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 IBM Research defines Artificial Intelligence AI as Augmented Intelligence, helping
experts scale their capabilities as machines do the time-consuming work.
 AI learns by creating machine learning models based on provided inputs and desired
 AI can be described in different ways based on strength, breadth, and application-
weak or Narrow AI, Strong or generalized AI, Super or Conscious AI.
 AI is the fusion of many fields of study, such as Computer science, Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology, Linguistics and Philosophy.
 AI powered applications are creating an impact in diverse areas such as healthcare,
Education, Transcription, Law Enforcement, Customer Service, Mobile and social
media apps, Financial Fraud prevention<patient diagnoses, Clinical Trials and more.
Some of these applications include:

 Robotics and Automation

 Airport Security
 Oil and Gas

 Some famous applications of AI from IBM include:

 Watson playing Jeopardy

 Watson teaming up with Academy to deliver an amplified Grammy experience for
millions of fans.
 Watson collaborating with ESPN.

 Cognitive computing systems differ from conventional computing systems:
 Read and interpret unstructured data, not just understanding the meaning of words
but also the intent and context of which they are used.
 Reason about a problem in a way that humans reason and make decisions.
 Learn over time with their interactions with humans and keep getting smarter.
 Neural Network> Deep Learning>Machine Learning> Artificial intelligence.
 Machine learning is a subset of AI, uses computer algorithms to analyse data and
make intelligent decisions based on what it has learned. There are three sub-
 Supervised learning (Regression, Classification and Neural Networks)
 Unsupervised learning
 Reinforcement learning
 Deep Learning a specialized subset of ML, layers algorithms to create a neural
network enabling AI systems to learn from unstructured data and continue learning
on the job.
 Neural Networks, a collection of computing units modelled on biological neurons,
take incoming data and learn to make decisions overtime. The different types of
neural networks include Perceptrons, Convolutional NN or CNN’s and Recurrent NN
or RNN’s.
At the world economic forum in 2017, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty spoke about the three
guiding principles that IBM follows to ensure that the AI and cognitive systems it develops
are ethical, trustworthy and socially responsible.

AI systems developed by IBM are designed to augment human intelligence, not to replace it.
IBM refers to thee systems as cognitive, rather than AI. Cognitive systems will not become
conscious, or gain independent agency, but will always remain under the control of humans.
Cognitive systems will be embedded in systems used to enhance human capabilities.
Cognitive systems must be built with people in the industry.

“We say cognitive not AI, because we are augmenting intelligence,” Rometty said. “For Most
of our business and companies, it will not be a man or a machine….it will be a symbiotic
relationship. Our purpose is to augment and really in service of what humans do.”

Cognitive systems must be transparent to be fully accepted as a normal part of people’s
everyday life. Transparency is required to gain public trust and confidence in AI judgements
and decisions, so that cognitive systems can be used to their full potential.
FOR IBM, this has three parts:
 People must be aware when they come in contact with AI and for what purposes it is
 People must be aware of the major data sources in used.
 IBM clients always own their businesses models, intellectual property, and data.
Cognitive systems augment the client’s years of industry experience and domain
specific knowledge.

IBM recognizes that AI systems must be built with people in industry. “These systems will be
most effective when trained with domain knowledge in an industry context,” Rometty said.

There are two sides to the AI story; the cognitive systems, and the humans who use them.
The human side of the story must also be supported.

IBM will work to help people gain the knowledge needed to engage with AI systems safely
and securely. IBM will also help to develop the skills necessary to perform the new kinds of
jobs that AI creates.

Lesson Summary:
 AI raises ethical concerns because of the risks of bias and lack of transparency.
 AI professionals can mitigate against those risks.
 Mitigation

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