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special issue article

Evaluation of the Neonate with

Monika Martin, MD; Jyes Querubin, MD; Eunice Hagen, DO; and Jina Lim, MD

the first 10 days of postnatal life.3 Al-

Abstract though neonatal seizures share some
Neonatal seizures are common, occurring in 2 to 5 of 1,000 live births in the United common etiologies with seizures occur-
States. The neonatal brain is thought to be predisposed toward seizures due to a combi- ring later in childhood, the majority are
nation of excessive excitatory and deficient inhibitory neuronal activity. The seizures tend caused by conditions unique to the neo-
to be focal or multifocal without secondary generalization, resulting in subtle seizure ap- natal period.
pearance. There are five main categories of neonatal seizures: focal clonic, focal tonic,
myoclonic, subtle, and generalized tonic. An electroencephalogram is recommended to Pathophysiology
diagnose and treat neonatal seizures due to poor reliability of the clinical examination. Seizures are caused by excessive syn-
Causes of neonatal seizures are broad, including trauma, structural brain anomalies, in- chronous neuronal depolarization. Neu-
fections, metabolic disorders, drug withdrawal or intoxication, and neonatal epilepsy syn- ronal depolarization occurs via influx of
dromes. Treatment of neonatal seizures involves management of cardiorespiratory status, sodium (Na+), and repolarization occurs
correction of metabolic derangements, and antiepileptics as needed. The most common via efflux of potassium (K+). This repo-
antiepileptics used in neonates are phenobarbital, levetiracetam, and fosphenytoin. The larization is driven by an adenosine tri-
long-term risk of neurodevelopmental disability varies depending upon the etiology of phosphate (ATP)-dependent pump that
neonatal seizures. Close attention to developmental milestones and neurology follow-up exchanges Na+ for K+. Certain common
is recommended for all neonates with seizures. [Pediatr Ann. 2020;49(7):e292-e298.] pathologic conditions in the neonatal
period, such as hypoglycemia and hy-

ifetime risk of seizures is highest able and may be life threatening, prompt poxic ischemic encephalopathy, result
in the neonatal period, and sei- identification and treatment are critical. in failure of this Na+/K+ ATPase pump
zures are one of the most com- and destabilization of the membrane
mon neurologic complications encoun- Epidemiology potential, resulting in seizures. The
tered by the pediatric practitioner. In Neonatal seizures are relatively com- increased incidence of seizures in the
addition, seizure burden in the neonatal mon and are estimated to occur in ap- neonatal period is thought to be due to a
period can be associated with significant proximately 2 to 5 per 1,000 live births combination of excessive excitatory and
morbidity and mortality. Because many in the United States.1,2 In this population, deficient inhibitory neuronal activity.
of the etiologies of seizures are treat- seizures are most likely to occur within The neonatal brain contains elevated
levels of excitatory neurotransmitters,
Monika Martin, MD, is a Neonatology Fellow, Division of Neonatology, Harbor-University of Califor- particularly glutamate, which are im-
nia, Los Angeles Medical Center. Jyes Querubin, MD, is a Pediatric Neurologist, Department of Pediat- portant for activity-dependent synap-
rics, Huntington Hospital. Eunice Hagen, DO, is a Neonatologist, Department of Pediatrics, Hunting- togenesis but also increase likelihood
ton Hospital. Jina Lim, MD, is a Neonatologist, Division of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital of Orange of seizures.4,5 Additionally, the primary
County. inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma-
Address correspondence to Jina Lim, MD, Division of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital of Orange aminobutyric acid, is relatively less
County, 1201 West La Veta Avenue, Orange, CA 92868; email: prevalent and exhibits an excitatory
Disclosure: The authors have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. rather than inhibitory effect on the de-
doi:10.3928/19382359-20200623-01 veloping brain.5

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special issue article

Clinical Manifestations
Neonatal seizures have unique clini- the trunk. Seizures do not terminate with relate with epileptiform discharges on
cal characteristics compared to older in- tactile stimulation or repositioning of the EEG and are thus felt to be a “brainstem
fants, children, and adults. This is due to limb and cannot be induced by stimula- release phenomenon” rather than true
neuroanatomical differences. The neo- tion. They may also be associated with seizures.8
natal brain is incompletely myelinated, sustained eye and head deviation.
which impairs seizure propagation. As Myoclonic seizures are character- Etiology
a result, neonatal seizures tend to have ized by rapid, single jerks of one or The differential diagnosis for neona-
a focal or multifocal onset without sec- more extremities or the extremities and tal seizures is broad and includes trau-
ondary generalization, especially across trunk. They may be repetitive but do not matic or structural causes, infectious and
hemispheres. As such, they tend to be necessarily occur in a rhythmic manner. metabolic etiologies, drug withdrawal or
brief, often subtle, and nonspecific in ap- Unlike benign sleep myoclonus, which intoxication, and neonatal epilepsy syn-
pearance, and can be misinterpreted as occurs exclusively during sleep, myo- dromes (Table 2).
normal neonatal movements. Thus, an clonic seizures generally occur while
electroencephalogram (EEG) is always neonates are awake. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
recommended in cases where seizure Subtle seizures can be divided into The most common cause of neonatal
activity is suspected due to poor reli- motor and autonomic subsets. Subtle seizures is hypoxic ischemic encepha-
ability of the clinical examination alone. motor seizures are brief, stereotyped lopathy (HIE), accounting for up to
Neonatal seizures are classified into movements of the face or extremities 50% to 60% of cases. HIE results in de-
five categories: focal clonic, focal tonic, such as eye deviation, blinking, nystag- creased blood flow and oxygen delivery
myoclonic, subtle (motor or autonomic), mus, tongue thrusting, chewing move- to the brain and generally occurs imme-
and generalized tonic (Table 1).3,4 ments, “swimming” movements of the diately prior to, during, or immediately
Focal clonic seizures are character- arms, or bicycling of the legs. Subtle after birth. Seizures caused by HIE gen-
ized by slow, rhythmic jerking of one or autonomic seizures involve rapid, brief erally present before 24 hours of postna-
more extremities or rhythmic twitching changes in heart rate (generally tachy- tal life with highest frequency occurring
of the face. Movements in different ex- cardia), hypertension, and/or apnea. between age 12 and 24 hours,1,4 as well
tremities or sides of the body may oc- Subtle seizures occur more frequently as during the rewarming period. Due
cur simultaneously. These movements in preterm infants, although apnea in the to the high risk of acute seizures, long-
are nonsuppressible, which may help full-term infant is more commonly as- term EEG monitoring is recommended
distinguish them from nonepileptic eti- sociated with subtle seizures than in the for all neonates undergoing therapeutic
ologies such as jittery movements, limb preterm infant.4 hypothermia.
clonus, or benign sleep myoclonus. Jit- Epileptic spasms are a rare type of
tery movements generally involve all ex- neonatal seizure. Spasms in the neonatal Vascular Lesions
tremities and are characterized by short, period have similar electroclinical char- Vascular lesions are the second most
rapid tremors that resolve with restraint acteristics as infantile spasms.6 Clinical- common etiology for seizures. This cat-
or repositioning of the infant. Benign jit- ly, spasms are observed as brief flexion egory includes ischemic stroke, hemor-
tery movements occur when the infant is and/or extension of extremities lasting rhage, thrombosis, and congenital vas-
awake and in an alert state. Limb clonus seconds and frequently occurring in cular anomalies of the brain (ie, vein of
is generally restricted to a single joint, clusters. The duration of extension and/ Galen malformation). Ischemic stroke
characteristically the ankle, and is char- or flexion is longer than myoclonus and can occur in arterial, venous, or water-
acterized by short bursts of jerking that shorter than tonic seizures.7 shed distributions, and they account for
can be elicited by stretching the affected Generalized tonic seizures are associ- 10% to 20% of seizures in the neona-
tendon and suppressed by releasing the ated with trunk and limb posturing, ei- tal period. Most of these strokes occur
stretch on the tendon. ther in flexion or extension. They may prenatally, and seizures tend to present
Focal tonic seizures are characterized be provoked or intensified with tactile after age 12 hours in an otherwise alert
by slow, sustained stiffening of a limb or stimulation and will generally terminate and well-appearing infant. Seizures are
limbs, often with associated posturing with restraint or containment. These the presenting feature in up to 97% of
of the limb and asymmetric posturing of sustained episodes do not generally cor- cases and are often the only symptom.4

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special issue article

Table 1 Seizures associated with congenital infec-

tions typically occur in the first days of
Main Types of Neonatal Seizures postnatal life and are generally accompa-
Seizure classification Typical presentation Other characteristics nied by findings such as hydrocephalus or
Focal clonic seizures Slow, rhythmic jerking Occurs while awake; not calcifications on head imaging.
suppressible; common mani-
festation in term neonates Metabolic Derangements
Focal tonic seizures Slow, sustained limb or trunk Not suppressible; com- Metabolic derangements represent a
posturing mon manifestation in term treatable and reversible cause of seizures;
neonates thus, prompt recognition is critical. These
Myoclonic seizures Rapid, single jerks, may be Occurs while awake; may be include hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hy-
repetitive but generally not provoked by stimulation
pomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, hypo-
or hypernatremia, as well as certain inborn
Subtle motor seizures Blinking, sucking, chewing, May be provoked or intensi-
errors of metabolism.
tongue protrusions fied by stimulation
Hypoglycemia is most common in in-
Subtle autonomic seizures Tachycardia, apnea, hyper- Occurs more frequently in
tension preterm infants
fants who are growth restricted or small
for gestational age, as well as infants of
Epileptic spasms Brief flexion, extension, or May occur in clusters; not
mixed flexor/extension suppressible; rare mothers with diabetes. Hypoglycemia
Generalized tonic seizures Slow, sustained posturing of May be provoked by stimula-
may cause jitteriness, lethargy, apnea,
limbs and trunk tion; suppressible and seizures. Duration of hypoglycemia
Adapted from Natarajan and Gospe,1 Abend et al.,2 and Martin et al.4
is most closely correlated with neurologic
manifestations, and hypoglycemia severe
enough to cause seizures is generally as-
Cerebral sinus venous thrombosis is as- in the neonatal or infantile period due to sociated with persistent deficits.1
sociated with venous infarct and has a inherent alterations in the cortical struc- Hypocalcemia has two peak incidences
high risk of hemorrhagic conversion.1 ture. These include focal (focal cortical in the neonatal period. The first occurs in
Although less common than ischemic dysplasia and schizencephaly) and diffuse the 2 to 3 days after birth and is most com-
stroke, it affects up to 1 in 8,000 infants.4 (polymicrogyria, lissencephaly) lesions. mon in infants who are preterm, growth re-
stricted, and small for gestational age, and
Intracranial Hemorrhage Infections in infants whose mothers have diabetes.
Intracranial hemorrhage is the most Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections The hypocalcemia is generally transient
frequent hemorrhagic cause of seizures of the central nervous system are a serious and responds well to calcium replacement.
in infants. High-grade intraventricu- cause of seizures that require urgent treat- The second peak occurs between ages 4
lar hemorrhage in the preterm neonate ment to prevent death and long-term neu- and 28 days and has a wider differential
may result in seizures in about 15% of rodevelopmental impairment. The most diagnosis, including hypoparathyroidism
cases.1,2 Less common causes include common bacterial etiologies of seizure are (transient or congenital), congenital heart
subarachnoid and subdural hemorrhage, meningitis caused by Group B streptococ- disease, DiGeorge syndrome, or nutrition-
and in these cases, seizures are often the ci and Escherichia coli. Seizures related to al deficits (vitamin D deficiency or high
result of underlying cerebral contusion these pathogens generally occur around or consumption of formula low in calcium).
rather than the bleed itself. These bleeds after the later part of the first week after Symptomatic hypocalcemia presents with
may result due to normal birth trauma, birth. Seizures related to herpes simplex hyperreflexia, ankle, knee and jaw clonus,
but neonates presenting after the first virus generally occur within 7 days of birth jitteriness, and focal seizures.
days of postnatal life should be evaluated in a previously healthy newborn. Seizures Cofactor and vitamin deficiencies, al-
for non-accidental trauma. may also be a sequela of other congenital though rare, represent another potentially
infections. Congenital infections that are treatable metabolic cause of refractory
Congenital Brain Malformations associated with seizures include toxoplas- neonatal seizures. These include pyridox-
Congenital brain malformations can mosis, rubella, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, amine 5’-phosphate oxidase (PNPO) de-
result in seizures that present at any point coxsackie virus, and others viral causes. ficiency, pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy

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(PDE), and biotinidase deficiency.4 Sei- Table 2

zures generally present in the first hours
after birth, although intrauterine seizures Etiology of Neonatal Seizures
have been described. These disorders pres- Cause of seizure Description
ent with a variety of seizure types, includ- Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (50%-60%) Generally occur within 12 to 24 hours of birth
ing infantile spasms, that are refractory Vascular lesions (10%-20%)
to antiepileptic medications. These con- Hemorrhage
ditions should be suspected in a neonate Intracranial
that presents with intractable seizures soon Subdural Includes venous sinus thrombosis, arteriove-
after birth that fail to respond to multiple Subarachnoid nous malformation, venous malformations
antiepileptic medications. In these condi- Germinal matrix
tions, the associated encephalopathy is Ischemic stroke
typically progressive and results in death Congenital vascular anomaly
if not recognized and treated. Seizure con-
Congenital brain malformations (5%-10%) Focal: agenesis of the corpus callosum,
trol is achieved with cofactor or vitamin Dandy-Walker malformation
replacement, but neurodevelopmental out- Diffuse: holoprosencephaly, lissencephaly,
comes are generally poor. polymicrogyria
Infection (5%-10%)
Inborn Errors of Metabolism Bacterial
Can present early (first 72 hours of life) or late
Many inborn errors of metabolism (after 7 days of life)
may present with seizures in the neonatal Seizures often prolonged and difficult to
Congenital Infections (ie, TORCH)
or infantile period. Inborn errors should Fungal
be suspected in an infant with encepha- Metabolic (~5%)
lopathy who presents within a few days Hypoglycemia
of birth after an uncomplicated pregnancy Hyponatremia Reversible causes of neonatal seizures
and delivery. Affected neonates will be as- Hypomagnesemia include electrolyte abnormalities as well as
ymptomatic at birth and then experience a Hypocalcemia cofactor and vitamin deficiencies
clinical deterioration within the first days Cofactor/vitamin deficiency
to weeks after delivery. Excessive irrita- Inborn errors
bility or crying, recurrent apnea, lethargy, Drug intoxication or withdrawal (~1%) Most common drugs include narcotics,
poor feeding, and hiccups may precede benzodiazepines/barbiturates, tricyclic anti-
seizure activity. Unlike other causes of sei- depressants, cocaine, and alcohol
zures, neonates will generally not return to Neonatal epilepsy syndromes (~1%)
a normal neurologic baseline but instead Benign familial neonatal epilepsy
Very rare, family history may reveal this etiol-
remain encephalopathic between seizures. Benign nonfamilial neonatal convulsions
ogy although many mutations are de novo
Family history may reveal consanguin- Early myoclonic encephalopathy/Otahara
ity or a history of neonatal deaths. Infants syndrome
may have elevated ammonia levels and Abbreviation: TORCH, Toxoplasmosis, Other agents, Rubella (also known as German measles), Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes simplex.
Adapted from Natarajan and Gospe,1 Abend et al.,2 and Martin et al.4
may have profound metabolic acidosis.
The most common inborn errors present-
ing with seizures in the neonatal period neonatal seizures, although its incidence posure to cocaine, alcohol, and tricyclic
include the organic acidemias, urea cycle is increasing due to the rise in maternal antidepressants has also been implicated
defects, nonketotic hyperglycinemia, and drug use and postnatal opiate exposure. in neonatal seizures. Infants with neonatal
aminoacidopathies.3 The substances most frequently associ- abstinence syndrome may manifest a va-
ated with seizures are narcotics, benzodi- riety of abnormal movements such as ex-
Neonatal Drug Withdrawal azepines, barbiturates, selective serotonin aggerated Moro reflex, myoclonic jerks,
Neonatal drug withdrawal, particularly reuptake inhibitors, and serotonin-nor- and tremors, so EEG is recommended
from opiates/opioids, is a rare cause of epinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Fetal ex- to identify true seizure activity. Seizures

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generally begin within the first few days acid or organic acid disorders. Otahara Diagnosis
after birth and may require antiepileptic syndrome is most often due to structural Seizures in the neonatal period are
therapy until the withdrawal symptoms brain malformations; however, several frequently brief, subtle, and clinically
have resolved. genetic causes have been identified for nonspecific. It can be difficult for the
both conditions.8 bedside provider to distinguish clinical
Neonatal Epilepsy Syndromes seizure from normal movements. In ad-
Unlike the above etiologies, the neo- Testing dition, up to 80% to 90% of neonatal sei-
natal epilepsy syndromes represent un- After a thorough history is obtained zures are electrographic without clinical
provoked causes of seizure activity in and physical examination is completed, correlate.9 Thus, an EEG is recommend-
the neonate. Three syndromes are rec- with special focus on the neurologic ed in the detection of seizure activity.
ognized by the International League component, initial testing should focus Electrographic seizure is defined as
Against Epilepsy: benign familial neo- on identification of potentially treat- repetitive and rhythmic pattern of at least
natal epilepsy (BFNE), early (neonatal) able etiologies such as infectious and 10 seconds in duration (Figure 1). EEG
myoclonic encephalopathy (EME) and metabolic derangements. Early labora- with video is important in helping distin-
early infantile epileptic encephalopathy tory testing should include a rapid point guish seizures from nonepileptic move-
(Otahara syndrome). of care glucose level, serum chemistry ments.9 Moreover, in neonatal seizures,
BFNE, as its name implies, is a rela- panel, complete blood count, and blood treatment of clinical seizures with anti-
tively benign condition generally associ- culture. Clinicians should maintain a convulsants often results in subsequent
ated with excellent neurologic outcomes. low threshold for obtaining cerebral spi- persistent electrographic seizures with-
This autosomal dominant condition is nal fluid (CSF) for gram stain and cul- out clinical correlate (called “electro-
classified by seizures that begin within ture, chemistry, and cell counts to rule clinical dissociation”). Therefore, con-
the first week of life and generally re- out infectious etiologies. If an infectious tinuous video EEG monitoring (cEEG)
solve by age 1 to 12 months. Seizures cause is suspected, then HSV testing is recommended to characterize seizures,
may be tonic, clonic, or associated with should be performed, including HSV quantify seizure burden, and assess re-
apneic spells. Development is generally CSF polymerase chain reaction testing. sponse to treatment.6,9 In addition, it is
normal although 10% to 15% of infants Based upon the infant’s history, it may recommended to continue video EEG
may go on to develop epilepsy later in be beneficial to obtain a C-reactive pro- until the patient is seizure free for 24
life.4 Diagnosis is typically made based tein level, urinalysis, urine culture, and hours.
on characteristic EEG findings as well as urine toxicology. If a congenital infec- Although cEEG is the diagnostic test
genetic testing. BFNE is associated with tion (ie, TORCH [Toxoplasmosis, Other of choice, there are many barriers to ac-
mutations in potassium channel genes agents, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and cessing EEG in institutions. As a result,
KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 on chromosome Herpes simplex] infection) needs to be amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) is a
20q and 8q respectively. These potas- ruled out, then the appropriate diagnos- bedside tool that is increasingly imple-
sium channels control neuronal connec- tic tests should be ordered. Additional mented in the neonatal intensive care
tivity, and mutations in the channel re- testing should include blood gas, lactate, unit due to ease of application and in-
sult in hyperexcitability of the neuron.4 pyruvate, and ammonia levels. New- terpretation by a neonatologist.10 aEEG
Epileptic encephalopathies such as born screen results should be obtained if uses limited EEG signals that are fil-
EME and Otahara syndrome are both available. In regard to radiologic studies, tered, processed, and displayed in time-
devastating conditions characterized by cranial ultrasound can be a useful rapid compressed scale, often in conjunction
severe, intractable seizures with failure bedside tool, but brain magnetic reso- with raw EEG signal to provide assess-
to gain developmental milestones. Both nance imaging is the gold standard for ment of background as well as to assist in
are characterized by significantly ab- head imaging. If the above fails to yield a detecting neonatal seizures. Importantly,
normal background EEG activity, fre- diagnosis, more extensive metabolic and it allows neonatologists a timely and
quently with suppression-burst activity genetic testing may be indicated, such as convenient instrument for neuromonitor-
on EEG. EME is generally caused by urine organic acids, plasma amino acids, ing. However, it is important to note that
an underlying metabolic disorder, most vitamin levels, CSF neurotransmitters, aEEG has limitations. There is potential
commonly nonketotic hyperglycinemia, and a comprehensive epilepsy genetic of overdiagnosis of seizures attributed to
although it can also be due to amino panel. mistaking artifact for seizure activity.10 It

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is also less accurate compared to cEEG

in detecting seizures that are brief (<90
seconds in duration) and low voltage,9,10
which are common features in neonatal
seizures. As a result, there is also a po-
tential for underdiagnosing seizure fre-
quency. Finally, aEEG interpretation is
largely dependent on user experience.
Nonetheless, the specificity and sen-
sitivity for seizure detection can be up
to 85% in an experienced user.10,11 De-
spite its limitations, studies have shown
that aEEG has resulted in improved
decision-making and better neurological Figure 1. Neonatal electroencephalogram (EEG) findings. (A) Normal awake neonatal EEG from a 3-day-
outcomes.9 Therefore, although cEEG is old infant born at 38 weeks gestational age with episodes of apnea and desaturations. Note the con-
tinuous background with variable frequency. Occasional frontal sharp transients (asterisk symbol) are
the gold standard for seizure detection, normal. (B) Multifocal sharp discharges and discontinuity. This is from a 1-month-old infant with con-
aEEG is a useful screening tool until genital heart disease on extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Background is discontinuous
with diffuse voltage attenuation (down arrow symbol) and excessive sharp discharges (double dagger
conventional EEG can be obtained. symbol). (C, D) Electrographic seizures with multifocal onset from a 4-day-old infant with hypoglyce-
mia, hyperammonemia, and body jerking concerning for seizure. (C) EEG demonstrates focal low volt-
age monomorphic rhythmic activity (right arrow symbol) localized in right central region. (D) This same
Treatment patient had focal seizure arising from left central region (left arrow symbol) then another seizure arising
The first priority in treating neonatal independently from right central region. Both seizures were electrographic without clinical correlation.
seizures is to manage airway, breathing,
and circulation. This is followed by cor-
rection of any metabolic derangements
that may be the underlying cause of the
seizures. In the case of ongoing seizure
activity, antiepileptics are used to con-
trol persistent seizures (Figure 2). Phe-
nobarbital is the most frequently used
first-line antiepileptic agent. Seizures
are controlled in approximately 50% to
70% of neonates once a therapeutic level
of phenobarbital, about 40 mcg/mL, is
reached.2,4,12 Phenobarbital is generally
administered in sequential loading dos-
es until seizure control is reached, then
maintenance dosing is started. Levels
are generally checked 1 to 2 hours after
each load, and periodically during main-
tenance therapy. There is concern in the
animal model for neuronal apoptosis with
phenobarbital, although human studies Figure 2. Treatment algorithm for neonatal seizures. BID, two times daily; IV, intravenous; TID, three times
have failed to consistently demonstrate
this.11,13,14 Choice of second-line agents
is variable among providers but is gen- in a randomized controlled trial,15 but may be a safer and equally efficacious
erally split between levetiracetam or fos- also has been shown to cause neuronal treatment option.16,17 although optimal
phenytoin. Fosphenytoin demonstrated apoptosis in an animal model.14 There dosing regimens and randomized con-
equivalent efficacy to phenobarbital is emerging evidence that levetiracetam trolled efficacy data are lacking. Sei-

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