Assessing The Basic Safety Training With Typhoon Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of Igcfi

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Republic of the Philippines

Inter-Global College Foundation Inc.

Brgy.Bocohan, Lucena City



Presented to the Maritime Studies Department

Inter-Global College Foundation Inc.

Lucena, City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for The

Bachelor of Science in Maritime Transportation and The Subject

Research Writing


Dominguez, John Dave D.

Estabillo, Nickie V.

Sales, Joshua N.

Tan, John Long

Assessing the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon
Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc


According to The International Convention on Standards of Training,

Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (2000), requires that seafarers be

provided with "familiarization training" and "basic safety training" which includes

basic firefighting, elementary first aid, personal survival techniques, and personal

safety and social responsibility. This training is intended to ensure that seafarers

are aware of the hazards of working on a vessel and can respond appropriately in

an emergency. Furthermore, Basic Safety Training is one of the most important

training an BSMT student and Seafarers should know.

In line with the Basic Safety Training an Typhoon Awareness is needed

because as the Philippines consists of 7100 islands, many people ride ferries due

to the affordable price fare and other than that, our country is also prone to

tropical cyclone due to the geographical location. Over the last couple decades,

the number of ferry accidents has reached catastrophic levels due to the bad

weather, especially during typhoon season, poor maintenance, overloading of

vessels -- especially during the Christmas season as families return to their

villages for reunions -- and lax enforcement of regulations has brought many

tragedies (Mandigma, 2016).

This research aimed to assess the knowledge of the third year BSMT

students about the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon Awareness and strengthen

their knowledge to be more ready on being a seafarer.

Assessing the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon
Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc

1.1. Background of the Study

The study will assess the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon Awareness

Among Third Year BSMT Students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc in

order to increase the knowledge and assess if the third year BSMT Students are

knowledgeable enough about the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon Awareness.

The result of this research entitled Assessing the Basic Safety Training with

Typhoon Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of Inter-Global College

Foundation Inc. will be use as a guide for the third year BSMT students of Inter-

Global College Foundation Inc. to improve the Basic Safety Training with

Typhoon Awareness and ready the students about the future instances that might

happen while on board on ships.

Participants of the study will be the third year BSMT students of Inter-Global

College Foundation Inc. from the sections Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini,

Taurus, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. The data that will be gathered using the

checklist type of questionnaire will help the researchers to find out the

demographic profile of the respondents, that includes the respondent’s age, sex,

and section. The respondent’s age, sex, and section are included because it can

affect the respondent’s knowledge about the Basic Safety and Typhoon

Awareness. There will be a question about the assessment on the implementation

and practices of Basic Safety Training with Typhoon Awareness of the third year
Assessing the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon
Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc

BSMT students. These factors will assess the significant differences of their

knowledge about the Basic Safety Training and Typhoon Awareness.

1.2 Rationale of the Research

As said by Consolidated Training Systems Incorporated (2017), STCW

trainings are made mandatory by IMO for any seafarer from anywhere in the

world who wishes to board a ship. Given the high qualifications needed for the

world’s seafarers, maritime training schools in the Philippines do their best to

make sure that their students undergo trainings that will equip them skills

demanded by the fast-growing industry. A career in the maritime industry is one

of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Most of the days will be spend on water,

in the middle of open seas, prone to accidents and natural disasters. Every Filipino

seafarer who goes onboard must have obtained the proper education, including

maritime training in the Philippines, which would help him/her survive in the

midst of all the possible trouble while they are onboard.

Moreover, Workers and Students may not always recognize the importance of

safety training or think of it as unnecessary because they have "been doing it for

years." But an important benefit of periodic safety training is the reminder that a

danger can exist and the no one is immune to accidents. Therefore, it is important

for workers to understand the purpose of the training session, why it will be useful
Assessing the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon
Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc

to them, and what can result from not following safety rules and procedures

(Clarkson, 2015).

Basic safety training offered maritime students’ as well as professionals the

different trainings on personal survival technique, disaster management and others

while disaster preparedness is a process of ensuring that an organization has

complied with the prevention measures (Orence, 2016).

This research is relevant nowadays due to the pandemic happening, strong

typhoons and earthquakes around the world. One of the unexpected happening is

the COVID-19 pandemic that no one expected of, one of the importance of the

Basic Safety Training is to be ready on facing unexpected instances while on

board because no one can notify everyone especially if it is an emergency.

Typhoons nowadays has been affecting the ships, there are many incidents where

ships are destroying infrastructures because it was brought by the big waves or

storm surge on the seashores. With this study, it will assess and increase the

awareness and readiness of the future seafarers and determine if the respondents

are knowledgeable enough and capable of handling unexpected instances while on


1.3 Purpose of the Research

Assessing the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon
Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc

The main objective of this study is to assess the Basic Safety and Typhoon

Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of Inter-Global College

Foundation Inc.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Section

2. What are practices that the respondents know about the Basic Safety Training

with Typhoon Awareness?

2.1.Fire fighting

2.2. First Aid

2.3. Survival Techniques

2.4. Personal Safety

2.5. Social Responsibility

2.6. Typhoon Awareness

3. What are the factors that may affect the knowledge about the Basic Safety

Training with Typhoon Awareness of the respondents?

4. What is the level of knowledge of the respondents about the Basic Safety

Training and Typhoon Awareness?

Assessing the Basic Safety Training with Typhoon
Awareness Among Third Year BSMT Students of
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc

5. Is there a significant difference with the practices that the respondents know

about the Basic Safety Training and Typhoon Awareness and the

Demographic Profile of the respondents?

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