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Ni Wayan Anindyanari CP 1315351029

Cintya Purnama Sari 1315351041
Ni Made Jeny Lestari Dewi 1315351091
Ni Wayan Piwi Indah Pratiwi 1315351092

Lately, the weakening of rupiah became economic news that adorn the media.
Also coincided with the cabinet reshuffle of the government to improve the Indonesian
economy has slowed amid the global economic effects are indeterminate, Jokowi-JK
cabinet, particularly the economic sector get the spotlight of various parties. Economic
growth has not reached the target and continued weakening of the rupiah against the US
dollar makes their performance is always in the spotlight. Under the coordination of the
new Economy Coordinating Minister who is Darmin Nasution, the government is trying
to improve the performance of the economy and seeks to face the weakening rupiah rate
nearing Rp14.000, - per US dollar.
The weakening of the rupiah clearly slowed the pace of economic growth in
Indonesia. The weakening of the rupiah had a negative impact on various sectors. One of
them, the decline in the purchasing power of imported goods from abroad so that the
relative prices of goods rise. For example, the price of tempe and tofu were increased due
to the price of soybeans imported from abroad increased in rupiah.
Sectors whos affected by the weakening of the rupiah is the Sector Micro Small
and Medium Enterprises or SMEs are also affected by the weakening rupiah. This sector
is important to note because SMEs are driving the biggest sector's economy in Indonesia,
by more than 95% of business in Indonesia are SMEs.
In order to support the movement of the SMEs sector, the government facilitate
the public to face a weakening of global economy by providing a Kredit Usaha Rakyat
(KUR). With a KUR the government expect the public to take this oppotunity so
improvement of the economy quickly realized.
But barriers fulfillment of the requirements of small businesses, sometimes still
complained. Public often complain permits are difficult to obtain and requirements issue.
Earlier in 6 months ago, the Minister of Cooperative has made thoughts online. So there
will be ease for businesses in making Permissions Card Small Micro (PCSM). The
purpose PCSM will be cut harder things earlier.
KUR is the best choice for micro and large businesses in terms of financing or the
provision of facilities. The PCSM only for micro condition, if retail for large numbers
have some requirements. Not all sector get the KUR, because Mr. President ask for the
agriculture, fisheries, processing, maritime and trading industries, so on the outside it’s
not given. So far, KUR has been distributed most widely in the agriculture and food
sector. He said KUR is still channeled to the trade sector.
SMEs Need Credit, Soon to BRI for Requirement Simplified
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla, together with the Ministry of Cooperatives
and SMEs funds Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) up to Rp 30 trillion. Disbursement of these
funds as stimulation in a slowing global economy, which it feared would impact on the
national economy. KUR funds will be channeled through several banks, including BRI,
Mandiri and BNI.
BRI leader Denpasar teritory, Widodo Januarso, overseeing BRI-Nusra, admitted
that the government has disbursed KUR Rp 30 trillion. "One of them through Bank BRI
and we are now working hard to deliver it. So here goes, nationally KUR Rp 30 trillion.
Well Rp 21 trillion entrusted to the BRI. So the government know that we have the
capacity, "he said, when met at the Regional Office of BRI, Renon, Denpasar, on Monday
(08/31/2015). He said the launch KUR in this current economic environment, it becomes
a potential that should be used, because with cheap credit from the government, SMEs
will be able to move and squirm again. "This means that the business is truly small scale
indeed continue then does he need financing will be provided KUR. Well now there is a
flowering KUR 12 percent. Where there is now such loans. And without administrative
costs as well as the promotion of it's very unusual, "he said.
With the expected improvement of the economy KUR quickly realized, with the
goal in the middle of the economic conditions were rather slow and less stable, economy
could be stronger. According to Widodo, small business eligibility constraints, sometimes
still complained. "Sometimes businesses complain seek permission on condition that the
problem is difficult and there is a business license, or he's trying somewhere. Earlier on 6
months ago. Minister of Cooperatives, has made thoughts online. So there is a kind of
ease or cooperation with us also to make Permissions card Small Micro (IUMK), "he
IUMK destination is what will throw things harder. "Well IUMK is also to
facilitate the distribution of KUR, because after IUMK businessman holding a card that
means their business or legal status is clear and has been recorded in the relevant office.
So after that yes we give KUR facility, "he said. The remaining task is to monitor and
participate BRI raising this business from the banking side. "Hopefully his efforts really
be great. So I guess this is a good opportunity for the community, "he said.
Widodo explained, KUR BRI consists of two, namely Micro KUR loan of up to
Rp 25 million, then KUR Retail on a bigger scale which reached USD 500 million.
"Obviously these two requirements KUR will be different, more complex KUR in retail,"
he added. To KUR micro, BRI has visited all SMEs in all units of both Indonesia and
Bali, with the agenda asking KUR needs in the vicinity. "I have ordered to all BRI units,
especially in Bali-Nusra, even if I have Saturday and Sunday they are ready to serve
amprah KUR course, execution on a weekday, so the power absorbed more quickly," he
For BRI Bali-Nusra, Widodo said it got the target of Rp 900 billion for KUR
micro and Rp 400 billion for retail KUR. "This is our portfolio target in Bali-Nusra for
this year. This means that this target should be completed within a year. Well now the
remaining four months. How, if we are right can not, so the media is very important to
spread this to the wider community, "he said. Because he said, along to take advantage of
the production sector, KUR is the best choice for micro businesses and large in terms of
financing or the provision of facilities.
But that must be ensured is that the KUR is used for the production sector and not
to the consumer sector. He continued, targeting the dissemination of KUR Rp 900 billion
by the end of 2015, has started to be revealed since a week ago funds. "Until August 28
we have gained 1,800 debtors in Bali-Nusra, and 1,000 of them are debtors of Bali, is still
small anyway. Then the failure by nearly USD 29 billion for micro KUR only on
Saturday (29/8). Though I must pursue in the week it should be Rp 100 billion, "he said.
He understand the still low number of KUR, because the program is still new and
not many people know about it. "But about 29 August, our team had raided all, entered
the market and put up some information. Media is also included, so the same principle to
convey to the public media. We try as much as possible, and we've asked all units,
especially for micro can be accelerated, "he added. "The Micro IUMK condition, if retail
for large numbers so must have some reservations. The sector is also not all, because Mr.
Jokowi even target for agriculture, fisheries, processing and trading industries. So related
sectors, the same maritime. On the outside it is not given, "he said.
He said, for retail KUR process can be completed within one week to the credit of
Rp 30 billion to Rp 50 billion. "Because I also depending on the number of people that I
have. Our responsibility is not only KUR, but other sectors also need roads. Hopefully
will be able to achieve it all, "he said.
So far, KUR has been distributed most widely in the agriculture and food sector.
He said KUR is still channeled to the trade sector. "But later I entered the processing
sector as well, for example the results of the earth she took my then deposited or sold to
whom I am still working on it," he said. In addition, it is also still seeking big customers
who have downline down, because it can provide a lot of number of clients. "It's a lot of
small farmers or small fishing, let him supply of fish or seaweed nah like that which
would otherwise be given KUR.


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