LP Week2 Lesson4 wt2 A

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Student Name: Shane Finnerty

ID: G00360475

Subject: Wood Technology Topic(s): Trophy Plaque, Key Holder

Pupil Year Group: WT 2 (A) No. of Pupils: 23
Lesson Number: 4 Length of lesson: 40 minutes
Date: 26/11/2020 Time of Lesson: 1:55-2:35


In the previous lesson, I got the students to mark out all the main four pieces of the project. They all
succeeded in doing this.

However, I noticed that the students could easily step up the marking gauge but certain students
could not use it correctly. From this a few of them marked out the joints poorly.

I also noticed that the some of the students didn’t mark the waste correctly either on their pieces.
They had in marked but not effectively and not noticeable either.

Other than that the students engaged very well and could follow my instructions and demonstrations
from using the visualizer.


Brief outline of why this content is the basis of the lesson KEY*

As I noticed that a few students made a few marking gauges mistakes, I’ll use ten minutes of RL
the class to go around to each table and tell them what to change. I will do this as its
important that they have it done correctly as later it will be vital that the joints are perfect
for when cutting their pieces.

As they weren’t marking the waste enough or putting in the waste in other components. I
will do a quick 5 minute demonstration on this to show them the importance of marking RL
waste correctly and effectively.

After this, I will move onto the cutting out of pieces A & B. I will do a demonstration on how
to cut the bridal joints using the triangular method of cutting. I will do this as it’s the first NL
stage of the cutting out process for their project. So, its important that they know how to do

I will leave the chiseling till next week as I want to focus on the sawing as its important that RL
they cut straight and correctly.
*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning



*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

2.3 evaluate their own progress to inform future learning

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be  Observation  Students can
enabled to: now look back A
Reflect on their marking out and correct on their PM
their mistakes. marking out
and reflect on
 Students can
now apply
corrections to
their pieces.

1.5 represent key information graphically

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
 Questioning  Students can
At the end of this lesson the students will be  Visual inspection now mark
enabled to: waste correctly A
Understand how to mark waste correctly on their pieces, PM
and effectively on their pieces for their clearly showing
project. the waste.

1.8 apply knowledge of and skills in a range of appropriate existing and emerging principles, processes and techniques

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be  Visual inspection  Can now cut A
enabled to:  Observation out the lines on PM
Understand how to cut out a bridal joint
using the triangular method of cutting. a bridal joint
correctly using
the triangular




0-3 mins Welcome the students into the Students will enter the classroom
classroom. and sanitize their hands.

Get the students to use the hand Take their seats. They will then wait
sanitizer. further instruction from the
Sit them into their assigned seats.


3-5 mins I will start of the lesson by doing a The students will engage in the O
quick recap on the previous lesson. recap and answer the teachers
Asking students about the project questions related to the last class
and what we will be making. and project.

What is a working drawing?

What joints are in the trophy

plaque project?

How do I set up a marking gauge?

How do I use a marking gauge?

5-8 mins I will outline the learning outcomes Listen to the teacher as he explains
of the class using a PowerPoint and to the class the learning outcomes
explain to the students what we and what they will be doing for the
will be doing for the lesson. lesson.

8-18 mins I will then inform the students to Check their marked pieces to make L
check their marking outs to make sure their correct and ready for
sure there right. cutting.

If students are behind this will Take in the teachers feedback and G
allow them to catch up. fix what was recommended.

I will walk around to each bench to

check their markings and inform
them on what to change.
18-22 mins I will then do a demonstration on Watch and listen carefully to the L
the marking waste. teacher as he shows them how to
mark waste.
I will go through each piece and
show them how to clearly mark Mark the waste correctly and G
waste. effectively on their pieces.

Get the students to mark the


22-28 mins I will then do a demonstration on Watch and listen carefully to the
how to cut out the bridal joints on demonstration on how to cut out a
Piece A. bridal on piece A.

I will go through the steps. Slowly

and clearly explaining the
triangular method for cutting.

I will then inform the students to

just cut the lines for bridal joints no

28-37 mins Allow the students to cut the bridal The students will work on for the
joint either side of piece A. remainder of the class cutting out
the bridal joint for piece A.
Walk around and monitor them as
they are doing this.

Help them if they encounter a



37-40 mins I will do a short recap on the Students will engage in the recap O
lesson, asking students questions and answer the teacher’s
related to the project. questions.
Will wipe down benches and
I will then ask the class too quietly sanitize.
and mannerly pack up their
Students will pack up their
belongings and leave the classroom
I will ask the students to sanitize in an orderly fashion.
and leave the classroom in a
mannerly order.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.


Trophy Plaque working drawing


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