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Republic of the Philippines

Islamic City of Marawi, Lanao del Sur

Mindanao State University – College of Health Sciences




Course Code: NSG 125

Course Description: This course deals with the principles and techniques of nursing care
management of sick clients across lifespan in any setting with
alterations/problems Inflammatory and Immunologic Response.
Students are expected to utilize the nursing process in the care of
individuals, families in community and hospital settings; ensure a well-
organized and accurate documentation system; relate with clients and
their family and the members of the healthcare team; observe bioethical
concepts and principles, core values and nursing standards in the care
of clients; and promote personal and professional growth of self and

Course Credit: 36 hours lecture

Placement: Third Year, First Semester

Institutional Outcome: The Mindanao State University aims to produce graduates who will:

Practice social transformation through excellence in research,

extension, instruction, peace education, innovation and collaboration.

Program Outcomes: 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and
humanities in the practice of nursing.

2. Perform safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families,

population groups, and community utilizing nursing process.

4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and

moral principles.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using
culturally-appropriate language.

6. Report/document client care accurately and comprehensively

7. Collaborate effectively with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and

multi-cultural teams

8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using

systems approach in the delivery of client care
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher.

10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with

national and global developments in general, and nursing and
health developments in particular

11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino

12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care


13. Uphold the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, a group of learners will be able to utilize the
nursing process in the care of individuals, families in selected settings,
assess with client/s his/her/their condition/health status, through
interview, physical examination, interpretation of laboratory findings,
identify actual and potential nursing diagnosis, plan appropriate nursing
interventions with client/s and family for identified nursing diagnosis,
implement plan of care with client/s and family and evaluates the
progress of his/her/their client’s condition and outcomes of care.
Furthermore, the group of learner will be able to:

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural, sciences and

humanities in formulating appropriate nursing care plans for clients
with alteration in inflammatory and immunologic response.

2. Utilizes the nursing process in managing patients with alteration in

inflammatory and immunologic response.

3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in nursing


4. Follow the guidelines in caring for patients with problems in

inflammatory and immunologic response stipulated in the scope of
nursing practice and adhering to the institutional policy.

5. Communicate effectively in establishing rapport with the patient,

providing health teaching and nursing interventions

6. Report and document data gathered honestly and accurately.

7. Apply principles of coordination, partnership with other members of
the health care team.

8. Manage the nursing service unit in medical-surgical area.

9. Participate in the approved research activities.

10. Participate in the research trainings, symposia, and variety of

avenues for continuing education related to nursing care for patients
with alteration in inflammatory and immunologic response.

11. Utilize techno-intelligent tools in providing nursing care to

patients with alteration in inflammatory and immunologic response
such as development in the respiratory care modalities,
advancement in the pharmacological and non-pharmacological
approach in providing individualized plan of care.

12. Uphold the nursing core values in the delivery of care to patients
with alteration in inflammatory and immunologic response.

Course Scope and Outline

I. Overview of the Immune System

A. The individual client with inflammatory and immunologic response.

a. Anatomy and Physiology
b. The Normal Inflammatory and Immunologic reaction
c. Risk factors among clients that contribute to the development of problems in
inflammatory and immunologic response.

II. Subjective Assessment Findings of the Immunologic System

B. Significant subjective data from the client history related to problems in

inflammatory and immunologic response.
a. Chief complaints
b. Relevant information, to include eleven functional patterns.
c. Health Perception management pattern
 Nutritional/metabolic pattern
 Elimination pattern
 Activity/exercise patterns
 Cognitive/perceptual pattern
 Sleep-rest pattern
 Self-perception and self-concept pattern
 Role relationship pattern
 Sexuality-reproductive pattern
 Coping-stress tolerance pattern  Value-belief pattern

III. Objective Assessment of the Immunologic System

C. Principles and techniques of physical examination in new-born, children, adults,

deviations from normal in clients with inflammatory and immunologic reactions. a.
Inspection – color, lesions, masses
b. Palpation – turgor, tenderness, masses, body temperature, tenderness
d. Percussion
e. Auscultation

IV. Diagnostic Evaluation of the Immune System Function

D. Results, nursing considerations, and implications of diagnostic/laboratory

examinations of clients with reference to problems in inflammatory and
immunologic reaction :

a. Diagnostic tests –
 Non-invasive: urinalysis, culture and sensitivity tests, x-ray
 Invasive – CBC, antistreptolysin titer, biopsy, blood
 Chemistry, CSF, Gram Staining, ELISA, Western Blot, tests for emerging
infections e.g. SARS

V. Pathophysiology of Inflammatory and Immunologic Disorders

E. Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Inflammatory and Immunologic reactions

a. Hypersensitivity Disorders
 Types of Hypersensitivity Reactions
 Allergic Disorders, Food Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Anaphylaxis, Asthma
b. Autoimmune disorders
c. Rheumatoid Disorders
d. Infestation and parasitic diseases
e. Vaccine-preventable infectious diseases
f. Others – AIDS, STDs

VI. Nursing Diagnoses of Inflammatory and Immunologic Disorders

F. Nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to problems/ alteration in Inflammatory and

immunologic reaction:
a. Impaired skin integrity
b. Activity intolerance
c. Potential for infection
d. Disturbances in self-concept
e. Ineffective family coping
f. Social isolation

VII. Nursing and Medical Management for Inflammatory and Immunologic


H. Principles of therapeutic management of Inflammatory and immunologic disorders:

a. Determination and management of cause
b. Drug therapy
c. Prevention of infection
d. Supportive management
e. Prevention of complications
f. Rehabilitation

VIII. Pharmacologic Interventions for Inflammatory and Immunologic Disorders

I. Pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses, side effects, indications,

contraindications, and nursing responsibilities:  Antibiotics
 Antifungal agents
 Keratolytic agents
 Anticholinergic agents
 Adrenergic agents
 Antihistamines
 Anti-inflammatory agents
 Corticosteroids
 Immunologic agents
 Vaccines
IX. Operative interventions for Inflammatory and Immunologic Disorders

J. Perioperative care
a. Preoperative – pre-operative medications
b. Intraoperative – anaesthetic agents –general, spinal, blocks
c. Postoperative – analgesics, opioids, antipyretics, antibiotics
I. Purpose, indications, nursing responsibilities for the following surgical and special
procedures for inflammatory and immunologic reaction:
a. Surgical procedures – debridement, incision and drainage, excision
b. Special procedures - universal precaution, reverse isolation, medical
asepsis/surgical asepsis


CLASS FORMAT: This course will be delivered using asynchronous modality of instruction.
Instructions and pertinent information relative to the dispensation of the course shall be
provided through agreed messaging applications. Correspondence shall be coursed through
the official e-mail accounts. The Instructor’s e-mail address is She can be reached through her official contact
numbers: 09213403270 (smart), 09159058485 (globe).

CLASS POLICIES/ONLINE EXPECTATIONS: Policies concerning the conduct of

asynchronous classes are established to ascertain a smooth-sailing flow of teaching-learning
activities. Despite the challenge of holding physical class interaction, guidelines are set to
maintain decorum and netiquette during the classes. The following are to be observed:

1. Online engagement (google classroom and other platforms) at least once a week for
giving of instructions, consultation, and or summarized lectures; the rest will be done
through assignments and reading materials. Monitor the course site every Monday for
updates and announcements.
2. Digital modules and or recorded video lectures will be uploaded to the course site for
you to download and or view.
3. If you are inside the campus, you may use the Wi-Fi hotspot to be provided by the
4. SMS, FB, and other social media will be utilized to connect with the students for
instructions, assignments, etc.
5. Participation to forums and (online) discussions are enjoined. Remember that
discussions in the forums are academic discussions. Contributions must be relevant
to the topics.
6. You are expected to prepare for and participate in all class and online sessions. If
emergent situations arise directly notify your instructor.
7. You should do your own assignment and other learning tasks. The purpose of
assignment is to develop your skills and measure your progress.
8. Make appropriate citation in written outputs.

9. Maintain a respectful tone when communicating with your instructor.

10. Project and requirements are to be submitted before or on deadline.

INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY: A self-directed learning modality will be the mainstay
approach in this course. The instructor facilitates the interactive learning. All segments of the
course will be presented utilizing a student learning-centered environment. You are expected
to be self-directed in your own learning and are encouraged to use the resources provided to
enhance the learning process. Learning is enhanced through lecture/discussion, activities,
and audio-visual materials with discussion. You should participate in the discussion and
learning activities in each module of the course, which will be completed in multiple learning
environments supplemented by online learning system.


1. Online discussion at least once a week for giving of instructions, consultation, and
summarized lectures; the rest will be done through assignments and reading
materials. Monitor the course site every Monday for updates and announcements.

2. Digital modules and or recorded video lectures will be uploaded to the course site for
you to download and or view.

3. If you are inside the campus, you may use the Wi-Fi hotspot to be provided by the

4. SMS, FB, and other social media will be utilized to connect with the students for
instructions, assignments, etc.

5. Participation to forums and (online) discussions are enjoined. Remember that

discussions in the forums are academic discussions. Contributions must be relevant
to the topics.
6. You are expected to prepare for and participate in all class and online sessions. If
emergent situations arise directly notify your instructor.

7. You should do your own assignment and other learning tasks. The purpose of
assignment is to develop your skills and measure your progress.
8. Make appropriate citation in written outputs.

9. Maintain a respectful tone when communicating with your instructor.

10. Follow the submission guidelines and schedules of required tasks.

INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY: You will be a self-regulated learner in this course. The

instructor facilitates the interactive learning. All segments of the course will be presented
utilizing a student learning centered environment. You are expected to be self-directed in your
own learning and you are encouraged to use the resources provided to enhance the learning
process. Learning is enhanced through lecture/discussion, activities, and audiovisual
materials with discussion. You will participate in the discussion and learning activities.
GRADING SYSTEM: Your grade in this class will be determined by your performance and
output under the following requirements. You will be graded based on a rubric, which will
posted in the course site.

Participation in online discussion/ forum 20%

Learning Activities 20%
Formative Assessment/Evaluation 40%
Requirement/Project 20%

ASSESSMENT TOOL: To assess your work, a rubric will be used as an assessment tool that
will clearly indicate the achievement criteria across all the components of any kind of your
work, from written to oral. The rubrics will be provided in the course site.

EVALUATION: To show competency of the standard stated objectives, you will be expected
to obtain a minimum passing final grade of 75% for this course.


1. Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you are

required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each
thread will be graded based on the depth and breadth of the discussion. The schedule
of the module release is during our class schedule. Two to three days after the release
of the module in the course site, prompts or question/s will be posted in the google
classroom. You will be given enough time to study and come up with your own thoughts
and ideas and indicate your response or answer in the discussion thread/forum just
before the schedule of the next class session.

2. Learning Activities and Assessment Guide Questions. In each module, you are
expected to perform the Learning Activities that will require you to have Self-Reflection
using the Assessment Guide Questions provided, which are designed to test the your
learning and evaluate your progress in understanding the material. The learning
activities would include explanations, discussions, essays, case studies, and critical
thinking. The answers to the learning activities must be based on evidence-based
research combined with your personal assessment in order that you may also exercise
critical thinking. All Learning Activities should be submitted though through the course
site as an attachment (for those with internet access) or sent through a courier or
personally at the office (for those without internet connection) on the schedule specified
by your instructor.

3. Formative Assessment/Evaluation /Field Projects. Part of your grade would also

include an evaluation at the end of every module. The formative assessment/content
evaluation would be a synthesis of all of the learning outcomes per module.

4. Requirement project. There will be a major project or requirement for this course.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT: You are responsible for proper conduct and integrity
in all of your scholastic work. You must follow the professor's instructions when completing
tests, homework, and reports, and you must ask for clarification if the instructions are not clear.
In general, you should not give or receive aid when taking exams, or exceed the time
limitations specified by the professor. In seeking the truth, in learning to think critically, and in
preparing for a life of constructive service, honesty is imperative. Honesty in the classroom
and in the preparation of papers is, therefore, expected of all of you. Each of you has the
responsibility to submit work that is uniquely your own. All of this work must be done in
accordance with established principles of academic integrity.

COURSE MATERIAL: Module guides will be uploaded (or distributed) in the Course Site.

CHANGE POLICY. The instructor reserves the right to change any information in this syllabus,
should the need arise.

REFERENCE MATERIALS: The following main reference materials are recommended.

1. Evans-Smith, Pamela. Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills. USA, Lippincott Williams

& Wilkins.
2. Kozier, Barbara Fundamentals of Nursing, Concepts, Process, and
Practice 5th Edition.
3. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice 8th ed. USA, Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. 2006.
4. Ellis, Janice and et. al. Modules for Basic Nursing 6th ed. Lippincott Williams &
5. Smeltzer, Suzanne and Bare, Brenda. Brunner and Suddarth Textbook of
Medical Surgical Nursing, Lipincott Williams and Wilkins Taylor
6. Timby, Barbara. Fundamental Nursing skills and Concepts 8th ed. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. USA. 2005 Ellis, Janice and Bentz, Patricia. Modules for
Nursing Skills
7. Myers, Ehren. RNotes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide. F. A. Davis Co.
8. Udan- Josie Quiambao. Medical Surgical Nursing, Philippines
9. Paradiso, Catherine. Pathophysiology. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams and
10. Lillis, Lemone. Fundamentals of Nursing 5th e. USA, Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins. 20
11. Porth, Carol Mattson. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
12. Taylor, Robert. Taylor’s Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges. Springer
Science Business Media, Inc.
13. Black, Joyce M. and Jacobs Esther. Matassarin Luckamann. Sorensen’s
Medical Surgical Nursing.
14. Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary (6th Edition). St. Louis
15. Nowak, T. & Hanford, G. (2005). Pathophysiology Concepts and Applications
for Health Care Professionals. 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).

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