UserStories Sample

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ID Theme Epic

Users: MarketSpeaks: SuperAdmin, Admin, Clients, Clients Representative

BackEnd of Application Application User


BackEnd of Application Clients management

BackEnd of Application Clients representatives

BackEnd of Application Roles Management

BackEnd of Application Role Assignment to Clients

Sample User Stories

ents, Clients Representative

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to add Admin so that they can perform

application operations

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to edit Admin information so that changes to

information can be recorded.

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to deactivate Admin so that operations of that

admin are halted

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to activate Admin so that operations of that

admin are resumed.

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to view list of all Admins with search filters so
that I can easily search a admin among multiple records

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to reset admin's password so that secure

authentication is guaranteed

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to reset own password so that secure

authentication is guaranteed

As a SuperAdmin, I must be able to Sign Out of the application to prevent

unauthorize access to my account.
As a Admin, I must be able to add new Clients so that they can perform
application operations

As a Admin, I must be able to edit Clients information so that changes to

information can be recorded.

As a admin, I must be able to view list of all Clients with search filters so that I
can easily search a client among multiple records

As a Admin, I must be able to deactivate Clients account so that operations of

that client are halted

As a Admin, I must be able to activate Client's account so that operations of that

client are resumed.

As a Admin, I should be able to reset Client's password so that secure

authentication is guaranteed

As a Admin, I must be able to activate Client's account so that operations of that

client are resumed.

As a Admin, I should be able to reset Client's password so that secure

authentication is guaranteed
As a Admin, I must be able to add new Clients representative so that they can
perform application operations as defined in their role

As a Admin, I must be able to edit Client representatives information so that

changes to information can be recorded.

As a admin, I must be able to view list of all Client representatives with search
filters so that I can easily search a representative among multiple records

As a Admin, I must be able to deactivate Client representatives account so that

operations of that representative are halted

As a Admin, I must be able to activate Client representatives account so that

operations of that representatives are resumed.

As a Admin, I should be able to reset Client representatives password so that

secure authentication is guaranteed

As a Admin, I must be able to activate Client representatives account so that

operations of that client are resumed.

As a Admin, I should be able to reset Client's password so that secure

authentication is guaranteed

As a Admin, I must be able to add User roles so that users are assigned roles
according to the operations needed from them.

As a Admin, I should be able to edit User roles so that change in information is

recorded in the system

As a Admin, I must be able to deactivate User role so that role is not used in
system operations

As a Admin, I must be able to Activate User role so that role is again used in
system operations

As a Admin, I must be able to View list of all User roles so that role is easily
searchable among multiple records.

As a Admin, I must be able to assign roles to client representatives so that they

can only perform operations and access reports that they will be authorized to.

As a Admin, I must be able to change assigned roles so that client representatives

can only perform operations and access reports that they will be authorized to.

As a Admin, I should be able to view list of client representatives with their roles
along with search filters so that I may know which representative has what role.
Feature Name Notes Priority UX owner UX done Engineer LOF

MoSCoW. M and S for MVP

Add Admins M

Edit Admins information M

Deactivate Account

Activate Account M

View Admins List M

Reset Admin password M

Reset own password M

Sign out M

Add Clients to application M

Edit Clients information M

View Clients List M

Deactivate Account

Activate Account M

Reset Clients password S

Activate Account M

Reset Clients password S

Add Clients representative to M

Edit Clients representative M


View Client representative List M

Deactivate Account

Activate Account M

Reset Clients representative S


Activate Account M

Reset Clients representative S


Add Roles M

Edit Roles S

Deactivate Role M

Activate Role M

View User Roles M

Assign Roles M

Change Roles M

View List of Client S

representatives with their roles
Tech advisor Review

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