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We thank the presence of God Almighty who has bestowed His mercy and guidance and
His grace so that we can finish this report without any obstacles.

In connection with the compilation of this papers, the authors get a lot of help from
various parties. Then in this occasion the authors convey thanks to all parties who directly or
indirectly have helped the author in the procces of writing this papers.

The author hopes that this paper can be useful for both the author and the reader. The
author realizes this paper still has its shortcomings. Therefor, the criticsm and suggestion of the
reader will the author accept with pleasure for the completion of this paper in the future.



Table Of Content....................................................................................................ii

Chapter I Introduction..........................................................................................1

A. Background..................................................................................................1
B. Purpose.........................................................................................................1
C. The Benefits.................................................................................................1

Chapter II Content.................................................................................................2

A. The time and destination of tour..................................................................2

B. Departure......................................................................................................2
C. Trip to Depok-Malang..................................................................................2
D. Trip to Malang-Bali......................................................................................3
E. Trip to Bali-Bromo.......................................................................................5
F. Trip to Bromo-Madura.................................................................................5
G. Trip to Madura-Surabaya.............................................................................5
H. The journey home Surabaya-Depok.............................................................5

Chapter III Closing................................................................................................6

A. Conclusion..................................................................................................6
B. Advice.........................................................................................................6
A. Background
Visualization Object Study (VOS) is learning activity journey to a place that is
considered to provide insight and knowledge to student. This VOS activity has been routinely
implemented every year in almost every high school. The trip is not only for learning, VOS can
be great solution for students and teachers to eliminate tired learning in the classroom, and can
be called as recreation to increase the familiarity between students and students, and teacher with

In relation to that, SMAN 7 Depok conducts the activity based on the result of voice
approval by the students. SMAN 7 Depok requires class XI students to follow VOS activities
that have been selected. The most voted obtained, namely the trips Malang-Bali-Bromo-Madura-
Surabaya. This trip takes 8 days 7 nights.

B. Purpose
1. Adding knowledge and wider insight
2. Add knowledge of the area we visited
3. Learning and preserving the local culture that we visited
4. Know the history of what place we visited
5. To make readers knowing what we do in there

C. The Benefits
1. Students can gain experience directly from the object what they saw
2. Students can share their own work assignments
3. They can answer questions, so they can solve the problems they face in the lessons or
general knowledge
4. They can saw, hear, examine, and try what they face, so that they can later take
conclusion, and simultaneously in the same time can learn some subjects

 The time and destination of tour

Date : April 14-21 2018
Destination : Malang,Bali,Bromo,Madura,Surabaya

 Departure
Depart on Saturday, on 14 April 2018. Before departure students gather at ex
ramayana at 02.30 to get souvenirs and some snacks and also get
directions from our teachers. We go to tour places with Vian Tours.

A. Trip to Depok-Malang
Before getting to Malang we had the opportunity to pray at dawn mosque Muhammad
Cheng Hoo, in Pasuruan. In here we are also given a chance to bathe and change clothes and
in invite to see the part of the mosque and surrounding.

1. Agro Wasps
The 15th of April, the first destination of this tourist destination is to visit the agro wasps
located in Malang. Here we are explained how to live bees. Many species of bees but not all
produce honey. Here we are taught about the types of bees, how the bees multiply. And how
the bees produce honey. In addition, here we are also given the opportunity to taste the
honey directly with the nest. Here we are also allowed to directly hold the bees.
2. Brawijaya University
The next goal after agro wasps is the Brawijaya university. Here we are invited to tour
around the University Brawijaya area. Because we came in during holidays, then we can not
enter into any building and get official information from the university. Although we can not
get into the building, but we can still see the building parts of each department. Because
although not officially received we are still allowed to get around to see how the
circumstances surrounding the Univercity Brawijaya build. Btw I don’t saw the structure
buildings because I’m to tired and sleep during trip in Brawijaya University.
3. Orange fields
In this citrus orchard we were given the opportunity to feel the oranges take directly from
the trees, and we were also given a chance to eat oranges from our own quote. In this park
there are many orange trees that are ready to be harvested.
4. Transport Museum
The transport museum located in Malang gives a lot of information about the various
vehicles. When entering this museum the nuance that is in the already filled with the vehicle
of old. Transport museum has several levels. Model vehicles are on display there many
types. For example land, sea and air vehicles. Her too many vehicles of ancient times up to
the present day. All collected together in this transport museum.

B. Trip to Malang-Bali
After the transportation museum in Malang, we all returned to Bali. We crossed the ship
that took us to the port of Gili Manuk. We arrived at the harbor to cross approximately at
dawn prayer time. And arrived in Bali on April 16, 2018. In Bali we stay at 100 sunset hotel.
1. Lot Temple
After getting to Bali, the first place we visited was Lot Temple. Here we are given a few
hours to get around the beach Lot Temple. Lot Temple has a clean and beautiful beach. This
beach is surrounded by large rocks that hold the current wave. In the middle of the beach
there is a holy temple that anyone can enter except the woman who was coming months.

2. Secret Garden
In this place we are given information on how to manufacture and tools to make
perfume.We are invited to go around, looking of the beauty products that are made directly in
the Secret Garden. We are also welcome to buy the product as souvenir from Bali. In the
Secret Garden also provide coffe place. We are invited to see the type off coffe and how to
make coffe directly. And see and knowing what people do, used for their safety inside the
3. Udayana University
The next destination is the Udayana University located in Bali. In this university we are
collected in one room to be given information about the Udayana University. In this
Udayana University we are given information about this campus, starting from faculty, data,
the year of the establishment of this campus, as well as other things.

4. Krisna and Joger

Both of these places is a typical souvenir center of bali, we are given the opportunity to
buy souvenirs typical of Bali here. Many of the items they sell, ranging from typical food,
Balinese shirts, Balinese cloth, to Balinese beauty products typical.

5. Pandawa Beach

On this beach we can enjoy the means of the beauty of the sea, because the water is
bluish color and white sand can spoil the eye, in this place we are given approximately one
hour to look around this beach. Here there are also some souvenir stalls and food kiosks.

6. Tanjung benoa

Tanjung Benoa one of the beaches in Bali. Contains many facilities to play. Here we are
allowed to visit the turtle island that is on the other side of Tanjung Benoa beach. Here we
are free to choose the available rides because Tanjung Benoa is the last destination available
for us to arrived.
C. Trip to Bali-Bromo
April 17th is the last day in Blai which will continue the journey to Bromo. When
midnight we get to Bromo Asri and immediately continue the journey to Bromo using a
small car because the road will not fit by bus, but we we have to go through the sand road
uphill because no his smooth passing car journey. We departed at midnight because in order
to enjoy the sunrise from the top Bromo. After 7 o’clock we were directed to ride the jeep to
the sand island in Bromo. And man of man in Bromo was very cold like inside freezer.

D. Trip to Bromo-Madura
After we finished visiting Mount Bromo, we immediately rushed to visit Jaddih Hill.
Jaddih Hill located in Madura. Here we are served with a beautiful view by the carved
limestone rock. Madura destination similar to the Grand Canyon has a unique shape that is
very interesting tourists to visit here.

D. Trip to Madura-Surabaya
April 20th we checked out from the hotel and left for Koarmatim and after that we went
back home. In this place we are given information about the warships of the Air Force,
ranging from war equipment, spaces on the ship to explain how the tools of war are used.
Here we were also given the opportunity to board the battleship and look around as well.Here
we got a lot of information like knowing what soldier used in any situation

E. Surabaya-Depok
On Friday April 20, 2018 we made our way back home to depok, there were some
mistakes but we can still be patient on the way. We arrived in Depok on 21 April 2018 at
night after arrived all destination. And in this ramayana ex we ended this long journey.
A. Conclusion
Based on the description above, in accordance with the purpose of writing it can be
written conclusion as follows:
1. All destination that are included in the list of destinations that must be visited is a
place where it does provide a lot of learning.
2. In addition to learning, it is true that this tourist spot ion select to be made refreshing
for students who are tired of learning that is always in school.
3. Tourism objects in Bali Island, Malang and Surabaya have characteristics or
attractions for domestic and foreign tourists. This makes the area a vacation spot as a
place to visit and study tour.
4. The uniqueness and distinctive characteristics of the island of Bali, Malang, Madura,
Surabaya in Indonesia are made more famous in the world as well as foreign
exchange for Indonesia.
5. The experience of this tour was amazing if you enjoyed the trip although wasn’t very

B. Advice
1. It is necessary to deploy professionals in the field of tourism who have good
experience, skill, and interaction skills by establishing tourism colleges, secondary
tourism education, research and tourism development centers.
2. It needs additional facilities that are still considered less like parking and
accommodation. Because it is very influential do the progress of tourism services
every destination in various places
3. In need of his time rules that fit, so that no one feels in the pursuit of time rush.
4. During the study tour students are expected to be very smart bargain before buying,
because the price of goods is relatively expensive in Bali, Malang, Madura, Surabaya.
The price of goods sold is pegged to foreign tourists.
5. Needs more activity in schedule like more “FREE TIME”

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