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SO4| 622, 2 JNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA SH N02 / Dini hep 1906 Fults Kowa, Tcaolo: Iasi, Crono, Teknk ii &Paroncacam, Peleg Se Boztam Bipma (D3) Rarsssnee format, Teenie Kom Akminsompatr Manajancn Rama P on (G1 Ser Infra, Sin ona, Ten akon The Hen, Tekh Ns Teknik Inds, Aku, Majesc, stear. {a= Spo, IsKolog, Sia Isis "orsam Mapisis(S2) Sistem ners, Manali, eta elt, Sst ses. Pathol Teknik Spt Pops Bolo: 83) oly afr Hn Koepaten Bahusa Ingeris Bisnis | Tanggal O6fors 2014 Fakeuttes Teknik Industri Waktu 75 Menit Jenjang/ surusen = S1/ ‘Teknile Info Dosen 8 Tingkat/ Kelas: 1V/ 4140.23.24 Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku Semzt2r/tanun — : PTA 2013/2014 Juml. Soal 40 Soal ‘Choose cne correct answer ! 1 Body of the letter is divided into three paragraphs, except a opening , message b. closing © reference What is not partinahead oftette, a. name of the company ad ‘ofthe company b. branch address d. references ‘We shall be glad to Jeam that yon accept our proposal and subject to the usual trade reference, iuok forward to your oders, ‘The sentence above can be found in _ r a. opening paragraph c. message b. complimentary closing se closing paragraph Which of the following expression functions as a salutation a. Sincerely yours, cc. With best wishes, b. Yours faithfully, -dt Dear Sir, What will we do after we received a reply of our inquiry, a, write a complaining letter 2S write an order letter 6, write a payment letter write an inquiry letter The purpose of application letter is to invite someone a Aco apply for a job b. to ask for information ‘order goods from abroad ‘What style of business letter which saves energy and time in typing, because all texts are typed flusi left, a. Indented style 2g Pull block style b. Modified Block style ¢. Hanging indentation style &. In inside mame and address of the letter, where it is not known whether'a wom addressed is married or single, always use 1, a. Mrs. b. Miss ©. Mr, > Ms, 9. We look forward to rout receiving ¢. received b. receives d.receive ply. A style of business leter in which every part of its stats from the left margin a. block style c. semi block style b. hanging block style AX full block styie 1, Please send us the goods by Dian Rana ‘Tra:sport agency, Surakarta and forward the documents throwgh tne Tipo Bank. We can find this sentence in_ a application kextor ASorder letter b. sales letter 4 inquiry letter 2. Which one is the correct sentence thst can be found in closing paragraph of application fetter? i would like to apply for the post of... in your eampany. would he glad to meet you for an interview and look forward to having your response. ©. We lock forward 1o having your comments by return, 4. We look forward to hearing that the repiacemeui will be sent by seturn, 13. What is the abbreviation of CC in the English business leter? a. Complimentary Close ©. Credit Card b. Carbon Copy Notation AKContact Channel ‘s.a written list that describes your education and the jobs you haits a. memo c. message b. resume AK fax 15. My work experience matches your requirements. I worked as an administrative assisiant jor nso years. Those tws sentences can be stated in a, claim letter e-memo &K application letter “di. replying to inquiries ‘Complete the sentences in this letter. Choose the words below (no. 16— 23) December 9, 2009 Javier Perez Office Manager Winston and Peras LP 1400, 16" street, Suite Washington DC, 200136-130. Dear Mr. Perez Thank you for (16)_ and Purchase Ocer 6453. of the izems are (17)_____and will be shipped ovemight as you (18) 5 You(19)__100 black pens, stock number 3245. As we discussed on the telephone, these peas now come in boxes of twelve. We will send you 10 boxes of twelve for no (22) charge. Your business is very (21)__ tous. if we ean do (22 else for you, please call me at my toll-free (23) (888). 3 ext DR. OF e-mail me at mair@wre Sincerely yours, Rajan Nair 16. aondered b. number Khe 4. requested 17. a. important b. additional ¢ number Xin stock 18. a. additional b. fax © ordered Mrequested 9 hordered b. important ¢. requested number 20.a. anything b. ordered ©. Important 21. a. additional b. in stock (de, important 6. anything fax b. additional ©. requested Re anythi {number b. ordered Bax. 4. important Ly of the inquiry letter is usually made by x aseller ea buyer a customer dno one 25: In the salutation ofthe letter, when your comespondent is unknown to you and may’ be either aman ora woman, always uss the form a. Dear Sir, Dear Madam, b. Dear Sirs, &SDear Gentlemen, 26. What will you do if you receive a product which has diffrent quality from the catalogue? a Write a reply of order CWrite a complaining tetter b. Write an inquiry lewer @ Write an order letter 27, What is the abbreviation of PS? a. Personal Sentence X Posteript b. Purchase Statement ¢-Postal Sul 28. Do not includ= an address or titie, such as Mr. or Ms. It ca 8. curriculum vitae b. resume found in 29. Which ofthe following is the correct salutation in British style? . a. Dear sir ©. Dear: b. Dearsi Dear sir, 7 30. Which of the following is the correct salutation in American style? a. Dear sir, ©. Dear sir. b. Dear sir; Dk Deer sir 31. Which of the following is the correct complimentary close in British Style? a Yours tray, e. Very truly yours, b. Cordially yours, With best regards, . The English term of lammpi: a subject line . salutation b. complimentary close &enclosure 33. The English term of kop sweat is - _ a. subject line AR leiteread b. complimentary ctose salutation 4 34. The Indonesian term of subject fine is a. salam pembuka € Salam penutup b. isi surat Seperibial surat n of scifeun pembuka is subject line >xsulutation bd. complimeniacy close <. signature The initial name of person who sign and type the letter can be found in 8 itention line . subject line KX inside address d. reference line 37. Here are some information that you will find in the letter of inqury except _—__ 8 terms of delivery . order letter Sse quotation terms of payment 38. The correet date format of business letter in American style is @ 17 June-201 abe June 1/th, 2013 ¢. June 17th/2013 39. Here are some styles of business letter that are commonly ased, except a. lock siyle As hanging syle b. semi block style 4. full block style 40. Ref. NR/DJ/D29 ‘The DJ_in reference line above is the initial of a. the filing number c.the signer b. the filing system 4. the typist good lack ©. 17th June, 2013 Graig,

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