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Hip Hop–eration

An activity before the film

1) Try to think about old age. Answer each question into the field below.

a) Definition: How would you define the old age?

b) Metaphor: What does it resemble?

c) Stream of consciousness: What comes to your mind when you think about old age?
Write down some associations (10–15 words).

Physical issues like backpain or worse recovery from any hits you get. You have a lot
more experience and think about something before doing or buying it. AFTER: My
opinion is still the same but it’s true that this film is impressing and to be honest I
layed some tears of hapiness for those oldies.

d) Pros and cons: What do you perceive as positive and negative about old age? Are you
looking forward to your old age?

Honestly I am not, I hope I’ll be like my friends dad who’s 55 and still have practicaly
the samy physique (in this case we are in a orienteering/running club) as us young..
of course he do not sprint or jump as high as us or endurance but he is fascinating me
how he is physically still young. My dad who will be 48 in a month who from a very
young age did everything at the granparents farm and did hard work and didn’t have
time to do sports nor nearly being with his friend except from school is behaving like
a 70 year old guy because he just didn’t have the same oportunities as other and he
had to work for the family to live from it.. so he has lots of pain from time to time.
2) But on the other hand he knows very well how things work and he doesn’t need
Find professionals to do work when he needs something….

I don’t know if this is exactly what you wanted but I consider this as a response.

the definition of the following idioms.

a) Ripe old age

b) Act your age

c) Young at heart

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