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Course Title Design and Analysis of Semester: Fall 2020

Code STAT408 Activity Assignment #1
Due Date 14-Dec-2020 Marks 10

Question #1:
We have four different varieties of rice; varieties A, B, C and D. And, we have four different
blocks in our study. So, imagine each of these blocks as a rice field. These blocks are just
different patches of land, and each block is partitioned into four plots. Then we randomly assign
which variety goes into which plot in each block.

Complete this layout according to the RCB design.

Block I Block II Block III Block IV

Question #2:
There are three different groups namely A, B and C. There values are given in the table below.

20 29 35
25 23 30
23 34 26
27 26 50

By using the Completely Randomized (CR) design, complete the following ANOVA table by
filling/calculating the missing values (?).

Source of Variation SS df MS calculated
Between Groups ? 2 135.25 ?
Within Groups (Error) 423.5 ? ?
Total 694 ?

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