Webinar - EFQM Recognition 2020 - March

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EFQM Recognition

Iosune Aguirre
EFQM Recognition 2

How to participate?

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EFQM Recognition 3

Today’s webinar
• Benefits of applying
• EFQM Recognition scheme
• Validated by EFQM
• Qualified by EFQM
• Recognised by EFQM
• EFQM Global Award
• Practical information
EFQM Recognition 4

Benefits of applying

Create a culture of Continuous

Motivate your people Find out how good you are

Engage with stakeholders International Recognition Improve your competitiveness

EFQM Recognition 5

EFQM Global Award

Recognised by EFQM

Qualified by EFQM

Validated by EFQM
EFQM Recognition 6

Validated by EFQM
EFQM Recognition 7

Validated by EFQM
• Simple & easy step for organisations or units
beginning to explore ways to improve their
management practices
• Simple process helping to instill the
methodology and culture of continuous
improvement within the organisation
Validated by EFQM 8

Process Overview
Prepare Implement the Validation
Feedback &
Submission Projects Visit Recognition
Use of EFQM Questionnaire
Track Deployment 1-day visit Validator Report
for simple Self-Assessment

Identify improvement Announcement of your

Update Action Plan Standard Agenda
opportunities and prioritise Success

Select and plan three

improvement projects Interviews & Focus Groups

Create Action Plan High-level Feedback

Validated by EFQM 9

Conduct Self-Assessment & Prepare

Prepare Submission
• EFQM Questionnaire available
in AssessBase
Use of EFQM Questionnaire • Template for Action Plan
for simple Self-Assessment
provided by EFQM
Identify improvement
opportunities and prioritise

Select and plan three

improvement projects

Create Action Plan

Validated by EFQM 10

Implement the Improvement Projects

Implement the • Implementation of selected three

Projects improvement projects
• Update Action Plan against progress
Track Deployment
and integrating learning
• Final version once projects
Update Action Plan
implemented and delivering results
Validated by EFQM 11

Validation Visit
Validation Visit • Conducted by 1 EFQM Validator
• Interviews with Project Owners and Focus
1-day visit Groups with people involved
• Outcome + high-level feedback at the end
Standard Agenda
of the Validation Visit
Interviews & Focus Groups

High-level feedback
Validated by EFQM 12

Feedback & Recognition

Feedback &
• Validator Report:
Recognition • Overall feedback
• Specific feedback per project

Validator Report • “Validated by EFQM” Recognition if

Announcement of your
Success • Announcement in EFQM social media
and the EFQM website
EFQM Recognition 13

Qualified by EFQM
EFQM Recognition 14

Qualified by EFQM
• For organisations who want to receive a quick
analysis of their:
• strategy
• management practices
• overall performance
Qualified by EFQM 15

Process Overview
Prepare Prepare for Feedback &
Submission Site-Visit Recognition
Use of EFQM Business Connect with the
Matrix for Self-Assessment 1-1.5-day visit, 2 Assessors Feedback Report
Assessment Team

Complete Submission Announcement of your

Plan the Site-Visit Standard Agenda
Document Success

Submit Submission
Document Interviews & Focus Groups

High-level feedback
Qualified by EFQM 16

Prepare Submission
• Business Matrix available in AssessBase for
Direction & Execution Practices description
• Complete Submission Document by adding Key
Use of EFQM Business
Matrix for Self- Information & Results

Complete Submission

Submit Submission
Qualified by EFQM 17

Prepare for Site-Visit

Prepare for • EFQM to introduce the team of Assessors

Site-Visit • Discuss and agree Site-Visit logistics and
Connect with the
Assessment Team

Plan the Site-Visit

Qualified by EFQM 18

• 2 Assessors for 1 or 1.5-day Site-Visit
• Standard Agenda with interviews per
1-1.5-day visit, 2 Assessors
• High-level feedback at Criteria level at the
Standard Agenda end of the Site-Visit

Interviews & Focus Groups

High-level feedback
Qualified by EFQM 19

Feedback & Recognition

• Feedback Report
• Executive Summary
Feedback & • Appendix: detailed Strengths & Opportunities for Improvement at
Recognition Criteria level
• Score
Feedback Report • If successful, “Qualified by EFQM”
recognition delivered
Announcement of your
Success • Announcement in EFQM social media and the
EFQM website
EFQM Recognition 20

Recognised by EFQM
EFQM Recognition 21

Recognised by EFQM
• For organisations already having a robust
management system
• Wanting to receive value-adding strategic and
operational feedback on their:
• management practices
• levels of performance
• readiness to be fit for the future
Recognised by EFQM 22

Process Overview
Prepare Prepare for Feedback &
Submission Site-Visit Recognition
Use of Business Matrix Connect with the Assessment
Advanced for Self-Assessment Team 3-4 Assessors, 3-4 days Feedback Report

Complete Submission
Plan the Site-Visit Customised Agenda Announcement of your Success

Submit Submission Document Interviews & Focus Groups

High-level feedback
Recognised by EFQM 23

Prepare Submission
• Business Matrix Advanced available in AssessBase
for Direction & Execution Practices description
• Complete Submission Document by adding Key
Use of Business Matrix Information & Results
Advanced for Self-Assessment

Complete Submission

Submit Submission Document

Qualified by EFQM 24

Prepare for Site-Visit

Prepare for • EFQM to introduce the team of Assessors

site-visit • Discuss and agree Site-Visit overall plan and
Connect with the
Assessment team

Plan the Site-Visit

Qualified by EFQM 25

Site-Visit • 3-4 Assessors for 3-5-day Site-Visit
• Customised Agenda agreed in advance
3-4 Assessors, 3-5 days • High-level feedback at the end of the Site-
Customised Agenda

Interviews & Focus Groups

High-level feedback
Qualified by EFQM 26

Feedback & Recognition

• Feedback Report
• Executive Summary
Feedback & • Appendix: detailed Strengths & Opportunities for Improvement at
Recognition Criteria level
• Score
Feedback Report • Depending on the score, 3 to 7-star
“Recognised by EFQM” recognition delivered
Announcement of your
Success • Announcement in EFQM social media and
EFQM Recognition 27

EFQM Global Award

EFQM Recognition 28

EFQM Global Award

• Recognising outstanding organisations
• For organisations demonstrating:
• an indisputable track record of success in turning strategy into
• the continuous improvement of their performance
• their fitness for the future
EFQM Global Award 29

Process Overview
Prepare Meeting the Prepare for Feedback &
Site-Visit Gala &
Submission Assessor Team Site-Visit Jury outcome
Use of Business
Establish contact & 4 -7 Assessors for 5
Matrix Advanced Agenda Feedback Report Award Gala
discuss expectations days
for Self-Assessment

Check Interviews and Feedback meeting
Submission Logistics Recognition
understanding Focus Groups with Team Leader

Submit Submission
Agree the next steps High-level feedback Jury decision
EFQM Global Award 30

Prepare Submission
• Business Matrix Advanced available in AssessBase
Submission for Direction & Execution Practices description
• Complete Submission Document by adding Key
Use of Business
Matrix Advanced Information & Results
for Self-Assessment


Submit Submission
EFQM Global Award 31

Meeting with Assessor Team

• 1-day face-to-face meeting in Brussels
Meeting the
Assessor Team • Objective:
• Establish contact
Establish contact & • Check understanding of organisation
discuss expectations
• Agree next steps

Agree the next steps

EFQM Global Award 32

Prepare for Site-Visit

• Period of on-going communication

Prepare for
Site-Visit • Discuss and agree Site-Visit plan
• Prepare logistics, translations (if needed),
EFQM Global Award 33

• 5 days duration, conducted by a team of 4 to
7 Assessors
• Customised Agenda, agreed in advance
4 -7 Assessors for 5
• Interviews, Focus Groups and Mirror
Interviews and meetings
Focus Groups
• High-level feedback at Criteria level at the
High-level feedback
end of the Site-Visit
EFQM Global Award 34

Feedback & Jury Outcome

• Feedback Report
Feedback &
Jury Outcome • Executive Summary
• Appendix: detailed Strengths & Opportunities for Improvement at
Criteria level
Feedback Report • Score
• Meeting the Team Leader for full
understanding of Report
Feedback meeting
with Team Leader

• EFQM to communicate the outcome of your

Jury Decision
EFQM Global Award 35

Celebration Gala & Recognition

Celebration • Award Gala held during the annual EFQM
Gala &
Recognition Forum
• Winners announced on stage
Award Gala
• Outcome widely communicated through
Recognition different channels
EFQM Recognition 36

Practical information
EFQM Recognition 37

Useful information
• How to apply?
• Application forms online
• Applicant Guides online
• How to access the AssessBase?
• https://assessbase.digitalefqm.com/
• How much does it cost?
• Fee based on size and volume
EFQM Recognition 38

Any question?

Thank you!

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