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1. It explains as something made up of interdependent parts in a definite pattern of organization —an

interrelation of parts as determined by the general character of the whole.

a. Strength c. Structure
b. Statics d. Stability

Answer C: Structure

2. In Isaac Newton summarized the effects of force in three basic laws, which of the following is
defined as the time rate of change of momentum is equal to the force producing it, and the change
takes place in the direction in which the force is acting?

a. First Law c. Third Law

b. Second Law d. None of the above

Answer B: Second Law

3. A concept of providing multiple load paths in a structural framework so that one system acts as a
backup to another in the event of localized structural failure?

a. Continuity c. Redundancy
b. Discontinuity d. None of the above

Answer C: Redundancy

4. It is a term used to describe how the loads on and in the structure are transferred through the
members (load paths) to the foundation, and ultimately supported by the ground?

a. Load Tracing c. Load

b. Load Distribution d. Dead Load

Answer A: Load Tracing

5. What is a load that is rapidly applied (an energy load). Vibration normally results from an impact
load, and equilibrium is not established until the vibration is eliminated, usually by natural damping
a. Static load c. Concentrated load
b. Sustained load d. Impact load

Answer D: Impact load

6. Which one of stress caused by a tangential force in which the stressed area is a plane parallel to the
direction of the applied load?

a. Bearing stress c. Bending stress

b. Shear stress d. Torsional stress
Answer B: Shear stress

7. It is the maximum unit stress that can be developed in a material without causing a permanent set

a. Proportional limit c. Elastic limit

b. Yield point d. Ultimate strength

Answer C: Elastic limit

8. What is not true in a beam?

a. Subjected to axial stress only. c. Subjected to compression and tension

b. Subjected to deflection. as it bends.
d. Subjected to torsion.

Answer A: Subjected to axial stress only.

9. It is defined as essentially vertical members responsible for supporting compressive loads from roofs
and floors and transmitting the vertical forces to the foundations and subsoil?

a. Columns c. RC walls
b. Beams d. Pedestal

Answer A: Columns

10. Refers to masses or weights and can be thought of as a single point at which the weight could be
held and be in balance in all directions.

a. Center of Rotation c. Center of gravity

b. Center of Torsion d. All of the above

Answer C: Center of gravity


1. It deals with the behavior of solid objects subjected to stress and strain.
a. Strength of Materials
b. Steel and Timber Design
c. Theory of Structures
d. Statics
2. It is the graph produced by a monitoring equipment during the actual testing.
Thus creating a line with respect to the force applied and the deformation of the
a. Free Body Diagram
b. Logarithmic Graph
c. Stress & Strain Diagram
d. None of the above
3. The cohesive force in a body, which resists the tendency of an external force to
change the shape of the body.
a. Stress
b. Strain
c. Elastic Region
d. Plastic Region
4. It is the stress wherein the deformation increases without any increase in the
a. Elastic Region
b. Yield Point
c. Plastic Region
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following refers to the maximum stress that can be attained
immediately before actual failure or rapture?
a. Stress
b. Strain
c. Force
d. Ultimate Strength
6. Which of the following refers to internal force developed along the longitudinal
axis of member subjected to force, that causes it to flongate?
a. Bearing Stress
b. Tensile Stress
c. Shear Stress
d. None of the above
7. Which of the following refers to the tangential force applied to a member that
causes the member to slip past its adjacent sides?
a. Bearing Stress
b. Tensile Stress
c. Shear Stress
d. None of the above
8. What is the formula for strain?
a. Force/Area
b. Deformation/Length
c. Force/Length
d. Length/Area
9. It refers to the 6th type of beam supported by a row of columns.
a. Continuous Beam
b. Simple Beam
c. Uniformly Distributed Load
d. None of the above
10. It is defined as the force transverse to the beam at a given section tending to
cause it to shear at that section.
a. Compression Force
b. Bending Force
c. Shearing Force
d. Tensile Force



1. Tensile strength of a material is obtained by dividing the maximum load during the test by
the _____________________.

a) Area at the time of fracture c) Average of (A) and (B)

b) Original cross-sectional area d) Minimum area after fracture

2. Young's modulus is defined as the ratio of ___________________.

a) Volumetric stress and volumetric c) Longitudinal stress and longitudinal

strain strain
b) Lateral stress and lateral strain d) Shear stress to shear strain

3. If a part is constrained to move and heated, it will develop _______________.

a) Principal stress c) Compressive stress

b) Tensile stress d) Shear stress

4. The moment of resistance of a balanced reinforced concrete beam is based on the stresses
in _________________.

a) Steel only c) Concrete only

b) Steel and concrete both d) None of of the above

5. The property of a material by virtue of which it can be beaten or rolled into plates is called?

a) Malleability c) Plasticity
b) Ductility d) Elasticity
6. Percentage reduction in area performing tensile test on cast iron may be of the order of

a) 50% c) 20%
b) 25% d) 30%

7. A beam is loaded as cantilever. If the load at the end is increased, the failure will occur

a) In the middle c) At the support

b) At the tip below the load d) Anywhere

8. The assumption made in Euler's column theory is that

a) The failure of column occurs due to c) The column material obeys Hooke's
buckling alone law
b) The length of column is very large d) All of the above
as compared to its cross-sectional

9. The stress induced in a body, when suddenly loaded, is _________ the stress induced when
the same load is applied gradually.

a) Equal to c) Twice
b) One-half d) Four times

10. After reaching the yielding stage while testing a mild steel specimen, strain

a) Increases without any increase in c) Starts decreasing

load d) None of the above
b) Becomes constant

1. UDL Stands for?

a) Uniformly Diluted Length
b) Uniformly Developed loads
c) Unaxial Distributed Load
d) Uniformly Distributed Loads

2. A horizontal structural member subjected to transverse loads perpendicular to its axis.

a) Strut
b) Column
c) Beam
d) Truss

3. a roller support is same as _____

a) Hinged support
b) Fixed support
c) Simply support
d) Roller support

4. For a simply supported beam, the moment at the support is always ____
a) Maximum
b) Zero
c) Minimum
d) Undetermined

5. A cantilever beam loaded with UDL throughout the maximum shear force occur at ____
a) Free end
b) Fixed end
c) At center
d) Point of contraflexure

6. When the shear force is at zero, the bending moment is

a) Zero
b) Maximum
c) Undetermined
d) Minimum

7. In a shear force diagram, vertical lines are for ____

a) Point loads
b) UDL
c) UVL
d) None of the above

8. A continous beams are ____

a) Statically determinate beams
b) Statically indeterminate beams
c) Statically gravity beams
d) Framed beams

9. A type of support that develops support moment

a) Hinged
b) Simple
c) Fixed
d) Joint

10. Given below, the diagram is a _____ load

a) Uniformly distributed load (UDL)

b) Uniformly varying load (UVL)
c) Uniformly decess load (UDL)
d) Point load

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