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1 In My Backpack Re. Study the words. backpack pencil eraser ruler pencil ease marker highlighter notebook textbook notepad ballpoint pen caleulator water botle mechanical pencil glue colored pencil at supplies gym othes hand towel binder eR Read and write the correct word for each definition. 1. book used for eacing or earring a subject 2. a tool for measuring the length of something 3. a container used to store pencils 4a special ight-colored pen used for marking words 5. booktin wich you can wrt notes textbook pencilcase notebook —highlighter.=—— ruler © Complete the sentences. 1. Mom, | have P.E. class tomorrow. Do you know where my. are? . 2_____isasticky substance for jing things together. 3. Can luse a when | take the math test? 4. Mark wiped his hands on his 5A has a thick tip used for marking. orn calculator —_—handtowel—gymolothes glue marker Word Review 18 | The Simple Present ‘We use the simple present when we talk about something we do regulary > I walk to school in the morning. > He drives to work, : - > We play soccer after school. > They watch TV at night. We use do not to make the negative form of the simple present. |, you, we, they do not he, she, it does not > 1 do not walk to school in the moming S > He does not drive to work. _ > We do not play soccer after school > They do not watch TV at night. ‘The third person singular pronouns are he, she, and it. We musi change the verb form when the subject of the sentence is a third person’singular noun or pronoun. ors rn likes, eats, sleeps, wears, : reads verbs thatend in ch, sh, jag -es, watches, washes, finishes verbs that end in Remove y and Bconsonant + add “ies vronieg: cinders verbs that end in avowel +y Adds. plays, stays, buys, says 16 Unt ‘A. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the word box. (Some verbs can be used more than once.) usually at 7in the morning. 1®__to the bathroom.1®____a shower and"! my teeth. Then |, ‘on my schoo! uniform. 1 into the kitchen and ", {good morning to my parents. Then is a glass of water. 1®____"_ on my shoes and a a take brush tink wait put say {or the school bus. B. Complete the sentences using the third person singular forms of the verbs. Tom usually" at 7in the morning. He ®. to the bathroom. He ‘a shower and his teeth. Then he ® fon his school uniform. He into the kitchen and _good morning to his parents. Then he a glass of water. He ®. ‘on his shoes 7 and {for the school bus. €. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. A. Idance atthe party. > 2. You look great. > 3.She walks slow, > 4. They buy the cake, (2 Circle the word that goes best with each picture. 1 Be | (A) Glue (6) Water bottle (©) Backpack (A) Textbook (B) Binder (© cateator | L____1 () Notopad (B) Pencil case (C) Hand towel 10 Unt r ews [A What does the arrow show? 4 SEE (yAponciicase @)ar supoes (C) Gym clothes It @oym cies (B) Anotepad (€) Musial instruments (A) A git is drawing in her sketchbook (8)Agir is writing in her notebook (©)Agirtis typing on the computer. LA Circle the sentence that goes best with each picture. z (A) Aboy has a pen. . a (©) Aboy has a backpack. (A) A ir is holding a water bottle. (B) Agirl is holding a notebook. (C) Agirl is holding her gym clothes. (A) Aboy is using a ruler. (©) Aboy is using a calculator. (©) Aboy is using art supplies. Geel} | Gate (\) Read the hints and circle the best answers. 1. This thing has a ball at the end of it, and ink rolls out when you write ‘something on paper. | Q. What is it? (A) Amecharical pencit (8) Abalipoint pen } (©) Acolored pencil 2. This is a bag you carry on your back when you go to school. Q. What is it? (A) Awaliet (8) Apencil case (© Abackpack 3. This holds loose sheets of paper. . What is it? @) Abinder | Anotepad | (©) Atextbook 4. This is a piece of rubber that removes marks from paper. Q. What is it? WW Amarker (8) An eraser (©) Atuler | Reading 21 4) Read the advertisement. Then answer questions 1 to 3. Back to School Sale Nancy's Supply to Go is having a Back to School Sale! from August 25” to 31" Items on Sale “+ HB pencils $1.99 per box: + Ballpoint pens $299 per box * + 16% off on selected backpacks * 2 notebooks for $2.50 + Blank notepads $1.00 each 1. What does Nancy's Supply to Go sell? (A) Clothes © school supp (C) Food 2. How long will the sale last? (A) 7 days (B)7 weeks (©) 7 months, ‘3. How much is it if you buy two notebooks? (A) 82.50 (8) $50 (©) $5.00 Reading (1) Read the message. Then answer questions 4 and 5. “= Dear Mom, {im going to the ma wh my rend, Lucy. We are going to buy some schoo! supplies. | need some new notebooks and Postits. Then we might stop to get some ie cream. | wil be home before dinner. See you later. | 2 Who wrote this message? (A) Sophia's mom (B) Lucy © Sophia 5. Where is Sophia going first? (A) To schoo! (8) To the supermarket To the mall ] vores eng pa OY @ Listen and circle the correct answers. isten and circle the correct answers. @ 1. Listen to the girl, Q. What is the girl going to do next? aa > + @ 2. Listen to the teacher. @. What is the teacher going to do next? Ea (8) @ 8. Listen to the boy. ‘Q. What is the boy going to do next? Q Listen and circle the correct conversation. 1 @. What is in your backpack? “ ® «© 2 wu Q. May I borrow your pencil? (a) ) © 23. Q. Do you have a calculator? @ @) © @ Listen and circle the correct answers. 1 Listen to the conversation between a teacher and a stucent. Q. What will the student do next? A)Get out his calculator (8) Put his calculator away (C) Take the English test @ 2. Listen to the conversation between a boy and a girl Q. What is the girl going to do next? (A) Return the books {@)Lend ne boy a pena an eraser (C) Buy extra pencils @ Usten and answer the questions. (@ 1. Listen to the phone message. Q. Why did James call? (A) To tall his mom about the lunch menu (® To ask his mom to bring his math book and calculator to schoo! {C) To tell his mom that he wants to go home @ 2. Listen to the girl, Q. What does the girl NOT carry in her backpack? (A) Ahand towel (B) Notebooks (© Her cet phone ‘Ey Usten and fill in the blanks. a1 ‘ A Theres book ine There ape tnd ine | TE Ea onthe oenk. Qa. 1 2) Lsten and in the banks. Qt a usually keep my textbooks inmy |. need my now. i pogo \ ALL ee now 3. ©) Listen and fill in the blanks. Qt. (A) There’s my (B) There are some (€) leary iton my Q2 (OO tay use ee aie (0) ven ne ee (©) Sure. ‘Bay Usten and fill in the blanks. on your books tohave a test. ‘S: Excuse me, Mrs. Carl? T: Yes, Roy? S:Can we use our T: Yes, you ee B: Jennifer, 'm sorry, but do you have any 2 G@ Yes, i pencils do you need? B: One is fine. Can I return today? G: Sure, Do you too? have an extra one. B: ‘Thank you so much, tty oo" Dictation 34 2 ‘Ey Listen and fill in the blanks. 1 Or i, Mom. I's James. | just ‘at school, but [eft my math book and at home. | have a math test ‘80 | really need them. Do you think you can them to school for me, please? If | go back home now, | will miss my class. | this will never happen again. G:tusually apencilease, water botle, and a hand towel ‘Sometimes | put my calculator in | keep my pens, pencils, an eraser, and a ruler in my pencil case. | usualy keep my textbooks Ubring them home if have to (or do some homework, Qos tening part. q@ Answer the following questions. 1, What is In your backpack? > There (is/are) (some books / a pencil case / notebooks) in my backpack 2. Which do you use more often, pens or pencils? Why? > 1use pencils more often because I can erase my mistakes easily > luse pens more often because they don't smudge a lot. ‘3. What time of the day do you usually do your homework? > | usually do it right after | come home from school, it makes me fee! botter to doit frst then play later. > | usually do itn the evening. | would rather play and then do homework. 4. What would you do if one of your classmates borrowed your pencil ‘and forgot to give it back to you? > would remind him or her about my pencil and ask him or her to return it. > I would let him or her keep it.I don't want any trouble. 5. What would you do if you forgot to bring your homework to school? => | would call my mom to ask her to bring it to school > | would tell my teacher the truth and promise to bring It the next day. nn “si Fruits and Vegetables Study the words. pear broccoli pomegranate asparagus apricot cabbage watermelon zucchini mango eggplant pineapple calery grapefruit cauliflower avocado bean sprouts cantaloupe sweet potato plum garlic Mer Read and write the correct word for each definition. 1. a vegetable with long green stems 2. a type of melon with a hard brownish skin 8. a vegetable that looks like a red potato 4, 2 round fruit with yellow skin that looks like a large orange 5. a sweet yellow tropical fruit usually cut into rings Word Box Do s celery sweet potato grapefruit pineapple cantaloupe © Complete the sentences. 1 is a vegetable with green stalks and branches. 2A is a fruit that has @ round base and is the top. 3.4, is a vegetable with green leaves around a firm white center. 4A. Js a round vegetable with white, green, or purple leaves, 5.An is a large vegetable with smooth purple skin. Word Box pear broccoli eggplant cabbage cauliflower Word Review 95 The Present Continuous ‘The present continuous describes what you are doing now. Weneed to use ~ ‘a be-verb (am, is, are) and add ing to the next verb. > Lam watching TV. > You are playing computer games. > He is slesping. > She is singing > We are dancing. > They are doing their homework. ‘We use not to make the negative form. > Lam not watching TV. > You are not playing computer games. > He is not sleeping. > She is not singing, > We are not dancing. > They are not doing their homework. ‘Some verbs change when they become present continuous. most verbs ‘Adding, fink drinking verbs that end with Pereomaree Remove e and add ~% 1B come coming verbs thatend with Double the consonant gi SNowel saconsonant— andadd ing siting verbs that end with i ie Add ing he tng verbs that end with two vowels + Add ing sloop sleeping a consonant 96 Unite ‘A. Complete the sentences using the present continuous vert form. 1. ‘a book. ‘onthe couch. inthe kitchen. sor (read) . (sit) Le ae wa 9 B. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. 1. Aboy is putting on his socks. *ADOY IS Nott 2. Agi is drinking water. * 8. The children are talking to each other. > 4. We are swimming in the pool > C. Write the verbs in the present continuous form. 1. mix 2. move 3. yawn 4. put 5. stay 6. get Grammar 37 . 2 Circle the word that goes best with each picture, 1 (a) Pear (@ Avocado (C) Blueberries A) Eggplant (8) Egg (C) Zucchini (A) Bean sprouts, (8) Plum (©) Gariic (1) What does the arrow show? 4 @oreen (8) White (C) Yellow: eS. ‘7 | (A) Grepefrut (8) Peach ©) Pomegranate —— (A) Cabbage (B) Zucchini © Asparagus Reading () Circle the sentence that goes best with each picture. r oo (A) A gil is eating some grapefruit. @ A boy is eating some watermelon. (©) Aboy is buying a watermelon. @) The girl is digging up sweet potatoes. (B) The gir is eating sweet potatoes. (C) The gir is cutting sweet potatoes. (A) Broccoli looks lke a tree (B) Broccoli looks like a car. (€) Broccoli looks like a dog. iC | 2) Read the hints and circle the best answers. 1. This is round fru. thas many small red seeds you can eat ©. Whats 2 (a) Apeer @ Apomegranate (©) Awatermeton, : 2. This is a tropical fruit. It has sweet yellow flesh inside. Q. What is it? (A) Amango (8) Asparagus (€) An onion 3. This looks like a small onion. It has a strong taste and smell. Q. What is it? (A) Apear (8) Garlic (C) An apricot 4 This has a thick green skin. thas a large seed in the middle. Q. What is it? (A) Asweet potato (8) Bean sprouts (©) An avocado ding 41 £1) Read the recipe. Then answer questions 1 to 3. How to Make Fruit Salad ‘Things you need: a large salad spoon, a large bowl, a cutting board, a knife, many kinds of fruits such as pears, apples, bananas, plums, peaches, pineapples, etc. Instructions: Remove the skins and seeds of the fruits if necessary. Then cut them into small pieces. Put then into a f. large bow! and mix them together 41, What is the recipe for? (A) Vegetable soup (8) Fruit juice (C) Fruit salad 2. What is NOT needed to make fruit salad? (A) Alarge bow! ©) Apot (©) Fruit 3. What is the first step? (A) Mix the fruit together (B) Remove the seeds {C) Put the fruit into a bow! ieee) £2) Read the card. Then answer questions 4 and 5. oes, ® ‘Thank you for making me a fruit salad yesterday. It was very delicious. How did you know | like cantaloupe and grapes so much? There were ‘s0 many pieces of melon, and so many grapes! | really enjoyed your fruit salad. Let's go get some ice cream next ime. It will be my treat. Talk to you ‘soon, Your friend, Sonia, 4, What did Maya do yesterday? (A) Got some ice cream (8) Bought some fruit (©) Made a fruit salad 5. What is NOT one of Sonia's favorites? (A) Cantaloupe (8) Grapes © Blueberries | 22» trisha ne reaing part Read 43 Q Listen and circle the correct answers. gn © Listen and circle the correct answers. G1. Listen to the woman. Q. What is the woman going to do next? ] “ — @) Q. How is the boy's mom feeling now? | @ 2 Listen to the boy. | @ 3. Listen to the girl. Q. What is the girl going to do next? (a) 8) cy @ Listen and circle the correct conversation. O11 Q. Are you a picky eater? (a) (6) co) on Q. What is the next step? Cy 8) (c) O38. Q. Why are vegetables good for us? “ 8) © Bark 2 Usten and circle the correct answers. @ 1. Listen to the conversation between a girl and her mom. Q. What does the girl's mom want her to do? (A) Go to Uncle Sam's birthday party (8) Eat all the beans on her plate (C) Wash the dishes @ 2. Listen to the conversation between a girl and a boy. Q. What is the girl describing? (A) Watermelon (8) Garlic : {C) Mangoes @ Usten and answer the questions @ 1. Listen to the phone message. Q. What should Jack's mom get if there aren’t any bananas or grapes? (A) Strawberries (B) Plums. (c) Peaches G 2. Listen to the girl giving a talk. G Q. What does the girl want people to do? (A) Exercise regularly (B) Eat cookies in the afternoon (C) Eat fruits and vegetables: escum eet arin sens aly — yy Listen and fill in the blanks. ‘© Listen and fil in the blanks. Qt. 1m going to make fresh juice today, but | dont have apples. need to some. O2 | don’ like carrots, so | took out all the pieces of carrot this morning. Now my mom is, O38. ‘Gy Listen and fll in the blanks. on (A)No, ate not. (8) sho ly alarm arian vane ota: (C) No, tm. Qe (together. (B) There are (C) ie os eer re REE From are 50 Unt2 Gens & Listen and fil in the blanks. O. M: Christine, you your. again. G: But | really don't them. M: You must____all the beans on your. Otherwise, you_______go to Uncle Sam's birthday party,” G: You are MI don't care. Mommy doesn't want you to be a eater. G2 G: What's 2 BI like all kinds of fruits. 2 @:Me, too. Have you tried mangoes? B:No, 2 hey are ‘They are very sweet and juicy. seat 86 icads 81 Gaus Qu on O2 isten and fill in the blanks. Hi, Mom. This is Jack. ! want to eat Can you get some fruit for me from work? Don't bananas and ‘They are my favorites. ifthe doesn't have any, get some and peaches: ‘Thank you. 1G: We should not be eating They have calcium, minarals, vitamins, and ‘These nutrients make ‘our bodies . but many people forget to, . Grab an apple in the ‘morning, and eat carrot sticks In the aftemoon. Your body will than before. @] wr snwres ve tes © Answer the following questions. 1 |. What's your favorite fruit? Why? > My favorite fruit is. ‘They are juicy and sweet. . Are you a picky eater? > No, | am not. | ty to keep a balanced diet. > Yes, lam. I can't eat . They (taste / smell) bad. 3. Are vegetables good for us? Why or why not? > They are good for us. They give us nutrients. They make our bodies strong and healthy. > They are not good for us because they taste bad. }. What does broccoli look like? > It looks like a small tree, 5. What do we need in order to make a fruit salad? > We need fruits, a bowl, a knife, a cutting board, and forks. @] verre sein pe vs Study the words. cashier police officer firefighter taxi driver writer bus driver janitor lawyer doctor athlete frist barber chet fashion designer computer programmer barista bank tolor childcare worker architect Melee Q, Read and write the correct word for each definition. 41. person who treats sick people 2. a person who designs buildings 3. a person who makes coffee in a café 4 a person who cooks food at a restaurant 5. a person who advises people about laws architect chet doctor lawyer barista ‘©. Complete the sentences. 1. Q: Who works at a flower shop? AA does. 2. My dad puts out fires. He is a 3. I need a haircut. Who is the best, In this town? 4, Ifyou have any questions about our building, go and ask the . He looks afer the building. BA___________looks after children while their parents are at work, Cores janitor firefighter -—=—sbarber childcare worker florist The Simple Past We use the simple past when we talk about an event that happened before. Present Past | study every day. | studied yesterday. ‘There are rules for writing regular verbs in the simple past form. most verbs Add -ed. rain rained verbsthatendine Add -d. arrive arrived verbs that end in ; eee Changeytoiandadd-ed. try tred ong or two syllable Double the consonant and avowel+aconsonant @dd-ed a iaee ‘We use did not (didn’t) to make the negative form of the simple past. Present Past | do not study every day. | did not study yesterday, ‘Some verbs have irregular past forms, which means there aren't any rules. Present Past Present Past be wasiwere tell told buy bought read read think thought hear heard bring brought make made come came put put rink drank take took eat ate fy flew teach taught give gave 90. went have had ‘A. Write the verbs in the simiple past form. 1. smile 3. pk 4. happen 5. shop 6. 7. reply 8.hug B. Rewrite the sentences using the simple past form of each verb. 1. The baby smiles at me. > 2. We listen to the teacher. > 3, She enters the room. 4, We eat pizza for dinner, eS C. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. 4. We walked to school this morning, + 2. She gave me a letter. > 3. | read a book yesterday. + 4, They bought a new car. 2 (2) Circle the word that goes best with each picture. ih 158 Unita (8) Musician (C) Bank teller (A) Doctor “i (A) Athlete. (8) Barista (C) Florist (A) Taxi driver, (8) Writer (©) Bus driver Reading {What does the arrow show? ooo Abank tler works ata bank (B) Abank teller works ata courthouse (C) A lawyer works at a bank. + (A) A childcare worker works with children. ’ (8) A childcare worker is drinking cotfee. (@)Abatstais making cote, + (A)A singer is singing a song. ®)Atiorist is making a flower basket. (C) Adancer is dancing on the stage. 4) Circle the answer that goes best with each picture. 7 9 unis (A) Police station (B) Post office (C) Fire station (A) Musician (8) Doctor (€) Chet (A) He is a bus driver. (B) He is a teacher. ()Heisa barber ECU} (Gard £2) Read the hints and circle the best answers. 1. This person writes stories and publishes books. Q. Who is it? (a) Asinger (8) Awriter (C)Ataxi driver 2. This person plays a musical instrument for a living. @. Who is it? (A) Ajanitor (8) Acomputer programmer (©) Amusician 3, This person makes clothes. Q. Whois it? (A) Atashion designer (8) ATV producer (©) Alawyer 4, This person drives a bus for people in the community. Q. Who is it? (A) Abus driver (B) Acashier (C) Asalesperson conan: soon: Reading 61 4) Read Rob's profile. Then answer questions 1 to 3. Name: Rob Kindle ‘Occupation: Pilot Job Description: + Serves as a crew member of Pan Airline + Flies airplanes + Travels overseas three times aweok 1. What Is Rob's job? (A) Fight attendant (8) Pilot (C) Mechanic 2. What is the name of the airline company he is working for? (A) Pan Airline (8) Pin Ait (©) Fan Airtine 3. How often does he travel abroad? (A) Twice a month (B) Three times a month (C) Three times a week isl | E) Read the letter. Then answer questions 4 and 5. Dear Amy, ‘You might not remember me, but we met atthe job far last Saturday. | just wanted to say that it was a pleasure meeting you there. [have — always wanted to become a music producer like you, but | didn't have ‘much knowledge about it. You gave me so much good information, | land now | know what | need to do to make my dream come true. ‘Thank you again forall your answers, | really appreciate it Best wishes, Naomi 4, What business industry is Amy working in? (A) Music (ev (c) Fiim 5. What does Naomi want to be? (A) Amovie director (8) ATV producer (C) Amusic producer ] vores at a Reading 63 @ Listen and circle the correct answers. on O2 a ) O38 ul 4 (c) @ Listen and circle the correct answers. | Q 1. Listen to the doctor. Q. What does the doctor tell us to do to keep ourselves clean? CN) ) (©) Q 2. Listen to the woman. Q. Where does the woman work? cy ®) (ce) Q 3. Listen to the boy. Q. What does the boy have to do every day? Poe « @ Listen and circle the correct conversation. Oo {Q. What do you do for a living? (a) @) (c) 2 Q. What do you want to be when you grow up? Oy (8) ©) O33 Q. What do pilots do? a (6) © @ Usten and circle the correct answers. @ 1. Listen to the conversation between a girl and her mom. Q. What job doesn’t the girl have in mind? (A) Teacher (8) Music producer (C) Professional dancer teste: roe Q 2. Listen to the conversation between a boy and a man. Q. What does Mr. Workman do for a living? (A) He is a teacher. (8) He is a guard, (C) He is a janitor, stoning 67 @ Usten and answer the questions. @ 1. Listen to the phone message. @. What does Robin want to do? (A) Buy some paintings from Mitchell (B) Interview Mitchell (C) Attend a seminar with Mitchell stoi eo +a sone Q 2. Listen to the woman giving a talk. Q. What is true about becoming a firefighter? (A) A strong body is not necessary. (B) You must work alone. (€) You must want to help people. pte hse section, 68 Unt Getta, ©) Listen and fill in the blanks. OL ‘Aman is getting a Aveterinarian is O3. ®y Listen and fill in the blanks. Qt You should your. often to keep yoursolt Qe 1 My job is to filp passengers 2.70.38 Wan EN Be Seas et | serve drinks and snacks and make sure everyone is comfortable. Qs Dictation €8 mv ‘Ey Listen and fill in the blanks. QL (A) sell {B) I'm going to (C) [2 aeeeeeetee in Seoul: Qe (A) This is (B) That's (C) | want to ‘some flowers. aon ©) Usten and fill in the blanks. Qt M: What's today's G: | have to think about a_____I want to have and do about it. M: | see. So what do you to be when you up? G: 1 don't know. I want to be a professional or amusic Maybe | could do both, o2 B:Hi, Mr, Workman. Can I speak toyou M: Hi, John. B: Lam doing ‘around us. Can you tell me here at school? M: Sure. the school. fix things and. {or everyone. 807 ae Dictation 74 ‘Gp Listen and fin the blanks. Qt. M: Hi, Robin. This is Mitchell fromthe. I heard that you were in interviewing me. | would love to with you and all your questions, I'm attending a this ‘weekend though, so I'm atraid welll have to meet after that. | will be atthe gallery all day Please ‘me if you can come that day. w: ‘and save people's lives. pac ‘you have to be physically strong, ‘and have the heart to help others. Firefighters risk their lives to save people. Itis However, itis sad that not many people are because it can be such © wring q@ Answer the following questions. 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? > | want to be a(n) because 2. Where do teachers work, and what do they do there? > They work in schools, and they teach students. ‘3. Where do doctors work, and what do they do there? > They work in hospitals, and they take care of patients. 4, How do you stay clean? > | wash my hands often. I clean my room once a week. > I don't touch dit stuf atthe playground, ‘5. What do you have to do in order to make your dream come true? > Ihave to study hard, > Ihave to practice a lot. > Ihave to leatn new skils. ©] tones peng ae Unit ‘Study the words. shy outgoing quiet talkative easy-going passive aggressive calm cxybaby cheertul Personality smart dark helpful bookworm sneaky friendly kind selsh caring Word Review Read and write the correct word for each definition. 1. a person who likes reading very much 2. tending to talk alot 8. kind and pleasant to others 4. nervous about speaking to others 5. a person who cries often without a ‘good reason bookworm ‘shy friendly crybaby talkative ‘Complete the sentences. 1. Kate likes to meet and talk to new people. She is. 2. Tim got a perfect score on the math test. He is 50. 3. Don't be so 10 your little brother. Please try to be nice to him. 4, He does not take action and likes to follow the rules. He is a Person. 5.A________person likes to care about people and make them happy. passive mean kind smart outgoing 5) The Past Continuous We use the past continuous when we describe a certain period of time in the past. We add ~ing in order to make the continuous form. The only difference between the present continuous and the past continuous is the be-verb. Present Continuous Past Continuous Jam working. | was working. You are having dinner. You were having dinner. She Is taking a test. Sho was taking atest. We use not after the past form of the be-verb to make the negative form of the past continuous. Positive Negative | wats talking on the phone. | was not talking on the phone. ‘You were playing computer games, YoU Were not playing computer games. We use while and when when we use the past continuous. Tre part of the sentence that has while or when is called the time clause. The part that has the past continuous form is called the main clause. Pecans) tee ae _ | was taking @ shower when you called me. 7 When you calles me, Iwas taking a shower. 76 Unt ‘A, Rewrite the sentences in the past continuous. 1. We are singing, + 2. They are watching TV. > 3. She is driving acar. > 4.|am writing an e-mail, > B. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. 1. Lwas running in the park. . 2. He was drinking water. + 3. The phone was ringing. a 4. You were buying a new computer. - ‘Make a sentence using a time clause and a main clause. Writeit in two ways. the bell rang ‘when the teacher was talking | 1 (time clause) _(main clause) 2 _(main clause) (time clause) Grammar 77 [A Circle the word that goes best with each picture. 7a Unt 1. (A) Bookworm (8) Caring (c) Mean f (a) Cunning (8) Kind (©) Talkative (A) Smart (B) Crybaby (€) Outgoing [1 What does the arrow show? + ‘Bf L (A) My fiend Sara is cheerful (8) My friend Sara is dark. (C) My fiend Sara is a crybaby. oe = 3D i (A) Sam plays alone in the park. (8) Sam likes to be alone. (©) Everybody likes Sam because he is friendly + a | a7 -_ |] 9 (A) A boy is helping an elderly woman at the crosswalk, (B) A boy is helping his litle brother. (C) A boy is riding a bicycle with his dad. (Q) Circle the sentence that goes best with each picture. 7 (A) The git looks talkative. (B) The girl looks shy. (C) The girl looks aggressive. (A) The boy looks mean. (8) The boy looks kind. (©) The boy looks nice. me (A) The git is smart. (B) The girl is slow. (©) The git is talkative. Reading (Bak? (2) Read the hints and circle the best answers. 1. People who have this type of personality only care about themselves, Q. What is it? (A) Kind (8) Friendly (C) Selfish peony 2. People who have this type of personality think about the needs of others. Q. What is it? (A) Aggressive (8) Caring (C) Mean 3. People who have this type of personality don't easily get upset or worried. Q. What is it? (A) Uptight (B) Sneaky (©) Easy-going ate 4, People who have this type of personality are relaxed and quiet. Q. What is it? (A) Caim (B) Fast (C) Distracted a | [3 Read about Kathy and David. Then answer questions 1 to 3. 8 8 Kathy's personality: David's personality: ! ‘outgoing, enjoys uiet, passive, calm, talking with people, doesn'tenjoy speaking friendly in frontof others, ‘smart, a bookworm | 1. Who is outgoing? (A) Kathy (8) David (©) Both Kathy and David 2. What type of personality does Kathy have? (A) Quiet (8) Passive (C) Friendly 3. Which word does NOT describe David? (A) Smart (8) Calm (C) Outgoing its Lr | Dear Mr. Young, | {nave something | want to discuss, and i's about my personality | Tore’ ag I really tke at school, but i too shy to talk to het. gel 10 nervous in front of her, so | just freeze when she says hi to me. I'm not | 00d at aking to others. want to be tends wth her, but just dont know what to say fat when |e her. Do you have any suggestions? Sincerely, 4. Who has a problem? (A) Mr. Young (B) Mark (C) Both Mr. Young and Mark 5. What is the problem? (A) Mark wants to be friends with Mr. Young, (B) Agirl at schoo! likes Mark. (C) Mark is too shy to talk to a gitl at school. @ sor tte nena pat Q Listen and circle the correct answers. on on ] la | — 4 - (©) {2 Usten and circle the correct answers. Q 1. Listen to the boy. . What does the boy do before he goes to bed? Q 2. Listen to the gir Q. Which picture best describes Sara? = : ae | | | “ ©) @ 8, Listen tothe boy. @. How does the boy help his little brother? th th () (c) ) o as @ Listen and circle the correct conversation. @. Do you enjoy outdoor activities? a) ®) (c) OR @. What kind of personality do you have? (a) (6) (c) 23. Q. Are you good at speaking in front of others? “& ) (c) Barts G2 Listen and circle the correct answers. @ 1. Listen to the conversation between a boy and a girl Q. What kind of personality does Jim have? (A) Outgoing (8) Loud (©) Quiet @ 2. Listen to the conversation between a boy and a gil. @. Why doesn’t the gir! want to do the presentation with her partner? (A) Because she doesn't have time (8) Because she likes talking to others (C) Because she is too shy to speak sti: et vce: paces peta: € Listen and answer the questions. G1. Listen to the boy telling a story. Q. What upsets the boy about Oliver? (A) He is too gentle when kicking the balls. {B) He is too aggressive when playing soccer. | (C) He thinks too much before he acts. @ 2. Listen to the gir giving a talk. G@ Q. What is the gir!’s opinion? {A) Itis OK to ignore people with lfferent personalities. (8) Telling others to change their personaities is acceptatle. (C) We should accept other people regardless of their personalities. se oe ee te: iy © Listen and fill in the blanks. Qe. person enjoys My tie sister o3. Part2 ©) Usten and fill in the blanks. QQ. ike | usually read a befors | go to bed. 2 Everybody likes my friend Sara 90 u ‘Dy Listen and fill in the blanks. on. Cry (@)That_________ wonder. (C) Yes, | love. my mountain bike. Qa (A) Yes, you have I (C) You must be very. ©) Listen and fil in the blanks. Qt. \ B: Where is Jim? G: He must be in the He usually goes there after B: He seems very G: Yes, he does. He is. but he doesnt much. +B +0 Qe B: How should w {or our history project? | G: Why dont . and you 2 B: OK, but | think if we could do the presentation together. G: I'm somy, but | am not | will probably and ruin the presentation. B: OK, | understand. sey oH Dictation 81 {© Listen and fill in the blanks. i Qt Qe 22 units S Bs I had a. with Olver today. He becomes when he plays. soccer. He and | ‘each other while we were running, and then he got really _______and pushed me onto the ground, That's not the kind of ‘we leamed from our coach. | wish he could, betore he acts. (G: Everybody has. Some people might be _____but others might be EE cone mits bo ene but others might What will you de if you meet ‘someone with fa Will you ignore the person, or tell the person to change his or her peony (ieee tel eo personaly, other people have, we should all accept them and | vox rnisned ne string pa "NN 1. Describe your personality. lam | (lke / don't like) 2. What do you do with your friends? + We play after school together. | q& Answer the following questions. . > We do our homework togeth > We eat lunch together. 3. What do you enjoy doing? Why? + enjoy ing Ike it because 4, Do you like speaking in front of others? > Yes, like speaking in front of others. | am a good storyteler. > No, I get very nervous when | am in front of others. . 5. Do you like working alone? +> Yes, | can concentrate better when I work alone. => No, itis much more fun when | work with my teammates. D swe roresne sein pnt TOEFL Primary STEP 1 READING and LISTENING Practice Test Reading Part1 Look at the picture. Read the words. Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. Let’s do two examples. 1. Which words go with the picture? | —s— | (A) Abarber (8) Achet (C) Abank teller ‘The anewor is (A). Fill in @ on your answer sheet for question 1 2. What does the arrow show? ‘There is a.bus on the road. (a) Atrain (8) Abus (C) Abicycie : = ‘The answer is (B). Fill in @) on your answer sheet for question 2. Reading (A) A computer programmer (8) An athlete (0) Aforist (a) Mad (8) Mean (C) Cheerful Lster-tel [ale] 5 a (A) A barcode scanner (8) Meat (c)Acashier (A) Summer (8) Spring (C) Winter Reading (A) Aboard game (B) Shopping (C) Reading (A) Sweat (8) Tears (C) Moming dew |_| & (A) A television set (B) Aradio (©) Arettigerator Reading [ (A) The oven is open. i (8) The refrigerator is closed. : (C) The refrigerator is open. 12. (A) The woman has chopsticks. (6) The woman has a glass. (C) The woman has a mug. 13. 14, Reading (A) The table is next tothe painting {B) The vase is on the floor. (C) The painting is above the vase. (A) Children are pushing each other. (8) Children are pulling the rope against each other. (C) Children are jumping over the rope. 15, Reading + A (A) The book is on the desk. (8) The book is under the bed, (C) The book is on the floor. (A) The weather is hot and sunny. (B) The weather is cold. (C) The weather is dry and humid. 103 Reading Sc "2 real (a) The mans sting totale. (6) The man is serving food. (C) The man is wiping the table. (A) The girls on the swing. (8) The git is on the monkey bars. (C) The git is on the slide. Part 2 Read each description and find the answer. Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. Let's do an example. 19. Idesign buildings. Q. Who am 1? (a) Achot | (8) An architect (©) Afashion designer ‘The correct answer is an architect. Fill in (@) on your answer sheet for question 19. 20. lonly care about myself. | don’t care about other people. Qtam (A) kind (©) generous (©) sesh 21. My hobby is playing basketball. Itis fun. au playing basketball. (A) don't like (8) lke (C) hate ce E> Reading 22. This isa large shop. You can buy food, drinks, and other things. Q. What is this? (a) Allibrary {B) Apost office (c)Asupermarket 23, You wear this on your foot inside your shoe. Its soft material keeps your foot warm. Q. What is it? (A) Ahat (8) A sock (©) Amask 24. This is a string of jewels. You wear it around your neck. Q. What is it? (8) An earring (8) Ating (©) Anecklace 25. This is a cloth bag filled with soft material. You put your head on this when you sleep. Q. What is it? (A) A pillow (B) A cushion (€) Adoormat » E> ‘You use this to eat soup. Ith @. What is it? (A) A Tork (8) Aknife (C) Aspoon This is a large basin. You fil it with water and wash the dishes in it. Q. What is it? (A) Asink (8) Arefrigerator (C) Amicrowave ” ap Part 3 Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. Read about the event. Then answer questions 28 to 31. Post a photo of your pet to win $1,000! 1. Take a photo of your pet. 2. Upload your picture to our store’s online photo gallery. 3. Share it with your family and friends. Offer valid from November 16, 2016 to December 27, 2016 at. Reading |. How much is the prize? (a) $100 (B) $10 (c) $1,000 Whose photo should you upload? (A) My family's (8) My pet's (C) My house's Where should you upload the photo? (A) The store wall (B) The store's online photo gallery (©) My blog ‘When does the event begin? (A) November 16 (B) December 27 (C) October 16 +r Read Sarah's student card. Then answer questions 32 to 35. Student Card Name: Sarah Learner | School: Joyce Elementary School Date of Birth: June 16, 2004 | Student #: 257 | Reading What information can you find on the card? (A) Sarah's height (8) Sarah's phone number (C) The name of Sarah's school What month was Sarah born? (A) June (8) January (€) July What is Sarah's student number? (A) June 16 (8) 2004 (c)257 ‘What kind of school does Sarah go to? (A) An elementary schoo! (B) Ahigh schoo! (©)Acollege 1 Later-Col [ale] Read the letter. Then answer questions 36 and 37. Dear Mrs. Lee, | won the 1st prize at the speech contest yesterday. | was very nervous at first, but | took a deep breath and tried to stay calm like you told me to. ‘Thank you so much for giving me such good tips about how to pose and make eye contact with the audience. | am stil very excited. | will show my ‘medal to you next week. See you then, Sincerely, Joseph 36. Why does Joseph write to Mrs. Lee? (A) To ask for some tips about the contest (B) To tell her that he won an award (C) To invite her to his birthday party 37. Whyis he still very excited? (A) He made a mistake at the contest. (8) He won a prize at the contest. (C) He has @ speech contest next week. Reading Read the letter. Then answer questions 38 and 39, Dear Mark, | lam sad because my brother broke his nose at the soccer match yesterday. My mom and | were at the game and we saw him get hurt. My mom was pretty upset about his injury. He is at home now resting. | wanted to be a good soccer player like him, but now I am a bit scared. I don't want to get hurt and worry my parents. Talk to you later. Sincerely, 98. Why Is Roy sad? (A) His brother's team lost the game. (B) His brother got hurt in the match. | (C) He has no one to play soccer with, | \ 39. What happened to Roy’s brother at the soccer match? (A) He broke his arm, (B) He broke his nose. (C) He broke his leg. You finished the reading test. Part 1 @ Listen to the words. Look at the pictures. Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. Let's do an example. 1 | ‘The answer is (6). Fill in © on your answer sheet for question 1. Now, you do it. Co) 7 3. ®) 16 Part 2 Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. Let's do an example. 9. Listen to the teacher. Q. What are the students going to do next? ‘The answer is (B). Fill in ®) on your answer sheet for question 9. Now, you do it. 10. (a) (c) . => a 1 7 ® © “ (8) oy Listening eS alate} Part 3 Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. | ete do an example, 20. Look at your answer sheet as you listen to each conversation. Which conversation sounds correct? ‘The answer is (B). Fill in @ on your answer sheet for question 20. Now, you do it. Look at your answer sheet for questions 21 to 29. . eaty a Part 4 Listen to the conversation and answer the question. Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. Let's do an example. 30. When Is Jessica's birthday? (A) Noxt Friday (8) This Friday (C) This Saturday ‘The answer is (B). Fill in @) on your answer sheet for question 30. Now, you do it. 31. What does the boy's mom want him to do? (A) Wash the dishes (B) Set the table (C) Boil some water 32, What does the woman want? (A) To get a refund (8) To exchange the blouse (C) To sell the blouse 33. 35. How (A) By cash (8) With coupons (C) By credit card What does the git like? (A) Shopping (8) Kiting (©) Singing Where is the boy? (A) In his bedroom {B) Inthe bathroom (C) In the kitchen the woman going to pay? Listening Part 5 Listen and then answer the question. Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet. 's do an example. BR Listen to the phone message. ‘Why does Maria call? (A) To ask Chris to take care of her baby sister (B) To ask Chis for homework (C) To ask Christo take care of her puppy The answer is (C). Fill in © on your answer sheet for question 36. te yooh | 37. What does the caller want to do? (A) See a movie (B) Finish his assignment (€) Go to a concert 38. What is the man going to do tomorrow? (A) Meet Robert (8) Stay home (C) Visit his grandfather ™ > 39. Why does the store call Mrs. Lee? (A) To tell her about sone new products (8) To teller to pick up her order (C) To toll her about the store's business hours 40. What number should you press to speak to the assistant? (ao 9 (c) 10 41. What information does the woman leave? (A) Her home address (8) Her age {C) Her phone number You finished the listening test. [1° @ © 19.8 (28 ® c 20.0 36 © © 2.8 48 ® © 2® 58 8 © 23.8 66 ® © a |70 @ © 25.8 a6 8 C6 2.0 a6 8 © 2.8 05 @ © 1®@ 8 © | 26 © © i ne © © 48 8 © ‘5o @ © ne © © ‘18 @ © \2@ 8 © Total correct e@eeeeneece (3.8 eeeeeeeee080 6006060008000 © © © ° ° © © © ® 0.8 1.8 2@ 8.0 4.8 5.8 18. ® 7.8 B® 9.8 a8 2B B® 24, 2.8 B® 27.8 23.8 2.8 ee0ee000000086 Total correct eo Nhan Tri Viet® ‘The purpose of this book is to prepare young leamers for suczessful results ‘on the TOEFL Primary tests created by ETS. TOEFL Primary, the first level of TOEFL assessment, is designed to measure young leamers' English ability, especially their skils in reading, listening, and speaking. Each unit of this book introduces new words that are related toa given topic In order to stimulate young learners to leam new words or review ones that they ‘already know. One of the many advantages of this book is that all of the reading, listening, and speaking sections of each unit are centered on a particular topic. ‘This allows students to see how the target words, phrases, and expressions ‘are used differently in each section. The contexts for each toric have been ‘carefully selected to correspond with the real test standards, so learners wil find ‘expressions, phrases, and directions that are similar to those appearing on the actual test, This book will give young leamers a chance to become familiar with, ‘TOEFL Primary tests by looking at questions in a variety of situations. NET Se anaes Creat ead Olea sy Orureron See ae urd er Pra cca eee reece)

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