium involved role in consortium
Researcher leaving • Have attractive program • Recruit new researcher
• Take over activities by
Postdocs or staff

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5.5 Management structure

Running a large cross-disciplinary scientific project tackling multiple societal challenges in an integral way
requires even more attention to leadership and coherence than usual. Therefore we implement strong
but agile project management (Kloppenborg, Anantatmula, & Wells, 2018), leverage professional
software development tools (Magana & Muli, 2018) and best practices like scrum (Cohn, 2009) while
translating stakeholder wishes using user story mapping (Patton & Economy, 2014).
Quadruple-helix board steers the project and guarantees alignment with stakeholders
The progress of the program is evaluated twice a year by a board of distinguished representatives of
research, industry, government, citizens and NWO, chaired by prof. Maarten Steinbuch. The board
ensures stakeholder interests are served and provides directions to program management. It's also
responsible for major program decisions and controls spending.
Advisory board of external experts
We will gather a group of independent experts in the field of enery and mobility who will convene yearly
to comment on our progress and on the annual outlook and give public advice to the program.
Program director ensures coherence and integral results
Daily management is done by a program director that is responsible for NEONs success. (S)he has ample
experience running large software projects, understands the ‘nuts and bolts’ of each work package and
deliverable, and has the seniority to intervene when output is behind schedule, not integrated or
underwhelming. This role is cemented by direct responsibility for the annual New Energy Outlook and the
scenarios and output of the integral model. The director also increases coherence by translating
requirements of the board into cross-disciplinary user stories and deliverables, and by making sure work
packages track progress in biweekly scrum sessions. (S)he has administrative and ICT support so (s)he
can concentrate on the science and on bringing together and motivating the team.
Program management team ensures alignment of WPs
The program management team consists of the WP team leaders and support, chaired by the program
manager. It ensures progress and cooperation between WPs. Monthly, the team engages in a scrum for
the coming month. WP leaders not on the TU/e campus can join using videoconferencing. A fixed point
on the agenda is valorisation and dissemination in WP12.
User commitees per work package make sure the wishes of all stakeholders are heard
Co-financers and other important stakeholders can take part in the advisory committee with an optional
role in the scrum session and at the annual symposium. Members have a direct channel to the program
director and the quadruple helix board if they would like to see things handled differently.
Work packages produce cross-disciplinary results
WP leaders are responsible for the output of their WP, chair bi-weekly scrums and report progress
(mainly through the scrum tools). Researchers can be part of multiple WPs in a matrix-organization like
structures, especially the cross-cutting WPs 7-10. So researchers from WP7-10 will usually have at least
one biweekly scrum with WP1-6. Co-financers are encouraged to participate in the scrums.
Physical and virtual shared spaces facilitate teamwork and increase coherence
NEON has a permanent and dedicated physical residence on the TU/e campus for management and team
activities that allows project members to literally come together which increases coherence. Here they
can work, have SCRUM meetings (possibly using the video conferencing facilities), run integral model
scenarios together, or just to hang out and have a drink. TU/e project members (must) spend at least
one day per week here on average, other project members one day per two weeks.
Shared virtual spaces are even more important. All project members will be provided with (and must
use) shared virtual facilities such as: scrum tools to manage activities; file storage for backup and quick
access to each others work; joint citation library (facilitating co-authoring); and videoconferencing. Good
videoconferencing not only requires providing standardized and reliable software and hardware but also
developing habits and etiquette. The program manager will ensure that happens so that virtually
contacting NEON team members becomes as natural as walking to the next room. An in-project experi-
ment in sustainable travel is a videoconferencing avatar on the TU/e campus that can be 'possessed' and
driven around by remote control. For co-financing/cooperation partners, all this is possible but optional.
Integral model is developed using professional software tools
In science, the integral model requires an uncommon amount of cooperation and coordination, but in
software development code is sometimes developed using teams of thousands of people. NEON will
leverage that experience and the tools that come with it such as version management, branching and
test and production environments. All team members can develop on their own code branch. Those not
coding can use the stable online production versions to run their own scenarios.
The website will be a comprehensive source of information
The website will be the main main source of shared information, both internally and externally. With
agenda's, news flashes, wiki's, online models, raw-data downloads etc. it will be a role model for
transparency, reproducible science and working in virtual teams. Updating the website with content that
is relevant for external parties is the responsibility of the valorisation team leader.

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5.6 Justification of project budget

The total project budget is € 11.762.584 Euro, requested funding by NWO € 8.232.714, co-funding €
3.529.870. The co-funding is split in 15% in-cash and 15% in-kind. The in-cash contribution is funded
with 12,8% by private partners and 2,2% by public partners (Province of Noord-Brabant, De
Verkeersonderneming and city of Rotterdam). The in-kind contribution is funded with 14,1% by private
partners and 0,9% by public partners (De Verkeersonderneming and PBL). When in-kind contributions
are research hours, these are calculated in number of hours with an hourly rate except for Helix, who are
calculating in Person Months (PM) with a PM rate.
The justification of the project expenditures are as follows.
Personnel costs are the majority of the expenditures, the academic and HBO partners will hire 33 PhD
candidates, two 4-year postdocs (44 and 45 months) and assign an HBO lector and junior researcher. In
the tables below we have listed how the PhD’s are distributed amongst the different WPs and whether
these will be working in the alfa, beta or gamma disciplines. Also we have listed how the distribution is
across the involved institutions.
There will be hired by TU/e an experienced senior project manager from ZENMO, who will supported by
the 2 postdocs as program managers, with part of their time dissemination and innovation manager. The
project manager costs are 411.550 Euro incl. VAT, based upon a 5 year project management period, on
average 50% part-time hire, which means on average 2,5 days per week during 46 weeks. This totals to
4600 h with an hourly rate of 73,94 Euro/h excl. VAT makes 411.550 Euro incl. VAT.
Materials costs are used for several tasks in different WPs.
Data collection is foreseen in WP6 on MaaS research (user data collection) and in WP8 on Governance
research (surveys and interviews), both topics €15.000. For high conversion efficiency thin film hybrid
perovskite solar cells research in WP1, clean room usage is foreseen, €50.000. IN WP10, for agent based
modelling software licence subscriptions are needed for the supporting software from Anylogic, for 15
persons, €1.000 per year per license. in total €60.000. Also a cloud service is needed for running the
agent based software models, in total €75.000. In WP5 proof of concepts for power electronic charging
systems are foreseen, one for a MV grid interface converter, €80.000 and one for high power modular
isolated DCDC converter, €75.000. For open access publications we have calculated expenditures for 33
PhD students, all WPs, in total €198.000
Besides partly covered by the benchfee, we calculated travel costs for all PhDs and postdocs, 1 extra visit
abroad towards a conference, €2000 Euro per occasion, in total for 35 positions €70.000.
For project management and on-site collaboration room for 10pp we have foreseen to rent a dedicated
space in the valorisation laboratory at the TU/e campus, €37.500, and to instrument it with state-of-the-
art video conferencing tooling, €10.000.
For internalisation we will stimulate exchange of PhD’s with institutions abroad. We will invite PhD’s to
join the NEON project (costs not reimbursed by NEON), and stimulate the NEON PhD’s to work abroad for
certain period. We estimate that around 10 NEON PhD candidates will take this offer, €2.500 per PhD, in
total €25.000. Also we will subscribe a membership to EGVIA, the European Green Vehicle Initiative
Association, who organize seminars and workshops for professionals on green vehicle innovations and
research in the European arena.
Dissemination, valorisation and entrepreneurial activities
These expenditures are estimated to €412.000. Dissemination activities that we foresee are explained in
paragraph 3.4, the activities are listed in WP12 and the expenditures we estimate are detailed listed in
the budget excel sheet, in total €90.000. The entrepreneurial activities are explained in paragraph 3.4,
the activities are listed in WP12, the expenditures we estimate are detailed listed in the budget excel
sheet, in total €322.000.
Alfa Gamma Beta
1 Energy Supply 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7 3 4
2 Energy transportation 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 1.3 2
3 Energy demand and new market models 0.1 0.2 0.1 1.5 0.1 2
4 Electric mobilty 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 3.5 4.2
5 Charging mobility 0.1 0.1 0.3 3 0.5 4
6 Smart & safe mobility 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6 4 5.2
7 Individual preferences 1 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.2 2
8 Governance 0.1 0.3 1.5 0.1 2
9 Societal Values 1.2 0.7 0.1 2
10 Integral model 0.2 0.2 0.6 3.4 0.5 0.7 5.6
11 Program managagement 1 1.5 2.5
12 Valorisation and dissemination 0.3 0.5 0.8
Total 2 1 0.3 2 1 10.5 13.5 6 36.3

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WP #PhD Science Institution

1 Energy Supply 4 Beta TU Delft
2 Energy transportation 2 Beta TU Delft
3 Energy demand and new market models 2 Gamma TU/e
4 Electric mobilty 4 Beta TU/e
5 Charging mobility 4 Beta TU/e
6 Smart & safe mobility 4 Beta TU/e
1 Gamma TU/e
7 Individual preferences 2 Alfa HvA
8 Governance 2 Alfa UvT
1 Gamma TU/e
9 Societal Values 2 Gamma EUR
10 Integral model 4 Gamma TU/e
1 Gamma UT

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6 Data management and Ethical aspects

6.1 Data management

Will data be collected or generated that are suitable for reuse?

- Yes. For details see below.
Where will the data be stored during the research?
- In a secure university environment that is backed up daily.
After the project has been completed, how will the data be stored for the long-term and made available
for the use by third parties? To whom will the data be accessible?
- All code and data not subject to non NDA will be provided completely open source.
Which facilities (ICT, (secure) archive, refrigerators or legal expertise) do you expect will be needed for
the storage of data during the research and after the research? Are these available?
ICT facilities for storage and access to data (see question 3 above for details) are available at the
department for this project. Long-term storage and/or archiving may require a combination of in-house
facilities and external data repositories as described above. Legal expertise and support (e.g., on GDPR-
related issues and drafting Privacy Impact Assessments) is available at the TU/e.
6.2 Ethical aspects

Not Not yet

Applied for Received
applicable applied for

Approval from a recognised (medical) ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐

ethics review committee

Approval from an animal experiments ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐

Permission for research with the ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐
population screening Act

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7 Other

7.1 7.1. Public summary

7.1.1 English public summary

NEON aims to develop interdisciplinary methodologies and technologies to support the acceleration of the
transition towards sustainable energy and mobility. NEON addresses the related societal challenges of
climate change, renewable energy and green and intelligent transport using an innovative approach that
integrated the efforts of engineers, social scientists, government and citizens in living lab using an
innovative multi-level agent-based model in order to find fast, disruptive cost-effective and just
pathways to sustainable energy and mobility.
7.1.2 Dutch public summary
NEON ontwikkelt methoden en technologieën waarmee de transitie naar duurzame energie en mobiliteit
kan worden versneld. NEON richt zich op de maatschappelijke uitdagingen van klimaatverandering,
duurzame energie en slimme en duurzame mobiliteit. NEON maakt gebruik van een innovatieve aanpak
waarin ingenieurs, sociale wetenschappers, overheidsinstellingen en burgers in living labs samen
bijdragen aan een integraal model dat in staat is snelle, rechtvaardige en kosteneffectieve wegen naar
een duurzame toekomst uit te stippelen.
7.2 7.2. Signature
☒ By submitting this form I declare that I satisfy the nationally and internationally accepted
standards for scientific conduct as stated in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
(Association of Universities in the Netherlands).
Main applicant: prof. dr. ir. Maarten Steinbuch
Place: Eindhoven
Date: June 21, 2019

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