Assesment Odf Learning 1 (Activity)

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Name: Angelene Buaga BEED III-A

Subject Instructor: Mrs. Denessa Racraquin

ACTIVITY #3. (1)



Objectives/ Reme Under Type
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Competencies mberin standi of
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(Mga Layunin) g ng Test

1. Distinguish fact from opinion 1 2 3 4 5 MC 10% 5

2. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar
words (Compound) based on given 6-7 8-10
MC 10% 5
context clues
3. Infer the meaning of words based on
given context clues (Synonyms and 11 12
MC 4% 2
4. Identify the words that is spelled
13 14 MC 4% 2
5. Unlock the difficult words 15 16-17 P 6% 3
6. Distinguish text – types according
18 19 20 6% 3
to purpose(to persuade)
7. Compose clear and coherent 23-
sentences using appropriate 21-22 25 F 10% 5
grammatical structures (preposition)
8. Identify conclusions to situations 26 MC 1% 2
9.Identify the interjection 27 MC 1% 2
10. Self-correct when reading
28-29 30 31-32 A 10% 5
11. Identify the preposition and
33 34 I 4% 2
prepositional phrase
12. Distinguish text types according to
35 36 A 4% 2
features problem solution
13. Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and
37 38 MC 4% 2
14. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar
words based on the given context 39 40 MC 4% 2
clues- compound words.
15. Identify Cause and Effect 41 42 MC 4% 2
16. Use the vocabularies in
43 44 MC 4% 2
community English.
17. IdentifyThe descriptive words or
45 46 47 MT 6% 3
phrases (literal and figurative).
18. Identify the meaning of unfamiliar
word based on the given context clues 48 49 50 I 6% 3
synonyms and antonyms.
6 9 6 11 15 4 50

ACTIVITY #3. (2)


I. Distinguish fact from opinion of the following sentences. Encircle your answer correctly.

1. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in the Philippines.

a. Fact b. Opinion c. Reality d. Fantasy

2. Jesus was born in a manger

a. Fact b. Opinion c. Reality d. Fantasy

3. I guess growing up has many challenges.

a. Fact b. Opinion c. Reality d. Fantasy

4. During adolescence, boys grow to manhood and girls develop into womanhood.

a. Fact b. Opinion c. Reality d. Fantasy

5. Maybe, I would look like my mother.

a. Fact b. Opinion c. Reality d. Fantasy

II. Read each sentence and fill in the blank with a compound word. Choose your answer below.

6. The ____________________did their best to save the burning building.

a. policemen b. firemen c. engineer d. teacher

7. Please go to the ___________________________ for some medicine.

a. drugstore b. hospital c. salon d. mall

8. Grandfather went to the barber shop for a _____________________________.

a. rebond b. nail polish c. haircut d. hair color

9. We will go to the ____________________________to harvest fruits and vegetables.

a. cornfield c. market c. church d. store

10. I have a ________________________maybe because I ate too much.

a. backache b. headache c. backpain d. stomachache

III. Identify the words that have similar meaning or opposite meaning of each underlined words.

11. How graceful are her stately plains!

a. willowy b. delicate c. obedient d. refined

12. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth!

a. peaceful b. dignified c. restful d. gracious

IV. Encircle the word that is spelled correctly.

a. gloruious b. glorious c. gloriouos

a. resplendent b. resplenden c. rescplendent

V. Directions: In the letter boxes, write the correct word that is descriptive of the given meaning from the big


apology reaction news leg news peg

15. an expression of regret for a fault did

16. statement of news on event

17. way of responding to a given stimulus/influence

VI. True or False. Choose your answer below.


18. Persuasive – facts/information

a. True b False c. Correct d. Mistake

19. Technical – information to perform a task

a. True b False c. Correct d. Mistake

20. Expository – author tries to convince reader to take a certain opinion or

perform a certain action

a. True b False c. Correct d. Mistake

VII. Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each sentence. Choose from the word bank below
across b. to c. about
d. around e. near f. up

The boy runs _______ the street

After the movie, we’re going ____ Vincent’s house.
The people are concerned ______ the pollution.
There is a new shopping center _____ our house.
The two toddlers played _____ the house.

VIII. Identify conclusion in the situation

26. Lucy was furious about her spelling grade. She kicked her desk and ran out of the classroom. Why does the
author use the word furious instead of mad in the example above?
Furious is a fancier word than mad.
Lucy was really upset.
Lucy wasn't that mad after all.
Lucy was going home.
IX. 27. Identify the interjection or the strong feelings:

a. What do you mean? b. Yes! We won the contest!

c. The girl is beautiful d. none
X. Editing: How many mistakes can you find? Underline the errors. 28-32

Anthony Visits Nick

On sunday, Anthony went over to Nick s house to play basketball. They played a gam of one-on-one.
Anthony made six baskets, but nick made eight. Nick was the winner. After the game, both boys went inside to have
some snacks and watch television.

XI. Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. Circle the preposition.

33) Our crazy dog escaped and wandered all around the neighborhood.
34) Your little brother had surgery and must stay in the hospital.

XII. Write the problem and solution based on the short story.

Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy the bag. Then he heard that their
neighbor was looking for a baby-sitter for her little child. She was willing to pay a few pesos to the baby- sitter.

35. Problem______________________________________________________________
36. Solution______________________________________________________________
XIII. Infer the general mood of the situations that you will read. Encircle your answer

“Today is the day I’ve been waiting for”.

Lightning flashed followed by a terrible thunder. Sara closed her eyes and covered her ears as she sat on the chair.

XIV. Box the correct compound words: 36-37

Paper that tells the news
a. news cast b. newspaper c. news advisory d. news writer
Paper with a rough surface

a. Sandpaper b. sandstorm c. sandcastle d. sandy cone

XV. Cause and Effect.

_____ 41. There was a fire.
Cause b. Effect c. Fantasy d. Reality
_____ 42. So, all the people are busy.
Cause b. Effect c. Fantasy d. Reality

XVI. Circle the meaning each underlined word.

43. But a great billow flying has out into the sea ( a. earthquake, b. wave, c. wind)
44. His fears was confirmed upon seeing the clothing on water
(a. disappeared, b. stopped, c. strengthened)

XVII. Complete the following by matching the descriptive adjective:

45. as ____________ as a dove a. anger
46. as ____________as a blood b. white
47. as ____________ as a lion c. red
d. happy

XVIII. Look for the same and opposite meaning of the underlined word from the sentence.
Winnie aggravates and annoys everyone.
Fredo is so absentminded that he forgets where things are.
My mother always want to buy cheap clothes and my father’s like expensive clothes.

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