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Unit 4 Reflection – Developmental Psychology

In unit 4, we began to learn about how our brains develop as we exit our child years and
enter our teenage years. We learned how some teenagers think and how they view their
parents. Some teens view their parents as friends, but some view them as their enemy.
We also learned about object permanence; this is when the child realizes that an object
still exists even though it is out of sight. And finally we learned about Kohlberg’s Moral
Theory; this is to help us determine which is morally right or morally wrong.

Unit 5 Reflection – Motivation and Emotion

In this unit, we learned about how motivations have a different emotional affect. This
unit mainly described the theories explaining the origins of certain emotions. Some
examples of these theories are: Cognitive Appraisal Theory, James-Lange Theory, and
the Humanistic Theory. We also learned about the motives of happiness. What makes
you happy? It could be sunshine, rainbows, or even your favorite color; we learned that
anything can make someone happy, it all just depends on the person.

Unit 6 Reflection – Personality

In this section we learned about the personality attributes of people and how they are
different for each person. We also learned about different types of personality types,
such as being an introvert or an extrovert. We also learned about the personality
archetypes and how they apply to everyday life. Most of these traits can be applied to

2 Assignment Choices

1. Unit 4 – 4.6 Kohlberg’s Moral Dilemma

When I first started this assignment, I really felt like I hade to rethink my values. I had to
really think about each answer to the questions asked about this situation with the man’s
extremely ill wife. This lesson was really effective because it had a perfect example that
demonstrates the points of Kohlberg’s theory.

2. Unit 5 – 5.4 Motivation and Emotion

In this assignment, we had to describe an experience in our past that was our biggest
accomplishment. Mine was teaching myself how to play the guitar. To me, this was a
major accomplishment, and this assignment showed me that there are a lot of things that
can be considered “great accomplishments”. But this showed me that everyone has a
different level of great accomplishments.

Unit 10 – Psychological Disorders

This section was all about the different types of disorders that a person can have.
Some of these disorders include, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and
severe depression. Many of these disorders have a set of medications or treatments, but
some of these treatments can be considered “unethical” because of their “inhuman”
properties. But scientists and psychologists over the years have implemented new and
improved treatments that are now a lot safer than previously.

Unit 11 – Therapy

This section was about all of the different types of therapies that are made to help
reduce the symptoms of these conditions (mentioned in previous section). Some of the
treatments include medications, counselor therapy, behavioral therapy, and many more.
We also learned of some possible “unethical” treatments. One treatment that is in limbo
right now is electroconvulsive therapy. This is when they send electric shocks (minor)
through the brain to “correct” certain impulses. Many psychologists today consider this
to be very dangerous because one of the side effects is memory loss.

Unit 12 – Social Psychology

In this unit, we learned about different social psychologies. One of these is

stereotypes. Stereotypes are certain perceptions that are given to a certain group of
individuals. Another social psychology is prejudice. Finally, another major social
psychology is discrimination. We learned about certain discriminations in society and
how they affect other people.

Unit 10 – 10.2 What is Abnormal?

During this assignment, I learned about the different types of behaviors that are
associated with some stress issues. These types of abnormal behaviors are: maladaptive,
atypical, unjustified, abnormal, and disturbing. We learned that these all have different
“call signs”. I could use this knowledge to know how people around me are acting.
Unit 11 – 11.3 Electroconvulsive Therapy

In this assignment we learned about the controversial therapy method known as

electroconvulsive therapy. This is when you have electrodes placed on your head and a
small amount of electricity is sent through your brain to “correct” certain impulses that
are thought to cause symptoms of certain behavioral and stress disorders. This was a
very controversial therapy because the major side effects almost out weight the positives
of the therapy. One major side effect is memory loss. We learned that all therapies have
their own side effects.

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