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~Hitachi Denshi. Ltd.

,;--·--------·---------·-- -. ---.-·--._-----·---------1
1~ Th1s H1tach1 Ocnsh1. Ltd . product 1s warranted against defects in workman- ~{
{ sh1p and materiah. If any failure. re~uhing from a defect in e1ther workman- ,
I ship or matenal. ~hall uc..:ur un:ll!r uormal use within one year from the ~
J origmal date ot purcha~c. such failure shall be corrected free of charge to the f
'1 ongmal purcha~e by repair or. at I htachi Denshi's sole option. replacement of ~
){ the defective part or pam '\o charge shall be made for labor or services L(
pcrfonned dunng Stlld one year period providing the product is brought to I
1( our AuthoriLcd Service St<lllun. ~l
) llitachi Ocnsh1. Ltd . further warrants to the original purchaser that upon ~~
( expiration of the one year free SCI'\ Ice "'arranty period and within two years r
I, from the original date of pun;has~ H11ach1 Dcnshi. Ltd . will e1ther repa1r ~~
1: llr •.11 1ts sole uptu1n , rcpl:lcr an) part C\cept for cathode ra~ tube. fuses. ll
, probes. lamps. batterio:\ and otha optional materials which are defective in 1
~ euher worl..mamhip or rnatenal under n•mnal and proper use. t!
} ..\Iter the expiration ut the one ~car free '>CI'\ii'e period and during the addi- ll
' tiona) penod 'overed by two year~ pans warranty. a reasonable charge will 1
be made for labor or ~en1.:e perfom1eJ . t'
ll ThiS warranty does not cover equipment which has been tampered with in ll
any way. or damage caused by acc1dent, negligence, alteration, or misappli· 1
r1 cation. ll
' This product mu~t be returnt:d transportation prepaid, properly packed and r
insured. This warranty apphes only to the o ngmal purchaser. ~~
~ ~t
l,...,,:...,:_, ,,..., ,...,_;:"'N':,,..,,;"•";,..,,-...,..,..;:-..-..:!*Iot''•"''•''"'''••lllt......,..,ltllh·',.,.,,.....,~·u~"A""- '"'"" ., ''"''" ,...,."""•""'",.oi+l+•;"~:;,...,,:•..,..,,.tt,.';~.....,;"ltiO:,.,",:"~'\+II!t!o'"'";;,.,,:"''~•ltH• ..... ,,.,,,. •· ''"''
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
3. Precautions . ......... ...... ......... ... . . . .. .. . ... .... .... 2
4. Controls and connectors . ... ..................... ... ...... . . . 6
(I) Power supply and CRT . .............. ..... . ....... ...... .. 6
(2) Controls of vertical deflection system .... .. .... ... ........... . . . I0
(3) Controls of horizontal deflection system . .. ... ..... .. ........ . ... 12
(4) S ynchronization system ................................... 13
(5) Miscellaneous... .. ....... ...... ..... .. .. . . . . .. ... ... .. .. 15
5. Battery operation ......... . . .. .... ..... . ..... . . . .. ... . . ... . . 15
6. How to produce the bright line ....... . ....... .... . . . .. .. .... .... 17
7. Method for connecting signal s ..... ........... .... . . ... .. . . ... .. 19
8 Measuring procedure . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ., .,

(I) DC voltage measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ., 1

(2) AC voltage measurement. ... .. ..... . .... .. .... ...... .... .. 22

(3) Measurement of frequency and penod... ........ .... .... ........ 23
(4) Measurement of time difference.. ............................ 23
(5 ) Measurement of rise(fall)tll1le................................ 24
(6) Synchronization of compte ed waveform ... . ...... ...... .. .. .. .. 25
(7) How to use TV exclusJve synchronization ... ......... ...... ...... 25
9. AdJUStments . . . ... .... ... ... ... .. ... . . . . .... .... . . .... . 27
10. Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
II. Specifications. . . ....... .. .... ...... ....... . . . ..... . . . . .... . 2
12. External view ................................. ............. 32
13. Schematic diagrams ......... .... . .. .. .... ....... ........... . . 33
14. Optional accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 42

This instrument should be adjusted at an ambient temperature of +20°C

for best overall accuracy.
Allow at least IS minutes warmup before proceeding.

c Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film is attached on the enclosure and the front
panel of the oscilloscope to protect the metal surface. If the PVC film is
damaged by scratches, remove it.

To clean the enclosure or the front panel, use neutral detergent. Refrain
from using thinner, alcohol or other chemicals.

For safety operation, the instrument chassis and cabinet are sure to con­
nect the ground lead of the G D (ground) terminal to earth ground, if a
two-wire AC power system is used.
Failure to complete the ground system may allow the chassis and cabinet
of this instrument to be elevated above ground potential and pose a shock
1. FEATURES (6) Auto focusing:

Focusing shift is automatically corrected.

The Hitachi V- 209 is a handy-type, advanced-class oscillo­
scope with a bandwidth of DC to 20 MHz designed with the
emphasis on operability and portability and has a following

(I) Wide bandwidth:

The instrument has a bandwidth from DC to 20 MHz.

(2) High sensitivity:

Sensitivity is I m V/div

(3) 3.5-inch screen:

Employment of an internal graticule CRT permits the

This instrument is shipped with the following standard
waveform observation to be made without parallax error.

(4) 3-way operation: 2 Probes (AT-JOAK 1.5)

Fuse 1 A for I OOV set or 0.5 A for 200V set
The instrument is operated with AC-line,external DC and
Fuse 2A for DC line
Battery Pack AD-209.
AC power supply cord

(5) TV synchronization: DC power supply cord

Operation manual.
Employment of a new TV sync separator circuit allows the
instrument to observe TV signals stably.
3. PRECAUTIONS The operating ambient humidity is 35 85�.
Since an accidental antrusion of water may also cause
Precauuon� to be observed to lengthen the service life of
troubles, do not place a water-filled containers such as a
:hb 10 trument.
vase on the oscilloscope.

In tallation site

• ,\ vo1d tnstalltng mstrument in an extremely hot or cold


Avoid placmg this instrument in a place exposed to sun­

• Do not place the instrument in a place where vibration is
light for a long period of time, in a closed car in mid­
strong. Avoid using the instrument at a place vibrating
summer, or near a room heating device such as a stove.
violently. Since the oscilloscope is a precision instrument,
The operatmg maximum ambient temperature is +50°C.
excessively strong vibrations may cause damage.
• Do not use mstrument that has been left outdoors on a
• Do not place the anstrument near a magnet or magnetic
cold Winter day.
body. An oscilloscope is an equipment using electron beam
The operatmg ambient temperature is 0°C or more.
Therefore, do not bring a magnet close to the instrument or
do not use the instrument near an equ1pment generating
strong magnetic force.

• Avoid moving the instrument rapidly from a hot place to a

cold place or vice versa, or condensation may form on
ms1de of the instrument.
• Keep the instrument away from damp air, water, and dust.
L'nexpected trouble may be caused when the instrument is • Do not put a heavy objects on the oscilloscope.
placed an a damp or dusty place. • Do not block the ventilation holes.
* Do not apply a heavy shock to the oscilloscope.

* Do not insert a wire, pin, etc. through the ventilation hole.

* Do not drag the set, leaving the probe attached to it.


The handle of the V- 209 can be positioned for carrying

* Do not leave a hot soldering iron on the cabinet or the or as a tilt-stand for the instrument. To position the

screen. handle. press in at both pivot points and tum the handle

* Do not try to turn the instrument upside down. Otherwise, to the desired position. 15 positions are provided for con­

knobs may be broken. venient carrying or viewing.

* Do not use the instrument upright, leaving BNC cable
connected to EXT BLANKING terminal on the rear panel.
Otherwise, the cable may be damaged.

When not in U!>e

When not m u:.e, put the dust-proof cover on the mstrumcnt

aud store 11 with care.

When the panel surface is stained, remove the stain in

sm1ilar way with a clean, soft cloth. When heavy stains
are present, first remove the stains by w1pmg the surface
lightly with a cloth moistened with diluted neutral wash­
When Operation is faulty ing agent or With alc.:ohol and then wipe thoroughly with
a dry cloth.
Recheck the operating procedure and if problem persists.
When dust has accumulated on the inside, remove it by
contact a nearly service station or agent.
using dry brush. or by using the exhaust of a compressor
or a vacuum cleaner.

NOTE: When opening the case. pull out the power suppl]
plug beforehand without fail
When cleaning the inside, insure beforehand that no
electricity remains in the condensers of the power
Care and repair
supply circuit.
Removal of stam from the case. • Cleaning of CRT
When the outs1de of the case is stained. remove the stain 01rty surface of CRT screen tends to cause measuring errors

hy first wiping 11 lightly with a cloth moistened v.ith The screen surface becames v1sible when the bezel is remO\­
neutral washmg agent and then w1pe the surface w1th a ed.
dry cloth. Remove the stains on CRT and filter by using a clean and
• '\ever use strongly volatile agent such as bentine and soft cloth, paying attention not to impair them.
tl mner When the stain is extremely heavy. wash them with neutral
washing agent and then leave them stand until the moisture * Use only specified fuses
is removed naturally. In order to protect the circuit against over-current, a 0.5A
o If the screen is installed while it is moistened, water (in primary side of power circuit) and 2 A (in secondary
rings may be formed and the wavefom1 may be blurred side of power circuit) are used. When the fuses blow out,
to make observation hard. Pay attention not to leave check thoroughly the cause. repair any faulty point present.
finger prints on it. and then replace them with specified fuses. Do not try to
use the fuse other than the specified ones. Otherwise, fault
may be caused or danger may be invited. (Particularly. do
not use a fuse different from the specified one in current
To dismount it, pull it toward
capacity and in length.) The standards of the fuses are as
you pressing it at the both

Operation precautions Shape
{Diameter x length) mm JIS type name

* Chec k the line voltage is in the range specified in the table 2A 6.35cf> X 31.8 MF6JNM250V 2A AC
lA 6.35¢ X 31.8 MF61 M250V lA AC

Rating Allowable line voltage (50/60Hz) 0.5A 6.35¢ X 31.8 MF61 M250V 0.5A AC


AC200V ACI80V 260V
* -(negative) terminal of EXT DC I is inside connected to

Usually the voltage selector switch on the rear of the V-209 case ground. Do not connect - (negative) terminal of the

has been set to IOOV AC at the factory. When this is operat­ V-209 to the + (positive) grounded case of other instru­

ed on 200AC voltage, set the selector switch to 200 V AC. ments with common external DC power source to the

(Rated voltages are marked above the power connector on V-209. If not, it is very dangerous because a large current

the rear panel.) nows through the grounded line.



(I) Power supply and CRT

Operating voltage and fuse

Thts model can be operated from e11her 3 100 volts or a

:!00 volts nominal line vohage source. The line voltage
select switch on the rear panel, turn the instrument from
Grounded line one operating range to the other. In addition, this switch
changes the primary connections of the transformer to
Common external
allow selection of one of two regulating ranges. Use the
DC power source
following procedure to convert this instrument between
normal line voltage or regulating ranges
Other in�trument
a. Disconnect the instrument from the power source.
b. To convert from I 00 volts nominal to :!00 volts nomi­

< DANGEROUS CONNECT> nal line voltage or vice versa, remove the protector of
the line voltage select switch.
* Do not apply rever e polarities to EXT DC IN.
Change the line voltage select switch from I 00 volts to
• Do not mcreasc the bnghtness too much. Your eyes rna) be
200 volts and remounting the protector.
steamed and the nuorescent surface of CRT may be burnt.
c. Before apply the power to the mstrument, check that
• Do not apply an excel;sive voltage.
the indicating tabs on the rear panel.
The maximum volt3ge of each input is as follows.

Selection of power supply mode

PUT direct 250V (DC+ peak AC 3t I kilt.)
When xI 0 Probe is used 250V (DC+peak AC at I kilt.) This oscilloscope can make operation by using three kinds of
E T TRIG INPUT 250V (DC+peak AC) AC power supply, external DC power supply and A[}209bat­
EXT BLA Kl G SOV (DC +peak AC) tery pack.

The S\\ itches are set as shown in the table below to establi�h <WARNING>
each power �upply mode
After completing the charge of AD-209, be sure to set
power mode select sw1tch to DC OPE.
Po\.1.-er so urce Power mode
When the output voltage of DC power supply becomes less
upplylnode select witch (J) select witch @
than II V. the power lamp 1 blmking. When the output

AC IXOP \'Oitage 1s less than approx I0.5V. it stops the operauon to

prevent the battery ovenltscharge.

When mstrument is operated by u�ing the AD-209, refer to

chapter 5, "Battery Operation."

DC 0 OP n When the AD-209 IS not used, it is possible that the

CIIARGE lamp is illummated by setting the Charge mode.

When charging DC BATT CI-IARGC

Lxternal DC operation
The V-209 can be operated by e'temaliX l>Ource (II to 14
*DC II to 14V IS supphed via EXT DC I PUT connector.
In tillS case, DC source IS supphcd by the attached external DC
ource cable. Connect the whtte hne of source cable to plus(+)
s1de Reversing polanty connecuon may cause blow of the

D-209 and external DC source are automatically switched

by mserting the external DC source cable into EXT DC
INPUT connector.

Front View

8 rJ)

Rear View

CD POWER switch
(j) Power source select switch

After checking the line voltage select switch, set POWER

Used to select the power sources.
switch set to OFF and then connect the AC cord to AC
AC Operated with the AC power source
wall socket.
DC Operated with the AD-209 or external DC
(}) POWER lamp power source

This lamp goes on in red when the power supply is in

ON state. ® Power mode select switch

G) CHARGE lamp Used to select the power mode.

This lamp goes on in red in the battery charge mode. See Selection of Power supply mode.

When the battery is completely charged, this becomes

Do not set the Power mode select switch to the BATT
@) FOCUS control
CHARGE except charging batteries.
After obtaining an appropriate brightness by operating
INTENsity,adjust FOCUS until the bright line becames
EXT DC INPUT connector
clearest. Although the focus is also corrected automati­ ®
cally when INTEN is rotated, the focus is sometimes See External DC operation.
slightly shifted.


Used to align the trace of CRT with the horizontal (2) Controls of vertical deflection system
@ CH 1 INPUT connector
@ INTENsity control
B C connector for vertical axis input
Works as the brightness adjustment. Brightness is increas­ The signal input to this terminal becomes the X-axis sig­
ed by rotating INTENSsity clockwise. nal when the instrument is used as an X- Y oscilloscope.

@ CH2 INPUT connector @@ VARIABLE controls

Thr same as CHI, but when the instrument is used as an Fine tuning device is used to vary the vertical deflection

X- Y oscilloscope, the signal input to this terminal sensitivity continuously. Attenuation of less than 1/2.5

becomes the Y -axis signal. is obtained when this device is rotated in the reverse
direction of the arrow to the full.
@@ Input coupling switches (AC-GND- DC)
This control is used when comparing wavefom1s or when
Used to select the coupling system between the input measuring the rise tinle of a square wave in 2-channel
signal and vertical axis amplifier. observation. Normally this control is left rotated in the
direction of the arrow to the full.
AC At this setting. the signal is connected through a
condenser. The DC component of the input
@@ POSITION controls
signal is cut off and only the AC component is dis·
Used to adjust the position of the vertical axis.
GND At this setting, the input to the vertical axis ampli­ The image rises with the clockwise rotation of this knob

fier is grounded. and falls with the counterclockwise rotation. When the

DC At this setting, the input signal is directly con­ knob is at PULL position, (pulled up state) the gain of

nected to the vertical axis amplifier and displayed the vertical axis is magnified 5 times and the maximum

unchanged, including the DC component. sensitivity becomes I mY/DIY.

� @ VOLTS/DIV select switches @ MODE select switch

A step attenuator which selects vertical deflection fac­ Used to select the operation mode of the vertical deflec­
tor. Set it to an easily observable range corresponding to tion system.
the amplitude of the input signal.
CH J Only the signal that has been applied to CHI
Multiply the reading by I 0 when the I 0: I probe is used appears on the screen.
in combination with the instrument. CH2 Only the signal that has been applied to CH2 ap­

pears on the screen.

AL T Signals applied respectively to CHI and CH2 (3) Controls of horizontal deflection system
appear on the screen alternatively at each sweep.
@ TIME/DIY �lect switch
This setting is used when the sweep time is short in
2-channel observation. Sweep time ranges are 18 steps from 0.5 psjdiv to 0.2s/

CHOP At this setting, the input signals applied respec­ div.

X-Y This position is used when using the instrument as
tively to CHI and CH2 are switched at about
an X- Y oscillsocope.
250 kHz independent of the sweep and at the
In this position, the X (horizontal) signal is con­
same time appear on the screen. This setting is
nected to the input of CH 1 ; the Y (vertical)
used when the sweep time is long in 2-channel

signal is applied to the input of CH2 and has a

deflection range from less than one millivolt to
ADD The algebraic sum of the input signals applied
5 volts/div at a reduced band-width of200 kHz.
respectively to CHI and CH2 appears on the
screen .. @ SWP VARiable control

@ CH2 INV button Works as CAL and the sweep time is calibrated to the
value indicated by TIME/DIY.
Used to inverse the polarity of the input signal applied
TIM E/DIV of sweep can be varied continuously when
to CH2. Inversion occurs in a state where the knob
shaft is out of CAL position.
of the pushbutton is depressed ( _o._ ) and restored to
normal when the knob is in protruded state ( _0_ ).
Then the control is rotated in the direction of arrow to
the full, the CAL state is produced and the sweep time
This switch is conveniently used in the comparison of
two waveforms having different polarity or in the is calibrated to the value indicated by TIME/DIY.

observation of the waveform of the difference signal Counterclockwise rotation to the full delays the sweep
by 2.5 times or more.
!CHI l - !CH2 I between CHI and CH2 using ADD.


Used to move the bright line in horizontal directions.

It is indispensable to the measurement of the time of I ! I
Bright line is moved toward right when the knob IS ro­
tated clockwise and toward left with counterclockwise
; ft
rotation. The outer shaft is for coarse adjustment and

r-1 �Ii
the inner shaft for fine adjustment.

@ x 10 MAG control

A and B sweeps are magnified I0 umes by pulling

I !
out FINE knob (inner shaft) of POSITION. In I ! !

this case, the sweep time is I /10 of the v alue indicated

lf- f--+- t -

by TIMEtDJV. Bring the position of the waveform

to be magnified for observation from the center of
._ t ; 1I
the scale by operating =::POSITION of the horizontal
axis. Next.switchxiOMAG switch to PULL (pulled
Magnified �--avefom1
out state). Then the waveform placed at the center ts
magnified in right and left directions. The sweep time
in this case is I 0 times of the sweep speed obtained by (4) Synchronization system

TIME/DIV, in other words. the reading is I 10 o f the

@ SOURCE select switch
sweep time indicated.
U ed to select the triggering signal source A sweep.

Cl l l The input signal applied to CHI becomes the trig­

gering signal
CH� The input signal ttpplied to CH2 becomes the trig·
gering signal.

LINE This setting is used when observing a signal trig­ Explanation of synchronization level LEVEL
gering with power supply line frequency.

EXT External triggering signal applied to TRIG IN­
PUT becomes the triggering signal. At the time
This setting is used when triggering with a special _ of(±) SLOPE

independency of the vertical axis signal.


@ TRIG INput connector

At the time
Input terminal used for external triggering signal of \
o - ofG SLOPE
A sweep.
, -/
@ TRIG LEVEL control

Used to decide at which portion of the waveform @ TRIG MODE select switch
the sweep should be started by setting trigger level.
AUTO Brought into automatically triggering sweep
This control is also enabled to switch SLOPE.
in which sweep is always conducted.
Depressed position (nonnal state) is for <±>SLOPE and
In the presence of triggered signal, normal
PULL position (state in which the knob is protruding) is
triggered sweep is obtained and the waveform
for 8 SLOPE.
stands still. In the case of no signal or out of
Explanation of synchronization polarity SLOPE triggering, sweep line will appear automatically.
This setting is convenient in usual cases.
at time of
@SLOPE NORM Triggered sweep is obtained and sweep is con­
ducted only when triggering is effected. No
sweep line will appear in the case of no signal or
out of synchronization. Use this MODE when
at time of
8 SLOPE effecting synchronization to a very low fre-

quency signal (30Hz or less). 5. BATTERY OPERATION
TV(V) This setting is used when observing the enure
Operation of battery pack AD- 209
vertical picture of television signal.
TV(H) Th1s setting is used when observing the entire I) (j) to DC and the
Set the Power source select switch
horizontal picture of television signal. @ to DC OP.
Power mode select switch
2) Tum on the POWER switch CD. Then the V-:!09 starts
(NOTE) Both TV V and TV H synchronize only when
to operate on the power from the AD-:!09.
the synchronizmg signal is negative.
The continuous operation time is one hour and half. If
the battery is operated 1n excess of this period, the ter­

(5) Miscellaneous minal voltage will decrease sharply and the battery will
be in the over-discharged condition.
@ EXT BLANK connector In this model, an alarm circuit will be activated before

Input terminal for brightness modulation. It is of the DC

the over-discharging and the POWER lamp G) starts to
Oash. In this case, charge the battery immediately.
coupling. The brightness is reduced with a positive signal
and increases with a negative signal.
Note: When the alarm c1rcuit IS energized and the volt­

@ CAL O.SV tip age is lowered down to IO.SV, the power of the
V-209 is off automatically to prevent the over­
Output terminal of calibration square wave of about
discharge of the AD-209.
I kHz and O.SV. It has a tip terminal. It is used to cali­
The selection of the AD- 209 and an external DC
brate the probe combination.
source is made by the external DC input con­

@ GND terminal nector ®.

Earth terminal of the oscilloscope.

Charging of battery When a battery stored for an e'tended period is
used . chargr it for IS hours .
I) ( onne..:t the \C cord 10 an AC ou tlet and set the
1.') The hfe or the battery pack IS subject to the am­
,\(-DC swnch (J) to DC and the DC 01' B\fT bient temperature. load cond1t1on and continuous
:::! ) Turn on the pl)>Ner swit..:h CD and the charging will stan. Usually. the number of the charge and discharge is
In this case. the POWER lamp is not illuminated. over 300.
3) The ( 111\RG! lamp Q) is be mg J!luminated dunng the
If a charge and discharge is made once a day. the
�harge. II will take about IS hours until the battery i s
life will be more than one year. If the life is over,
charged completely. When the charging i s completed, the
the battery can not operate nom1ally. In this case.
CHARGf lamp becomes dim.
replace the battery.
4) When the V-109 is o pe rated on the AC source. while it
d) Charge the spare battery once a month to prevent a
is connected with the AD- :::!09. the AD- 209 is in the
self-discharge of the battery.
trickle charge mode.

AD-209 battery pack replacement procedure

Operating con ide rations
1) Disconnect the power cord.
Do not short the both polarities.
Do not throw the battery pack into fire.
a) Remove four screws on the upper enclosure, then
remove the upper enclosure (Refer to the Fig. a).
a) Charge the battery m the ambient temperature from
0 Remove the screws and the plate shown in the Fig.b.
10 to 3S C'.
b) Disconnect the connecwrs between the battery
Do not charge the battery for three days or 4g
pack and the oscilloscope and take out the batte ry
hour in succession. This will shorten the life of
pack AD-209.
the battery.
c) Install the new battery pack AD-209 to the com­
b) Store the battery pack in a cool and dark place and
partment as shown.
in the ambient temperature from -IS to 35°C.

Then connect the battery pack connector to the 6. HOW TO PRODUCE THE BRIGHT LINE
connector of the oscilloscope.
d) Mount the plate with screws. Before turning 0 the POWER switch. insure the power

e) Fix the upper enclosure on the oscilloscope with supply voltage is within the range of 90-J30V for AC IOOV

four screws. set. 180 260V for AC 200V set.

Upper enclosure Insert the plug of the power cord on the rear panel into the
power supply wall socket and set the controls as follows.

Fig. a

IN TEN Counterclockwise to the full

FOCUS M1drange

�I POSITION Midrange {the knob is left
depressed )
V. MODE (Ill
TIME/DIY 0.5 ms/div
::: POSITION Midrange
Set all the levers of the switches to the upper side.
Ba ucry pack Battery pack fi,ing �crew

AD-209 After ending all the setting mentioned above. turn 0 the
POWER and. 15 second later, rotate the INTEN knob clock­
wise. Then the sweep bright line will appear. If the observation
When mounting the battery pack AD-209, take care not is to be started immediately. set the FOCUS control at a point
to damage the connecting cables and components. where the bright line is sharpest.

If the instrument is not used with the power supply turned GENERAL MEASUREMENT
on. rotate the I TENsity counterclockwise to reduce the
(I) I n the case of observing a single waveform.
brightness and also blur the FOCUS.
Use CHI or CH2 when not observing the phase difference
NOTE between two waveforms or when engaging in a operation
For usual observation, leave the following non-calibrating other than X- Y operation. Make the following settings
function section set to ''CAL" position. when using CHI .

MODE Switch of Vertical defection system CHI

VARIABLE Rotate in the direction of arrow.
In this case, the VOLTS/DIV is calibrated to
its indicating value.
SWP VAR Leave the knob in depressed state. Under these settings, almost all the repetitive signals of

In this case, the TIME/DIV is calibrated to about 30 Hz or more applied to CHI can be synchro­

its indicating value. nized and observed by adjusting TRIG LEVEL. Since
the MODE of horizontal axis is at AUTO position, the
bright line appears even when no signal is present or when
Align the bright line with the horizontal scale line at the
input coupling switch is at GND position. This means
center of the screen by operating CH J POSIT ION. In some
that the measurement of DC voltage can be measured. The
cases, the bright line may be oblique to the scale slightly by the
following switching is needed when observing low fre­
effect of earth magnetism. In this case. bring the bright line
quency signals of about 30 Hz or less.
until it lies on the horizontal scale line at the center of the
screen by properly adjusting the semi- Gxed variable resistor MODE of TRIG ORM
TRACE ROTATION on the front panel.
Synchronization can be effected by operating LEVER knob
under this setting.

When using only CH2, use the instrument after making the
following settings.

The first step of measurement is to introduce the signal
(2) When observing two wavefonns
desired to measure to the oscilloscope properly. Do it with
Observation of two wavefom1S can be made easily by
utmost care.
setting the MODE switch of vertical axis to ALT or CHOP.
When observing two wavefonns of high repetition frequen­
(I) When using a probe
cies, set the MODE switch to ALT and, in the case of low
Use the attached probe, AT- I 0 AK I .5, when measuring a
frequencies, set it to CHOP.
high frequency wave with high accuracy.
Measurement of the phase difference is per formed after
It should be noted, however, that since the input signal is
effecting synchronization with leading phase signal.
attenuated by this probe to 1/10 before it is input to the
oscilloscope, the use of the probe is disadvantageous for
(3) When observing wavefonn with X- Y
low signals, and that at the same time, the measuring range
Set the MODE switch of vertical defection system to CH2 is extended by that amount for high signals.
(X- Y) and TIM E/DIV switch to X- Y. Then the instrument
works as an X- Y oscilloscope.
Each input is applied to the instrument as follows.
X-axis signal (horizontal axis signal) CHI INPUT
Y-axis signal (vertical axi� signal) CH2 INPUT o Do not apply a signal which exceeds 250V (DC+ peak

In this case.leave the horizontal axis magnification switch AC at I kHz).

(PULL-MAG x 10 inner shaft knob) at depressed position. o Bring the grounding point of the earth lead wire of the
probe close to the point to be measured when measur­
ing a rapid rising signal or a high frequency signal. Long

earth lead wire may cause wavefonn distortions such as

ringing and overshoot.

Connection of earth lead wire If the wavefonn is as shown in Fig. (b) or Fig. (c),
rotate the semiftxed adjusting screw on the matching
box of the probe by using a screwdriver until the opti­
mum state is obtained.

L Capacitance correction trimmer

(a) A good example (b) A bad example JliUlJ1 MJUl MM

(a) Optimum (b) Capacity too (c) Capacity too
small large

For better measurement. it is required to use an earth

(2) At time of direct connection
attachment available at option.
When connecting a signal directly to the oscilloscope not
Multiply the reading of VOLTS DIY by 10.
usmg the attached probe AT-10 AK 1.5 (I O· 1 ), pay atten­
For example. if the VOLTS/DIY ts SOmV/DIV. then
tion to the following points in order to minimize the mea­
read the wavefonn as
surement error.
o When perfonning observation using a bare lead wire, no

o To avoid measurement error, put the probe in the follow­ trouble occurs on the circuit to be measured at low

ing correction state and check it before measurement impedance and high level.

without fail. However. note that, in most cases. measurement error

Connect the tip of the probe to the output tenninal may be caused by static stray coupling with other circuit

CAL O.SV of I kHz calibration square wave voltage. and power line.

When this correction capacity value is at optimum, the This measurement error cannot be ignored even in low

wavefonn takes the shape as shown in Fig. (a) as follows. frequency region.

In general. tt tS safe to avoid measunng with non­ a capacity of about I 00 pF per meter. its effect on the

shielded connecting wire. When using a shieldmg wire, circutt to be measured cannot be ignored. Use a probe to

connect one end of the shield to the earth terminal of minimize the cffection the circuit.

the oscilloscope and the other end to the grounding of When the length of the shield wire is used or when the
the circuit to be measured. It is deirable to use a coaxtal length of the non-terminated cable reaches I 4 wave
cable with B C type connector. length or its multiples within the band of V-:!09 type
The following cautions must be observed when per­ (I 4 wave length is about 3 meter when using a coaxial
forming a wide band measurement. It ts necessary to cable at }0 MHz), oscillation may be caused near 5 mV
terminate with the characteristic impedance of the cable DIY range.
when measuring a rapid nsing waveform or a high fre­ This is caused by the resonance between the externally

quency wave. connected high-0 inductance and the input capacity

Especially when using a long cable. the absence of a and can be avoided by reducing the Q.
terminating resistor will necessarily lead to a measure­ Connect the cable or shield wire to the input connector
ment error derived from ringing phenomenon. Some by way of a senally connected I OOU to I n reststor, or
measunng circutls require a term mating reststor equal to perform measurement at other VOLT/DIY range.
the charactensttc unpedance of the cable also on the
measurement terminal stde.
B C type terminating reststor (50 Q) ts conveniently
used for this purpose.
c In order to perform measurement with the measuring
circuit put in proper operating state, it is sometimes
necessary to terminate the cable with an impedance
which corresponds to the circuit to be measured.
o The stray capacity of the shield wire must be taken in 10
account when performing measurement with a long
shield wire. Since the shield wire normally in use has

DC voltage (after shifting)

The first things to do are as follows.

o Bring the brightness and FOCUS at optimum positions

for easy read out.
� Display the waveform as large as possible to minimiLe
the read error.

Check the capacity correction when using a probe.

(Refer to paragraph (I) "When using a probe" of Sec­ Zero level (reference line)
tion 7. "Method for connecting signals" for correcting

(2} AC voltage measurement

(I) DC voltage measurement
The same as paragraph 8 (1). "DC voltage measurement",
Set input coupling to G D and decide the zero level prop­
but here there is no need of align the zero level with the
scale line. Set the zero level to the position that can be
Set VOLTS/DIV appropriately and set AC-G D-DC to
easily observed.
DC. Since the bright line shifts here by the amount of
In the drawing as follows, VOLTS/DIV is IV/DIY, IV/
DC voltage, the DC voltage of the signal can be obtained
DIY x S = S Vp-p (SOVp-p at time using the probe AT-
by multiplying the shift width by the indicated value of
10 AK 1.5(10: 1)). When magnifying and observing a small­
VOLTS/DIV. When VOLTS/DIY is 50 mV/DIV, then
amplitude signal, superimposing on a high DV voltage,
SO mV/DIV x 4.2 = 210mV (However, if the probe AT-
set the input coupling to AC. The DC voltage is cut off and
10 AK I .S (10:1) is in use, the true value of the signal be­
AC voltage can be observed by increasing sensitivity.
comes 10 times of the value, or SO mV/DIV x 4.2 x 10
= 2.1V.)
I-- 1-+- -- ----
-I- - 1-
r/f\ - - - - �ff\ --
� . * •

T\- II\ - -lh__:

1\ I 1\ 71\ 7 1\ 1/
f/ l rr . ,u
I- - - - -
I\II \v�
\17 1\ -- - I-
H--+---f--t-1-t-+---+-_+=1_ - ---

Time A Time B

(3) Measurement of frequency and period (4) Measurement of time difference

This will be explained with the following figure. Triggering signal source ''SOURCE" is selected as an offer­
ing reference signal when measuring the time difference be­
One period covers the time A and time B, which are sepa­
tween two signals. Assume that pulse trains as shown in (a).
rated from each other by 2.0 DIY on the screen.
Then (b) shows the case when CHI is taken as the triggering
When the sweep time is I ms/DIY, the period is given by
signal source and (c) the case where CH2 is taken.

1 ms/DIV x 2.0 = 2.0 ms

=2.0 10-3

Accordingly, the frequency is

1/(2.0 X
J0- )= 500Hz
(However, when the knob MAG x!O is at pulled out posi­
CH2 � �- (a)

tion, TIME/DIY must be converted to I /10 since the sweep ,-+-.:H ::. I __
C:..:. ..:.. _

is magnified.)


(b) (c)

period, pay the same attention as given to high frequency
This means that CHI is used as the triggering signal when
signals when handling it. Accordingly, use a probe or coax­
investigating the length of time by which the signal of CH2
ial cable and shorten the earth lead wire as much as possible.
is delayed from the signal of CH 1. CH2 is used in the
reversed case. In other words, the signal leading in phase is
selected as the triggering signal source. (5) Measurement of rise (fall) time
If this process is reversed, the portion to be measured may
To measure the rise time, pay attention not only to the
sometimes not appear on the screen. Thereafter, equalize
abovementioned items but also to measurement error.
the amplitudes of the two signals appearing on the screen or
The following equation is provided for the relation among
superimpose one on another.
the rise time Trx of the wavefom1 to be measured, the rise
Read the time difference between 50% amplitude points
time Trs of oscilloscope, and the rise time Tro displayed on
of the two signals.
the screen.
Sometimes the superimposing method is more convenient
from the point of view of procedure. Tro =../ Trx2 + Trs2

When the rise time of the pulse going to be measured is

sufficiently longer than the rise time of the oscilloscope

it-' --
(17.Sns in our case),the effect of the rise time of the oscil­
loscope on the measurement can be neglected. However, if
� Time


both are close to each other, measurement error may be

difference Equalize


"' �amplitudes caused.

- ---- J _-:;- by VAR
( a) Equal amplitude (b) Suerposition The true rise time is given by
measuring method measuring method
Trx = .../ Tro2 - Trs2
<CAUTIONS> Moreover, in general, in a circuit free from waveform dis­
Since the pulsed wave contains many high-frequency wave tortion such as overshoot and sag, the following relation­

components (higher harmonics) depending on its width or ship is established between frequency band and rise time.

/TC\ 7\ h/"'-� 0\
Y' Trigger level
fc x tr 0.35
y �Lting line

. .
Where, f c: Frequency band (Hz) � �v
p= J .......,. L�
tr: Rise time (s) (a) Signal waveform

The rise time and fall time are determined by the time

elapsed between the I 0'1 to 9Qc,r \'alues of pulse width.

(b) When the uiggc r (c) When the uigger
...:ning level •� Y selling level i' y·

Synchronization of complexed waveform

(6) Synchronization of complexed waveform

In the case shown in the Fig. (a) below where two wave­
(7) How to use TV exclusive synchronization
forms have difference in amplitude alternate. the wave­
form is doubled if the trigger level is not set properly. In CD On the image waveform of TV
the case where the trigger level is selected as Y line two
In the work concerned w1th TV. comple:-.ed signals con­
waveforms. one starting with A and advancing to B. C. D, E.
taining video signal. blanking pedestal signal. and syn­
F .... and the other starting �ith E and advancing to F,
chronizing s1gnal are often measured. llowever, since
G. H, I .... will appear alternately on the screen. They
the waveform is complexed, a special circuit IS needed
will be doubled as shown in Fig. (b), for which no synchro­
10 effect a stable syncrhonization with vertical waveform.
nization can be taken.
In such a case, rotate LEVEL clockwise until the trigger
level comes to Y' line. Then the waveform on the screen be­
comes the one shown in F1g. (c) above wh1ch starts with
B and advances to C, E. r, . . . and which allows synchro­

signal pulse IV (vertical) ------�
(SYNC pulse)

Q) Difference in the circuits

Exclusive circuit for this

Exclusive circuit for conventional oscillograph
(Principle drawing)

Simple synchronizing TV exclusive synchronizing

General circuit
circuit separator circuit

Video �ignal

To trigger circuit To trigger circuit

To trigger

Hard to synchronize, because Synchronization is more easily After picking up the SY C pulse,
video signal is applied directly effected than in the circuit the vertical synchronization is
as trigger signal. shown at left, because the separated. Then, the stable syn­
signal is integrated to remove chronization is obtained.
high frequency components.

Q) Operation 9. ADJUSTMENTS

The ATT balance of the '-Crtkal "''scan be made easily.

Qj ct the input couphng �\Htchc of C Ill .tiiJ CH� to

G:-.:D and set the TRIG MODI to \L ro. 1hen posn10n
the bright line to the center.
� Turn the VOLTS DIY switch to SmV IOmV and ad­
JUSt it so that the bnght line does not move (Remove the


( Oll ) lim O\tlllmcopc ,ynchronizc� \\llh only

(-) ,ym;hronum)! \l!!nal.


-\dJU'tm.:nt o
Video l..:--l-�./


(a) Example of(-) (b) Example of(+}

synchronizing signal synchronizing signal

, ...

I) Since semiconductors, precJsJon components, etc. are !CRT!

employed in this oscilloscope, use atmost care for opera­
tion and storage.
3.5-inch rectangular CRT with internal graticule.
2) Clean the scale with soft tissue periodically.
3) Store this oscilloscope in the ambient temperature from
-15 to +60°C (except for the battery pack AD-209) . Phospho r

P31 standard


8 x 10 div (div = 6.85 mm)

Internal graticule


Possible (with automatic focus correction circuit)

Trace rotation Present

Brightness adjustment Possible


DC-coupled, positive-going signal decreases intensity:
SVp-p signal causes noticeable modulation at normal
intensity: DC to l MHz

Input impedance Approximately 50 k ohm

Maximum input voltage SOV (DC + peak AC) Input impedance

Coupling DC 1 MS1 ±1.5c;( in parallel with 30 ±3pF

VERTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM (2 identic��hannet S}] Maximum input voltage

Bandwidth and rise time 250V (DC+ peak AC') or SOOVp-p A(' at IkHz or less

DC to at least 20 MHz and rise time 17.5 ns or less. DC Input coupling

to at least 5 MHz and rise time 70ns or less at magnifier
extends. The AC coupled lower -3dB point is I 0 Hz or
Deflection factor Time base

SmV/div to SV/div in 10 calibrated steps in a I 2 5 O.Sps/div to 0.2s/div in 18 calibrated steps in a I 2 5

sequence. Uncalibrated continuous control extends de­ seq u ence . Uncalibrated continuous control extends de­

flection factor to at least 12.5 Volts per division in the flection factor to at least 0.5 seconds per division in

5 Volts/div position. xS MAG increases sensitivity of the 0.2 sec/div position. xI 0 MAG extends maximum

each deflection factor setting to I mV/div. sweep rate to 50ns/div.

Accuracy Accuracy

±3% (+10 to +35°C) ±3% (+IO to +35°C)

Additional error for magnifier ±2% AdditionaJ error for magnifier ±2%


CHI, CH2 (normal or invert), Alternate, Chopped Trigger modes
(approximate 250kHz), Added
Automatic, Normal, TV (TV-H orTV-V)

Trigger source External trigger input impedance

Internal (ChI. Ch2), Lmc, l:.:<temal I �·.H'2 ±20 • m parallel with 30 ±6pF

Trigger slope Maximum input voltage

250V (DC+ 1\C pe ali.)


TV sync polarity
fX- Y OPERATION (CHI; Horiz. CH2. Vert�
Deflection factor
Triggering level variable range
Same as vertical tlencction
Internal: ±4 div or more
External, approximately± IV

Triggering sensitivity and frequency Y ±3% (+10 to +3'0C)

X: ±Srr,. (+10 to +3�0C)
Additional error for m agni fier ±2"'

X- bandwidth

DC to at least 5001i.llt

Phase error

3°f or Jess from Df to I OOJ...II1

TV-V sen ithit)< SY'\( scctton less than 0.7 dtv or 200mV
AUTO lo"' band Appro\tm:uely JOH1

An approxtmatc I kilt frequency O.SV (+I 0 square

A trigger coupling
Af · 20 II; to full bandwidth

I POWER SUPPLY I Approx. 4.5 kg (10 lbs)

VOLTAGE {S0/60Hz) FUSE joptionI

I OOV (90 130V) lA Accessory pouch

200V (180-260V) O.SA Hood

Shoulder belt
Power supply frequency: SO, 60, 400Hz

Power consumption: Approx. 18W IAD- 209 type Battery�

Batteries I 0 rechargeable
EXT DC power supply: DC II V - 14Y Approx. 0.8A
A nickel-cadmium cells
ENVIRONMENT I Nominal capacity 1800 mAh

Limit of operation temperature Nominal voltage 12V

Limit of operation humidity 35 85% Battery execessive discharge protection

Rated range of use temperature Instrument operation automatically interruped when

battery charge drops to approximately J O.SY.
Rated range of use humidity 45-85%

° Charge current Approx. 180 rnA

Storage and transport temperature -20-+70 C

Charge time 13-16 hours for full charge

Approx. 215(W) x II O(H) x 330(0) mm

(8.6(W) x 4.4(H) x 6.4(0) inch)




0··� UniL: mm

'10DEL V- 209
TOP YiC\� SIDE view
14. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES I) Mount the triangle band clasps on the positions
shown in the figure, using the screws a).
Shoulder belt 2) Then, hang the clasp mounted across the shoulder
1. Check the following parts packed along with the should­ belt (No. 810 1) into the triangle clasps mounted as
er belt (No. 8101) in the Polybag. 1).

a) Binding screw M3 x 6
Four pieces Accessory pouch
(Code XCA6306) . .. ... .. . . ... .
b) Triangle clasp Mount the accessory pouch to the model V- 209 oscilloscope.
(0#8301104) . . . .. . . .. .. . .. Two pieces
I) Insert the edge Q) of the accessory pouch into the
c) Clasp (D#x8301102) Two pieces
body (!)•.
d) Belt (D#x876416) ................ One piece
2) Bend the accessory pouch and insert the section Q) into
2. Mounting
To carry the model V- 209 oscilloscope with the should­
er belt hanged up, execute the hooking of the shoulder
belt (No. 8101) as follows.


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