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Respected principal,

Teacher & dear friends,

The topic that I will discuss is “Internet and its influence on kids”.

Internet has become an in-evitable part of our lives.

Now we can’t imagine life without Internet, we eat… breathe… and sleep the internet.

Internet & Social media is a part of every kids and teenagers life.

According to a survey children spend 27 hours per week on social media and …YouTube is the
biggest Social Media Site for Teenagers across the world.

But most popular internet activity is is used by teenagers is Snapchat… Instagram… followed by

Teenagers use Facebook to share…& connect with friends… from around the world.

They usually use… Smartphones… laptops… &… PCs

They use… Messenger… &… WhatsApp for texting.

Smartphones for…Email… Social Networking…Surfing the Web and playing games.

Teenagers use their own secret language… signs and… emoji’s to communicate... which can
sometimes land them in trouble.

Sometimes, they are trolled… shamed and bullied by peers… with fake IDs.

Over 50% young girls and 25% of young boys say… that they have been taunted about their
physical appearance.

All this shame… trolling… and bullying is creating…Depression & Anxiety… which is
becoming a “Silent Killer”.

The constant harassment… insults… and name calling… is ruining their lives.

Parents and teachers are concerned… that children are constantly glued… to their PCs…
Laptops…or… Smartphones.
Thus…leading an unhealthy lifestyle… which is causing them to suffer from loneliness…
depression…lower self- esteem and… addiction. They are
missing out on healthy… activities like sports or arts & craft.

Internet & Social Media is not all bad…

It has also had some good influence on many children…who are using…YouTube to learn new
skills and information.

Many Teens have started their own YouTube Channels… and have become very confident…
famous and rich… by playing games, making crafts, cooking, baking & singing.

Although, there are many dis-advantages of Internet…&… Social Media like… cyber-bullying
and … trolling but…there are also many advantages… kids are becoming more confident…
well-informed… and advanced in… literacy… and… technology which is making them bright
and raising their self-esteem.

As we all know that now it’s the Era of…“Online Education”

Therefore… it is our duty… to become a “Good Digital Citizen”.

We should Stay-Safe Online… by protecting our …private & personal information and using
the Internet …&… Social Media with responsibility.

We should respect ourselves …and …others.

We should support… the weak… and…stand-up against Cyber-Bullying.

In the end… I would like to say that… we should balance the time we spend on Social Media
and Internet.


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