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Due to the ongoing COVID 19 situation, many employees are working from home. However,
most may not have the same workstation setup at home that is available in offices.

At home we may set up a laptop computer on a couch, bed, or kitchen

table. Using an improper workstation setup for an extended duration
can cause awkward posture which can increase the risk for ergonomic
related injuries (or musculoskeletal disorders such as tendonitis and
carpal tunnel syndrome).

It is important to set up your workstation as best as you can to prevent injury regardless of
where you might work.

 Use a good chair (if possible). If you don’t have a good chair, add pillows or roll up
towels for back/leg support.
Raise your chair (most kitchen tables and desks are too high). Use a pillow as a seat
cushion if needed.
Support your feet on a step stool, etc., if they don’t firmly touch the ground while
Raise your monitor using books, old shoe boxes, etc.
 Use an external keyboard and mouse. It is essential that the monitor is separated
from the keyboard/mouse. The top of the monitor should be at or slightly below eye
level, shoulders relaxed with the elbows around 90 degrees.
 Do not slouch on the couch or lean over an uncomfortable workspace.
 Designate a specific place for work to help you maintain a work/life balance.
If possible, a room with a door so you can leave your work behind
at the end of the day. 
 Do not to put your laptop directly on your lap while working. It
gives off heat and the position it forces your body to be in will not
be comfortable or ergonomically correct. 
 Take breaks to stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. 
 Give your eyes a break from the screen. 

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