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Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Published on 15 April 2010. Downloaded by Universidad de Salamanca on 16/02/2017 12:04:43. Volume 25 | Number 6 | June 2010 | Pages 749–904

ISSN 0267-9477

Huang et al. ASU REVIEW
Quantitative chemical extraction for Advances in atomic spectrometry and
arsenic speciation in rice grains related techniques 0267-9477(2010)25:6;1-C
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COMMUNICATION | Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

Quantitative chemical extraction for arsenic speciation in rice grains†

Jen-How Huang,*a Gunter Ilgenb and Peter Fecherc
Received 2nd February 2010, Accepted 8th April 2010
First published as an Advance Article on the web 15th April 2010
DOI: 10.1039/c002306j
Published on 15 April 2010. Downloaded by Universidad de Salamanca on 16/02/2017 12:04:43.

Extraction using 0.28 M nitric acid at 95  C for 90 min recovers not 0.07 M was chosen to simulate the condition in the stomach for acid
only arsenic quantitatively from rice grains independent of types but extraction and to minimize As transformation via mild extraction
also preserves arsenic speciation completely. It is simple, economic, conditions. The results indicated extraction with HCl and HNO3 with
effective and reliable and is especially suitable for routine analysis of and without addition of H2O2 recovered 90% of total As in whole
large amounts of samples. grain rice (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, partial reduction of As(V) was
observed during HCl extraction and the presence of H2O2 led to
complete oxidation of As(III). Additionally, large amounts of chlo-
Aside from drinking, rice is the most important exposure route for rides adversely interfered with As(V) retention in chromatography
arsenic (As), a non-threshold class 1 carcinogen.1 Rice is an important and caused an elevated ICP-MS background signal due to 40Ar35Cl+
foodstuff for 3 billion people. World rice consumption has risen from formation. Monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic
156 million in 1960 to 423 million metric tons in 2007.2 The nature of acid (DMA) were affected very little during most extraction proce-
paddy rice taking up As readily from waterlogged soils, where As is dures. Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide and H3PO4 extraction
liberated by anaerobic microbial activity, leads to As accumulation at caused swelling of the resulting rice matrix, which could not be
least of 10 fold higher concentrations than wheat and other cereals.1 filtered. Accordingly, HNO3 was the most suitable extractant for our
The toxicity of As depends not only on total concentrations, but purpose. Heating with heating blocks and microwave ovens seemed
also its chemical forms. In general, inorganic As species are more to affect the extraction very little (Fig. 1). We preferred heating blocks
toxic than organic ones. Arsenite (As(III)) has higher toxic effects than to microwave because heating blocks are available in most labora-
arsenate (As(V)). Unlike sea food, in which As is dominately present tories and are easily handled. Additionally, heating blocks provide
in its organic forms e.g. arsenobetaine, major parts of As found in rice higher efficiency of sample treatment per time unit than microwave
are in inorganic forms.1 Therefore, due to large differences of toxicity ovens.
among As(III), As(V) and organic As, accurate As speciation is The extraction time modestly affected the total As recoveries from
indispensable to access the impact of As toxicity in rice on human whole grain rice with heating blocks or microwave ovens (ESI
health. To date, almost all existing methods are either not able to Fig. S5†). However, the length of extraction time affects As specia-
satisfactorily recover As from rice grains independent of types3–7 or tion remarkably (Fig. 2a). Nitric acid extracted more As(III) with
As species undergo redox transformation during extraction4,8,9 increasing time. The substantial time length seems to be necessary to
(detailed discussion in ESI†). Today, a reliable method is still lacking. break As(III)-thiolate complexes with dilute HNO3.9 On the other
Quantitative recovery of As from rice grains without species trans- hand, the increased extraction time led to more reduction of As(V)
formation is very challenging, especially for As(III) and As(V): A
successful extraction is necessary to break As(III)-thiolate complexes6
and avoid any As redox transformation caused by an extraction
matrix, e.g. extractants and thiolate compounds released from rice
In order to develop an extraction method able to gain a full
spectrum of As speciation in rice grains, we first examined chemical
extraction based on dilute acids and bases at 95–100  C using either
heating blocks or microwave ovens (Fig. 1). The concentration of

Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), CH-8092 Zurich,
Switzerland. E-mail:; Fax: +41 44 6331118;
Tel: +41 44 6328819
Central Analytic, Bayreuth Center for Ecology and Environmental
Research (BayCEER), University of Bayreuth, D–95440 Bayreuth,
Germany. E-mail:; Fax: +49 921 555709;
Tel: +49 921 555710
Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), D-91058 Erlangen,
Germany. E-mail:; Fax: +49 9131 764 401;
Tel: +49 9131 764 442
Fig. 1 Arsenic speciation in whole grain rice after different extraction
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Detailed
discussion about comparison of different extraction methods for treatments with heating blocks and microwave ovens for 90 min. Mean
arsenic speciation in rice grains, development of method and validation values of triplicate extraction are shown. S.D.s are all <10%. TMAH:
tests are available. See DOI: 10.1039/c002306j Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide.

800 | J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010, 25, 800–802 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
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based on the results from microwave-assisted extraction (Fig. 2b).

However, it is not feasible to conduct extraction at a temperature
higher than 100  C with heating blocks. 95  C was used for our
proposed method.
Preservation of As(III) and As(V) speciation during extraction of
rice grains was only allowed at a narrow range of HNO3 concen-
trations (Fig. 3). The released matrix led to significant As(V) reduction
and As(III) oxidation by hot HNO3 < 0.28 M and > 0.70 M,
respectively. This finding reveals the extreme sensitivity of the redox
Published on 15 April 2010. Downloaded by Universidad de Salamanca on 16/02/2017 12:04:43.

transformation between As(III) and As(V) during extraction of rice

grains. The mild oxidation conditions provided by hot HNO3
between 0.28 and 0.70 M avoids As(V) reduction by thiolate
compounds in rice grains and, at the same time, As(III) oxidation
caused by the interaction between HNO3 and extraction in matrix
was still negligible. In comparison, a complete recovery of MMA and
DMA was fulfilled at all HNO3 concentrations tested (ESI Fig S6†).
Diluted HNO3 was often used to stabilize As redox transformation
in aqueous samples.10 Concentrated HNO3 was used to dissolve
organic materials at high temperatures for analysis of total As.11
Complete oxidation of As species in plant materials was described.11
Our preliminary experiments show little As redox transformation in
heated HNO3 solution up to 4.0 M (ESI Fig. S7†). This suggests that
As redox transformation is not caused by HNO3 itself but by the
resulting matrix during rice grain extraction. The rice starch consists
mainly of amylase and amylopectin, which are linear and branched
polymers of glucose, respectively.12 Therefore, acidic hydrolysis will
result in formation of glucose and glucose based polymers. We
examined the stability of As(III) and As(V) in 1.0 g L 1 of glucose,
fructose and lactose at 95  C for 90 min with and without 0.1 M HCl
solution (ESI Fig. S8†). However, the results revealed no As redox
Fig. 2 Concentrations of arsenite (As(III)), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), transformation under these conditions, suggesting glucose like
monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and arsenate (As(V)) in whole grain rice compounds are not responsible for As redox transformation during
extracted with 0.07 M HNO3 at 95  C with a microwave at different heated acid extraction.
lengths of time (a) and with 0.07 M HNO3 at different temperatures with The presence of thiolate containing compounds in rice grains such
microwave ovens for 90 min (b). Mean values and S.D.s of triplicate
as glutathione (GSH), phytochelatin and metallothionein has been
extraction are shown.
found in the literature.13,14 Lombi et al. (2009) indicated the dominate
As form in rice endosperm and bran are As(III)-thiolate complexes.14
Arsenite-thiolate complexes are usually unstable in acidic conditions

Fig. 3 Recoveries and redox transformation of individually spiked

arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) at 50 mg As L 1 during extraction of
whole grain rice using different concentrations of HNO3 at 95  C for 90
min. Mean values and S.D.s of triplicate extraction are shown. Fig. 4 Recoveries of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) spiked at 3.75
mg As L 1 during treatments at 95  C for 90 min in the presence of 10%
(Fig. 2a). Ninety minutes was chosen as a compromise to possibly acetic acid with different concentrations of HNO3. One hundred times
recover more As and to minimize As(V) reduction. The extraction dilution was done for HPLC-ICP-MS analysis. Mean values and S.D.s of
efficiency for As(III), MMA and DMA increased with temperatures triplicate extraction are shown.

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010, 25, 800–802 | 801
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Table 1 Concentrations of arsenic species (ng As g 1) and recoveries (%) of total arsenic in rice grains of different typesa

Rice type As(III) DMA MMA As/V Total Asb Total Asc Recoveries

Japonica 90.5 42.8 <DL <DL 132 147 91

Round sticky 123 45.5 <DL 3.06 170 184 93
Long grain 85.0 28.3 <DL 22.6 134 149 91
Risotto 80.1 29.4 <DL 10.4 120 135 89
Wild rice 5.55 1.36 <DL <DL 6.91 6.50 106
Whole grain 87.0 149 5.45 9.34 257d 260 99
<DL: below detection limit (1.3 ng As g 1). b Sum of As(III), DMA, MMA and As(V). c Digested with 65% HNO3 at 280  C. d Including 2 unidentified
Published on 15 April 2010. Downloaded by Universidad de Salamanca on 16/02/2017 12:04:43.

As species (Fig. S1†).

e.g. As(III)-diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) and As(III)-pyrrolidine- laboratory and is especially suitable for analysis of large amounts of
dithiocarbamate (APDC), so that acidic treatments may break samples. Using HPLC-ICP-MS for the quantification of dissolved As
As(III)-thiolate complexes and release free As(III) ions and thiolate species in the extracts, the detection limit may reach 1.3 ng As g 1. In
containing compounds.15 The acidic hydrolysis of rice may release conclusion, the novel extraction presented in this study opens a new
additional free thiolate groups, which is potentially responsible for approach for determination of total As and As speciation in rice
As(V) reduction when HNO3 concentration is smaller than 0.28 M grains.
(also during HCl extraction). For example, GSH, which is found in
rice grains, has been proved to reduce As(V), especially in acidic
Notes and references
3 H+ + AsO43 + 5 GSH / As(SG)3 + GS-SG + 4 H2O 1 R. Stone, Science, 2008, 321, 184–185.
2 USDA, 2008
In biological systems, a range of other thiols and dithiols, including WRS2008-Table17-USDA.pdf.
cysteine, mercaptoethanol, and dithiothreitol, may affect this reduc- 3 I. Pizarro, M. G omez, C. Camara and M. A. Palacios, Anal. Chim.
tion reaction.17 The slightly As oxidation with increasing HNO3 Acta, 2003, 495, 85–98.
4 K. Baba, T. Arao, Y. Maejima, E. Watanabe, H. Eun and
concentrations seems to be caused by interaction between the M. Ishizaka, Anal. Chem., 2008, 80, 5768–5775.
resulting matrix and HNO3. We observed similar As(III) oxidation 5 E. Sanz, R. Mu~ noz-Olivas and C. Camara, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2005,
with increasing HNO3 concentrations in the presence of 10% acetic 535, 227–235.
acid (Fig. 4). However, the exact mechanism can not be revealed only 6 J. L. Guzman Mar, L. H. Reyes, G. M. Mizanur Rahman and
H. M. Skip Kingston, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57, 3005–3013.
with the data in this study. 7 T. Narukawa, K. Inagaki, T. Kuroiwa and K. Chiba, Talanta, 2008,
We thus proposed a novel extraction method based on 0.28 M 77, 427–432.
HNO3 at 95  C for 90 min.18 The proposed method not only recovers 8 R. A. Schoof, L. J. Yost, J. Eickhoff, E. A. Crecelius, D. W. Cragin,
As from rice grains of different representative types (japonica, round- D. M. Meacher and D. B. Menzel, Food Chem. Toxicol., 1999, 37,
sticky, long-grain, risotto, whole grain and wild rice) quantitatively 9 D. T. Heitkemper, N. P. Vela, K. R. Stewart and C. S. Westphal,
(89–106%) but also preserves all As speciation during extraction, as J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2001, 16, 299–306.
demonstrated by satisfactory recoveries of spiked As(III) (101–105%), 10 D. A. Polya, P. R. Lythgoe, F. Abou-Shakra, A. G. Gault,
J. R. Brydie, J. G. Webster, K. L. Brown, M. K. Nimfopoulos and
As(V) (95–97%), DMA (97–100%) and MMA (96–101%) from K. M. Michailidis, Mineral. Mag., 2003, 67, 247–261.
different rice grains (ESI Fig. S9† and Table 1). The recovery devi- 11 F. A. Austenfeld and R. L. Berghoff, Plant Soil, 1982, 64, 267–271.
ations for each spiked As(III), DMA, MMA and As(V) were all 12 R. F. Tester, J. Karkalas and X. Qi, J. Cereal Sci., 2004, 39, 151–165.
smaller than 5%. The analysis shown in Table 1 reveals the 13 S. Ida and Y. Morita, Agr. Bio. Chem.Tokyo, 1971, 35, 1550.
14 E. Lombi, K. G. Scheckel, J. Pallon, A. M. Carey, Y. G. Zhu and
predominance of As(III) in most rice grains, confirming rice as a bio- A. A. Meharg, New Phytol., 2009, 184, 193–201.
accumulative plant for more toxic As(III) and supporting the 15 M. Georgiadis, Y. Cai and H. M. Solo-Gabriele, Environ. Pollut.,
importance to detect the inorganic As in rice grains. 2006, 141, 22–29.
16 N. Scott, K. M. Hatlelid, J. N. E. MacKenzie and D. E. Carter, Chem.
The resulting matrix based on HNO3 extraction was free of artifact
Res. Toxicol., 1999, 6, 102–106.
interference when using ICP-MS detection. Lower concentrations of 17 W. R. Cullen and K. J. Reimer, Chem. Rev., 1989, 89, 713–764.
HNO3 (0.28 M) were favoured for the subsequent liquid chroma- 18 All rice grains were grounded or obtained as flours. A 1.5 g rice flour
tography. The high acidity may shift retention times and damage was extracted with 15 mL of different extractants in 50 mL
polypropylene tubes at 95  C for 1.5 h using heating blocks (Digi
columns. A necessary dilution of extracts will lead to loss of PREP Jr, SCP Science) or microwave ovens (Multiwave 3000,
methodical sensitivity. The proposed method is based on acidic Anton Paar). A part of the resulting suspensions were filtered to
hydrolysis of rice grains and is thus less sensitive to extraction 0.45 mm (Teflon) for As speciation using HPLC-ICP-MS. Another
conditions than enzymatic methods. Additionally it has advantages part of suspensions was 1 : 1 mixed with 65% HNO3 and digested in
a High Pressure Asher (HPA, Anton Paar, Austria) by heating to
over existing methods due to low-cost and low requirement of 280  C in 60 min and lasting for 90 min. The resulting clear
infrastructures, so that it can be easily performed in almost every supernatants were analysed for total As by ICP-MS.

802 | J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010, 25, 800–802 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010

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