Chapter 3 Graphing Linear Equations and Functions

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Chapter 3 Graphing Linear Equations and Functions

3.1 Plot Points in a Coordinate Plane

You divide the coordinate plane into four regions called​ quadrants象限​, labeled I II III
and IV

origin (0,0)
The x-coordinate of a point is sometimes called the​ abscissa​ ​/æbˈsɪsə/ 横坐标
The y-coordinate of a point is sometimes called the ​ordinate​ ​ /ˈɔːrdɪnət/ 纵坐标

3.2 Graph Linear Equation

Linear Equation
A linear equation is an equation whose graph is a line,

the ​standard form​ of a linear equation is ​A​x ​+ B​x ​= C

Where A, B, and C are real numbers and A and B are not both zero

Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Graphing Linear Equations

Identify Discrete and Continuous Function

3.3 Graph Using Intercepts

Two ​convenient points​ are the points where the graph crosses the axes.
An ​x-intercept​ of a graph is the x-coordinate of a point where the graph crosses the
A ​y-intercept​ of a graph is the y-coordinate of a point where the graph crosses the

To find the x-intercept of the graph of a linear equation, find the value of x when y=0
To find the y-intercept of the graph of a linear equation, find the value of y when x=0

3.4 Find Slope and Rate of Change

The ​slope​ of a nonvertical line is the ratio of the vertical change(the rise)to the
horizontal change (the run) between any two points on the line.
The slope of a line is represented by the letter​ m​.

ps:​ x​1​ 角标读法, x sub 1

A ​negative rate​ of change indicates a decrease

3.5 Graph Using Slope-Intercept Form 斜截式
Slope-Intercept Form
How the slope and y-intercept of the graph of a linear equation in the form y=mx+b are
related to the equation.

Solve Linear Equation by Graphing

3.6 Model Direct Variation

Two variables x and y shoe direct variation provide y = ax and a≠ 0

The nonzero number a is called the constant of variation, and y is said to vary directly
with x
The equation y= 5x is an example of direct variation, and the constant of variation is 5.
The equation y= 5+x is not an example of direct variation.

Direct variation Graphs

Notice that a direct variation equation, y= ax, is a linear equation in slope-intercept form
y= mx+b, with m=a and b=0
The graph is a direct variation equation is a line with a slope of a and a​ y-intercept of
0. so, the line passes through the origin. 正比例函数


The direct variation equation y= ax can be rewritten as y/x = a for x ≠ 0

So, in a direct variation, the ratio of y to x is constant for all nonzero data pairs(x,y)

3.7 Graph Linear Functions
You can name a function by f, you can write it using function notation
f(x)= mx+b
The symbol f(x) is another name for y and is read as “the value of f at x” or simply as “f
of x ”
It does not mean f times x. You can use letters other than f, such as g or h, to name

Domain and Range

Because the ​domain​ refers to the set of possible input values, the ​domain​ of a graph
consists of all the input values shown on the x-axis.
The​ range​ is the set of possible output values, which are shown on the y-axis.

The ​domain​ of a function consists of the values of x for which the function is defined.
The​ range​ consists of the values of f(x) where x is in the domain of the function.
The graph of a function f is the set of all points (x, f(x) )

Families of functions
A family of functions is a group of functions with similar characteristics.
For example, functions that have the form f(x) = mx+ b constitute the family of linear

Parent linear function​ ​f(x)= x

The parent linear function is also called the ​identity function,

the most basic function = parent function

Linear Equation Standard Forms

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