Module CE163 Laboratory Report 3

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University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Module CE163-4
Report on Laboratory Experiment
Transistor Amplifier
by Vlad Simizeanu


Section Page
Abstract………………………………………………………………... 2
Introduction…………………………………………………………..... 3
Discusion of Experiments and Results………………………………. 4
Conclusion……………………………………………………………... 8
References……………………………………………………………… 10
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering


The design of the project will be made out of 1 Function Generator (XFG1) and 1
voltage controlled current source of 0.04Mho (I1). We will implement 2 resistors
rb and RC where the values are rb is 2.5kΩ and RC is 1kΩ . I will also add 2
grounds 1 for the function generator at the COM and 1 between rb and I1.

Figure 1
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering


This report describes the design and implementation of the elements above
,inclusive the most important piece, the voltage controlled current source that
applies itself similar to a transistor where the dashed line box is with its emitter
grounded in the direction of the arrow. A transistor acts as an amplifier by raising
the strength of a weak signal. Being a Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit, it will
divide biased voltage which helps us reduce the effects of varying β.

All types of transistor amplifiers operate using AC signal inputs that alternate
between a positive value and a negative value, so the amplification circuit is
required to operate between these two maximum or peak values. This is done using
a process known as polarization. Polarization is very important in the amplifier
scheme because it sets the correct operating point of the amplifier ready to receive
signals, thus reducing any distortion to the output signal.

If an appropriate AC bias voltage is applied to the base terminal of the transistor,

thus allowing it to always operate in its linear active region, an inverting amplifier
circuit called a single-stage common emitter amplifier is produced.
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Discussion of Experiments and Results

Figure 2

A schematic of the amplifier is shown in Figure 2. The voltage controlled current

source is an amplifier that converts a voltage to a current. In a voltage-controlled
current source circuit, as the name implies, a small amount of voltage across the
input will proportionally control the current flow across the output loads. This type
of circuit is commonly used in electronics to drive current-controlled devices. In a
BJT the current flowing through the base of the transistor controls how much
transistor is closed, this base current can be provided by many types of circuit, one
method is to use this voltage controlled current source circuit.

Beta is sometimes called hFE, which is the current gain of the transistor in the
common emitter configuration. Beta has no units because it is a fixed ratio between
the two currents, Ic and Ib, so a small variation of the base current will cause a
large variation in the collector current.
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Because the Base-Emitter junction is directly polarized, the Emitter Ve voltage

will be a different junction voltage drop from the Base voltage. If the voltage
across the emitter resistor is known, then the emitter current Ie can be easily
calculated using Ohm's Law. The collector current Ic can be approximated because
it is almost the same value as the Emitter current.

The voltage gain of the common-emitter amplifier is equal to the ratio between the
variation of the input voltage and the variation of the output voltage of the
amplifier. Then ΔVL is Vout and ΔVB is Vin. But the voltage gain is also equal to
the ratio between the resistance of the signal in the collector and the resistance to
the signal in the emitter and is given by:
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Resistors do not contain any source of power or amplification, but only attenuate
or reduce the voltage or current signal passing through them. This attenuation
results in the loss of electrical energy in the form of heat, because the resistor
resists the flow of electrons through it.

A potential difference is needed between the two terminals of a resistor for the
current to flow. This difference in potential balances the lost energy. When used in
DC circuits, the potential difference, also known as voltage drop across the
resistor, is measured on the terminals as the circuit current passes through the
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

One final point, the voltage gain depends only on the values of the collector
resistor RL and the emitter resistance (RE + Re), is not affected by the Beta β
(hFE) current gain of the transistor.
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering


The base of the transistor used in a common emitter amplifier is polarized using
two resistors as a potential divider network. This type of bias arrangement is
commonly used in bipolar transistor amplifier circuit diagrams and greatly reduces
the effects of β variations by keeping the base bias at a constant voltage. This type
of polarization produces the greatest stability.

The result is that the transistor always operates halfway between its cut-off and
saturation regions, thus allowing the transistor amplifier to accurately reproduce
the positive nd negative alternations of any AC input signal forced over this DC
bias voltage.

Without this bias voltage, only half of the input waveform would be amplified.
This common transmitter amplifier configuration using an NPN transistor has
many applications, but is frequently used in audio circuits such as preamplification
and power amplification stages.

A resistor can be included in the emitter terminal, in which case the voltage gain
becomes -RC / RE. If there is no external emitter resistance, the voltage gain of the
amplifier is not infinite because there is a very small internal resistance Re in the
emitter terminal.
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Fixed resistors have only one resistance value, for example 100Ω, but variable
resistors (potentiometers) can provide an infinite number of resistance values
between zero and their maximum value.

A resistor will always have the same resistance value regardless of the supply
frequency from DC to very high frequencies and all resistors have one thing in
common, their resistive value in Ohm in a circuit will always be of positive value
and never negative.

The β-current amplification parameter of a transistor can vary considerably from

one device to another of the same type and number of components due to
manufacturing tolerances and due to variations in supply voltage and operating
University of Essex School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering


Transistor Amplifier PartII Online

Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital Control (Power Electronics

and Applications)

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