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Comparative Physiology

Skeletal, Smooth & Cardiac Muscle Fibers
Ziser, 2001

Striated Muscle Cells Smooth Muscle Cells Cardiac Muscle Cells

Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary
Attached to bones or skin Line walls of most internal organs Found only in the Heart
Very long, cylindrical, multnucleate, Single, tapering, cells with Branching chains of cells connected
cells a single nucleus by porous intercalated discs, with single
nucleus and striations
Striated: packed with orderly arrangement Not Striated: Fewer myofibrils of varying Striated: many myofibrils in orderly
of myofibrils lengths arrangement
Not self stimulating: each fiber innervated Self stimulating: not individually Self stimulating: impulse spreads from
by branch of somatic motor neuron as innervated, impulse spreads from cell to cell
part of motor unit cell to cell
Under control of nervous system Under control of nervous and endocrine Under control of nervous and endocrine
systems and various chemicals and systems and various chemicals
High energy requirement: lots of Lower energy requirement: fewer Intermediate energy requirement
mitochondria, creatine phosphate, mitochondria, etc.
Fast Contracting Slower contracting and rhythmic Intermediate speed of contraction yet
in some organs producing peristaltic contraction spreads quickly through
waves along organ tissue due to intercalated discs
No rhythmic contractions Rhythmic contractions Rhythmic contractions
Strength increases with stretching Stress - Relaxation Response Strength increases with stretchiing
Fatigues Easily Doesn’t fatigue Doesn’t fatigue

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