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Achievement test 3 – Speaking

Timing: 10 minutes per test
Marks: Award up to five marks for each of the five categories (Task Achievement, Range, Organisation,
Pronunciation and Accuracy) according to the criteria set out in the Analytical Marking Scheme.
This speaking test consists of two tasks and is to be conducted with learners in pairs.

Speaking task 1
TIME About 6 minutes
INTERACTION Teacher Learner A; Teacher Learner B
1 Read the following rubric to both learners: ‘First I want to ask you some general questions about yourselves.’
2 Ask questions 1–3 to Learner A.
3 Ask questions 4–6 to Learner B.
4 Ask questions 7–12 to either or both learners, as appropriate.
1 Where do you live? Do you live in a house or a flat?
2 What is your house/flat like? Can you describe it?
3 What are the good and bad things about your house/flat?
4 Where are you from? Where exactly is your home town?
5 Tell us about your country.
6 What are the good and bad things about your country?
7 In what ways is your life now different from five years ago?
8 How is your country or town different from when you were a child?
9 What changes would you make to your country if you were the president or prime minister?
10 Some people think we should do more to protect the environment. What do you think about this?
11 How important is technology in your life now compared to five or ten years ago?
12 Describe a gadget which you have in your home or which you use regularly.

Speaking task 2
TIME About 4 minutes
INTERACTION Learner A Learner B
1 Give learners their role cards. Tell them that they will have a telephone conversation to arrange an activity for
this week. Tell them that they will talk for about four minutes. Allow them time to read through their role cards.
2 Invite Learner A to start the conversation, using the information on the card.
3 End the test after about four minutes.

English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010
Achievement test 3 – Speaking

You are bored. You have no plans for the next few days so you telephone a friend and invite
him or her to do an activity with you. You are happy to do anything, but you are particularly
interested in playing sport or watching films. Any time is OK, but you would prefer Friday
night or Sunday afternoon.

Telephone your friend and try to arrange what to do and when to do it.


You are bored and would like to do something interesting this week, but you can’t decide
what or when. You are busy on Friday night and on Sunday, but any other time is OK. You are
happy to do most things, but you don’t really like sport or watching films.

Your telephone is ringing. It’s your friend.

English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

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